ADVERTISEMENT. HE Editors think it THE necessary to fignify, that the three Volumes of Sermon's, now offered to the Public, are the last of Archbishop SECKER'S Works, which they intend to print. Of these, the fifth and seventh confift of miscellaneous Sermons, not at all inferior, as they conceive, to the former Volumes. The fixth contains a Series of Discourses, on Scripture, on the English Liturgy, and against Popery; some of which they once doubted whether it would be adviseable to make public. But several of the Author's Friends, who had heard them preached, and received great Satisfaction from them, were extremely desirous to have them all collected into one Volume, and added to the two others. This induced the Editors not only to give these Discourses a second and more careful Examination, but to submit them to the Perusal of a Person of high Rank in the Church and acknowledged Abilities, who thought them much too ufeful and instructive
to be suppressed: especially as both the Nature It may be proper to add, that the nine Ser- CONTENTS. Go ye therefore, and teach all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Teaching them to obferve all Things, whatsoever I have commanded you : and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the End of the World. Amen. SERMONS III. IV. V. |