صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Continuance, as he ought, deserves Praise in the Exercise of this Faculty. On the two first of these Heads therefore, the Occafions and Objects of our Anger, I have already enlarged : and, as the proper ones will be almost sure to be remembered, and the improper ones are much too many to be specified again, I shall proceed, without any Repetition of either, to the following Part of the Rule, which is

III. That we be angry only in such Manner as we ought. This comprehends both the Degree, to which our Displeasure may allowably rise, and the Instances in which it may be fitly expressed.

There is a Possibility of being less angry than we should. Our Sense of wrong Actions may be too faint: and by taking, in Confequence of this, but a flight Notice of them, we may confirm the faulty in a bad Course, inftead of deterring them from it. And especially, when their Faults do us no Harm, whatever they may do to others or themselves, we are often very backward either to express or feel any Resentment, even where it is our peculiar Duty. But if, while they injure others, they serve us; far from being displeased, we are very apt to defend and encourage them. Yet there

there are some in the World, whom a generous Ardor of Mind occafionally discomposes too much, on feeing Injustice done to their Fellow-Creatures. But these are rare. It is in our own Cafes usually, that we are inclined to Excess: and in them our Danger is very great. To avoid it therefore, we should, all of us, frequently reflect, that our Paffions being only given us for Auxiliaries, to fupply the Imperfection of our higher Principles; if they move us enough to set us upon acting right, it fuffices; and if they move us more than is requifite for that End, it will commonly be too much. Where we properly can, the very Appearance of Displeasure should be avoided : for, though it be a Method of Cure, yet, being a difagreeable one, if we have Recourse to it without Need, we treat our Patient ill. And, even where we must shew ourselves offended, this may very well be done, indeed best of all, without allowing ourselves to be inwardly difturbed. For thus, at the fame Time that we preserve a due Authority over those, with whom we are concerned, we shall keep our own Temper in a State of Tranquillity, and fit for whatever lies before us. In Matters of Moment, it is not always in our Power to be absolutely VOL. V.


calm :

calm: but this Confideration should increase our Care not to be agitated too much. For he, who is angry more than he hath Cause, is so far angry without a Cause. And therefore we must have Regard, both to the Proportion of the Fault, and our Right to take Notice of it. For a Person may deserve a great deal of Anger, and yet deserve little or none from us.

Exact Determinations indeed of this Proportion are hard to give and probably would do Harm, if they could easily be given. For, were the Limits of lawful Anger in every Cafe precisely known, most People would venture without Scruple to the utmost Extent of them; and so of Course be hurried beyond them : whereas the Difficulty of difcerning exactly where the Tranfgreffion begins, is a strong Caution to stop at a fafe Distance from it. But instead of thinking thus, we commonly conclude, that fince Anger may justly rise according to the Provocation, and much of it is daily shewn about small Things, any Degree whatever is defenfible in great ones. Now evidently this Reasoning ought to be inverted as follows: only a moderate Resentment being permitted us, where the Offence fence is ever so heinous, hardly the flightest ought to be expressed, where it is but little.

And though we cannot afcertain minutely the due Quantity in each; the Observation of two Rules will secure us from any important Error: never to lofe the Government of ourselves, or do an Injury to any one else. The first of these Directions is fundamental. For if once Reason be dethroned, Rules and Bounds are nothing. And though it be a dreadful Evil to let any Passion seduce us from obeying that Principle, which God hath authorized to regulate our whole Conduct, yet it is peculiarly dangerous to follow this blindfold: which precipitates Men instantaneously, and without leaving Room for a Moment's Reflection, into the Extremities of Mischief to others and themselves; and even where it is not hurtful, is however fingularly disagreeable and unbecoming. We must therefore attentively remember, that, though Displeasure may be allowable, Rage cannot: and accordingly forbear, not only all Acts of Violence or Insult, but all vehement Gestures, all noisy and unreasonable Talk, and above the rest that shocking, though common Method of venting Fury, by Oaths and Imprecations: invoking the Notice of God in a Condition when we ought to dread it; and bringing down that Wrath on our own Heads, which we vainly and wickedly call for upon others.

But avoiding these Extravagances is not all : is nothing indeed, if, under a calmer Appearance, we permit our Resentment to go undue Lengths. It is true, Anger can be useful to others only by giving them Uneasiness: but often a plain and grave Signification, that we dislike their Behaviour, will give it sufficiently: and then to add cutting, though guarded, Words is cruel. Sometimes the same Person, having both blameable and valuable Qualities, nay exerting both together, may deserve that Reproof should be tempered with Praise. And where but little Forbearance hath been merited, Prudence frequently requires much to be exercised: because it may soften and win over those, whom Roughness would drive to Defperation.

And, if we ought thus to moderate the just Expreffions of our Displeasure : much more ought unjust ones to be utterly forborn. We must by no means think, that every trifling, or perhaps imaginary, Provocation gives us a Liberty, which the very greatest do not, of be

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