صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

this is the Will of God in Jefus Chrift concerning you". Suitably to which Precepts, St. Peter represents it as the great End of our whole Behaviour that God may be glorified in all Things through Jefus Chrift. By him therefore, as the Epistle to the Hebrews exhorts, let us offer the Sacrifice of Praife to God continually, giving Thanks to his Name'. His merciful Purpose in what he hath done for us, and what he hath taught us, is that we may be happy, not only hereafter but even here. Thefe Things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye might have Peace. In the World ye shall have Tribulation: but be of good Cheer; I have overcome the World". He underwent on our Account the most dreadful of all Afflictions, for this Reason amongst others, to leave us an Example, that we should follow his Steps", and look unto Jefus the Author and Finisher of our Faith, that we may not be wearied and faint in our Minds; but rejoice in as much as we are Partakers of Chrift's Sufferings, that when his Glory fhall be revealed, we may be glad with exceeding Joy Y.

T 1 Theff. v. 18.

John xvi. 33.
Pet. iv. 13.

$ 1 Pet. iv. 11. V1 Pet. ii. 21;

t Heb. xiii. 15. * Heb. xii. 2,



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And now, were but all, who profess Christianity, careful to qualify themselves for looking on the various Occurrences of Life, whether profperous or adverse, as Tokens of God's kind Purposes towards them for the Sake of his dear Son, and confcientious in paying him fincerely suitable Acknowledgements: how void would they be of Refentment to each other; how full of Pity to fuch as would injure them, knowing that they can only hurt themselves : what a pleafing Security against Fear and Difappointment, what ftrong Confolation under Sorrow and Pain, what a powerful Support under all the Decays of Body or Mind, would they enjoy how delightful would be their Intercourse with Heaven, confifting almoft wholly in Acts of Gratitude and Praife: how blissful a Senfe of God's Love to them must they feel continually increafing; and how irresistible a Recommendation of the Doctrine of God our Saviour a must these admirable Fruits of it exhibit to all Mankind! Very different is the present State of Things. But to every one, who steadily practises this Duty, the Benefits of it are just the fame, as if it were practifed univerfally. All outward Mo

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lestations, instead of deftroying his inward Peace, contribute, he knows, to promote his true Welfare. And though he is tenderly grieved for the Guilt, and the Misery present and future, of the incorrigibly bad, while they applaud themselves, and defpife or hate him, yet his Concern is tempered with that placid Acquiefcence in the most awful Parts of God's Will, which the Redeemer, though he wept over Jerufalem, felt when he faid: I thank thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, that thou haft bid thefe Things from the wife and prudent, meaning in their own Imaginations, and haft revealed them unto Babes, Persons of an humble Simplicity of Heart: Even fo, Father, for fo it feemed good in thy Sight. Yet, though cordially reconciled to every Thing which he fees and expects, the good Christian pleases himself peculiarly with the Prospect of that promised Time, when on this Earth all the People shall be righteous: but inexpreffibly more with the Affurance of a bleffed Eternity, in which all who are accounted worthy to partake fhall at length magnify the Judge of the World, with unmixed Delight, for every

b Luke xix. 41.

I. lx. 21.

Matth. xi. 25, 26. Luke x. 21.

Thing they have fuffered, as well as every Thing they have enjoyed; and fing the Song of Mofes the Servant of God, and the Song of the Lamb, the final Result of all the divine Revelations, recorded from the first, saying: Great and marvellous are thy Works, Lord God Almighty: juft and true are thy Ways, thou King of Saints. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy Name? For thou only art holy,thy Judgements are made manifefte.

e Rev. xv. 3, 4.



PSALM CXXviii. 5, 6.

The Lord fhall bless thee out of Zion, and thou fhalt fee the Good of Jerufalem all the Days of thy Life.

Yea, thou shalt fee thy Childrens Children, and Peace upon Ifrael.


HE Subject of this Pfalm is declared in the first Verse. Blessed is every one, that feareth the Lord, that walketh in his Ways. For Godliness is profitable unto all Things, having Promife of the Life that now is, and of that which is to come a. The present Happiness attending it was indeed fomewhat more visible, while there was more Need it should, in those earlier Times, when the future Rewards of it were lefs clearly discovered. But in every

a 1 Tim. iv. 8.


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