certainly reflect, that we have Caufe to be pleafed and thankful, if we could, And this alone will make our worft Sufferings much more tolerable, than if we were to confider them as fo much Evil without any Thing to counterbalance it. Befides, by looking on every Thing in fo animating a View, Appearances will gradually change for the better, the Vigour of our Minds will augment, and we fhall come to smile at Events, that formerly would have terrified and overwhelmed us. But this is wholly on Suppofition, that, with our heartieft Efforts, we join our most earnest Prayers for Grace to help in Time of Need d The Attacks upon us are often fudden, violent, and long our own Abilities, we have had but too much Proof, are inconfiderable; and apt to fail us the moft, when we depend on them with the fulleft Confidence. But the divine Affiftance can enable us to do every Thing: and, though our Beginnings be feeble, yet, if we fincerely truft in God, and faithfully exert the Powers he will give us, out of Weakness we shall be made strong, and not only run with Patience the Race that is fet before us, but greatly rejoice that now for a d Heb. iv. 16. • Heb. xi. 34. + Heb. xii. 1. Seafon Seafon, if Need be, we are in Heaviness through manifold Temptations; well knowing the gracious Intention of our heavenly Father to be this, that the Trial of our Faith may be found unto Praife, and Honour, and Glory, at the Appearing of Jefus Chrift. Let us therefore seriously and often recollect not only the monftrous Ingratitude of repining, and the very blameable Unreasonableness of Defpondency, but the strong Obligation of being as thankful for all Things, as the Infirmity of our Nature will permit. Indeed merely using pious Words of Thankfulness for Afflictions, infincerely, without any correfpondent Senfe of what we utter, would be an Affectation, difguftful to Men, and provoking to God. But forming our Hearts, in the Degree that we are able, to the real Spirit of it, is one of the nobleft Exercises of inward Devotion. As we are imperfect in every Duty, we shall in all Likelihood be more peculiarly imperfect in fo exalted and difficult a one: and we should not be dejected on finding that we are. But neither fhould we ever cease either praying or endeavouring to attain, what is in Truth a valuable Part of the Temper of Heaven. When we come thither, we shall clearly perceive the Usefulness of our most exquifite Sufferings here, and praise God for them to Eternity; therefore let us be perfuaded of their Usefulness in the mean Time, and begin to praise him for them now. But these and all our Praises the Apostle directs us, III. To offer up in the Name of our Lord Jefus Chrift. By him, as the Scripture exprefsly teaches, God made the Worlds: by him were all Things created, that are in Heaven and that are in Earth, vifible and invifible: all Things were created by him and for him, and by bim all Things confift. Therefore in every Act of Worship, his Name is to be joined with that of the Father Almighty. By him have the various Difpenfations of Providence been administered from the Beginning; and particularly that most important one of the Reftoration of fallen and corrupted Man, through the tender Mercy of our God, who bath delivered us from the Power of Darkness, and hath tranflated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son ; in * Heb. i. 2. i Col. i. 16, 17. k Luke i. 78. whom whom we have Redemption through his Blood, even the Forgiveness of our Sins. Therefore, all our Thanksgivings ought to commemorate the Source of all our Bleffings. Honour, and Glory, and Power, be unto him that fitteth upon the Throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. For thou waft flain, and haft redeemed us to God through thy Blood, out of every Kindred, and Tongue, and People, and Nation". By him also, was the Knowledge of their Duty and Hopes revealed to Mankind: by him the DaySpring from on high vifited us to give Light to them that fat in Darkness and in the Shadow of Death, and guide our Feet into the Way of Peace". Through the Spirit of Chrift, which was in them, the Prophets of the Old Teftament directed and cheered the earlier Ages: his own perfonal Inftructions much more abundantly enlightened the Apostles and the Succeffion of Teachers, which he appointed, hath conveyed the glad Tidings of his Gofpel down to us, and will to the World's End. Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable Gift". Reasoning had bewildered Men in Multi tudes of Errors, and led them into very little Truth. It could not lead them into any Certainty of those Truths, which were of the greatest Importance to Sinners: Pardon, Grace, and eternal Happiness. It could not affure us of that comfortable Doctrine of the Text, that we have Caufe to thank God for every Thing which befalls us. For how fhould the wifeft of Men attain, by the mere Exercise of his own Faculties, to know, whether it be poffible in the Nature of Things, and fit upon the Whole, for the Supreme Being to order all Events in fuch a Manner, as that every one of them fhall be for the Benefit of every good Perfon? We may wish this indeed; we may hope it; and it is the moft glorious Hope, that we are capable of: but a Ground of firm Reliance can be only from the gracious Declarations of our blessed Lord, or his authorized Servants and we are strictly bound to ask and receive this and every Bounty from above, as Believers in him. Juftly then doth St. Paul direct us: Whatfoever ye do, in Word or Deed, do all in the Name of the Lord Jefus, giving Thanks to God and the Father by him. And again In every Thing give Thanks: for this 4 Col. iii. 17. |