صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Name of Refignation. Now both these Faults must be avoided. The Caufe, in which we are zealous, ought to be that of Piety and Virtue, and the Good of our Fellow-creatures: and for this we should have all the Zeal, that will excite us to fuch Behaviour in Support of it, as belongs to our Station. But we must neither attempt any Thing beyond proper Bounds; nor, if our jufteft Attempts prove unfuccessful, and Appearances in any particular Cafe, or in general, are ever so bad, must we either think ill of God; or worfe of Men, than they deserve; or give Way to Impatience, or Despair, or immoderate Grief; but meekly commit ourselves, and every Thing, to him that judgeth righteously. Before we perceive what the Event of our Endeavours will be, we may entertain Hopes; but they must be conditional, if the Lord will, not abfolute; and moderate not vehement. When we are disappointed, if our Defires were fuch as we need not have formed, we may juftly be expected to give them up more intirely: if they were founded in our Nature, fome involuntary Concern will be felt; and inftead of being terrified at it, as heinous Guilt, we should gently, yet ftudiously, check

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it, as mere Weakness. But the Notion, that we either ought or may allowably indulge ourfelves in Diffatisfaction or Grief, is utterly to be rejected. And the fooner and the more completely we quiet every painful Feeling, and bring our Minds to a calm Acquiefcence in the good Pleasure of God; the better we are, and the happier it will be for us.

Other Motives to bear Evil patiently and contentedly are to be fought for from different Quarters, as the Circumftances of the Cafe require; are often hard to find; and when found, have often small Weight and Influence. But Refignation to the Will of our gracious heavenly Father, is one and the fame Inducement, that naturally prefents itself to our Thoughts; is equally fuited to all Occafions; and while it awes us with the Confideration of his abfolutely fovereign Authority, fooths us with the Affurance, that though he caufe Grief, yet he will have Compaffion, according to the Multitude of his Mercies. Again: Refistance to the Purposes of our Fellow-crea tures may frequently prevail: but Reluctance against those of our Maker never can. Therefore Sentiments of dutiful Submiffion fpare us

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the Pain of unavailing inward Struggles, leffen every Suffering, prepare us for every Trial. If we will not yield with Meekness to the Difpofal of God, how fhall we bear Injuries from one another; how indeed fhall we refrain from being injurious, when our Interests and Inclinations prompt us? The Practice of selfdenying Duties, without leaning on Heaven. for Support, is too hard a Task for human Nature. But fuch as not only believe the Precept, but have formed themselves to feel the Impreffions of Refignation, are in Proportion fuperior to all Difficulties. Their Spirits are calm; and inftead of plunging rafhly into deeper Diftreffes and even Guilt, as the impatient do, they find their Way, if any one can be found, out of every Perplexity. By excluding eager Hopes and high Defires of earthly Good, this pious Principle excludes alfo jealous Envy, keen Refentment, tormenting Fears, bitter Difappointments, and final Diflike of every Thing. He that gives himself up into the Hands of God, with unfeigned Approbation of the Divine Conduct in whatever may befall him, will act as he ought in all Emergencies, with Uprightness and Alacrity, with Courage and Honour; will fuffer with a com


posed and even Temper; will thus give Testimony to the Efficacy of Religion, and vindicate the Difpenfations of Providence to Mankind. Nor can it fail, but fo dutiful a Subject to the King of all, so faithful a Confeffor, fo ready a Martyr, if Need be, in his Cause, will obtain from him the strongest Confolation here, and the ampleft Recompence hereafter. Therefore, let us pray earnestly for this blessed Difpofition, and improve ourselves in it by continual Exercifes of rational Devotion: ftir up our Faith and our Love, when they languish; recover our Steps, whenever they had well-nigh flipped: put our Trust in the Lord, and be doing Good: delight in him, and he shall give us our Heart's Defire: commit our Way unto him, and he shall bring it to pass; bring forth our Righteousness as the Light, and our Judgement as the Noon-day',

e Pf. lxxiii. 2.

f Pf. xxxvii. 3-6.


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