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النشر الإلكتروني

but partly alfo, because we look on them as not belonging to us. Now would we but confider whatever we certainly cannot have, in the fame Light, and whatever we probably cannot have, in nearly the fame, it would fave us great Uneafinefs and Guilt. The Condition of many, who are much difcontented about it, is in Truth almost as good as this World admits; for it doth not admit any high Happiness and what can they get then by dif quieting themselves that it is not better? Moderate Defires will excite reasonable Endeavours to mend it, if there appears Room : and immoderate ones will only add Vexation. Sometimes the Vehemence of our Pursuit is the very Cause that we mifs our Aim. And were it always the likelieft Way to Succefs, yet when Disappointments happen, as they will frequently happen, it must aggravate the Sorrow of them very greatly. Nay, mere Delays may give eager Spirits much more Pain before they attain their Ends, than the Attainment will ever give them Pleasure afterwards. For every one experiences what yet no one will believe, against the next Time, that the largest Increase of worldly Advantages is commonly little or no Increase,

Increafe, but often a Diminution, of SelfEnjoyment: though indeed were this otherwife, bringing down our Wishes to Reason is fo much the furer and more practicable Method of being eafy, than bringing every Thing to yield to our Wishes, that it scarce needs the further Recommendation of being the more virtuous Method alfo.

Still, paying fome Attention to our worldly Interefts, is a requifite Part of Wisdom: and it may be very blameable, not to stretch out our Hand and take what Providence offers. But to covet with Earneftness, and pursue with Impetuofity, an Object that feems to fly from


when God alone knows what it may prove, if we should overtake it, is generally, if not univerfally, prefumptuous and rafh. Yet this is the Course that we commonly take. Whatever we see others follow, we follow too, just as fast, without asking ourselves why; encourage our wild Fancies, inftead of checking them; fill our Hearts with imaginary Wants, and become as eager for Multitudes of Things one after another, all which we might do very well without, as if the whole Felicity of our Being confifted in them. If Men allow them

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felves in fuch Behaviour, all that Success can do for them, is to engage them still deeper in the fame Folly. For thefe Cravings have no End, and therefore fhould be curbed and quieted in the Beginning.

But though Men are not vehemently agitated by Difcontent, yet if they are dejected and funk by it, mourn over the Disadvantages. of their Condition, and live in a State of Affliction, be it ever fo calm Affliction, on Account of them, even this is by no means right. It may indeed fometimes be in a great Measure, mere bodily Disease: or it may, when the Degree of it is low, be the Fault of one, who is, on the Whole, virtuous and good. But ftill it fhews an undue Attachment to this World, yet unfits Perfons at the fame Time both for the Comforts to be enjoyed, and the Duties to be done in it. If indulged to any confiderable Length, it may disorder not only the Temper, but the Understanding. And to ftrange Lengths it fometimes runs in People, of whom one must think, that if they have Caufe to lament, it is hard to fay, who hath Caufe to be fatisfied.

Or fuppofe the various Difadvantages of Men


to be as great as they think them; yet Happinefs doth not arife from outward Circumstances, or the Accomplishments usually admired: else how unspeakably happy would the rich and great, the learned and ingenious, the beautiful and gay be, who all, at Times, con- . fefs themselves to be far from it; and how miferable the reft of Mankind, who, God be thanked, relish their Being very comforta bly! Every State hath not only its Inconveniences, but its Confolations: and the difcontented would fee this, if they did not perversely look folely at the former in their own Cafe, and the latter in that of others: magnify what they themselves want, and under-rate what they have; over-value what their Neighbours enjoy, and forget to make Allowance for what perhaps they fuffer. We know the worst of the Condition we are in: but what Evils belong to that which we wish to be in, we know not. Befides, every one cannot have every Thing, that he defires: and where is the greater Hardship, that we fhould fail of it, than that others should? Many appear or fucceed better, it may be but many alfo not near fo well. Would they have Caufe to be wretched,

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wretched, were they in our Circumstances? If not, why have we?

But further yet: perhaps our Disadvantages proceed from ourselves: poffibly it is our Virtue and our Honour that keeps us back from what we long for: and furely, the Poffeffion of good Qualities ought to give us more Pleasure, than any Disappointments owing to them should give us Pain. Or poffibly fome Fault of ours produces what we complain of : our Negligence or Expensiveness brings us into Straits, our Imprudences create us Difficulties, our ill Temper makes Things uneafy round us, our Irregularities impair our Health and Spirits correct thefe Errors, instead of repining at their Confequences, and all will be well.

It may be you will fay indeed, that you have endeavoured to correct your Faults, but without Succefs; and your chief Discontent is at yourselves. Now if this be really your Cafe, it is a very uncommon one. Many are diffatisfied with other Perfons and Things, fome with almost all about them; but few with their own Temper and Conduct. Such as really take Pains to amend it, deferve great Efteem;


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