صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


form and that every leffer Degree of Expectation given, if it be infincerely given, or the fulfilling of it neglected, is an Approach to the fame Sin!


From all these Tranfgreffions then let us confcientiously preserve ourselves: and for that End, avoid the ordinary Occafions of them compose our Refentments, moderate our Purfuits, mortify our Vanity, check our Fears, think before we speak, and keep Silence rather than speak amifs: For, in the Multitude of Words, there wanteth not Sin: but he that refraineth his Lips, is wife. For the fame End let us frequently reflect, that the Comfort and Agreeableness of Conversation, the Continuance of Harmony and Friendship amongst Relations and Acquaintance, amongst all indeed, who have Concerns with one another, the regular and profperous Management of Bufinefs, in fhort, the Tranquillity and good Order of human Society, depends on fpeaking Truth For the Harm, that can be done, without departing from it, is comparatively infignificant. And therefore a Liar, till he is found out, is the most mischievous of Creatures: and, after he is found out, as he never

i Prov. x. 19.

fails to be, fooner or later, the most hated or

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Let us confider also, that Sincerity is a Duty no less plain than important: that our Confciences require it of us, and reproach us for every Breach of it: that the Light of Nature taught it the very Heathens, though imperfectly, as it did every Thing else; and that Scripture abounds with the strictest Precepts of it, and strongest Motives to it. There we learn, that the Devil is a Liar, and by Means of lying was a Murderer, from the Beginning; involved our whole Race in Sin and Misery by one Falfehood, and practises the fame Arts upon as many, as he can, to this Day. Thus is he the Father of Liars: and, if we are fuch, we are of our Father the Devil, and the Lufts of our Father we do. But the distinguished Character of God is, that he cannot lie!: and we ought to be holy, as he is holy". The bleffed Jefus too is the faithful and true Witnefs", who did no Sin, neither was Guile found in his Mouth; who for this Caufe came into the World, that he should bear Witness to the Truth",

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and laid down his Life to redeem us from all Iniquity. Therefore fince Chrift our Passover is facrificed for us, let us keep the Feast, not with the Leaven of Malice and Wickedness, but with the unleavened Bread of Truth and Sincerity"; and speaking the Truth in Love, grow up into him in all Things, which is the Head, even Chrift. Again, the Spirit of Grace is the Spirit of Truth alfo, whofe Office is to guide us into all Truth". Faith and Truth are amongst bis Fruits in those who are regenerated by him. And the Wisdom, which is from above, is without Hypocrify. Lie not therefore one to another, feeing that ye have put off the old Man with his Deeds; and have put on the new Man, which is renewed in Knowledge, after the Image of him that created him y. Nor doth this appear, in the Word of God, to be more our Duty, than our Intereft in Respect of both Worlds. For in the prefent, what Man is be, that lufteth to live, and would fain fee good Days? Keep thy Tongue from Evil; and thy Lips, that they speak no Guile. And as to the

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next, If any Man feem to be religious, and bridleth not his Tongue, this Man's Religion is vain". All Liars fhall have their Part in the Lake, which burneth with Fire and Brimftone b. And there fhall in no wife enter into the new Jerufalem any Thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh Abomination, or maketh a Lie c.

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