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النشر الإلكتروني

and (as he used to say) as not aiming at being righteous over-much.

But still I wanted, and I waited for, with humble impatience, and I made it part of my constant prayers, that the Divine grace would at last touch his heart, and make him more than a countenancer, more than an applauder, of my duties that he might, for his own dear sake, become a partaker, a partner in them; and then, thought I, when we can hand in hand, heart in heart, one spirit, as well as one flesh, join in the same closet, in the same prayers and thanksgivings, what a happy creature shall I be!

I say closet, for I durst not aspire so high as to hope he would favour me with his company among his servants in our Sunday devotions.-I knew it would be going too far, in his opinion, to expect it from him. In me, their mistress, had I been ever so high-born, it was not amiss, because I, and they, every one of us, were his; I in one degree, Mr. Longman in another, Mrs. Jervis in another— but from a man of his high temper and manner of education, I knew I could never hope for it; so would not lose everything, by grasping at too much.

But in the midst of all these comfortable proceedings, and my further charming hopes, a nasty masquerade threw into the dear gentleman's way a temptation which for a time blasted all my prospects, and indeed made me doubt my own head almost. For judge what my disappointment must be, when I found all my wishes frustrated, all my prayers rendered ineffectual! His very morality, which I had flattered myself, in time, I should be a humble instrument to exalt into religion, shocked, and in danger; and all the good work to begin again, if offended grace should ever again offer itself to the dear wilful trespasser!

But who shall pretend to scrutinise the councils of the Almighty-For out of all this evil appearance was to proceed the real good I had been so long and so often supplicating for!

The dear man was to be on the brink of relapsing: it was proper that I should be so very uneasy, as to assume a

conduct not natural to my temper, and to raise his generous concern for me: and, in the very crisis, Divine grace interposed, made him sensible of his danger, made him resolve against his error before it was yet too late; and his sliding feet, quitting the slippery path he was in, collected new strength, and he stood the firmer and more. secure for his peril.

For, my dear parents, having happily put an end to that affair, and by his uniform conduct for a considerable length of time, showed me that I had nothing to apprehend from it, he was pleased, when we were last at Tunbridge together, and in very serious discourse upon divine subjects, to say to this effect: Is there not, my Pamela, a text, That the unbelieving husband shall be saved by the believing wife, while he beholds her chaste conversation coupled with fear?

I need not tell you, my dear Mr. B―, that there is, nor where it is.

Then, my dear, I begin to hope that will be my case: for, from a former affair of which this spot of ground puts me more in mind, I see so much reason to doubt my own strength, which I had built, and, as I thought, securely, on moral foundations, that I must look out for a better guide to conduct me, than the proud word honour can be in the general acceptation of it among us lively young gentlemen.

How often, my dearest love, continued he, have I promised (and I never promised, but I intended to perform) that I would be faithfully and only yours! How often have I declared, that I did not think I could possibly deserve my Pamela, till I could show her, in my own mind, a purity as nearly equal to hers as my past conduct would admit of!

But I depended too much upon my own strength: and I am now convinced, that nothing but


and a resolution to watch over the very first appearances

of evil, and to check them as they arise, can be of sufficient weight to keep steady to his good purposes, a vain young man, too little accustomed to restraint, and too much used to play upon the brink of dangers, from a temerity and love of intrigue, natural to enterprising minds.

I would not, my best love, make this declaration of my convictions to you, till I had thoroughly examined myself, and had reason to hope that I should be enabled to make it good. And now, my Pamela, from this instant you shall be my guide; and only taking care that you do not, all at once, by injunctions too rigorous, damp and discourage the rising flame, I will leave it to you to direct as you please, till by degrees it may be deemed worthy to mingle with your own.

Judge, my dear parents, how rapturous my joy was upon this occasion, and how ready I was to bless God for a danger (so narrowly escaped) which was attended with the very consequences that I had so long prayed for; and which I little thought the Divine Providence was bringing about by the very means that, I apprehended, would put an end to all my pleasing hopes and prospects of that


It is in vain for me to think of finding words to express what I felt, and how I acted on this occasion. I heard him out with twenty different and impatient emotions; and then threw myself at his feet, embracing his knees, with arms the most ardently clasping; my face lifted up to heaven, and to his face, by turns; my eyes overflowing with tears of joy, which half choked up the passage of my words. At last his kind arms clasping my neck, and kissing my tearful cheek, I could only say My prayers, my ardent prayers, are at last at last-heard-May God Almighty, dear sir, confirm your pious purposes !—And, oh! what a happy Pamela have you at your feet!

I wept for joy till I sobbed again—and he raising me to his kind arms, when I could speak, I said, To have this heavenly prospect, oh best beloved of my heart! added to all my earthly blessings-how shall I contain my joy!—

For, oh! to think that my dear Mr. B—— is, and will be, mine, and I his, through the mercies of God, when this transitory life is past and gone, to all eternity; what a rich thought is this!-Methinks I am already, dear sir, ceasing to be mortal, and beginning to taste the perfection of those joys, which this thrice welcome declaration gives me hope of hereafter!-But what shall I say, obliged as I was beyond expression before, and now doubly obliged in the rapturous view you have opened to me, into a happy futurity!

He was pleased to say he was delighted with me beyond expression; that I was his ecstatic charmer! That the love I showed for his future good was the moving proof of the purity of my heart, and my affection for him. And that very evening he was pleased to join with me in my retired duties; and at all proper opportunities, favours me with his company in the same manner; listening attentively to all my lessons, as he calls my cheerful discourses on serious subjects.

And now, my dear parents, do you not rejoice with me, in this charming, charming appearance! For, before, I had the most generous, the most beneficent, the most noble, the most affectionate; but, now, I am likely to have the most pious of husbands! What a happy wife, what a happy daughter, is his and your Pamela-God of His infinite mercy continue and improve the ravishing prospect!

I was forced to leave off here, to enjoy the charming reflections, which this lovely subject and my blessed prospects, filled me with: and now proceed to write a few lines more.

I am under some concern on account of our going to travel into Roman Catholic countries, for fear we should want the public opportunities of divine service. For I presume the ambassador's chapel will be the only Protestant place of worship allowed of; and Paris the only city in France where there is one. But we must endeavour

to make it up in our private and domestic duties: for, as the phrase is, when we are at Rome, we must do as they do at Rome; that is to say, so far as not to give offence, on the one hand, to the people we are among; nor scandal, on the other, by compliances hurtful to one's conscience. But my protector knows all these things so well (no place in what is called the grand tour being new to him), that I have no reason to be very uneasy on these


And now, my dearest dear honoured parents, let me by letter, as I did on my knees at parting, beg the continuance of your prayers and blessings, and that God will preserve us to one another, and give us, and all our worthy friends, a happy meeting again.

Kent, you may be sure, will be our first visit, on our return, for your sakes, for my dear Davers's sake, and for my little Pamela's sake, who will be both sent down, and put into your protection; while my Billy, and Miss Goodwin (for, since I began this letter, it is so determined) are to be my delightful companions; for Mr. B-declared his boy shall not be one day out of my presence, if he can help it; because, he is pleased to say, his temper wants looking after, and his notices of everything are strong and significant.

Poor little dear! he has indeed a little sort of perverseness and headstrongness, as one may say, in his will: but he is but a baby; and I shall, I hope, manage him pretty well; for he takes great notice of all I say, and of every look of mine already-He is, besides, very goodhumoured, and willing to part with anything for a kind word; and this gives me hope of a docile and benevolent disposition, as he grows up.

I thought, when I began the last paragraph but one, that I was within a line of concluding; but it is to you, and of my babies, I am writing! so shall go on to the bottom of this new sheet, if I do not directly put an end to my scribbling which I do, with assuring you both, my dear good parents, that wherever I am, I shall always be


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