say best) of their subjects, let 'em take the consequence. Perhaps they might have a chance to hear more truth here than in their palaces-the only good that possibly can accrue from them-that is to say-if they made a good use of it when they heard it. For, you see, my monarch, though told the truth, as it happened, received the hint with more resentment than thankfulness !-So, 'tis too likely, did the monarch of us both. And now, my lady, you need not doubt that so polite a gentleman would find an opportunity to return the nun her handkerchief!-To be sure he would: for what man of honour would rob a lady of any part of her apparel? And should he that wanted to steal a heart, content himself with a handkerchief?-No, no, that was not to be expected. -So what does he do, but resolve, the very next day, after dinner, the soonest opportunity he could well take, because of the late hours the night before, to pursue this affair! Accordingly, the poor quaker little thinking of the matter, away goes her naughty Spaniard, to find out his nun at her grate, or in her parlour rather. He asks for the countess: is admitted into the outward parlour-her woman comes down; requires his name and business. His name he mentioned not. His business was, to restore into her lady's own hands something she had dropt the night before.-Was desired to wait. I should have told your ladyship that he was dressed very richly-having no design at all to make conquests; no, not he—Oh, this wicked love of intrigue!—A kind of olive-coloured velvet, and fine brocaded waistcoat. I said, when he took leave of me, You're a charming Mr. B-! and saluted him more pressingly than he returned it; but little did I think, when I plaited so smooth his rich laced. ruffles and bosom, where he was going, or what he had in his plotting heart. He went in his own chariot, that he did: So that he had no design to conceal who he wasbut intrigue, a new conquest, vanity, pride!—Oh these men-They had need talk of ladies!-But it is half our own fault, indeed it is, to encourage their vanity. Well, madam, he waited till his stateliness was moved to send up again, that he would wait on her ladyship some other time. So down she came, dressed most richly, jewels in her breast, and in her hair, and ears-but with a very reserved and stately air. He approached her.-Methinks I see him, dear saucy gentleman. You know, madam, what a noble manner of address he has ! He took the handkerchief from his bosom, with an air; and kissing it, presented it to her, saying, This happy estray, thus restored, begs leave, by me, to acknowledge its lovely owner! What mean you, sir!-Who be you, sir?-What mean you? Your ladyship will excuse me; but I am incapable of meaning anything but what is honourable. (No, to be sure.)—This, madam, you left last night, when the domino took up every one's attention but mine, which was much better engaged; and I take the liberty to restore it to you. She turned to the mark; a coronet, at one corner. 'Tis true, sir, I see now it is one of mine: but such a trifle was not worthy of being brought by such a gentleman as you seem to be; nor of my trouble to receive it in person. Your servant, sir, might have delivered the bagatelle to mine. Nothing should be called so, that belongs to the Countess of She was no countess, sir, that dropt that handkerchief; and a gentleman would not attempt to penetrate, unbecomingly, through the disguises that a lady thinks proper to assume; especially at such a place, where every inquiry should begin and end. This, madam, from a lady who had unmasked-because she would not be known!-Very pretty indeed!-Oh! these slight cobweb airs of modesty! so easily seen through— hence such advantages against us are taken by the men. She had looked out of her window, and seen no arms quartered with his own; for you know, my lady, I would never permit any to be procured for me: So, she doubted not, it seems, but he was an unmarried gentleman, as he had intimated to her the night before. He told her, it was impossible, after having had the opportunity of seeing the finest lady in the world, not to wish to see her again; and that he hoped he did not, unbecomingly, break through her ladyship's reserves: nor had he made any inquiries either on the spot, or off of it, having had a much better direction by accident. As how, sir? said she, as he told me, with so bewitching an air, between attentive and pleasant, that, bold gentleman, forgetting all manner of distance, so early too! he clasped his arms round her waist, and saluted her, struggling with anger and indignation, he says: But I think little of that! Whence this insolence?-How now, sir?-Begone! were her words, and she rung the bell; but he set his back against the door-(I never heard such boldness in my life, madam!) till she would forgive him.-And it is plain she was not so angry as she pretended; for her woman coming, she was calmer: Nelthorpe, said she, fetch my snuff-box with the lavender in it. Her woman went; and then she said, You told me, sir, last night, of your intrepidness: I think you are the boldest man I ever met with: But, sir, surely you ought to know that you are not now in the Haymarket. I think truly, madam, the lady might have saved herself that speech; for, upon my word, they neither of them wore masks-though they ought both to have put on one of blushes-I am sure I do for them, while I am writing. Her irresistible loveliness served for an excuse, that she could not disapprove from a man she disliked not; and his irresistible-may I say assurance, madam?-found too ready an excuse. Well, but, sir, said I, pray, when her ladyship was made acquainted that you were a married gentleman, how then? -I long to hear, how then?-Pray, did she find it out, or did you tell her? Patience, my dear! Well, pray, sir, go on-What was next? Why, next, I put on a more respectful and tender air: I would have taken her hand indeed, but she would not permit it; and when she saw I would not go till her lavender snuff came down (for so I told her, and her woman was not in haste), she seated herself; and I took my place by her, and began upon a subject of a charming lady I saw the night before, after I had parted with her ladyship, but not equal by any means to her. And I was confident this would engage her attention; for I never knew the lady, who thought herself handsome, that was not taken by this topic. Flattery and admiration, Pamela, are the two principal engines by which our sex make their first approaches to yours; and if you listen to us, we are sure, either by the sap or the mine, to succeed, and blow you up, whenever we please, if we do but take care to suit ourselves to your particular foibles; or to carry on the metaphor, point our batteries to your weak side: for the strongest fortresses, my dear, are weaker in one place than another.-A fine thing, sir, said I, to be so learned a gentleman!—I wish, however, thought I, you had always come honestly by your knowledge. When the lavender snuff came down, continued he, we were engaged in an agreeable disputation, which I had raised on purpose to excite her opposition, she having all the advantage in it; and in order to my giving it up, when she was intent upon it, as a mark of my consideration for her. I the less wonder, sir, said I, at your boldness (pardon the word!) with such a lady, in your first visit, because of her freedoms when masked; her unmasking, and her handkerchief, and letter-cover. To be sure the lady, when she saw next day such a fine gentleman, and such a handsome equipage, had little reason, after her other freedoms, to be so very nice with you, as to decline an ensnaring conversation, calculated on purpose to engage her attention, and to lengthen out your visit. But did she not ask you who you were? Her servants did of mine.-And her woman (for I knew all afterwards, when we were better acquainted) came, and whispered her lady, that I was Mr. B― of Bedfordshire; and had an immense estate, to which they were so kind as to add two or three thousand pounds a year, out of pure good-will to me: I thank them. But pray, dear sir, what had you in view in all this? Did you intend to carry this matter, at first, as far as ever you could? I had at first, my dear, no view, but such as pride and vanity suggested to me. I was carried away by inconsideration, and the love of intrigue, without so much as giving myself any thought about the consequences. The lady, I observed, had abundance of fine qualities. I thought I could converse with her on a very agreeable foot; and her honour I knew, at any time, would preserve me mine, if ever I should find it in danger: and, in my soul, I preferred my Pamela to all the ladies on earth, and questioned not, but that, and your virtue, would be another barrier to my fidelity. As to the notion of polygamy, I never, but in the levity of speech, and the wantonness of argument, like other lively young fellows who think they have wit to show, when they advance something out of the common way, had it in my head. head. I thought myself doubly bound by the laws of my country, to discourage that way of thinking, as I was a five hundredth part of one of the branches of the legislature; and inconsiderable as that is, yet it makes one too considerable, in my opinion, to break those laws one should rather join all one's interest to enforce. In a word, therefore, pride, vanity, thoughtlessness were my misguiders, as I said. The countess's honour and character, and your virtue and merit, my dear, and my obligations to you, were my defences. But I find one should avoid the first appearances of evil. One knows not one's own strength. 'Tis presumptuous to depend upon it, where wit and beauty are in the way on one side, and youth and strong passions on the other. |