صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


CHEROKEE. Rev. E. JONES, Rev. W. P. UPHAM, teacher; Mr. H. UPHAM, printer; and their wives.

FLINT.-Lewis Downing, native preacher. 3 out-stations.

TAQUOHEE.-Tanenole, native preacher.

DSYOHEE.-Dsulaskee, native preacher.

DELAWARE.-John Wickliffe, Oganaya, native preachers. 2 out-stations.

5 stations and 5 out-stations; 2 preachers, 1 a teacher; 1 printer; 3 female assistants; 5 native preachers.

Miss E. S. Morse, recently of this mission, has been transferred to Ottawa station of the Shawanoe Mission. Miss S. H. Hibbard is now resident in the States. The occasion of their removal from the Cherokee country, as intimated in our last report, was the increased number of the Cherokee national schools, rendering the employment of female missionary teachers unnecessary. The health of Miss Hibbard, which had been impaired, the Committee have been happy to learn is fully restored. The removal of Mr. W. P. Upham from Taquohee to Cherokee has resulted partly from the superior importance of the school department at the latter place, as respects both the number and character of the pupils, and partly from the facilities thereby secured to Mr. Upham in preaching to Cherokees. At Taquohee his labors as a preacher had for months been almost nominal for want of an interpreter. At Cherokee he will also take the pastoral charge of a church about to be constituted there, and will have frequent opportunities for forming acquaintance with the native preachers and others who resort thither, and for imparting to them counsel and instruction. His residence at Taquohee the past three years has been acceptable and profitable to the people, and his departure appears to have been to them an occasion of deep regret.*

In regard to the success of evangelical efforts among the people, we have less to report than in some preceding years, owing in part to the agitated state of society during the last twelve or eighteen months. Many of the religious meetings however have been well attended, and a few have been added to the churches by baptism. The number of additions in the months from April to December inclusively, is reported fourteen; and there are others, at all the places of stated preaching, who give serious attention to the word. In several neighborhoods houses for religious worship have been lately built; one at Verdigris, twenty feet by twenty-three; Grand River one, twenty-six by twenty-two; and one at Chöi Stöi, on Spring Creek, about twenty feet square; making in all about ten log buildings for the accommodation of worshippers.

* It should be noted however that the population of that neighborhood had greatly decreased in consequence of the late civil disturbances, and the national school was liable to be discontinued at any time, the number of pupils being less than twenty-five.

The translation of the New Testament into Cherokee is completed, together with the book of Genesis. The 1st and 2d Thessalonians, Titus and Philemon were about to be put to press, 5000 copies in tract form, and 5000 for the New Testament edition. Twelve numbers of the Messenger have been printed, and about 200 copies bound for sale and distribution.


The whole number of missions sustained by the Union, is 16, with 50 stations and more than 93 out-stations, under the care of 99 missionaries and assistants and 144 native helpers. 45 of the missionaries are preachers. The number of churches reported, is 108. 1,783 have been added to the churches the past year on profession of faith; and the whole number of members is about 10,000. The number of schools is 59, and of pupils from 1,500 to 1,600. The particulars are given in the following table.

Table of Missions, Stations, &c.

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a Including Rangoon and Bassein churches. Report of 1845. c One a printer. d Reported. e Returns incomplete. Type cutter. g Physician. h Besides 2 preachers under appointment.


Expenditures of the Union for the year ending March 31, 1847.

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