صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



practical reality? Instead, therefore, of this expediency principle, should not this Society, also, rather adopt as their basis an express precept of Scripture, such as "abstain from all appearance of evil;" and act fully up to that precept, by neither giving nor taking intoxicating drink, except when it is medicinally required? If not, will not the compromise which they make, although it proceeds, from the kindest and most differential motives, naturally lead to the conclusion that if the taking of intoxicating drink were at all inexpedient even in the present day, surely those who abstain on the ground of expediency would not give it to their friends?



To you, my fellow-sinners, who do not profess to be Christ's followers, need we add, that the exhortation may likewise be addressed, "be not conformed to this world?" For, what is your life naturally but a life of conformity to the world, more or less, in all things? And as "the whole world lieth in wickedness," what must that conformity be but a life of sin, in a greater or less degree? This you may not admit, but stoutly deny; yet, if you compare your life, in the most superficial manner, even by the letter of the word, you will find it to be strictly true. And if it is so in your own sight, how much more so must it be in the eye of God; and not only outwardly, but inwardly? How powerfully, therefore, are you called upon not to be conformed to the world in its principles, any more than in its practices, its pleasures, and its pursuits? Need we, however, remind you, that before you can yield any thing like true obe

dience to this, or to any other command of God, you must believe in Christ to the saving of your soul? For, it is only in this way that you can be thoroughly transformed in the reformation of your lives, as well as in the illumination of your understandings, and in the renovation of your hearts. In other words, it is only by faith in him that you can be converted within, and become non-conformed to the world without. Accordingly, while it is said, "if any man is in Christ Jesus, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, all things are become new;" it is also declared, "this is the victory that overcometh the world". —or the means by which we may overcome it-"even our faith." For, faith is that which changes and characterizes every one who comes to Christ, or that which makes him what he is, internally and externally; and a life of faith is a life of holiness. Will not you, then, my dear readers, pray that this faith may be yours, even the precious faith of God's elect; that faith which not only purifies the heart, but which raises all who possess it superior to all "the evil that is in the world," and makes them more than conquerors through Christ who hath loved them? And, knowing what it is to receive this faith, and to be changed by it more and more in your hearts, will you not show that

you are

also changed by it more and more in your lives? In short, in whatever way you may have formerly acted, will you not make it manifest that now you are "not conformed to the world, but transformed;" that you walk not, as in time past, "according to the course of this world," but that even while you are in it, you are "not of it;” that the time past of your life may suffice, and is infinitely more than sufficient, to have wrought the will of the flesh; and that you no longer live the rest of your time to the lusts of men, but to the will of God? Is not this your interest as well as your duty, for time and for eternity; at all times and in all things; in private and in public; in little and in great things? For, is not "godliness profitable unto all things, having the promise of the life that now is," as well as of "that which is to come?" Besides, as "the pleasures of sin" are not only "for a season," but unsatisfactory even at the best; as "the world passeth away, and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever," although you could gain the whole world, and at last lose your own soul, instead of profiting aught, would you not be the greatest losers; or gain the greatest loss?" Now, then, "while it is called to-day," will you not come to Christ, and act as he commands, so that you may at once flee from the




wrath to come, and lay hold of eternal life? In fine, let it be your daily prayer to God, that you may be enabled to exclaim with Paul, “far be it that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world." Then, being dead to it, with all its snares and seductions, you, too, will be enabled to prove that, like all true believers, you are "NOT CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD."

Printed by THOMAS GRANT, 21 George Street, Edinburgh.

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