صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

should there not i tion between them a With you, my dear Christ's, is it so in

are destitute of an Christian character;

you true practical nons or true Christians.

not exist an unquestionable difference between them and the men of the world? With you, my dear readers, who profess to be Christ's, is it so in this sense? If not, you are not true practical non-conformists to the world, nor true Christians.

We might now proceed to show, that all who call themselves Christ's must “not be conformed to this world" in any of its pleasures, in private or in public, which are either sinful in themselves, or which naturally lead to sin. At the same time, in taking a review of these so-called pleasures, we migl.t show that, in the spirit, if not in the letter of Scripture, due allowance may be made for harmless recreations, which are not destructive to holiness, any more than to health and happiness; and, therefore, not inconsistent with our duties to God, to others, and ourselves, any more than to the lower animals. However, we forbear entering upon sinful in-door "pastimes” and out-door “sports,” in order to consider another branch of nonconformity to the world;—a branch of the subjeet more important, in the present exigencies of the country, if not more practical; and yet, more delicate and difficult, in connection with the rampant sin of drunkenness, and the reigning system of the drinking usages.

power of the Holy Spirit? Yet, while these ordinances are, in general, outwardly attended to, what great reason is there to fear that with too many the signs are rested in, or regarded sufficient, and the things signified are overlooked, or neither desired nor prayed for?

In these respects, not to mention others, what a similarity is there, in too many cases, between professors and non-professors of Christianity? Thus, what a shameful and sinful neglect is there of the means of grace on the part of the one class, as well as of the other? Or, even at the best, what a formal, and not a faithful, attention is, in too many instances, paid to these means? And is it not, just because it is so, that so many professing believers are so far from being, what they should be, in gifts and in graces; and so similar to the men of the world in their conversation and conduct? Yet, should not the very opposite of all this be the case?

For such reasons, should not all who call themselves by the name of Christ, "not be conformed to this world" in the neglect of the appointed means of grace; and yet, while diligent in using these means, not trust in them, but look above them to the blessing of God, which alone can make them effectual for the appointed ends? In this, as in other respects, should there

not exist an unquestionable difference between them and the men of the world? With you, my dear readers, who profess to be Christ's, is it so in this sense? If not, you are not true practical non-conformists to the world, nor true Christians.

We might now proceed to show, that all who call themselves Christ's must "not be conformed to this world" in any of its pleasures, in private or in public, which are either sinful in themselves, or which naturally lead to sin. At the same time, in taking a review of these so-called pleasures, we might show that, in the spirit, if not in the letter of Scripture, due allowance may be made for harmless recreations, which are not destructive to holiness, any more than to health and happiness; and, therefore, not inconsistent with our duties to God, to others, and ourselves, any more than to the lower animals. However, we forbear entering upon sinful in-door "pastimes" and out-door "sports," in order to consider another branch of nonconformity to the world;-a branch of the subject more important, in the present exigencies of the country, if not more practical; and yet, more delicate and difficult, in connection with the rampant sin of drunkenness, and the reigning system of the drinking usages.



"How many make their house the home
Of every fraud and every wile;

And yet they to God's altar,

With hands impure and hearts of guile!"

To pass, therefore, from practices to pursuits, we observe, that all true Christians must "not be conformed to this world" in any pursuit which fosters or facilitates stealing, or receiving what is stolen. This is so apparent, that it is almost unnecessary to add a single sentence in the way of support. The civil and moral statistics, indeed, of this fruitful source of national degradation, remain as yet in a very scattered state; and tedious and troublesome as it may be to lay hold of the most essential facts connected with such occupations, he who is successful in bringing them into a focus, will render no mean service to the public good. However, the most superficially acquainted with our cities, towns, and burghs, cannot but know that there exists among us a large and increasing

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