صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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In ter rup' tion, (în têr råp shin,2) stop, hinderance, obstruction. In ter sect', (în têr sekt',5) to cat; to

meet, and cross each other. In ter sporse', (in ter spère',5) to

scatter here and there. In ter vene', (inter vène',s) to come

between things or persons. In' ter view, (' ter vd,2) mutual

sight of each other.

In tes' tate, ( tes' tate,3) dying without a will, wanting a will In tes' tine, (În tes' tio,3) internal. In thral', (th thrawl',5) to enslave. In thral' ment, (în thrawl' ment,2) servitude, slavery.

In' ti mate, (n' tè måte,3) familiar, (2) a familar friend. (s) to hint. In tol' er a bie, (la tôl' ler i bl,3) insufferable, not to be endured.

4 Pronoun,

flood, a deluge.

πόνο, 6 Verb,

In val' id, (tu val' id,3) weak. In va lid', (în vâ lééd',2) one disabled by sickness.

In va lid i ty, (în vâ lîď′ è tè,2) want of efficacy, weakness. In val'u a ble, (în våld i bl,3) inestimable, precious.

In va' sion, (la v zhin,2) hostile encroachment. [to do bad.

In vei' gle, (în ve' g1,5) to persuade In vent' er, (În vènt' ür,2) a deviser. In ven' tion, (in vên' shan,2)discovery In' ven tor y, (în' vền tôr è,2) a catalogue of moveables. ven tress, (n vên trẻ,2) a fe


male that invents.

In ver' sion, (în vêr' shôn,?) a change of order, place or time. In vest', (in vest',s) to dress.

In tox i cate, (in tôka' è kåte,s) to in-In ves ti ga' tion, (în vẻs tễ gà' shẳn,2)

ebriate, to make drunk. In tox i ca' tion, (în tôks è kd' shun,2)

inebriation, drunkenness. In trench' ment, (in trênsh' mênt,2)

fortification with a trench. In tre pid' i ty, (în trẻ pîd' è tè,2)

fearlessness, courage.

In tri ca cy, (Ấn trẻ k% sẻ,2) per plexity, involution.

In trigue', (in trèèg',2) a plot.,
In tro duc' tion, (in trỏ důk' shun,2) the

act of conducting to a person. In trude', (in trôid',5) to encroach. In trust', (n trist',5) to charge

with any secret.

In tu iti’on, (la tủ sh′ ủn,2) imme diate knowledge. In tu' i tive, (In to'è tv,3) seeing; not barely believing.


In vet' er ate, (în vêt' têr åte,3) old. In vid'i ous ly, (în vid' è ås lè,6)ma. lignantly, enviously.

In vigo rate, (în vig' gò råte,s) to

animate, to strengthen. In vin' ci ble, (în vin' sè bl,3) un

conquerable; not to be subdued In vi' o la ble, (în vid lå ble,3) not

to be broken, or profaned. In vis' i ble, (in viz' è b1,3) not to be seen, imperceptible. In vi ta' tion, (În về th' shin,2) the

act of inviting; bidding. In vo ca tion, (% vỏ kh′ sha,2) the

act of calling upon in prayer. In' voice, (in volae,2) a catalogue of the freight of a ship. In volve', (In volv',s) to entangle.

In un da tion, (la ủn để nhưn2) a|In vol un ta ry, (n với ăn sẽ rẻ)

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bish, noise, coln, sound, Talne, think.
8 Conjunction, 9 Participle, 10 Interjection.
not to be moved or changed.
rep a ra ble, (tr xếp på rã bl,3)
not to be repaired.

not done willingly. In vo lu tion, (In vỏ là nhân,2) the Ir act of involving or inwrapping In vulner a ble, (în vår ner à b1,3) not to be wounded.

In wrap', (in rap',5) to cover by

involution, to involve. Ire, (tre,2) anger, rage, passion. Irk' some, (Irk' aům,3) wearisome, Iron, ( årn,2) a hard fusil, metal. I ron' i cal, (1 ron' në kål,3) expressing one thing&meaning another | Iron mon ger, ( årn mång går,2) a dealer in iron. Iron y, (rån 4,2) words contra

ry to their meaning. Ir ra' di ate, (ir r' de åte,5) to adorn with light emitted upon Ir rati' o nal, (Ir rash' & n1,3) void

of reason or understanding.
Ir re clai ma ble, (ir rẻ kld mã b1,3)
not to be reclaimed.

Ir rec on ci la ble, (ir rẻk ổn số là b1,
3) not to be reconciled.
Ir re cover a ble, (Ir rẻ kiv 3r å
b1,3) not to be regained.
Ir re du' ci ble, (ir rẻ dů' sẻ b1,3)
not to be reduced.

Ir re fu' ta ble, (Ir rẻ fo' tå b1,3) not

Ir re proach'a ble,(Ir rẻ prôtab' á b1,3) free from reproach.

Ir re prove' a ble, (ir rẻ pr88v' i bl,3)
not to be blamed.

Ir re sis' ti ble, (Îr rẻ zla' të bl,3) su-
periour to opposition.
Ir res' o lute, (ir rêz' zò låte,3) not



re trien va ble, (Ir rễ trê và bl,3)
irrecoverable, irreparable.
rev er ence, (ir rêv' ver ense,2)
want of veneration.
Ir rev' er ent, (ir rêv' vêr ênt,3) not
paying due homage.

Ir re ver' si ble, (ir rẻ vẻr' sẻ bl,3)
not to be changed.
Ir revo cable, (irrẻv vỏ kã b1,3)
not to be recalled.
Ir ri ta ble, (tr′ rẻ tả b1,3) capable
of being made angry.
Ir ri ta' tion, (ir rẻ tá' shán,2) provo-
cation, exasperation.
Is' land, (land,2) a tract of land

surrounded by water.

I sos'ce les, (1 sôs' sẻ lêz,2) that which hath only two sides equal. to be overthrown by argument Is' sue, (sh'shd,2) egress, event. Ir reg u lar, (r rêg' gò tar,3) deviat-Isth' mus, (lat' mås,2)a neck of land ing from rule,custom or nature I tin' er ant, (1 tu' ner int,3) wanIr reg u larity, (lr rễg gỗ lấy 4 tẻ,2) dering; not settled.

deviation from rule or custom. Ir re lig' ion, (Ir rẻ la' jan,2) contempt of religion, impiety. Ir re lig ious, (ir rẻ ta' je,3) impious, contrary to religion. Ir re me' di a ble, (ir rè mè dé å bl, 3) not to be remedied. Ir re move a ble,(irrd mới & bl,3)



Jab' ber, (jab' bir,s) to talk idly.
Jagg, (jag,2) a denticulation, (5)
to cut into indentures.
Jail, (le,2) a gaol, a prison.
Jal' ap, (jár 18p,2) a purgative root
Jan' gle, (jing' g1,5) to quarrel.
Jan′ ty,(in tẻ,3)showy, fluttering.

Fite, far, hall, hat, me, mêt, pine, pin, no,

1 Article,

2 Substantive,

3 Adjective,

4 Pronoun,


5 Verb,

Jan' u ar y, (jân' n år 2) the Jos' tle, (jos's1,5) to rush against.
first month of the year. [talk.
Jar' gon, (jår gå,2) unintelligible
Jaun' dice, (jin' dis,2) a distemper.
Jaunt, (jant,5) to make excur-
sions for air or exercise.
Jave' lin, (jav lin,2) a spear.
Jeal' ous, (jer lås,3) suspicious.
Jeal' ous y, (jer s è,2) suspicion
in love affairs. [coagulation.
Jel' ly, (jê lê,2) a kind of tender
Jeop' ard, (jep' pard,5) to hazard.
Jeop'ardous (jep'půr dås,3) dangerous
Jeop' ar dy, (jep pur dé,2) peril.
Jerk, (jerk,2) a sudden jolt, (5) to
strike with a quick blow.
Jes sa mine, (jea′ sa mỉa,2) a frage

Journal ist, (jår nåôl ist,2) a writ-
er of journals.

Jour' ney, (jar' nè,2) travel by land.
Jour ney man, (jår në mân,2) hir-
ed workman. [festivity.
Ju' bi lee, (jd' be 14,2) a publick
Ju' da ism, (j'. då izm,2) the re-
ligious rites of the Jews.
Judge' ment, (judje' mênt,2) a deci-
sion; the last doom.
Ju di ca tor y, (jờ dẻ kả tản 4,2)
a court of justice.
Ju' di ca ture, (jd' de kå tåre,2)

rant flower.

Jest, (jest,2) any thing ludicrous.

power of distributing justice. Judicial, (jà dish'al,3) practice in the distribution of publick justice. Ju dici ar y, (jù dish' ar 4,2) passing judgment on any thing.

Jug' gle, (jug' g1,5) to play tricks by sleightof hand.

Jet, (jet,2) a beautiful black fos-Ju dici' ous, (jû dîsh' is,3) prudent.
sil, (5) to shoot forward.
Jet' ty, (jet tè,3) black as jet.
Jew' el, (jd 2) a precious stone.
Jew el ler, (ju år,2) one who

deals in jewels. Jews' harp, (juze' hårp,2) a sort of musical instrument.

Ju' gu lar, (jd' gå år,3) belonging

to the throat.

Ju rid' i cal, (jú ria' de kâl,3) acting

in the distribution of justice. Ju ris dic' tion, (jà ris dik' shin,2)

Ju ly', (j 1,2) the seventh month of the year. [union. Junction, (jungk' shẳn,2) coalition, Jing le, (jing' g1,5) to sound cor-Jun' to, (jin' to,2) a cabal. respondently, (2) a rattle, a bell. Joc' key, (jok' kè,2) a trickish fellow, (5) to justle, to trick. Joc u lar, (jó lôr,3) merry. Joc u lar'i ty, (jok d lâr' è tè,2) disposition to jest, merriment. Joint, (j3nt,2) articulation of limbs; (5) to join together, (3) combined Joint' ly, (joint' lè,6) together.

extent of power; district. Ju ris pru' dence, (jà rîs pr' dense,2) the science of the law. Jus' tice, (jus' ta,2) right. Jus ti fi' a ble, (jos të fï' å bl,3) defensible by law or reason.

Join' ture, (join' tshire,2) estate set-Jus ti fi ca' tion, (jos tè fè ka'shun,2)

tled on a wife to be enjoyed after her husband's decease. Joker, (jd' kir,2) a jester.

defence, vindication. Jus' tle, (jus',5) to encounter. Just' ly, (just lè,6) uprightly.

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Just' ness, (just nes,2) equity.
Ju ve nil'i ty, (jd vé all'è tè,2)
youthfulness, youth.

Ken' nel, (kin' nil,2) a cot for dogs,
(s) to dwell, to lie.
Kernel, (kër' nil,2) the edible sub-

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lips; (2) deosculation. Kitch' en, (kitab' in,2) cooking room Kite, (kylte,2) a bird of prey. Kit' ten, (kt' tn,2) a young cat. Klick, (kik,6) to make a noise. Knapsack, (nap' sik,2)soldier's bag. Kna ver y, (n' vår è,2) dishonesty Kna' vish, (ni vlab,3) dishonest. Knell, (1,2) the sound of a bell rung at a funeral. Knife, (alfe,2) an instrument. Knight' hood, (alte' hdd,2) the dignity of a knight. mid-Knob, (nåb,2) a protuberance. Knock, (nok,s) to clash, (2) a sud

stance contained i a shell. Ker' sey, (ker' zè,2) coarse stuff. Ket tle drum, (kdt' tl drim,2) a drum made of brass. Key age, ( Idje,2) money paid for wharfage or key. Key' stone, (e stone,2) the

dle stone of an arch. Kick,(kik,s) to strike with the foot. Kid' nap, (kld' nap,5) to steal human beings. [glands. Kid' ney, (kid' né,2) one of the two Kim' bo, (kim' bd,3) crooked, arched Kind, (kylnd,8) benevolent, (2) race Kin' dle, (kin' dl,s) to set on fire. Kind' ly, (kylud' 18,3) mild. Kind' ness, (kylnd' nes,2) good will. Kin' dred, (a' dred,2) affinity, (3) congenial, related.

King craft, (king kraft,2) the act or art of governing. Kingdom, (king dom,2) the dominion of a king, a region. King ly, (king 18,3) royal, (6) with superior dignity. Kings e' vil, (kingz v1,2) a scrofulous distemper. Kins' folk, (kinz' foke,2) relations. Kins man, (xinz’mina) a man of the same race or family. Kins' wom an, (laz' wim in,2) a female relation. Kirk, (rk,2) church of Scotland. Kiss, (is,s) to touch with the

den blow or stroke. Know' ing, (nd Ing,3) intelligent. Knowl' edge, (nol' ledje,2) learning. Knuckle, (nok k1,2) the protuberance of the finger.


La' bi al,(d' be 1,3) uttered by the lips, belonging to the lips. Lab' o ra tor y, (âb' bỏ rå tỗr 4,2) a chymist's workroom.

Lab'yr inth, (lab' bêr înth,2) a maze Lac er a' tion, (lis ser d' shổn,2) the

act of tearing or rending. La' ding, ('ding,2) freight. La'i ty, ('è tè,2) the state of a

layman, not the clergy. Lamb, (m,2) a young sheep. Lamb' kin, (lâm' kin,2) a little lamb Lam' en ta ble, (lim' men ta bl,3)

mournful, pitiful, miserable. Lam en ta tion, (làm mền tả nhân,2)

audible grief, sorrow. Lam poon er, (lim pôôn' ir,2) a scribbler of personal satire. Lam' prey,(11m' prè,2) a kind of eel Land' mark, (lind' mark,2) any thing

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Leaf' less, (lèfe' lès,3) without foliage or leaves.

set up to preserve boundaries. | Lea' der, (le' dür,2) a commander. Language, (lang gwldje,2)a speech Lan' guish, (ling' gwish,s) to pine. Languor, (ling' gwår,2) a faintness Lap i dar y, (lập ễ dẫn è,2) one

who deals in stones or gems. Lapse, (lipse,2) flow, (5) to fall by degrees, to glide slowly. Lar ce ny, (lår se ně,2) petty theft. Large, (lardje,3) bulky, wide. Lar' um, (lår råm,2) noise noting danger, alarm.

Lath, (2) a thin slip of wood. Lathe,(1.2) the tool of a turner. Lath' er, (láth' ir,2) the froth of soap, (5) to form a foam. Lat' in ist, (lat' tin ist,2) one skilled in Latin, a Latin scholar. Lat i tu di na' ri an, (lât è tù dẻ nå' rẻ ăn,3) not restrained by religion Lat tice, (lat tis,2) a window

made up with network. Lau' da ble, (w' då b1,3) praiseworthy, commendable. Lauď a num, (lôd′ då nôm,2) a

League, (èèg,2) a measure of length, (5) to confederate. Leap' year, (lèpe' yère,2) every fourth year.

Lear' ned, (ler ned,3) versed in
science and literature.
Lear' ning, (ler' ning,2) literature.
Lear' ner, (lêr' når,2) one who is

yet in his rudiments. Lease, (lèse,2) a temporary deed; (5) to let by lease. Least, (leest,3) the smallest. Leave, (lève,2) farewell, (5) to quit Leav' en, (lev' vêu,2) ferment mix

ed with dough to make it light Lea' vings, (le' vingz,2) remnant. Lech' er y, (lêtsh' ûr è,2) libidinous[on any subject Lec' ture, (lêk' tshare,2) a discourse Lec' tur er, (lêk' tsbůre år,2) an instructer; a teacher.


Lee, (1,2) the side opposite to the wind. [the wind, Lee' ward, (led' wird,3) opposite to Left, (left,3) sinistrous, not on the right hand.

soporifick tincture. Laugh, (1,5) to deride, (2) a convulsion caused by merriment. Launch, (lånsh,5) to push to sea. Laun' dress, (an' drês,2) a washer-Leg' a cy, (lég'a sẻ,2) given by will [room. Le gal' i ty,(le går ètè,2)lawfulness Laun' dry, (lin' drẻ,2) a washing Leg a tee' (1g gå tèè',2) one who La' va, (la vâ,2) the sulphureous


matter from a volcano. Law full y, (w' fül è,6) legally. Law' giv er, (w' glv år,2) one that makes laws; a legislator. Law suit, (law' sute,2) a process in law; litigation. Lay, (14, pret. of lie,) to rest, (2) a meadow, grassy ground.

has a legacy left him.

Le ga' tion, (è ga' shun,2) embassy. Leg er de main', (lêd jûr dè måne',2)

sleight of hand, juggle. Leg i ble,(led' je b1,3) such as may

be read; discoverable. Le' gion, (le'jun,2) a body of soldiers; any great number. Leg is la tor, (lêd jïs lå′ tår,2) ►

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