صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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fancied visionary. I mag in a' tion, (è mâd jîn à' shûn,2) conception, idea, scheme. Imagine, (è måd' jla,5) to fancy,

to paint in the mind. Im bec ile, (im bês' sil,3) feeble in mind or body. [the mind Im bibe', (im bibe',5) to admit into Im bit' ter, (im bit' tur,5) to make bitter; to exasperate.

pin, no, mô

5 Ve

b1,3) not to be measured. Im merge', (im mérdje',5) to putder water. [(s) to depi. Im merse', (im mêrse',3) covel; Im me thod′ i cal, (im mẻ thôi bạ

3) without regularity; conful Im'mi nent, (îm'me nent,3) impend Im mo bili ty, (îm mỏ bil'è t want of motion, unmoveab ness. [ceeding the due mea

Im bol' den, (im bol' dn,5) to encou-Im mod' er ate, (îm môd' dêr át,3) e

rage; to raise to confidence. Im bo' som, (im h8ỏ' zům,s) to hold on the bosom; to admit to the heart. [soak. Im brue', (îm _br¿¿',5) to steep, to Im' i ta ble, (îm' è tâ b1,3) worthy

to be imitated.

Im i ta' tion, (im me t'shun,2) attempt to resemble.[ed to copy Im' i ta tive, (îm'è tả tv,3) inclinIm'i ta tor, (îm' è tå tur,2) one who endeavours to resemble another Im mac u late, (im mak' kå låte,3)

spotless, pure, undefiled. Im ma te ri al, (im mà tả vẻ 21,3) incorporeal, unimportant. Im ma ture' ly, (im mà thre’lẻ,6) too soon, too early, before ripeness Im ma tu rity, (im mà từ rẻ tẻ,2) unripeness, incompleteness. Im meas' u ra ble, (îm mêzh' à rå b1,3)

not to be measured.

Im me' di ate,(im me' dè it,3) instant Im me mo ri al, (im mè mở rẻ #1,3)

past time of memory. Im mense'ly, (Im mênse' lè,6) infinitely; without measure. Im men sity, (im mền sẽ tè,2) un

bounded greatness, infinity. Im men' su ra ble, (îm mên' shu râ



Im mod' es ty, (in môd' dês tè,2) Wa; of modesty, indecency. Im mor tal' i ty, (îm môr tâl'è tẻ, exemption from death. Im morʻtal ize, (îm mör' til ize,5) t perpetuate.

Im move' a ble,(im môỏv′ á bì,3) no

to be forced from its place. Im mu ta bil' i ty, (im mỏ tâ bỉľẻ tẻ.

2) invariableness.

Im par' i ty,(îm pår' è tè,2)inequality, disproportion, oddness. Im part', (im pårt',5) to communicate, to grant, to give Im par tial, (im par shil,3) equitable, disinterested, indifferent. Im par ti al i ty, (im par shề đi ẻ tẻ, 2) equitableness, justice. Im pas sa ble, (im pha si b1,3) not

to be passed, impervious. Im pa' tience, (im pa' shense,2) ve

hemence of temper, eagerness Im peach' ment, (Im pèètsh' ment,2)

publick accusation, obstruction Im ped' i ment, (îm pêd' è mễnt,2)hinderance, obstruction.

Im pel' lent, (in pêl' lènt,3) an impulsive power. Im pen' dent, (im pên' dênt,3) hanging over, imminent,

nor, nôt, tobe, tub, 6 Adverb,

7 Preposition,

8 Conjunction,

bash, noire, chin, Band, Tule, think.
9 Participle,
10 Interjection.

Im pen' e tra ble, (îm pên' è trâ b1,3) | Im port' er, (im pòrt' úr,2) one that not to be pierced, impervious. brings goods from abroad. Im pen i tence, (impến è tênse,2)|Im por to ni ty, (m pr từ nề t4,2) want of remorse for crimes. incessant solicitation. Im pen' i tent, (îm pên' è tënt,3) ob- | Im pos si bil'i ty, (îm pôs sẽ bỉl' è të,2) durate. [without repentance. that which cannot be done. Im pen' i tent ly, (im pên' è tent lê,6) Im pos' ture, (im pos' tshûre,2) a cheat Im per a tive, (Im per' rå tiv,3) com-Im' po tence, (im' pò tense,2) inabilmanding.[not to be perceived. ity, imbecility, want of power. Im per cep' ti ble, (Im për sep' tè b1,3) | Im prac' ti ca ble, (Im pråk' te kå b1,3) Im per fec' tion, (im per fèk' shin,2) defect, failure, fault. Im per' fect ly, (im për' fêxt lè,6) not

not to be performed; impossible
Im pressi' on, (Im presh' in,2) in-
fluence; stamp, operation.
Im press' ure, (Im présh' dre,2) the
mark made by pressure.
Im print', (im print',5) to fix on
the mind, or memory.

Im pris' on, (im priz' zn,5) to shut up
Im pris' on ment, (în priz' zn ment,2)

confinement, incarceration,
Im prob a bil' i ty, (îm prôb à bil' &
té,2) unlikelihood. [likely.

completely, not fully. Im pe ri al, (in pe rẻ al,3) royal. Im pe' ri ous, (im pe' rê is,3) haughty Im pe rious ly, ( pè rẻ ăn lề,6) with insolence of authority. Im per' ish a ble, (im për rish á b1,3) not to be destroyed. Im per' so nal, (îm pêr sån 1,3) not varied according to the persons Im per' ti nent, (I'm pêr' tê nênt,3) in-Im trusive, (2) a trifler,a meddler. Im pet u os' i ty, (Im pêtsh à ôs'è té,2) fury; violence, force. Im pet' u ous, (im pêtsh' d is,3) vehement, passionate. Im' pi ous, (in' pè is,3) irreligious. Im' pi ous ly, (m' pé is lé,6) profanely, wickedly, irreligiously Im plic' it ly, (m plis' it 14,6) with

unreserved confidence. Im poi' son, (im poè' zn,5) to cor

rupt with poison, to poison. Im po lite' ness, (Im på lite' nda,2) want of politeness, rudeness. Im por tance, (Im por' tinse,2) matter, consequence, moment. Im por ta' tion, (Im por ta' shản,2) the practice of importing.

prob' a ble, (Îm prôb' á b1,2) unIm prop' er ly, (im prôp′ år 1,6) not fitly, incongruously, not justly Im pro pri e ty, (im prò pri' è t4,2)

unsuitableness, unfitness. Im pros' per ous, (im pros' pår 83,8)

unhappy; not successful. Im pro' va ble, (Îm pr¿¿' vâ b1,3) ca

pable of being advanced.

Im prove', (im prov',s) to meliorate
Im prove' ment, (îm pr¿3v' mênt,2) in-

struction, edification.

Im prov' i dence, (îm prâv' è dễnse,2)
want of forethought.
Im pru' dence, (Im pr83' dense,2) in-
discretion, negligence.
Im' pulse, (im' půlse,2) communi-

cated force; idea, motive.
Im pu' ni ty, (ln på′ nè c^,2) free-

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dom from punishment.

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investiture by solemn rites.

Im pu' ri ty, (fm pd' rè tè,2) want In au spici' ous, (in w spish' is,3) un. of holiness.[able with a fault. fortunate, unlucky. [nature, Im pu' ta ble,(im på tå b1,3) charge-In' born, (în' börn,3) implanted by In' bred,(in' bred,3) produced within In cal' cu la ble, (în kål′ ků lå b1,3) not

Im pu ta' tion, (îm på ta' shin,2) censure, reproach, hint, reflection In ac ces' si ble, (în ûk sês' sẻ b1,3) not to be approached.

In ac' cu ra cy, (în âk' kd rå sẻ,2) want of exactness.

to be computed or reckoned. In ca pa bil'i ty, (în kå på bil' è tẻ,2) inability, disqualification. In ca' pa ble,(la ka' på b1,3) unable,

In action, (in ak shản,2) cessation|In ca pac i tate, (in kả phố sẻ tate,5)

or forbearance from labour. In ac' tive, (in ik' tiv,3) indolent. In ac tiv i ty, (in åk tiv' è tè,2) idleness, sluggishness, rest.

In ad' e quate, (în id' è kwåte,3) not equal to the purpose, defective In ad' e quate ly, (în ad' è kwåte lè,6) defectively, not completely. In ad ver ten cy, (in ad ver tên sề,2) act or effect of negligence. In ad ver' tent, (în âd ver' tent,3) negligent, careless.

In alien a ble, (în åle' yên â b1,3) that cannot be alienated. [life. In an' i mate, (în ân' è måte,3) void of In ap' pli ca ble, (în åp' plè kå b1,3) not to be put to a particular use In ap pli ca' tion, (în ap plè ka' shin,2) indolence, negligence. [fitness. In ap' ti tude, (în ap' tè tude,2) unIn ar tic' u late, (în ir tik' d låte,3)


to disqualify, to disable.

ca pac' i ty, (în kâ pâa' sẻ tẻ,2) want of natural power. In car' ce rate, (în kår' sẻ råte,s) to imprison; to confine.

In car ce ra' tion, (la kår sẻ rẻ' shun,2) imprisonment, confinement. In car nate, (în kår' nåte,9,3) em

bodied or clothed with flesh. In car na' tion, (m kår nå' shin,2) the

act of assuming a body.

In cau' tious, (in kaw' shus,3) unwary In cen' di a ry, (în sên' dè â ré,2) one

who sets houses on fire. In cent' ive, (a sẻnt' îv,3) inciting,

(2) encouragement, motive. In ci den' tal, (În sẽ dên' tál,3) casual; happening by chance, incident In cis' ure, (În sizh' dre,2) a cut. In cite' ment, (în site' ment,2) mo

tive, impulse, incentive. In clem' ent, (în klem' ment,3) un

merciful, unpitying, harsh. In cli' na ble, (in kl nå b1,3) having a propension of will.

not uttered with distinctness. In ar ti fici' al, (fn ar tè fish'al,3) contrary to art. [regard; neglect. In at ten' tion, (In åt tên' shin,2) disIn at ten' tive, (in at tên' tiv,3) care-In cli na' tion, (în klè nå′ shẳn,2) tenless; regardless, negligent.

dency towards any point.

up in a cloister.

In au' di ble, (in w' de b1,3) not to In clois' ter, (fa klöfa' tur,5) to shut be heard; void of sound. [darken In au gu ra' tion, (în kw gò rå'shin,2) | In cloud', (în kl¿d's) to obscure, to

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In clu' sive, (In kid'stv,3) comprehended in the sum or numbers In cog' i tan cy, (în kôď′ jẻ tân sê,2)

want of thought.

In co he' rence, (În kò he' rinse,2) want

of connexion; incongruity. In com bus' ti ble, (în kom bås' te bl,3)

not to be consumed by fire. In' come, (in' kim,2) a revenue. In com mo' di ous, (în kôm mo' dễ 3s, 3) inconvenient, troublesome. In com mu' ni ca ble, (în kôm

9 Participle

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incompliance with others. In con' gru ous, (în kồng' gród ha,3) unsuitable, not fitting, absurd. In con sid' er a ble, (în kôn sỉď′ êr å

b1,3) unimportant, unworthy. In con sid' er ate, (în kôn sîd' èr åte,3)

careless, inadvertent, negligent In con sid er a tion, (là kôn sd ér l

shin,2) inattention,inadvertence. In con so' la ble, (în kôn so' lit b1,3)

not to be comforted [steadiness d'In con' stan cy, (în kön ́ stắn sẻ,2) unIn con su' ma ble, (în kôn små b1,3)

né k b1,3) not impartible. In com pact', (In kom påkt',3) not cohering; not joined. In com' pa ra ble, (în kôm' på råt b1,3) excellent above all competition. In com passi' on ate, (în kom pash' in ate,3) void of pity.

In com pat' i ble, (în kom påt' è b1,3) inconsistent with something else In com’pe ten cy, (ln kôm pể tên sề,2) inability. [not adequate. In com' pe tent, (in kom' pé tent,3) In com plete, (in kim plète',3) not perfect, not finished, not done. In com posed', (in kom pôzd′,3) disturbed,disordered,discomposed In com pre hen si bil' i ty, (în kom prẻ hen sé bil' è tè,2) unconceivableness.

In com pres' si ble, (în kom pres' së b1,3) not capable of being compressed into less space. In con cea' la ble, (in kon ad' l b1,8)

not to be kept secret, or hid. In con coc' tion, (în kon kök shôn,2)

the state of being indigested. In con diti' on al, (în kon dish' in 1,3) without exception.

In con for' mi ty, (în kồn får mễ tễ,2)

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not to be wasted, inexhaustible In con tes' ta ble, (la kên tên' tâ b1,3) not to be disputed.

In con tig u ous, (în kôn tig' gå ås,3)

not touching each other. In con tro vertible,( kin trở ver' to b1,3) indisputable. con ve ni ence, (n kôn về nh ense,2) unfitness, difficulty. In con ver' sa ble, (în kôn vår′ nå b1,3) unsocial, incommunicative.



con ver ti ble, (in kôn vềr tề b1,3)

not transmutable.

In con vin' ci ble, (în kồn vỉn′ sẻ b1,3) not to be convinced. In cor' po ral, (in kor” på rf1,3) dis

tinct from body, immaterial. In cor po ra' tion,(în kôr på rå' shẳn,2)

an union; association. In cor rect' ness, (în kôr råkt' nês,2)

want of exactness, inaccuracy. In cor' ri gi ble, (în kôr' rê jê bì,8)

depraved beyond amendment. In cor rupt', (når råpt',3) free from

depravation, honest, good. In cor rup ti bil' i ty, (în kôr rập tô

bfè té,2) incapacity of decay. In cor rupt' ness, (în kör råpt' nes,2)


1 Article,

får, hill, bắt,

2 Substantive,

mé, mét, pine, pin, no, move, 3 Adjective,

purity of manners. In crease', (In krèse',5) to grow, (2) augmentation, produce. In cred' i ble, (în kred' è b1,3) not to be credited, void of truth. In cre du' li ty, (în krẻ da' lè tè,2) hardness of belief, unbelief. In cred' u lous, (în krẻď' å lås,3) refusing credit, hard of belief. In cu ba' tion, (in' kd ba' shẳn,2) the act of sitting upon eggs. In cul cate, (in kul' kåte,5) to impress by frequent admonitions In cul' pa ble, (în kål på b1,3) unblamable, not censurable. In cum' ben cy, (în kim' bên sè,2) the act of keeping a benefice. In cur', (la kir',) to become liable to a punishment.

4 Pronoun,

5 Verb,

have met with, but it is used by several respectable writers. In de fat' i ga ble, (în dễ fât' è gå bl, 3) unwearied, not tired.


de fen' si ble, (in dễ fên' sẻ b1,3) what cannot be defended. In def' i nite, (in dêr'è nit,3) not limited. [unpremeditated.

In de lib' er ate, (în de lib' bêr åte,3) In del' i ble, (în del' è b1,3) not to be blotted out or effaced.

In del' i ca cy, (în dêl' è kâ sẻ,2) want

of elegant decency or delicacy In dem ni fi ca' tion, (là dễm nè fè ka' shun,2) reimbursement of loss. In dem' ni fy, (în dêm' nè fl,5) to secure against loss, or penalty. dem ni ty, (in dem' nẻ tê,2) security from loss and punishment.


In cu' ra ble, (in kd' rå b1,3) irreme-In dent', (in dent',5) to make any diable, hopeless.[out curiosity.

thing with inequalities.

In cu ri ous, (in ko rẻ 68,3) with-|In den ture, (ỉa đến tshure,2) a CO-
In cur' sion, (a kur' shin,2) attack.
In cur va' tion, (ing kur va shun,2) the
act of making crooked.

venant, indented or cut. In de pen' dence, (în đẻ pên' dënse,2) exemption from reliance. dependent, (in đề pển đểnt,3) free, not controlled.

In debted, (n đét têd,9,3) receiv-|In ed and bound to pay.

In de' cen cy, (în de' sên sẻ,2) inde-In de struc' ti ble, (în dè strik' tè bl,

corum; any thing unbecoming In de' cent,(în de' sent,3) indecorous,

unfit for the eyes or ears. In de cisi' on, (fn dễ sîzh' 3n,2) want

of determination.

In de cli' na ble, (în dễ kll' nå bl,3)not

3) not to be destroyed. In de ter mi na ble, (în dẻ têr' me

nå bl,3) not to be fixed or settled In de ter' mi nate, (?ʼn dè têr' mẻ nåte,

3) indefinite, unfixed. In de ter mi na' tion, (în đề têr mẻ

na shun,2) want of resolution. In de ter mined, (în dè têr' mind,8) unsettled, unfixed.

varied by terminations. In de co' rum, (în dễ kở rôm,3) indecency,something unbecoming In de fat' i ga bil' i ty, (în de fat' è gå bil' è tè,2)without lassitude,unweariness.---Note, this word is not found in any Dictionary I[In

In de vo' tion, (in de vỏ shỉn,2) want of devotion, irreligion. In dex, (în dêks,2) the discoverer. dex ter' i ty, (în dêks têr' è té?)

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