صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

coin, sound, Tuine, think.

10 Interjection.

9 Participle, Flat ter y, (fat' tur 4,2) false praise. Flaunt, (fant,5) to make a flutter

ing show in apparel or dress. Fleer, (féer,s) to gibe(2) mockery. Flex i bil'i ty, (nêks è bîl'è tè,2)

pliancy, compliance.

Flex' i ble, (eks' è b1,3) complying
Flex' ion, (fék' shin,2) a bending.
Flex' ure, (têk' shère,2) the part bent
Flight, (alte,2) the act of flying.
Flip, (p,2) a liquor for drink.
Flip' pan cy, (flp' pin sé,2) loquacity
Flirt, (fårt,5) to jeer; (2) a quick

nor, not, tåbe, tub, bush, moldore, 6 Adverb, 7 Preposition, 8 Conjunction, freedom from base mixtures. Fine spoken, (fine spo'kn, 3) affectedly polite, as dear madam. Fin' ger, (fing' gir,2) the flexible member of the hand, (5) to steal Fir, (fer,2) a tree of the forest. Fire' arms, (fire' arms,2) guns. Fire' brand, (fire' brand,2) a piece of wood kindled, an incendiary. Fire' wood, (fire' wild,2) fuel. Fir kin, (fer kin,2) a vessel containing nine gallons for butter. Fir ma men' tal, (fêr må mên' tâl,3) celestial; of the upper regions. Firm' ly, (fêrm' lê,6) immoveably. Firm' ness, (ferm' nês,2) stability. First, (first,3) the ordinal of one. Fist, (fist,2) a hand clenched. Fis' ti cuffs, (fis te kifs,2) battle with the fists. [reasonably. Fit' ly, (fit' lè,6) properly, justly, Five, (five,3) four and one. Flag el la' tion, (flädje él la' shůn,2)

the use of the scourge. Fla giti' ous, (a jish' is,3) wicked. Flagon, (fig' in,2) a vessel of drink

with a narrow mouth.

Fla' gran cy, (fd' gran sé.2) burning
heat, fire. [conflagration.
Fla gra' tion, (a grå' shin,2) burning,
Flail, (le,2) a thrashing tool.

elastick motion; a coquette. Flood, (fid,2) an inundation. Floor, (fore,2) the part of a room

which we tread or walk on. Flor id, (for fd,3) productive of [flowers. Flo' rist, (d' rist,2) a cultivator of Floun' der, (f8an' dor,2) a small fish Flow' er y, (8' or 4,8) adorned

flowers; splendid.

with flowers, full of flower. Flown, (fone,9) of fly; gone away. Fiuc' tu ate, (fik tabi ate,s) to be

in an uncertain state of things Fluc tu a' tion, (fik tsh & shin,2)

the alternate motion of the tide Flu' en cy, (f' ên sè,2) volubility. Fluent, (dent,3) flowing; (2) a stream, running water. Fla' id, ( fd,3) not solid; (2) any thing that flows. Flush, (fish,5) to colour, to redden, to elate, (3) full of vigour. Flux'ion, (48k' shon,2) act of flowing Focus, ( kis,2) the rays col lected by a burning-glass. (8+ nes,2) exten-Fol' low er, (for 18 år,2) one wh Fo' li age, (f8' 18 adje,2) leaves. pensipidity, de


m' beau, (fam' bò,2)lighted torch
'nel, (fin' nel,2) a soft napp
if made of wool. [lustre.
o glitter with
Ash' 4,3) den blaze.
(1,6 pty, showy.
ptorily, du orizontally,




comes after another.

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Fol' ly, (fô lê,2) want of understanding, weakness of intellect Fond' ly, (fond' lé,6) with extreme tenderness, foolishly.[in livery Foot' boy, (fat' bè,2) an attendant Foot' post, (fat' post,2) a post that travels on foot.[left by the foot Foot step, (fat step,2) impression Fou' pish, (fop' pish,3) vain of dress. For age, (för aje,5) to plunder, (2) in search of provisions. For bear ance, (för båre' ânse,2) delay of punishment; mildness. For cible, (fore′ sẻ h1,3) strong. Ford, (ford,2) the shallow part of a river; (5) to wade. Fore fa' ther,(fore få' THûr,2) ancestor Fore' head, (for' hêd,2) the part of

the face above the eyes. For eign, (far rin,3) abroad; alien. Fore know', (fore no',5) to foresee. Fore men' tioned, (före men' shoad,3)

4 Pronoun,

5 Verb,

thing forfeited, a fine. For get', (for get',5) to lose memory of; to neglect; not to attend For get ful, (for get fůl,3) oblivious; inattentive, negligent. For give', (for giv's) to pardon. For give' ness, (for giv' nês,2) remission of a fine. [into prongs. Fork, (fork,)an instrument divided For' mal ist, (för mål 1st,2) one who

prefers appearances to reality. For mal' ty, (för mål' è tè,2) ceremony, habit, or dress, form. For ma' tion, (for må shin,2) the act

of forming, or generating. For mi da ble, (for me då b1,3)

dreadful, tremendous, terrible, Form' less, (form' 1,3) shapeless. For swear', (for sware',5) to be per

jured, to swear falsely. Forth com' irg, (forth kom' ing,3)

ready to appear,not absconding mentioned or recited before. Fort' right, (fort' nite 2) two weeks Fore' most, (fore' most,3) first in For ta'i tous, (for tử' è tôs,3) casual place or dignity. [nated before For' tu nate,(for tsh3 nåte,3) lucky. Fore named', (fore namd',3) nomi-For' tune, (for tshune,2) the good Fore' noon, (fore' nån,2) the time

of day before meridian. Fore or dain', (fère år dåne',5) to predestinate, to pre-determine. For est, (for rest,2) a wilderness. For' es ter. (for rẻs thr,2) an inhabitant of the wild country. Fore taste', (fore taste',5) to antici

pate; to taste before another. Fore tell', (fore tel',5) to predict. Fore to ken, (före to kn,2) prognostick; (5) to foreshow. For feit, (för fit,2) a fine, (5) to lose by some breach of condition. For feit ure, (for' fit yüre,2) the

or all that befail man. Forty, (for té.3) four times ten. For' ward, (or wird.3) presump

tuous, (6) towards, onward. Fos' sil, (fos' s,3) dug out of the bowels of the earth. und Fought, (wt,9) of fight. Foun' der,(fon' dür,2) a builder thin to sink to the bottom Foun' dress, (up




that establis.2) casti Foundry.(h,3 tin,2) a Foun' taithe w Four fold (fine' le Four' fogtess, (

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ruped, having four feet.

bish, nölse, coin, sound, THine, think.

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| Free' dom, (free' dům,2) liberty.

Four score, (före' skôre,3) four times Free hear' ted, (frèè hår' têd,3) lib


twenty. eral, unrestrained. [in fee. Four square, (fore' skware,3) quad-Free' hold, (free' hold,2) land held Four teen, (fore' teen,3) four and ten Free' ly, (frèé' 14,6) without reFour teenth, (fore' teenth,3) the or- straint; spontaneously. dinal of fourteen. [gun. Free' man, (free' min,2) one parFowl' ing piece, (fal′ îng pèèse,2) a taking of rights, or immunities.

Fox' chase, (foks' tshåse,2) the pur-Free ma', son, (frèẻ ma'sn,2) one

suit of the fox with hounds. who professes to keep a secret Fox' trap, (fs' trap,2) a snare to Free think' er, (freẻ thẳngk' úr,2) a catch foxes, made of iron. contemner of religion. Frac tion, (frak shin,2) a broken Freight, (frite,5) to load a ship. part of an integral or integer. Fre' quent, (frè' kwent,3) often done. Frac' tion al, (fråk' shun á1,3) belong-Fre' quent ly, (fre' kwent lé,6) coming to a broken number. Frac ture, (frak' tshire,5) to break a bone. [uncertain. Fragile, (fridi 1,3) brittle, frail, Fragment, (fragment,2) an imperfect piece.

Frail ty, (frile' te,2) fault proceed-
ing from weakness.
Fram' er, (frame' ôr,2) contriver.
Franchise, (fran' tabiz,2) immunity,
privilege, (5) to make free.
Frank, (fringt,3) liberal, generous.
Frank' in cense, (frangk' in sense,2)an

odoriferous kind of resin. Fra ter ni ty, (rì têr' nẻ tê,2) a

monly, not rarely. [water. Fresh' et, (fresh' It,2) a pool of fresh Fresh' ness, (fresh' nes,2) the state

of being fresh; not stale or salt Fret ful, (fret föl,3) peevish, angry Fri'ar, (frl' ir,2) a religious broth

er of some regular order. Fric' tion, (frik' shun,2) the rubbing of two bodies together. Fri'lay, (frl' de,2) the sixth day of the week. [vourer. Friend, (frend,2) a companion, faFriend' less, (frend' les,3) wanting

friends, wanting support. so-Friend' ly, (freud' jè,3) kind. Friend' ship, (frend' ship,2) the

ciety, corporation, brotherhood Fraght, (iriwt,9) laden, filled. Frackish, (frèke' Ish.3) capricious;

humorzome, fanciful. Freckle, (frék ki,2) spots raised in the skin by the sun; cicatrice. Free boot er, (frẻ h3ỗť úr.2) a robber plunderer. [berty. Free born, (fle born,3) inheriting Fan cnct, (fréé" kðat,2) without expense.

highest degree of intimacy.
Frigate, (frig' it,2) a ship of war.
Fright, (frite,s) to terrify.
Fright' ful, (frite fil,3) full of ter-

ror, dreadful, terrible.
Frigid, (frid' ja,3) cold; dull.
Fringe, (frinje,2) ornamental ap-

pendages added to dress. Frip' per y, (frip' er è,2) old clothes Frith, (frith,2) a strait of the sea.

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Friz ie, (triz' z1,5) to curl.
Fro ick some, (frðľ îk sům,3) full
of wild gayety, pranks.
Frost' bit ten, (frost' bit tn,3) with-
ered or nipped by the frost.
Fros' ty, (fros té,3) excessive cold.
Frown, (fron,2) a look of dis-
pleasure, a wicked look.
Fruc ti fy, (frik' te fi,s) to fer-

tilize; to make fruitful.
Fru gal' i ty, (frð gâl' è tè,2) thrift.

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Furnace, (für nis,2) an enclosed
fire-place to melt metal.
Fur' ni ture, (f☛ nè tshûre,2) house-

hold goods placed in a house.
¡Fu see', (fò zèè',2) a firelock.
Fus' tian, (füs' tshan,2) a kind of cloth
Fu' tile, ( ti,3) trifling.
Fu til' i ty,(fù t' è tè,2) triflingness
Fu' ture, (f' tshire,3) hereafter.
Fu tu rity, (tủ từ rẻ tè,2) events
to come; futurition. [ticles.


Gaï' ly, (ga' lè,6) airily, cheerfully, splendidly, pompously. Gain' er, (gåne' år,2) one who re

ceives profit, or advantage. Ga' la, (g' 1,2) splendid amuse

Fru' gall y, (frd gå 4,6) parsimo-Fuzz, (fiz,5) to fly out in small parniously, sparingly. [tree. Fruit, (fr881,2) the product of a Fruit ful, (fro8t' fül,3) prolifick. Fru iti on, (frd ish' in,2) enjoyment Fruit less, (froot' lês,3) barren. Fuel, (fo' 1,2) the aliment of fire Fu' gi tive, (f' je tv,2) one who runs from his station or duty. Ful fil', (fül f',5) to perform. Ful' gent, (f' jênt,3) shining. Full' blown, (ful' blone,s) spread to the utmost extent. [completely Ful' ly, (for lè,6) without vacuity, Ful mi na' tion, (fûl mẻ nå' shẳn,2) the act of thundering; the denunciation of censures. Ful mi na tor y, (rủi mẻ nả tủr è,3)

striking horror, thundering. Ful' some, (ful' sim,3) nauseous. Fum' ble, (rim' bl,5) to puzzle. Fu' mid, (f mid,3) smoky. Fu mi ga tion, (ra mẻ gà shủng2) scents raised by fire. Func' tion,(fung' shun,2) discharge;

office; power, faculty, trade. Fun da men tai, (rủn đã mền tál,3) essential, not merely accidental Tu' ri ous, (fù' rẻ ôs,3) raging, mad. ..." long, (rar' tông,2) forty rods.

ment, or entertainment.
Gal' ax y(gal' lâk sẻ,2) milky way
Gal' lant ly, (gal' lånt lè,6) bravely.
Gal′ lan try, (gái lần trẻ,2) show.
Gal' ler y, (gal' lor 4,2) the upper

seats in a church. [with oars. Gal' ley, (gal' lè,2) a vessel driven Gal' ley slave, (gal' lè slåve,2)a crim

inal that rows the galleys. Gal' li cism, (gal′ lẻ sizm,2) a speech

peculiar to the French language Gal' lon, (gal' lon,2) four quarts. Gal loon', (gal 188n',2) a close lace. Gal' lop, (gal' 13p,5) to ride fast. Gal lows, (gal' lus,2) for to hang

malefactors on for murder. Gal' van ism, (gal' vân îzm,2) a sys

tem of electricity, by Galvani. Gam ba' do, (gam ba' dó,2) spatter

dashes; a kind of boots. Game, (gime,2) sport, (5) to play. Gam' ut, (gam' it,2) the scale of

notes in vocal musick.

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Gan' der.(gan' dir,2) the male goose | Gen e ra' tion, (jèn er á' shung) cace

Gan' grene, (ging' gréne,5) to corrupt Gant let,(gant' lét,2) a punishment. Gaol, (jale,2) a prison. [son. Gaol er, (file' ir,2) keeper of a priGar'den, (gir' da,2) piece of ground planted with flowers and herbs, Gar' den er, (går' dn úr,2) he that cultivates gardens. [throat. Gar gle, (går gl,5) to wash the Gar' land, (går lind,2) a wreath or branchesof flowers.

Gar net, (går net,2) a gem. [ber.

Gen er os' i ty, (jen er os'è 12) lib-
erality, magnanimity,
Gen' er ous ly, (jen' &r is lè,6) mu-
nificently, nobly, liberal y.
Gen'e sis, (jên' è sis,2) the first book
of Moses. [spirituous liquor.
Ge ne' va, (je ne' vâ,2) a distilled
Gen' i tive, (jên' è tiv.3) in gram-

mar the name of a case,
Ge'ni us, (jè nè is,2) a man en-

dowed with superior faculties. Gen teel' (jen teel',3) polite, civil.

Gar' ret, (gar' ret,2) an upper cham-Gen teel' ly, (jën téél lé,6) elegantGar' ri son, (gar' re an,2) a forti

fied town or castle, a fort. Gas, (gs,2) a spirit not capable

of being coagulated. Gas tril o quist, (gas tril' 8 kwist,2) one who speaks from the concavity of the body. Gas triloquy,(gas tril' kwè,2) speaking from the bowels. Gau di ly, (gw' de 18,6) showily. Gaunt, (gant,8) slender, meager. Gauze, (giwz,2) transparent silk. Ga zette', (ga zet',2) a newspaper. Gaz et teer, (giz ét téér',2) a writer of news. [harness. Gear, (géer,2) accoutrements,dress, Gem' i ni, (jêm' è nè,2) the twins; the third sign in the Zodiack. Gen' der, (jên' dur,2) a distinction of nouns in grammar, sexes. Ge ne al o gy, (jề nề tr′ 8 jè,2) history of the succession of families Gen er al is' si mo, (gen er il lá sẻ md,2) the supreme commander. Gen' er all y,(jen er are,6) commonly Gen er al' i ty, (jen er ár té,2) the whole, the greater part.


ly; gracefully, handsomely. Gen' tile, (jen' 1,3) a pagan. Gen' til ism, (jên' til fam,2)heathen

ism, paganism, infidelity. Gen til' i ty, (jên til' è té,2) good ex

traction; elegance of behaviour Gen' tle, (jên' tl,3) soft, mild, tame Gen' tle man, (jên' tl mán,2) a term

of complaisance; a man of birth Gen' tle ness, (jên' t nês,2) sweet

ness of disposition, meekness.
Gen' try, (jen' trẻ,2) the class of
people above the vulgar.
Gen' u ine, (jen' & in,3) not spurious.
Geography, (jè ôg' grâ fè,2)
knowledge of the earth.
Ge ol' o gy, (je 3′ djè,2) the doc-
trine of the earth.

Ge o met' ri cal, (jè ò méť trẻ kâl,3)
pertaining to geometry.
Ge om e trici an, jẻ ôm e trish ăn,2)
one skilled in geometry.
Ge om e try, (jè ốm mẻ trẻ,2) sci-

ence of quantity; extension.
Ger' man, (jer' mân,2) first cousin.
Germe, (jerm,2) a sprout or shoot
Ger' mi nate, (jër' më nåte,5) to bud

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