صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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A ban' don, (å ban' din,5) to forsake, A bound', (# bond'.5) to have plenty.

to give up, to desert, to resign. A base'ment, (a base'ment,2) the state of being brought low. A bateʻment, (å båte' ment,2) the act of abating, a diminution. Ab'bess, (ab' bèss,2) the superior of

a nunnery.

Abbey, (b'bé,2) a monastery of religious persons.

Ab' bot, (ab' bit,2) the chief of a convent of men.

Ab bre' vi ate, (ib brẻ' vẻ åte,5) to

shorten, to cut short. Ab bre vi a tion, (nb trẻ về à shủng2) the act of shortening. Ab' di cate, (a' de kate,5) to give up. Ab di ca' tion, (âb dễ ka' shun,2) the act of abdicating, resignation. Ab hor' rence, (ab hor' rense,2) the

act of abhorring, detestation. Ab hor' rent, (ab hor' rent,3) inconsistent with, contrary to. A bil' i ty, (a bil' è tè,2) the power to

do any thing, capacity.
Ab'ject ly, (ab' jekt lê,6) meanly.
Ab ju ra' tion, (ab jà rå'shin.2) an oath

taken not to do something.
Ab lep' sy, (b lep' sè,2) blindness.
A board', (bord',6) in a ship..
Aboliti'on, (ab 8 lish' in,2) the act of

abolishing, disannulling.
A bom' i na ble, (â bôm' è nå bl,3)
hateful, detestable, odious.
A bom i na'tion, (î bômé ná' shůn,2)
hatred, detestation, odiousness.
Abo rig ines, (ib ở rfdje' è nez,2) the
earliest inhabitants of a country.
A bor' tive, (å bör tv,3) that which
brings forth nothing; (2) an
untimely birth.

A bove', (â bỏv',7) higher in place
or rank; (6) over-head.
A breast', (à brest'.6) side by side.
A bridge', ( bridjé',5) to make short-
er in words, to diminish.
A bridg' ment, (å bridje' ment.2) the
contraction of a larger work
into a small compass or space.
A broad', ( brawd',6) in another

country or place, not at home. Ab ro ga' tion, (ab rô gá' shin,2) the

repealing of a law or statute. Ab ruptly, (ab rupt'lè,6) hastily. Absolve, (th zôlv,5) to clear, to ac

quit, to pronounce sins remitted. Ab solution, (b sold' shun 2) acquittal, the remission of sins. Ab ste' mi ous, (âb stẻ' mẻ ôs,3) tem

perate, sober, abstinent. Ab' sti nent, (ab' stẻ nênt,3) that uses abstinence or fasting. Ab'stract, (ab' stråkt.2) an epitome. Ab strac' tion, (ab strák' shun,2) the

state of being abstracted. Ab strac' tive, (ab stråk' tlv,3) having

the power of abstracting. Abstruse' ness, (âb strůse' ness,2) dif

ficulty, obscurity, perplexity. Ab surd', (ab sård',3) contrary to reason, inconsistent.

Ab sur' di ty, (ab sur'de tè,2) that

which is absurd, inconsistency. A bun' dant, (â bin' dint,3) plentiful. Á buʼsive, (å bð′ elv,3) practising or

containing abuse, deceitfuk Abutment, (a bit mển,2) that which

abuts,or borders upon another. Ac a de' mi al, (åk å dè 'mè âl,3) relating to an academy.

Ac a de' mi an. (âk â đẻ mẻ âo,2)

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8 Conjunction,

a scholar of an academy. Ac a dem' i cal, (îk à dém' mé kâl,3)

belonging to a university. Ac a dem' ick, (ak i dem' ik,2) a student of a university.

A cad' e mist, (â kâd' dễ mist,2) the

member of an academy.

A cad'e my, (â kâd' dé mè,2) a place

where sciences are taught. Ac cede', (ik sède',5) to be added to. Ac cel' er ate, (ak sel' lår åte,5) to

hasten, to make quick. Ac cel er a' tion, (ik sel lor d' shin,2) the act of quickening motion. Ac' cent, (ik sent,2) the marks made upon syllables to regulate their pronunciation. Ac cent', (ak sent',5) to note or express the accent in a word. Ac cen tu al, (k sền thủ k1,3) rela ting to accents. Ac cen' tu ate, (âk sên' tahỏ dte,5) to place the accent properly. Ac cen tu a' tion, (ûk sen tehd d' shin,2) the act of placing the accent in pronunciation or writing. Ac' cep ta ble, (ak sdp ta b1,3) grateful, pleasing, welcome. Ac cep' tance, (ak sep' tase,2) reception with approbation. Ac cep ta' tion, (ik sep tahun,2) reception, whether good or bad; the meaning of a word. Ac ception, (ủa sếp chủn,2) the

received sense of a word. Ac cess', (k adss',2) the way by which any thing may be ap-| proached; the increase. Ac' ces sa ry, (a' sea sâ rẻ,2) he that contributes to a crime, (3) joined to, helping forward.

noise, sbond, Talne, đỉnh.

9 Participle, 10 Interjection. Ac ces' si ble, (åk sês' sé b1.3) that which may be approached. Ac cessi' on, (ak sêsh' in,2) .ncrease by something added.

Ad ces so ry, (ik nên sở re,3) addi

tional, joined to another thing. Ac ci den' tal, (ák sé dép tál,2) a

property non-essential, (3) casual, happening by chance. Ac ci den' tal ly, (ik sé dën' tâl lê,6) fortuitously, casually.

Ac cla ma' tion, (ak klå må' shin,2) shout of applause.

Ac cliv' i ty, (ak kliv' vẻ tẻ,2) the
ascent of a hill.

Ac com' mo date, (îk kôm' må dåte,5)
to supply with conveniences of,
any kind, (3) suitable, fit.
Ae com mo da tion, (ik kim mở đ
shan,2) reconciliation, conveni-
ency, ease, refreshunent.
Ac com' pa ny, (ak kim' på né,5) to

be with another as a compa-
nion, to join with.

Ac com' plice, (ak kôm' plis.2) an as

sociate, usually in an sense, Ac com' plish ment, ( kôm' pilsh ment,2) perfection, embellishment, elegance, completion. Ac cor dance, (ak kor' danse,2) an

agreement with a person. Ac cor' dant, (ik kör' dânt,3) willing, in good humour. Accor ding ly, (tk abr đồng lẻ,6) suitably, agreeably, conformably. Ac coun' ta ble, (âk köðu' tâ b1,3)

who must answer for. Ac coun taut, (ak kön tant,2) a man skilled in accouts.

Ac count' book, (åk köent' 188k, 2) a book containing accounts.

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Fite, får, håll, hât, 2 Substantive,

1 Article,

mé, mét, plae, pin, no 3 Adjective,

Accou' tre, (âk kỏ' tur,s) to dress. Ac cou' tre ment, (åk köỏ' tår ment,2) dress, equipage, ornaments, trappings.

Ac cred' it ed, ( krẻd' ît êd,3) of allowed reputation, confidential. Ac crue', (ik krôô',5) to be added to. Ac cu' mu late, (ák ki må låte,5) to heap together, to pile up. Ac eu ma la tion, (ak ki mà là shun,2)

the act of accumulating. Ac' cu ra cy, (âk' kd rå sẻ,2) exactness, nicety.

Ac' cu rate ly, (âk' kå råte lè,6) with

out error, exactly, nicely. Accu'sa ble, (ak ku' za b1,3) culpable. Ac cu sa' tion, (ak ků zá' shun,2) the act of accusing.

Ac cu' ser, (ak kď zůr,2) he who brings a charge against another. Ache, (ake,2) a continued pain, (5) to be in pain.

Achieve', (at tshève',5) to perform, to finish.

A chieve' ment, (åt tshève' mênt,2) the

performance of an action. A chie' ver, (at tshe' vir,2) he who performs what he endeavours. Acid, (is' sid,3) sour, sharp. A cid' i ty, (â sid' dè tè,2) sharpness,


Ac knowl' edge, (ik náľ′ lêdj,s) to

confess, to own as a benefit. Ac knowl' edg ment, (ak nôl' lêdje ment,2) a confession of a fault. Ac' me, (ák' mè,2) the height of any distemper or thing. Ac quaint', (ak kwint',5) to inform. Ac quain' tance, (ik kwan' tinse,2) familiar knowledge, short of friendship, a erony.

4 Pronoun,


5 Verb.

Ac quain' ted, (ák kwắn' tẻd,9,3) familiar, well-known.

Ac qui esce', (ik kwè èss',5) to rest

in, or remain satisfied. Ac qui esc' ence, (âk kwè êas' ênse,2)

a silent appearance of content. Ac quire', (ik kwire',5) to gain by one's labour or power.

Ac qui red, (ak kw' red,9,3) gained by one's self.

Ac quire me.it, (åk kwire' ment,2) that which acquired, gain. Ac qui siti'on, (îk kwè zỉsh' shun,2) the

thing gained, acquirement. Ac quit', (åk kwit',5) to set free. Ac quit' tal, (ak kwft' tål,2) deliver

ance from an offence.

Ac quit' tance, (ák kwit' tanse,2) the

act of discharging from a debt. A cre, ('kůr,2) 4340 square yards. Ac'rid, (ak' krîd,3) of a hot biting


Ac ri mo' ni ous, (Ak krẻ mỏ' në 39,3) sharp, corrosive.

Ac' ri mo ny, (šk' krẻ mỏ nê,2) sharp

ness of temper, severity. Ac' ro a mat' i cal, (âk' krò å måt' tẻ kål,3) of or pertaining to deep learning.

A cross', (i kross',6) athwart.
Action, (ak shon.2) an act done.
Ac' tive, (ak' tv,3) busy, nimble.
Ac' tive ly, (ak tv 14,6) busily.
Ac tiv i ty, ( tiv' è tè,2) the qua-

lity of being active.

Ac' tress, (âk' trêss,2) a female stage

player, comedian, tragedian. Ac' tu al, (ik' tsh 1,3) really in act. Ac' tu al ly, (âk' tahů ál lè,6) really. Ac' tu ate, (ik' tahů åte,s) to put into action.

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A cute ly, (* kute' lề,6) sharply. A cute' ness, (â kôte' néss,2) force of intellects, sharpness of sound. Ad a man' tine, (âd â mân' tỉn,3) made of, or like adamant, as hardness. Ad am’s-apple, (id âmz ấp p2)

a prominent part of the throat. A dap' tion, (a dap' shin,2) the act of fitting.


Ad' dice, (d' dis,2) a kind of axe. Ad diti' on, (âd dish' shun,2) the act of adding one thing to another. Ad diti' on al, (id dish' shun âl,3) tnat which is added. Ad' dle, (id' dl,3) barren eggs, or Ad duce', (id duse',5) to bring something forward in addition. Ad' e quate, (d'è kwáte,3) equal to, proportionate. Ad he' rence, (âd he' rense,2) attachment, steadiness, tenacity. Ad he rent, (ad he rent,3) united with; (2) a partisan, a follower. Ad he' sion, (id he' zhun,2) the act or state of sticking to something. Ad he' sive, (ad hd' siv,3) tenacious. Adja' cent, (id ja' sent,3) lying close. Ad' jec tive, (d' jak tv,2) a word added to a substantive. Ad journ' ment, (id jûrn' mênt,2) a putting off till another period. Ad judge' (ad judje',5) to decree, to

sentence to a punishment. Ad ju' di cate, (id jå′ dè kåte,5) to adjudge.

Ad' junct, (ad' jungkt,2) something adherent or united to another, (3) immediately joined. Ad ju ra tion (id jd ra shdn,2) the| act of proposing an oath to another.

9 Partyle.

10 Tut ri etic

Ad jure', (id jure',5) to impose an oath upon another.

Ad just ment, (âd jôst' mênt,2) the

act of putting in method." Aď ju tant, (iď′ jà tânt,2) a petty officer in an army.

Ad meas' ure ment, (âd mêzh' dre

ment,2) the act or practice of measuring according to rule. Ad min' is ter, (id min' nis tår,5) to give, to perform service, to act. Ad min' is trate, (åd mîn' nis trite,5) to manage a publick or private trust, to give, to supply. Ad min is tra' tor, (âd mîn nis trå' tur,2) he that manages the affairs of a person dying intestate. Ad min is tra' trix, (âd min is tr triks,2) she who administers on a deceased person's estate. Ad' mi ra ble, (id' mẻ rå b1,3) to be admired with love.

Aď mi ral, (îď′ mẻ rål,2) the chief commander of a fleet. Ad mi ra' tion, (id mẻ ra shun,2)

wonder, the act of admiring. Ad mi' rer, (id ml' rår,2) a lover. Ad mis' si ble, (âd mis' se b1,3) that

which may be admitted." Admissi' on, (id mish' shun,2) ad

mittance, the act of admitting. Ad mit tance, (id mit tanse,2) al

lowance, permission to enter. Ad mix' tion, (ad miks tahun,2) the

union of one body with another.

Ad mon' ish er, (ad môn' nish ir,2)

one who admonishes another.

Ad mo niti on, (id mở nhanh ủn,2) B gentle reproof, counsel. Ado', (1 a88',2) trouble, tumult.

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Ado les' cence, (âd ỏ lês' sense,2) the | Aď verb, (43′ verb,2) a word joined

age succeeding childhood. A do t', (à dôpt',5) to take a son by choice, who is not so by birth. A dop' tion, (â dôp' shůn,2) the act of adopting.

A do' ra ble, (â do ra bl,3) that ought to be adored. Ad o ra' tion, (âd dò rå' shun,2) homage paid to persons in high esteem, or to the divinity. A do' rer, (â do' rår,2) he that adores. A dorn' ment, (â důrn' mễnt,2) orna

ment, embellishment.

A droiť ness, ( dròît' néss,2) dexterity, activity, readiness. Ad u la' tion, (ad jù là' shổn,2) flattery, high compliment.

to a verb or adjective.

Ad ver' bi al, (åd vẻr' bẻ ì,3) that which has the quality or structure of an adverb.

Ad ver sa ry, (ad ver si rẻ,2) an ene

my, antagonist, an opponent. Ad ver si ty, (ád ver' dè tè,2) afflic

tion, calamity, misery. Ad ver' tence, (âd vẻr tênse,2) attention to, regard to.

Ad ver' tise ment, (åd vér tîz mênt,2)

a publick notice, intelligence. Ad ver ti' ser, (âd vẻr tl zůr,2) he that gives intelligence. Ad vice', (ad vise',2) instruction. Ad vi' sa ble, (id v zâ b1,3) prudent. Ad vise', (id vize',5) to counsel.

Ad u la tor, (âd jỏ là tôr,2) a flat-Ad vi' sed, (åd vľ zêd,9,3) prudent,


Ad u la tor y, (đd j& tủ tủ rẻ,3) flattering.

A dul' ter ate, (adal' tôr åte,5) to corrupt by some foreign admixture, (3) tainted, corrupted. A dul ter a tion, (â důl tur à' shun,2) the act of corrupting. Ad vance' ment, (âd vânse' ment,2) the act of coming forward. Ad van' tage, (âd van' tädje,5) to benefit, to promote, (2) gain, profit, superiority.

Ad van ta' geous, (âd vân t' jử,3)

profitable, useful, opportune. Ad' vent, (ad' vent,2) the name of

one of the holy seasons. Ad ven' ture, (id vên' tshure,2) acci

dent, hazard, an enterprise. Ad ven' tur er, (ád vền' tshår år,2) he that seeks occasions of ha

zard or chance.

wise, acting with deliberation. Ad′ vo cate, (id vỏ kate,2) he that

pleads the cause of another. A e' ri al, (à è' rè â1,8) belonging to

the air, elevated in situation. A er ol' o gy, (å år 31′ 18 jè,2) the doctrine of the air.

A er om' e try, (à & ôm mẻ trẻ,2)

the art of measuring the air. Af fa bil' i ty, (⃠få bîl' lễ tè,2) easi

ness of manners, civility, courteousness, condescension. Af' fa ble, (âr' få b1,3) easy of man

ners, courteous, complaisant. Af' fa bly, (af få blé,6) courteously. Af fec ta' tion, (âf fêk ta' shun,2) the

act of making an artificial appearance, awkward imitation. Affected ly, (if fêk têd lè,6) in an affected manner, hypocritically. Af fec' tion, (if fêk' shin,2) passion of any kind, love, kindness.

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