صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

nor, nôt, tåbe, tab, bish,

moldore, coin, sound, Tuine, think. 6 Adverb, 7 Preposition, 8 Conjunction, 9 Participle, 10 Interjection.

Eb' o ny, (b' & né,2) hard, heavy, | Ef' fi ca cy, (èt fê kâ sẻ,2) producand black valuable wood. tion of the consequence intenE bri' e ty, ( brè té,2) drunken

ness, intoxication. Ec cen tric' i ty, (êk sên tria' è tè,2)

deviation from the centre.
Ec cen' trick, (èk sen' trik,3) deviat-
ing from the centre; irregular.
Ec cle si as' tick, (êk klé zhè âs' tīk,2)
a minister; a clergyman; (3)
relating to the church.
Ec' ho, (k' kỏ,2) a sound return-
ed; (5) to be resounded back.
Eclipse', ( klips',2) obscurity,
darkness, obscuration.

E clip' tic, (è klip' tik,2) a great
cle of the sphere.
Ec o nomi cal, (là kỏ nằm ẻ kil,3)


[effects. Ef fici' ent, (af fish' yênt,3) causing Ef flu' vi a, (ar avè 4,2) the plural of effluvium.

Ef flu' vi um, (êr fið′ về 3m,2) particles which are continually flying off from bodies.

Ef fron' ter y, (af från' têr è,2) impudence, shamelessness..

Ef ful' gent, (af får jênt,3) bright. Ef fu' sion, (ef fű zhin,2) the act of pouring out, waste.

Ef fu' sive, (at fu' siv,3) dispersing. cir-Egg, (g,2) the sperm of a bird. Ego tist, (gd tist,2) one that is always talking of himself. E gre' gi ous, (è grẻ' je is,3) eminent, remarkable. Egress, (è' grês,2) the act of going out of any place, departure. [throw; to shoot out. jac' u late, (è jîk' å låte,5) to jac u la' tion, (ê jîk à là' shổn,2) a short prayer, the act of darting or throwing out.

E con' o my, (ẻ kôn ở mè,2) frugal
Ed' ging, (d' jing,2) narrow lace.
Edible, (a'è b1,3) fit to be eaten.
E' dict, (dikt,2) a proclamation

of command or prohibition.
Ed i fi ca' tion, (ed è fè ka' shin,2)-|
improvement; instruction.
Edifice, (a' è fis,2) a building.
E diti' on, (è dish' in,2) publication
of a book, republication.
Ed' u cate, (a' jå kåte45) to bring
up, to instruct, to teach.
Ef' fa ble, (f' få b1,3) expressive.
Ef fec' tive, (ès fêt7,3) operative,
efficient, active.

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E jec' tion, (è jèk' shun,2) expulsion.
Eight, (ayt,3) twice four.
Eigh' teen, (ày' téén,3) twice nine.
Eight' fold, (ayt' föld,3) eight times

the number or quantity. Eighth' ly, (lyth' 18,6) in the eighth place, the numeral of eight.

Ef fec' tu al, (ef fêk' tsh 1,3) ade-Eigh' ty, (ay' té,3) eight times ten.

quate to the occasion, efficacious, powerful to a degree. Ef fem i na cy, (êf fêm' è nâ sẻ,2) softness; unmanly delicacy. Ef n ca cious, (er fè ka' shus,3) productive of effects.

Either, (Tnr,8) the one or the

other, (4) whether one or the other, which soever of the two. E lab' o rate, (è lab'd rate,5) to pro. duce with labour.

E las tick, (l' tik,3) springy.

[blocks in formation]

E late', (è late',3) flushed with suc-|El' o quence, (al' 8 kwêne,2) the cess, (5) to exalt, to heighten. El bow, (el bô,2) the joint of the arm between the hand and the shoulder; an angle.

El' ders, (è' dúrz,2) the rulers of a
church; ancestors.

El e cam pane', (êl è kâm påne’2) a
plant, named also starwort.
E lection, (ẻ lẻk shun,2) voluntary
preference, the power of choice
E lec' tive, (è lê tiv,3) exerting
the power of choice.
Electric i ty, (è lêk, tris' è tè,2)
bodies, when rubbed they draw
substances and emit fire.

power of speaking with ele-
gance and fluency.
Elo quent, (a' kwênt,3) having
the power of oratory.
Else' where, (dise' whare,6) in any
other place, or in other places.
E lu' ci date, (è là' sè dåte,s) to ex-
plain, to clear.

E lu ci da tion, (ở là sẽ để những2)
exposition, explanation.
E lude', (èlide',5) to avoid by ar-

tifice, to escape by stratagem. E lu' sion, (è l' zhån,2) an artifice. E lu' sive, (è l' siv,3) practising

elusion, using arts to escape. Elu'sor y, (è l' sår 4,3) fraudulent. E lys' i an, (è fizh'è â,3) delightful. E lys' i um, (è lzh'è im,2) any place exquisitely pleasant. E man' ci pate, (è mân' sẻ páte,5) to set free from servitude. E man ci pa' tion, (è mân sẻ p

shun,2) deliverance from slavery. Em balm', (êm bâm',5) to impreg

Elegant, (è gånt,3) pleasing with minuter beauties, nice. El' e gant ly, ('è gant lè,6) as to please without elevation. El e gist, (èrè jist,2) a writer of elegies. [song. El'e gy, (è jè,2) a mournful El e ment, (ar è ment,2) the first principles of any thing: there are four elements, viz. earth, fire, air, and water. El e men' tal, (è è mên' tál,3) produced by some of the four ele-Em bas' sa dor, (êm bâs'sâ dŵr,2) one [of raising aloft. El e va' tion, (è è vi' shin,2) the act E lev en, (è lev' vn,3) ten and one. Eligible, (are je bl,3) fit to be| chosen; preferable. Ell, (1,2) a measure containing a


yard and a quarter, English. El lip' sis, (a p' sis,2) a figure in rhetorick, by which something is left out; a cone. El o cu' tion, (à 8 kd' shun,2) elo

quence, flow of language,

nate a body with aromaticks. Em bar'rass ment, (êm bâr' rås ment, 2) perplexity, entanglement.

sent on a publick message. Em' bas sy, (êm' bás sé,2) any solemn or publick message.


bat the, (em bắt t1,5) to range

in order of battle.

Em bel' lish ment, (êm bêl' ilek

ment,2) ornament, decoration. Em bez' zle, (êm bêz' z1,5) to waste. Em bla' zon, (êm bla' zn,5) to deck in glaring colours. Em' blem, (êm' biêm,2) an allusive picture, inlay, enamel.“

nor, not, tobe, tib, 6 Adverb, 7 Preposition,

bush, noise, coin, soond, Tulne, think. 9 Participle, 10 Interjection.

8 Conjunction,

Em brace', (a brise',s) to hold |

fondly in the arms, (2) clasp. Em broi' der, (êm brod dår,s) to dec. orate with figured works. Em' e rald (èm è râld,2) a green precious stone.

E mergen cy, (d mêr jên mề,2) pressing necessity. Emergent, (mer jent,3) rising into view, [emigrates. Em' i grant, (êm' è grant,2) one that Em'i grate, (êm' mè grate,s) to remove from one place to another Em i gra' tion, (êm è grẻ' shủn,2) change of habitation. Em’is sar y, (cm’ls sắt rẻ,2) a se cret agent, a spy, a messenger. E missi' on, (mish' in,2) vent. E mol' u ment, (è mål' à ment,2) profit, advantage.

Em' pha sis, (m' ti sis,2) a stress laid upon a word or sentence. Em' pire, (êm' plre,2) imperial power, supreme dominion. Em ploy' er, (êm plå år,2), one that uses, or causes to be used. Em ploy ment, (em plse ment,2) bu

siness, object of industry. Emporium, (êm pờ rẻ 3m,2) a place of merchandise, a commercial city. [make poor. Em pov er ish, (am påver lsh,5) to Emp ti ness, (em tề nên,2) vacuity. Emp' ty, (êm' te,s) void, not full (3) to evacuate, to exhaust. Em py re an, (êm pl re in,2) the highest heaven.

Em' u la tor, (m' è lå tår,2) a rival
Em'u lous, (êm & lås,3) desirous
of superiority; rivalling.
En am' our, (èn âm' ir,s) to inflame


with love, to make fond. En camp', (en kamp',5) to pitch tents, to form a camp. En camp' ment, (ên kimp' ment,2) the

act of encamping, a camp. En chain', (ên tshine',5) to hold in chains, to bind, to fasten. En chan ter, (ên tshần târ,2) a ma

gician, a sorcerer, a wizard. En chant ment, (ên tshầnt' mẻnt,2) incantation, magical charms. En chan' tress, (ên tshân' três,2) WO

man versed in magical arts. En cir' cle, (ên ser' kl,5) to surround En closure, (ên khi zhure,2) the act of enclosing any thing. En có mi ast, (ền kở mẻ kst,2) a panegyrist, a praiser. En co mi as' ti cal, (ên kỏ mè an' të

kál,3) bestowing praise. En co'mi um, (ên ko' mé ôm,2)eulogy En com' pass, (ên kỏm' pås,s) to en

close; to encircle.

En cour' age, (ên kår' ridje,5) to an

imate; to embolden, to support En cour' age ment, (en kår rỉdje ment,2) incentive; favour. En croach' ment, (ên krdtsh' mênt,2) an unlawful invasion. En cum' brance, (ên kim' brânse,2)

clog, impediment, load. En cy clo pe' di a, (ên st klô pẻ dễ 1,2). the circle of sciences. En dear' ment, (ên dèèr' mênt,2) the

cause of love and affection. En deav' our, (én dev år,2) labour

directed to some certain end, (5) to try, to attempt. Endless, (end' lê,8) infinite in du ration, perpetual, continu En dorse', ( dorse',s) to

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scribe, to write on the back. En dorse' meut, (ên dorse' ment,2) ratification; writing on the back En dow', (ên do',5) to enrich. En dow' ment, (ên doử' mênt.2) wealth bestowed to any person or use; gifts of nature. Ener' vate, (è nêr' våte,5) to weaken En fee' ble, (en fè' bì,5) to enervate. En feof', (én fèèr,s) to invest with dignities or possessions. En fran' chise. (en från' tshiz,5) to admit to the privilege of a freeman;to set free from slavery En franchise ment, (ên från' tahiz ment 2) investiture of the privileges of a denizen. Engine, (n' jin.2) a machine to

extinguish fires; an agent. En gi neer', (n jè nèèr',2) one who directs the artillery of an army English, (ing' glish,3) belonging or relating to England..

En gra' ver, (ên grå vår,2) a cutter

in stone or other matter. En gross', (én gròse',5) to purchase the whole; to copy in a large hand; to increase in bulk.

En joy', (ên j3,5) to live in hap

piness, to please, to gladden. En kin' dle, (én kîn' dl,5) to inflame. En ligh' ten, (dall' tn,5) to instruct. En link, (en lak',5) to chain to. En list', (en fist',5) to enter into military service [malice. En' mi ty, (ên' me tè,2) aversion; En no' ble, (ên no' b1,5) to dignify. E nor mi ty, (è nôr' mè tè,2) atroci

ons crime, flagitious villany. Enormous,(è nor mus,3) irregular *nough', (è air,3) sufficient.



4 Pronoun


5 Verb,

En rap' ture, (ên râp' tshûre,5) to transport with pleasure. En rav' ish, (ên râv' ish,5) to throw into ecstacy and pleasure. En rav' ish ment, (ên râv' Ish mênt,2)

ecstacy of delight and rapture. En rich' ment, (ên rỉtsh' mẻnt,2) improvement by addition.

Ens, (ênz,) any being or existence
En' sign, (ên' sine,2) a badge of dis-
tinction; an officer on foot who
carries the flag. [liberty.
En slave', (en slave,s) to deprive of
En sue', (ên sử'.5) to follow.
En sure', (en shure',5) to secure.
En tan' gle, (en tång' g1,5) to perplex
En ter, (ên' tur,5) to be initiated in
En' ter ing, (én tér îng,2) entrance.
En throne', (en throde',5) to invest

with sovereign authority. En thu' si asm, (ên thu' zhể âzm,2)

heat of imagination. En tice' ment, (ên tise' ment,2) al

lurement, temptation. En tire' ly, (en tire' lê,6) completely; fully, in the whole. En ti' tle, (anti't1,5) to give a claim to any thing, as a right. En trea ty, (ển trẻ tề,2) petition. En ve lope, (ôn vẻ lòpe,2) a wrapper, [with envy. En' vi ous, (ên' về is,3) infected E nu' me rate, (è nu me rate,5) to count over distinctly. En voy, (ên' vỏẻ,2) a publick messenger or minister of state. E' pact, (ẻ′ påkt,2) a number whereby we may find the age of the moon every year. Ep' au let, (ép' iw lêt,2) a military shoulder ornament.

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Ep' i cure, (p'è kère,2) one given E quiv' o cate, (è kwiv✨ vỏ kåte,s) to

wholly to luxury.

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use ambiguous expressions.

Ep i dem' ick, (p è dèm' ik,3) gen-E rase', (è rise',s) to expunge. erally prevailing; universal, E ro' sion, (è ro' zhun,2) the act or as a plague. [vulsed. state of being eaten away. Ep i lep' tick, (pè lêp' tik,3) con- Er' ra ble, (èr rå bl,3) liable to err. E pis' co pa cy, ( pla' kò på sé,2) the Er' rand, (ir' rând,2) a message. government of bishops. Er ra' ta, (êr ra ta,2) the printer's E pis' tle, (è pls' s1,2) a letter. Ep' i taph, (p'è tár,2) an inscription upon a tomb stone. E pit o me, (è pitò mè,2) an abridgment.

Ep'och, (p' ok,2) the time at which
a new computation is begun.
E' qual, (kwal,2) one of the same
rank, (3) even, uniform.
E' qual ise, (kwil ze,s) to make
even, to be equal to.

E qua nim' i ty, (è kwá nîm' è tè,2)
evenness of mind.

E qua' tion, (è kw' shin,2) the act

or author's errors noted.

Er ro' ne ous, (êr ro' në is,3) mis

taking, wandering, unsettled.
Er ro' ne ous ly, (êr rò' nè is lè,6)
by mistake, not rightly.
Er u diti' on, (êr & dish' in,2) polite
learning, knowledge.
E rup' tion, (è rip' shin,2) the act

of bursting forth; emission.
Es' cort, (kort,2) a convoy.
Es peci' al, (è spêsh' 1,3) chief.
E spouse', (è spôdze',5) to contract

or betroth to another, to wed.
E spy', (è spl',5) to see a thing at a
distance; to discover a thing.
squire', ( skwire,2) a title of
dignity, an armour-bearer.
E stab' lish ment, (é stab' Ifsh mênt,2)
fixed state, settlement. [ble.
Es' ti ma ble, (a' te må b1,3) valua-
Es ti ma' tion, (és té ma' shun,2) com-

of bringing things to an equality Equa' tor, ( kwa' tur,2) the equi-E noctial line, it divides the globe into two equal parts. E qui lat' er al, (è kwè lit' år 21,3) having all sides equal. E qui lib' ri um, (è kwè lîb' rẻ 3m,2) equipoise; equality of weight. E' qui nox, ( kwè nok,2) the time when the days and nights are equal over all the globe. Equip', (kwlp',s) to furnish. Eq' ui page, (k' kwè påje,2) carriage

of state; retinue, attendance. Eq'ui ty, (ak' kwè tè,2) justice. E quiv a lent, (¿kwiv' vå lênt,3) equal in value. (2)

E quiv o cal, (ẻ kwh vô kal,3) uncertain, doubtful signification.

putation; opinion, esteem. Etch' ing, (êtsh' Ing,2) an impres

sion of a copper plate. E ter' nal, (è ter nål,3) without be

ginning or end; unchangeable E ter' nal ly, (è ter' nál lẻ,6) inva

riably; unchangeably. E ter ni ty, (è têr' në të,2) dura

tion without beginning or end. E' ther, ('ther,2) an element more fine and subtile than air. E the' re al, (è the' rẻ 21,3) heaven)

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