صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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to pare wood or stone; (5)
cut with a chisel.

Chit chat, (tshit' tshit,2) idle prate. Chivalry (tahlv'al rè,2)knighthood, military dignity.

Choc' o late, (tahdic' & lite,2) the nut

of the cocoa tree.

Chol' er ick, (kal' lår rik,3) apt to

be angry, irascible. Choose, (tahloze,s) to fix the choice Cho ral, (xỏ ri,3) sung by a choir. | Chor is ter, (wir' ris tår,2) a singer

in the cathedrals, or a concert. Cho' rus, (ko'r,2) a concert. Chris' ten, (a' sn,s) to baptize. Chris' ten dom, (kris' sn Jim,2) the

collective body of christians. Christ' ian, (krist' yun,2) a follower of Christ.

Chris' ti an'i ty, (kris' tshd ân'è tè,2) the

religion of christians.

Christ' an ize, (krist' yûn ize,s) to make christians. Christ' mas,(krismas,2) the celebra

tion of the nativity of Christ. Chrys' o lite, (kris' ad lite,2) a precious stone of a dusky green. Chyle, (le,2) the white juice formed in the stomach.

Chymn' ist, (kim' mist,2) a professor

of chymistry. Chyin' is try, (kim' mis trẻ,2) the art of separating mixt bodies. Cic' a trice, ( tris,2) a scar. Cin' na mon, (slu' ná môn,2) a fragrant bark of trees in Ceylon. Ci' pher, (si' for,2) an arithmetical character, an intertexture of letters; (5) to practise in figures; to write in characters. Circle, (ser' k1,2) a figure, bound

9 Participle,

Txine, think.

10 Interjection.

ed by a curve line every where equally distant from its centre; (s) to move round any thing. Circuit, (ser' kit,2) circumference, extent; (5) to move circularly. Cir cu' i tous, (sêr ko' è tús,3) round about. (in a circle.

Cir cu late, (aer' kå låte,5) to move Cir cu la' tion, (ser kỏ là' shồn,2) a

circular motion of any thing. Circum am bient,(serkÖm âm bề ẻnts) surrounding, encompassing. Circum am' bu late, (ser küm im' bd

late,5) to walk round about. Cir cum' fe rence, (sér köm' fè rénse,2)

the boundary of a circle or orb. Cir cum flex, (ser kům đểks,2) &

mark to regulate the accent. Cir cum' flu ence, (sër kåm' få ễnse,?)

an enclosure of waters. Cir cum ja' cent, (sér kim já sent,3)

lying round any thing. Cir cum locu'tion, (ser kôm lỗ köʻshỏn2)

a circuit or compass of words. Cir cum ro ta' tion, (sêr kôm rỗ th'

shin,2) the act of whirling round. Cir cum stance, (ër' kim stanse,2) incident, event, condition. Cir cum vo lu tion, (oẻr kim và làm

shin,2) the act of rolling round. Cis' tern, (s' trn,2) a receptacle

of water for domestick uses. Ci ta' tion, (si ta' shôn,2) a summons to appear, a quotation from another author or writer. Ciť i zen, (slt' è zn,2) a freeman of a city, a townsman. Citron, (st' trån,2) a large kind of lemon, the citron tree. City, (st' te,2) a town incorporated; (3) relating to the city.

Fate, får, båll, hât,

1 Article,

2 Substantive,

me, mét, pine, pin, nd,
4 Pronoun,

3 Adjective,

Ci vil ian, (se vil' yan,2) a lawyer.
Civility, (se vi è té,2) freedom
from barbarity, politeness.
Civ il ize, (sivil ize,5) to reclaim
from savageness and brutality.
Clad, (klad,9) clothed, invested.


5 Verb.

Clothe, (klöтue,5) to invest with

garments, to cover with dress. Cloth' ier, (kldтнe' yur,2) a maker of cloth.

Cloudy, (kload dè,3) dark, obscure.
Clove, (klove,2) a valuable spice.

Clap, (klap,2) a loud noise by sud-Clo' ven foot' ed, (kld'vn fåt' êd,3)hav

den collision; (5) to strike the hands together in applause. Clar' ion, (klare' yon,2) a trumpet. Clasp knife, (klasp' alfe,2) a knife which folds in the handle. Clas' si cal, (klas' sé ká1,3) relating to antique authors of the first order or rank.

Cla' sick, (klassik,2) an author of the first rank.

Clas si fi ca' tion, (klás sẻ fè kå'shûn,2)

ranging into classes. Cleanse (klenz,5) to free from dirt; to purify from guilt; to scour. Clef, (kit,2) a mark in musick. Clem' en cy, (klêm' men sé,2) mercy. Clem' ent, (klim' ment,3) mild. Clergy, (klér je 2) the body of

men called divines or priests. Clergy man, (leër' jẻ mân, 2) a man

in holy orders, not a layman. Cler' i cal, (klêr' è kål,3) relating to the clergy. Clerk, (klårk,2) a writer in an of

fice, a scholar, a clergyman. Clerk' ship, (klark' ship,2) the office

of a clerk, scholarship. Client, (kll'ent,2) one who em

ploys a lawyer; a dependant. Climax, (kli' maks,2) gradation. Clock work, (kok' wůrk,2) move

ments by weights or springs. Clos' et, (kloz t,2) a private repository; (6) to conceal.

ing the foot divided into two. Clo' ver, (kld' vůr,2) a species of trefoil.

Co ad ju' tor, (kỏ âd jd' tur,2) an as

sistant, an associate, a helper. Co ag' u late, (kč o à låte,s) to

force into concretions. Coalesce' (kỏ à lês's) to unite, to join, to grow together. Co a lit' on, (k á lish' un,2) a union

in one mass or body. Coc kade', (kok kåde',2) a ribband

or ornament worn on the hat.

Co' coa, (ko'kỏ,2) a sort of palm tree
Cod' i cil, (kod' è sfl,2) an appen-
dage to a will.

Co e' qual, (kè' kwi1,3) equal.
Co es sen' tial, (kò és sen 'shâl,3) par-

taking of the same essence.
Co e ter nal, (kd è tér nál,3) equally

eternal with another. Co ex ist', (k ég zist',5) to exist at the same time.

Cog ni zance, (kôg' në zânse.2) judi

cial notice, trial; a badge. Co hab′ it, (kỏ hâb' It,5) to live to

gether as husband and wife. Co he' sion, (kd he'zhún,2) the state

of union, the act of sticking together, connexion. Coil, (8,5) to gather into a small compass; (2) tumult, a rope wound into a ring. Cola' tion, (kỏ là shin,3) the art of

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6 Adverb, 7 Preposition, filtering or straining. Col' ick, (kor k,2) a pain in the stomach or bowels. Col lapse', (kal låps',5) to fall together, as to touch each other. Col league (kál lég',2) a partner

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9 Participle,

10 Interjection.

|Co me di án, (k8 mè dề in,2)an

actor or actress of comick parts Com' e dy, (kom' mé dé,2) a dramat

ick representation of the lighter faults of mankind. Come' li ness, (kum' lẻ nês,2) beauty Come' ly, (kin' 14,3) graceful. Com' et, (kom' it,2) a heavenly body in the planetary region. Com' fort, (kim' fårt,2) consolation; (5) to console, to enliven. Com' for ta ble, (kôm' får tå b1,3)susceptible of consolation.

in office; (3) to unite with. Col lect', (kôi lêkt',5) to gather, to draw many together. Col' lege, (ko' ledje,2) the house in in which collegians reside. Col le' gi an, (kôl leje in,2) an inhabitant of a college. Collo' qui al, (kôl 18' kwè 1,3) rela-Com' for ter, (kim' får tår,2) one ting to conversation or talking. that administers consolation.. Col' lo quy, (kol' 18 kwè,2) confer-Com' fort less, (kim' fört lês,3) withence, conversation, talk. out comfort, uncomfortable. Col lude, (tới lide,5) to conspire Comi cal, (kim mẻ kil,3) merry,

in a fraud.

Colonel, (kur ne1,2) the chief
commander of a regiment.
Col' o nise, (kod nize,s) to settle
or plant with inhabitants.
Col' o ny, (kôl o nè,2) a new settled

country, a plantation.
Co los sus, (ko los' sús,2) a statue
of enormous magnitude.
(3 m,2) a round pillar
Comb, (kome,2) an instrument; (5)
to divide and adjust the hair.
Com' ba tant, (kim' bâ tant,2) an an-
tagonist; a champion.
Com' bi nate, (kom' be nåte,3) be-
trothed, promised.
Com bi na tion, (kim bề ni shủn,2)

a union for some purpose. Combus' ti ble, (kom bus' te b1,3) Susceptible of fire, inflammable. Com bus' tion, (kom bus tshun,2) conflagration, inflammability. Come, (kam,5) to draw near.

diverting, relating to comedy. Com' ick, (kom' mik,3) raising mirth Com' ing, (kům ming,3) forward. Com man' der, (kom mån' dir,2) he

who orders, a chief. Com mand' ment, (kom måud' ment,2)

an order, a precept, a mandate. Com man' dress, (kôm mån' drés,2) a

female invested with authority Com mem' o rate, (kom mém' mỏ

råte,5) to preserve the memory by some publick act. Com mence' ment, (kom mense' ment,2) beginning, date. (commend. Com mend', (kom mend',5) to reCom' men da ble, (kôm' men då 1,3)

laudable, worthy of praise. Com men da' tion, (kom men da'shin,2)

praise, recommendation. Com ment, (kom' ment,5) to write notes; (2) annotations. Com men ta tor, (tôm mền tả tôr,2)

an expositor, annotator.

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the style of address, as sir. Com pen' di um, (kôm pên' jè ům,2) abridgment, summary. Com pen' sate, (kôm pên' såte,5) to

mis er ate, (kom mlz' &r åte,5) | Com pel la' tion, (kôm pêl là' shun,2) to compassionate, to pity. Com missi on, (kom mish' in,s) to empower; to appoint. Com mit ment, (kôm mit' meat,2) an order for sending to prison. Com modi ous, (xôm mở dẻ hu,3) convenient, suitable, useful. Com mod' i ty, (kôm môd' è tè,2)

wares, merchandise, profit. Com mo dore', (kôm nỏ dore', 2) the captain who commands a squadron of ships.

Com' mons, (kom' mins,2) the lower house of parliament. Com' mon wealth, (kôm'min wêlth,2) a republick; a state. Com mo tion, (kằm mở shủn’2) tumult, disturbance, combustion. Com mu' ni cate,(kóm må′ nè kåte,5) to impart to another; to reveal. Com mun' ion, (kom mine' yin,2) the celebration of the Lord's supper Com munity, (kôm mà nẻ tẻ,2) the

commonwealth, commonness. Com pan' ion, (kôm pân' yun,2) a partner, an associate, a consort. Com' pany, (kum'på nè,2) fellowship, persons assembled together. Com pare', (kom påre',2)


tude; (5) to show together. Com par i son, (tôm pår ẻ sản,2) similitude, the act of comparing; a simile in writing. Com' pass, (kim' pia,2) a circle, an instrument composed of a needle and used to survey and navigate with; (5) to encircle. Com passi' on, (kom påsh' in,2) pity. Com pa' tri ot, (kom på' trẻ åt,2) one of the same country.

recompense, to counterbalance. Com pen sa tion, (kốn pền sử shun,2) something equivalent. Com' pe tence, (kôm' pè tênse,2) a

sufficiency, a fortune, enough. Com pe titi' on, (kôm pẻ tỉsh′ în,2) rivalry; contest, a strife. Com pi la' tion, (kom pè l' shin',2) a collection from various authors; an assemblage. Com pi' ler, (kom pl′ 18r,2) one who

compiles from various authors. Com plai nant, (kim phi nânt,2)

one who urges suit against another, a plaintiff.

Com plai sance', (kom plé zinse',2) civility, act of adulation. Com ple' tion, (kom plè' shin,2) ac.

complishment, a perfect state. Com plex' ion, (kôm plêk' shůn,2) the

colour of the external parts. Com' pli cate, (kôm' plẻ kåte,5) to

entangle one with another. Com po nent, (kom po' nênt,3) that

constitutes a compound body. Com po sition, (kim pỏ zsh ủng)

written work; a mixture. Com pos' i tor,(kům pôz” è tôr,2) who

adjusts the types in printing. Com po' sure, (kom po zhůre,2) sedateness, tranquillity. Com pre hend', (kom prẻ hend',s) to comprise, to conceive. Com pres' sure, (kom prêsh' shire,2)

the act of compressing against. Comp tro ller, (kim trở lủn,2) a di

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rector, supervisor.

Com pul' sion, (kom påľ′ shôn,2) the

Con gla' ci ate, (kôn gld' shé åte,5) to turn to ice.

act of compelling to some-|Con glo ba tion, (kông giỗ bà shủng2)

thing, force.

Com pu ta' tion, (kom på tå' shůn,2) the act and art of reckoning. Con cam’ e rate, (kôn kim ẻ rate,5)

to arch over, to vault.

Con' cave, (kong' kåve,3) hollow.


a round body.

Con giom' er ate, (kôn giôm' ¿r åte,5) to gather into a round ball.


gre ga tion, (công trẻ gà nhông) an assembly met to worship God in publick.

Con cen trate, (kôn Bền trite,5) to|Con gru i ty, (k*n grừ ẻ td,2) suit

drive into a narrow compass. Con clu' sive, (kôn kid siv,3) decisive; regularly; consequential.

ableness, agreeableness, fitness. i cal, (tan' è kál,3) having the form of a cone.


Con′′ fer ence, (kin fer &nse,2) an|Con jed' ture, (tôn j2k tshdre,a) im

appointed meeting for discussing some point. Con fessi' on, (kon fesh' in,2) an acknowledgment of a fault. Con fi den tial, (tôn rẻ den shil,3) worthy of confidence. Con fig u ra' tion, (kon fig rå shin,2) the form of various parts adapted to each other. Con fine' ment, (kon fine' ment,2) restraint, imprisonment. Con fir ma' tion, (kon fer må' shin,2) evidence, additional proof. Con fis' cate, (kon fîs' kåte,5) to forfeit private property to the publick, by way of penalty. Con fla gra' tion, (kôn få grå' shun,2) a general fire.

Con flu ence, (kon' få ênse,2) the

junction of several streams. Con' flux, (kon' fiks,2) the union of several currents; crowd.

perfect knowledge, (5) to guess, to judge by guess. Con' ju gate, (kon' jå gåte,s) to inflect verbs; to join in marriage. Con junction, (kên jủng kí shủng2) union, association, league; one of the parts of speech. Con ju ra' tion, (kôn jó rử shẩn, 2) an enchantment, an incantation; a plot, a conspiracy. Conjure', (kon jure' 5) to summon in a sacred name; to conspire. Con' jure, (kin' jur,5) to practise charms or enchantments.

Con nex' ion, (kon nek' shun,2) union. Con ni' vance, (kon ol' vanse,2) Vo

luntary blindness, forbearance, pretended ignorance. Con nive', (kon nive's) to wink, to pretend blindness, or ignorance. Co nnois seur', (kỏ nês såre',2) a judge, a critick.

Con for mi ty, (kớn for mẻ tẻ,2) si-|Conq uer, (tổngl′ ủr,5) to subdue,

militude, resemblance.

Con geal', (kon jèél's) to freeze.

to gain by conquest, to win.

Con' quest, (kong' kwest,2) victory.

Con ge' ni al, (kon je në 1,3) par-Con san guin' i ty, (kôn sâng gwin' è

taking of the same genius.

té,2) relation by blood.

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