صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Bugle, (bg1,2) a shining bead Butcher, (bit' tshur,2) a victualler; of black glass; a plant; a horn. (5) to kill, to murder. Bugle horn, (bd' gl hora,2) a hunt-Butter, (bit' tår,2) an oily subing horn.

Build, (bild,s) to make a fabrick.
Bullet, (bål' ift,2) a ball of metal.
Bull' ion, (bil' yan,2) gold or silver

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in the lump unwrought.
Bun' dle, (bin' d1,2) a number of
things bound together.
Bung, (bing,2) a stopple for a bar-
rel; (5) to stop up.
Bung ling ly, (bing' gling lẻ, 6) clum-
sily, awkwardly.
Buoy, (bè,2) a float, a guide for
ships; (5) to keep a float.
Bur' den, (bar' dn,2) a load; (5) to
load, to encumber.
Bur' den some, (bir' dn sum,3) griev-
ous, troublesome.
Bureau', (bird',2) a chest of draw-
Burgeois', (bir jölse',3) a type.
Burgess, (bar' jês,2) a citizen.
Burgh, (birg.2) a corporate town
or borough.

Bur' gher, (bir gur,2) one who has
a right and privilege in a town.
Burglary, (bur giá rẻ,2) breaking
into a house by night to rob,
Bur i al, (bêr′ rẻ al,2) interment.
Burlesque', (bir lésk',2) ludicrous
language; () to turn to ridi-
cule; (3) jocular.
Bus' tle, (bis' s1,5) to be busy, to
stir; (2) a tumult, a hurry.
Bus' y, (biz' zè,3) employed with
earnestness; (5) to be engaged.
Bus' y bod y, (biz' zẻ bôd dè,2) a vain,
meddling, fantastical person.
But' end', (bit' end',2) the blunt end
of any thing.

stance made from cream; (5)

to smear or oil with butter. But ter fly, (biť tur fl,2) a beautiful insect.

But' ter milk, (but tur milk,2) the

whey of churned cream. But ter tooth, (but' tur tilth,2) the great broad foretooth. But ton, (bit' ta,2) any knob or ball; the bud of a plant. Buzzard, (biz' zurd,2) a degenerate or mean species of hawk. By-law',(bi' w',2) are orders made for the good of those that make them; a private law. By'-path', (bl' path',2) a private or obscure path.

By'-stan' der, (bl stân' důr,2) one
standing by, one unconcerned.

Cab' bage, (kab' bidje,2) a plant.
Ca' ble, (b1,2) the great rope of a

ship that holds the anchor.
Ca coph'ony, (ka kor' ô nè,2) a bad
sound of words.

Cal a man' co, (kál å mång' kỏ, 2) a
kind of woollen stuff.
Ca lam' i tous, (ká lâm' è tús,3) mise-

rable, unhappy, wretched.
Calash' (klash',2) a carriage.
Cal cu la'tion, (kalkt l' ahin,2) the

art of numbering, computation Cal' i co, (kal'è kè,2) an Indian

stuff made of cotton. Cal' ling, (kiwl' lîng,2) vocation. Calm, (kim,3) quiet; (2) serenity;

(5) to still,to pacify, to appease. Calm' ness, (kim'nês,2) tranquillity.

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Cal o mel, (kal' o mněl,2) mercury. Ca lum' ni ate, (ka lan' né áte,5) to slander, to defame.

Ca tum' ni a tor, (kä lóm' nè à tôr,2) a

slanderer, a defamer. Cal' um ny, (al' im né,2) slander. Cam' brick, (kårne' brik,2) a kind of fine muslin or linen.

Cam' let, (kim' let,2) stuff made by

a mixture of wool and silk.

Camp. (mp,5) to lodge in tents.
Campaign', (kam påne',2) the time
which an army keeps the field.
Cam' phire, (kâm' fir,2) a resin.
Can, (kan,2) a cup; (5) to be able.

9 Participle,


10 Iterjection.

Canopy, (kin' &p,2) a covering

spread over the head.
Can' ter, (kin' tur,2) a short gallop.
Can' ti cle, (kin' te k1,2) the song of
Solomon, a song.

Can' ton, (kin' tou,2) a small divis-
ion of land; (5) to divide into
little parts or portions.
Can' vass, (kin' vâs,2) a coarse linen
(5) to debate, to examine.
Ca pa bil' i ty, (ka på bli'è té,2) ca-
pacity, qualification.

Ca' pa ble, (kd' på b1,3) qualified.
Ca pa' cious, (kâ på' shos,3) large.
Ca pac'i ty, (kit pas été,2) ability.

meration by heads.

Ca piť u late, (ka pitsh' à te,s) to

yield on certain stipulations. Ca price', (ká préèse',2)fancy, whim. Capricious (ka prish' ús,3) whimsical Cap' ri corn, (kip' prẻ korn,2) one of

Ca nal', (ka nt',2) a course of wa-Capi ta' tion, (kap é ta' shon,2) nuter made by excavation. Ca na' ry-bird, (kâ nd' ré-bård,2) an excellent singing bird. Can' dle, (kin' d1,2) a taper of wax. Can' dle light, (kan' dl llte,2) the light of a candle. Candle mas, (kan' dl mus,2) a church festival or celebration. Can' dle stick, (kân' di stik,2) an instrument that holds a candle. Can' dour, (kan' dur,2) ingenuousness, sincerity, purity of mind. Can'dy, (kin' dé,5) to conserve with sugar, to grow congealed. Ca nine', (kanine',3) having the properties of a dog.

Can' ker, (king' kir,2) a corrosion.
Can non ade', (kân nổn nåde',5) to

fire with great guns.
Can' not, (kin' nôt,s) to be unable.
Ca noe' (kan no',2) a small boat.
Canon' i cal, (ka non' & ki1,3) spirit-
ual, ecclesiastical.

Can' on ist, (kan' non nist,2) a professor of the canon law.

the signs of the zodiack. Cap' tain, (kap' tfn,2) a commander of a company of soldiers. Cap tion, (kap' shon.2) the act of

taking any person. Cap' tious, (kap' shos,3) insidious. Cap' tive, (kap' tiv,2) one charmed

by beauty; one taken in war; (3) made prisoner in war. Cap tivity,(tip tlv e tl,2) bondage. Cap, tor, (kap' tur,2) he that takes a prisoner or a prize. Cap' ture, (kap' tshire,2) the act or

practice of taking a prize. Car' at, (kir' it,2) a weight of four grains.

Car a van', (kari van',2) a troop or

body of merchants or pilgrims. Car a van sa ry, (kir & vấn sĩ rỏ,2) &

Fite, får, bail, hât,

2 Substantive,

mè, mêt, pine,

3 Adjective,

1 Article,
house built for the reception
of travellers.

Car' bun cle, (kar' bingk kl,2)a jewel.
Car cass, (kar' kas,2) a dead body.
Ca reen', (ká réèn',5) to calk.
Care' ful, (kare' fàl,3) watchful.
Care' fully, (kåre' fôl lè,6) heedfully.
Care' less,(kare' lês,3) unconcerned.
Care' less ly, (kre les lè,6) negli-
gently, heedlessly.

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Cas' sock, (kis' suk,2) a close gar


Cas' tle, (kis' 1,2) a house fortified. Cas'u al,(kázh' d 1,3) accidental. Cas' u alty, (kizh' d'âl tè,2) incident. Cat' a combs, (káť' â kòmz,2) subter

raneous cavities for the burial
of the dead.

Cať a logue, (kat ilog,2) a list,
Ca tarrh', (ká tar',2) a disease.

Ca' ret, (krêt,2) a mark in gram-Ca tas' tro phe, (ká tús' trò fè,2) a mar for words interlined, as 4. Car ic a ture', (kár Ik á tohôre',2) a portrait which is redundant in some of its parts, and defective in others.

Carle, (kirl,2) a rude brutal man. Car' nage, (kir' nidje,2) slaughter. Car' ni val, (kár né vil,2) the feast held in Roman catholick coun

tries before lent. (eating.

final event, generally unhappy. Catch, (kátah,s) to lay hold on with the hand; (2) the act of seizing. Cat' e chise, (káť è kèlze,5) to interrogate, to examine; to question Cat' e chism, (kat'è kizm,2) instruction by questions and answers. Cat e chu' men, (kat è ko' mên,2) one who is yet in the first rudiments of christianity.

Car niv o rous, 5, (kår nîv'vò růs,3) flesh-Cat e gor y,(kât'è gôr è,2)a class; an Carol, (kar' rål,2) a song of devo

tion; (5) to warble, to sing. Ca rouse', (ká röůz',5) to drink. Car' pen ter, (kår' pên tår,2) an arti

ficer in wood and timber. Car pet, (kar' pit,2) a covering of

various colours for a floor. Carriage, (kir' ridje,2) a vehicle. Car ri er, (kir' rẻ år,2) a messenger. Car' ry, (kir' rè,5) to bring. Cartel', (kir tel',2) a writing containing stipulations. Cart' er, (kirt' ôr,2) the man who drives a cart. Cartridge, (kir' tridje,2) a case of

paper filled with gunpowder. Carve, (kirv,5) to cut, to engrave. Cashier, (a sheer',2) an officer of a

bank; (3) to dismiss from a post.

order of ideas, predicament. Ca'ter, (kd' tur,5) to provide food. Cat' er pil lar, (kat'tôr pfl lår,2) a worm, a plant.

Ca thar' tick, (ca thir' tik,3) purga-
tive; (2) a medicine.
Ca the' dral, (a the' drál,3) episco-
pal; (2) the head church of a

Cath' olick, (k' 8 lîk,s) universal.
Cat' sup, (katsh' ip,2) a pickle.
Cat' tle, (kat tl,2) beasts of pasture
Caul' i flow er, (kôľ′ lẻ đồð år,2) a

vegetable, a species of cabbage Cause' way, (kiwz' wi,2) a raised or

paved way over a fen. Caus' tick, (kiwa'tik,2) a burning application.

Cau' tion, (kiw' shôn,2) prudence;

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8 Conjunction,

(s) to warn, to give notice.
Cau' tious, (kiw' shi,3) watchful.
Cav' al cade, (kav' ál kåde,?) a pro-

cession on horseback. Cavalier' (kává léèr',2) a horseman;

(3) warlike, gay, sprightly. Ca' ve at, (k' ve ât,2) a warning. Cav ern, (kiv Brn,2) a hollow place in the ground. Cav' il, (kiv'1,2) a false or frivolous objection; (5) to receive or treat with objections. Cease' less, (èse' lês,3) incessant. Ce' dar, (è' dur,2) a tree. Cel e bra' tion, (sel è brd' shin,2)

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9 Participle, 10 Interjection.

mal, relating to ceremony. Cer' e mo ny, (sër' è mè nè,2) outward rite; forms of civility. Cer tain, (ser' tin,3) sure. Cer' tain ly, (ser to 14,6) indubitably, without fail or question. Certain ty, (ser' tỉn tè,2)exemption from doubt; which is real. Cer tificate, (ser tỉi'è kêt,2) testi

mony in writing of an act done. Cer ti o ra ri, (sêr shể ở rủ rỉ,2) a

writ to remove ч cause. Ce ru' le an, (sé rů′ lê ân,3) sky blue. Ces sa' tion, (ès så' shẳn,2) a stop. pub-Chair' man, (tshire' min,2) the president of an assembly.

lick praise or commemoration. Ce le' bri ous, (sè lè' brẻ 8,3) famous. Ce les' tial, (sé lés' tshal,3) heavenly;

(2) an inhabitant of heaven. Cel'i ba cy, (se' d bâ sd,2) single life Cem' e ter y, (sêm' mé tér é,2) a repository for the dead.

Chal' dron, (tshk' drón,2) a dry measure of thirty-six bushels. Chal' ice, (thal' s,2) a communion

cup used in acts of worship. Chalk, (tahawk,2) a white fossil; (5) to mark or rub with chalk. Cen so'ri ous, (sen d' rẻ 30,3)addict-Cham' ber, (tahime' bôr,2) an upper

ed to censure, severe.

apartment in a house.

Cham' o mile, (kim'd mile,2) the

name of an odoriferous plant. Cham paign', (sham pane',2) a wine. Chan' cel lor, (tshân' sêl lor,2) the

Cen' su ra ble, (sên' shô rá b1,3) blame-Cha me'le on, (ká měʼlè în,2) a lizard able, worthy of censure. Cen' sure, (sen' shure,2) blame, reproach; (5) to condemn. Cen ten' ni al, (n tên' nè â1,3) consisting of a hundred years. Cen' tre, (sen' tôr,2) the middle. Centrifugal, (én trif' & gal,3) receding from the centre.

chief officer in a court of chancery.

Chan' cer y, (tshin' sår è̟,2) a court of equity and conscience.

Cen trip' e tal, (ên trip' è tál,3) hav-Chan de lier', (shân dễ lèèr',2) a

ing a tendency towards the


Cen tu’ ri on, (sên tử rẻ ồn,2) a com

mander of a hundred men. Cen' tu ry, (sen' tshd rè,2) a hundred

years, as the 19th century. Cere mo' ni al, (dr è mo' nè 1,3) for

branch for candles.

Chan' nel, (tshin' nê1,2) a strait or

narrow sea; (5) to cut any
thing in channels.

Chan' tress, (tshin' trẻs,2) a female
singer, a songstress.
Cha' os, (a' 3,2) confusion, irreg-

Fate, får, håll, hat,

1 Article,

2 Substantive,

mé, mêt, pine, pin. no, 4 Pronoun,

3 Adjective,

ular mixture. Cha of ick, (kå ôt' tik,3) confused. Chap, (tshop,5) to divide; (2) a cleft, a gaping, a chink. Chaplain, (tshap' Ifn,2) a preacher. Chap' ter, (tship' tur,2) a division | of a book.

Char' ac ter, (kiår åk tůr,2) a mark, stamp, a representation; (5) to inscribe, to engrave. Char ac te ris' tick, (kår åk tè ris' tik,2) that which constitutes the character.

Char' ac te rize, (kår åk íè rize,5) to mark; to engrave; to imprint. Char' coal, (tshår kole,2) coal made by burning wood. Char' mer, (tshår' mur,2) one that captivates the heart. Char' ming, (tshår' ining,2,3) pleasing in the highest degree. Char' ter, (tshår' tur,2) a writing bestowing any privileges or rights; immunity. Chasm, (kazm,2) a clefi, a gap, a vacuity, an opening. Chaste, (tshiste,3) uncorrupt, true to matrimonial vows. Chas' ten, (tshise' tn,5) to punish. Chas' tise ment, (tshas' tiz ment,2) correction, punishment. Chas' ti ty, (tshas' te té,2) purity of the body and thoughts. Chat' tel, (tshåt t1,2) any moveable possession.

Chat' ter, (that' tur,5) to talk idly. Cheap' ness, (tshepe' nés,2) lowness of price.

Cheerful, (tsheer f1,3) full of mirth Cheer fulness, (tshéër' fél nés,2) alacrity, mirth, gayety.

môve, 5 Verb,

Cheer' ly, (tsheèr' lè,6) cheerfully.
Chequer, (tahék' úr,5) to variegate
or diversify with colours.
Cher' ish, (tsher' rish,5) to support,

to nurse up, to shelter.
Cheru' bick, (tshè ru' bik,3) angelical
|Cher u bim, (tsher' i bim,2) the He-
brew plural of cherub.

Cheva lier', (shev å léèr',2) a knight. Chew, (tsh68,5) to grind with the teeth, to masticate.

Chi ca' ner y, (shẻ ka' nur è,2) sophis

try, wrangle, perverse dispute. Chicken, (tshik En,2) the young of a bird or fowl. Chick en hear ted, (tship

har têd,3)


cowardly, fearful. Chief' tain, (tsheer tîn,2) a leader. Chil' blain, (tshil' blane,2) a made by frost. Child' ish, (tshild' ish,3) trivial, puerile, trifling,

Chi me'ra, (kè me' râ,2) a vain and wild fancy.

Chi meri cal, (kẻ mền' rẻ kal,3) imaginary, fantastical. Chim' ney, (tshim' uẻ,2) the passage for smoke to ascend. Chin, (tshin,2) the under part of

the face, below the lip. Chi' na, (tsha' ne,2) porcelain. Chin' cough, (tshin' köf,2) a violent

and convulsive cough. Chink, (tshings,5) to sound by stri

king or shaking together. Chip, (tship,5) to cut in pieces. Chi rog ra phy, (kỉ rôg' grû fè,2) the art of writing.

Chirp, (tsherp.5) to make a cheer

ful noise like birds or insects. Chis' el, (tshiz' zil,2) an instrument


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