صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

Bask, (bisk,s) to warm by laying | Beast, (best,2) an irrational aniin a place to receive heat. Bas' ket, (bis kit,2) a container made of twigs or rushes. Bas soon', (bas soon',2) a musical

instrument of the wind kind. Bas ti na' do, (bâs tè nå' dò,2) the act

of beating with a cudgel. Bas' tion, (bas' tshin,2) a huge mass

of earth faced with sods. Batch, (bitsh,2) any quantity made

at once, a quantity of bread. Bath, (bath,2) a place to bathe in. Ba toon', (bá tôôn',2) a staff or club. Bat tal' ion, (båt tal' yin,2) a part of an army, a body of forces. Bat' ter, (båt tår,s) to beat down, (2) a mixture beaten together. Bat'ter y,(bat'tor rẻ,2) the frame up

on which cannons are mounted. Bat' tle, (bit' t1,2) a fight, (s) to contend in fight.

Bat' tle door, (bát' tl dore,2) an in

strument to strike a ball. Bat' tle ment, (bât' tl mễnt,2) a wall

with open places to look out. Baw' ble, (biw' bl,2) a gewgaw. Bdell' ium, (del' yim,2) an aromatick gum brought from the Levant. Bea' con, (be kn,2) marks erected

to direct navigators. Beak, (beke,2) the bill of a bird. Beam, (bème,2) a piece of timber. Bea' my, (be me,3) radiant, shining, emitting beams. Bean, (bene,2) a garden vegetable. Beard, (beerd,2) the hair of the

face, a barb on an arrow. Beard' less, (béérd' lê,3) youthful. Bear er, (båre år,2) a carrier of any thing, a tree that yields.

mal, a brutal savage man. Be a tif' ick, (bè â tif' îk,3) blissful. Be at' i fy, (bè â fi,s) to bless with complete enjoyment. Beat' ing, (bète' ing,2) correction by blows.

Beau' ti ful, (b té fil,3) fair. Beau' ty, (b' tè,2) a particular

grace, a beautiful person. Bea' ver, (bèè vôr,2) an animal. Be calm', (be kim',s) to quiet the

mind, to still the elements. Be cause', (bẻ kiwz',8) for this rea

son, on this account.

Be chance', (be tshânse',5) to befall.
Bec' kon, (bek kn,5) to make a sign.
Be come', (bé kim',5) to befit.
Be com' ing, (bè kim' ming,3,9) that
which pleases, graceful.
Bed, (bed,2) something to sleep on.
Bed' cham ber, (bed' tshame búr,2) a
sleeping room.

Be deck', (be dak',5) to adorn.
Be dew', (bé d',s) to moisten.
Be dim', (bé dim',s) to obscure.
Bed' lam ite, (bêd' lum ite,2) a mad-


Bed' stead, (bed' sted,2) the frame

on which a bed is placed. Bed' time, (b8d' time,2) the hour of

rest, the time of sleep. Bee' hive, (bee' hlve,2) the case or

box in which bees are kept. Beef, (br,2) the flesh of an ox. Bee' tle, (bee' t,2) a heavy mallet. Be fit', (bè fit,5) to suit. Be fore' hand, (bé före' hand,6) pre

viously, at first, before. Beg' gar, (bêg' går,2) a mendicant. Be gone', (be gon',10) go away.

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Be half', (bẻ nảf′,2) favour, cause.| Be have', (be have',5) to conduct. Be hav iour, (bè have yår,2) manner of action, gesture, conduct. Be head', (bè bêď,5) to decapitate. Be hol' den, (be hol′ den,9,3) bound in gratitude.

Be hoof', (bè hôôf',2) advantage. Be hoove', (be hôôv',5) to be fit. Be' ing, (being,2) existence opposed to non-entity, (8) since.. Belch, (bish,2) the action of eructation, (5) to eruct.

Bel' fry, (bê' frẻ,2) the place where bells are rung and chimed. Believe', (be leev',5) to exercise the theological virtue of faith. Be lie' ver, (bè lè vår,2) a professor of Christianity.

Bel les Let' tres, (bèl la' tôr,2) polite literature.

Bel lig er ant, (bêl lîd' jår ânt,3) waging war.

Bel' lows, (bal' lis,2) the instrument

4 Pronoun,


5 Verb,

Ben e fici al, (bản ẻ fish #1,3) advantageous, profitable. Be nev o lence, (bẻ nên vỏ lênse,2) kindness, the charity given. Be nign', (bè nine',3) kind, generous. Be nig ni ty, (bè nig nẻ tẻ,2) good

ness, kindness, salubrity. Be nign' ly, (be nine' lê,8) kindly. Be queath', (be kwêrne',5) to leave

by will or testament to another. Be quest', (be kwest',2) something left by will or codicil.

Be reft', (bè rent',9) from bereave. Ber' yl, (bêr rfl,2) a precious stone. Be side', (be alde',7) over and above,

out of, (6) beyond this class. Be siege', (be seeje',5) to beset. Be' som, (be zim,2) a broom. Be sought, (be såwt',9) from beseech.

Be spangle, (be spång' g1,5) to adorn with spangles.

Be speak', (be spéèk',5) to order beforehand, to forebode.

Be sprink le, (bè sprink' kl,5) to sprinkle over. Be stow', (be sto',s) to give.

used to blow the fire. Bel' met al, (bell' met tl,2) the metal of which bells are made. Be long', (bẻ lông',5) to be the pro-Be take', (bè take',5) to have reperty of some person. Be low', (bé 18,7) beneath, (6) in the lower place, on earth. Be mire', (be mire',5) to drag or en

cumber in the mire.

Ben e dic' tion, (bên nè dỉk' shẳn,2) a blessing.

Ben e fac tor, (bên è fix' tur,2) he

that confers a benefit. Ben e fac' tress, (bén é fák' três,2) a

woman that confers a benefit. Ben' e fice, (bên' è ris,2) advantage conferred on another.

course to, to take, to seize. Be times', (bè timz',6) seasonably. Be token, (bě to' kn,s) to signify. Be tray', (bè tra',5) to discover a

secret to one's enemy. Be tray er, (bè tra' ůr,2) a traitor. Bet' ter, (bet tur,s) to improve. Be tween', (bè twèèn',7) in the in

termediate space.

Bev' el, (bêr 1,2) a kind of square. Bev er age, (bev år îdje,2) drink. Be ware', (be ware',5) to regard

with caution, to be suspicious.

når, not, tobe, tih, bosh, m8!dore,

6 Adverb, Bi as, (bi' ás,2) propension, (s) to

7 Preposition, 8 Conjunction,

incline to some side.

Bi' ble, (bf' b1,2) the sacred volume.
Bid' den, (bid' dn,9) commanded.
Bi en' ni al, (bl n' ne 1,3) of the
continuance of two years.
Big' a my, (big' gå mè,2) the crime of
having two wives at once.
Bigʻot, (big' gut,2) a person devoted
to a certain party.
Big ot ry, (blg gde trẻ,2) blind zeal
Bile, (blle,2) a bitter fluid.
Bilge, (bilje,5) to spring a leak.
Bil' ings gate. (bil' lingz gåte,2) rib-
aldry, foul language.

Bil' ious, (byås,3) consisting of

Bil' let, (b' ft,2) a small paper, a

note, (s) to quarter soldiers. Bil' low, (bl 18,2) a wave swollen. Bi og ra pher, (bì ôgʻ grå fùr,2) a writer of lives.

Bi og' ra phy, (bì ôg' grå fè,2) an ac
count of the lives of persons.
Birch, (burtsh,2) a tree.
Birth, (birth,2) the act of coming
into life, lineage, extraction.
Birth' day, (bêrth' dâ,2) the anni-
versary of one's birth.
Birth' right, (berth rite,2) privile-
ges inherited by birth.
Bis' cuit, (bis' kit',2) hard bread.
Bi sect, (bi sekt,5) to divide into
two parts.

Bish' op, (bish' ip,2) one of the head
order of the clergy.
Bis sex' tile, (bis seks til,2) leap
year, every fourth year.
Bit' ter, (bit' tur,3) having a hot
acrid, biting taste, sharp.
Bit' ter ly, (bit' thr 14,6) sharply.

[blocks in formation]

Bi tu' men, (bè t'men,2) unctuosity. Black' a moor, (blák' môre,2) a negro.

Black bird, (blik' bård,2) a bird.
Black lead', (blik lêd',2) a mineral
much used for pencils.

Black' smith, (blik smith,2) a smith.
Bla' mea ble, (bla' má b1,3) culpable.
Blame' less, (blåme' les,3) innocent.
Blame' wor thy, (blame' wor Tuda)

culpable, blameable.

Bland, (blind,3) soft, mild, gentle.
Blan' dish ment, (blin' dish ment,2)
expression of tenderness.

Blank et, (blingk' it,2) a soft and
loose woollen cover.
Blas' phe my, (bls' fè mè,2) indig-

nity unto God, impiety.
Bleach, (bléetsh,5) to whiten.
Blend, (blend,5) to mingle.
Bles' sed, (blễ sēd,3,9) happy.
Bles' sed ness, (blês' sed nês,2) hap-

piness, felicity, sanctity.
Bles' sing, (bls' slag,2) benediction.
Blind' fold, (blind' fold,5) to hinder

from seeing, to cover the eyes, Bliss' ful, (bifs f1,3) happy in the highest degree.

Blith' some, (blla' sim,3) cheerful.
Blood, (blad,2) a red fluid, (6) te

stain with gore, to heat.
Blood' shed, (blad' shed,2) a murder.
Blood' suck er, (blåd' såk år,2) a fly,
a leech, a murderer.
Blood' thirsty, (blad′ thôrs tè,3) desi-
rous to shed blood.
Bloom' y, (b188m' 4,3) flowery.
Blun' der buss, (blin' dår bis,2) a

short gun with many bullets. Boat' man, (bôte' min,2) he that manages a boat.

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5 Verb,

Boat' swain, (bo' sn,2) a petty offi- | Bo' re as, (bở′ rẻ ås,2) the north cer on board of a ship. Bob′ bin, (bôb′ bỉn,2) a small pin of

wood with a notch.
Bod' i ly, (bûd' dẻ lê,6) corporeally,
(3) relating to the body, real.
Bod' kin, (bod' kin,2) an instrument.
Bod' y, (bod' dè,2) matter, a person.
Boggy,(bog'ge,3) marshy, swampy.
Bo hea', (bo he',2) a species of tea.
Boil, (bol,5) to be agitated by heat.
Bois ter ous, (bis' têr ûs,3) violent.

Bor row, (bôr' rò,5) to take some-
thing from another on credit.
Boʻ som, (bỏỏ' zům,2) the breast (5)
to enclose in the bosom.
Bo tan' ick, ( tân' nik,3) relating
to herbs, skilled in herbs.
Bot' a nist, (bot' â nist,2) one skilled
in plants.

Botch, (bôtsh,2) a swelling, (5) to
put together unskilfully.

glass or other matter. Bot' tom less, (bôt' tâm lês,3) fathom

Bois' ter ous ly, (bôls' tễr is lẻ,6) tu-Bot' tle, (bot' tl,2) a small vessel of multuously, furiously. Bold' faced, (bold' faste,3) impudent. Bomb, (b3m,2) an iron shell. Bom bas' tick, (bům bås' tik,3) high sounding, pompous. Bonds'man,(bondz' mân,2) one person bound for another Bond' wom an, (boad' wům în,2) a female slave.

Bone, (bone,2) the solid parts of

the body of man or beast.
Bon' fire, (bon' fire,2) a fire made
for triumph.

Bon' net, (bon' nit,2) a hat, a cap.
Bon' ny, (bûn' né,3) handsome, gay.
Bon ny elab′ ber, (bốn nề ki$b′ bur,2)
coagulated milk.

Boo' by, (688' bè,2) a stupid fellow.
Book' mate, (bk' måte,2) a school
fellow, a school mate.
Boom, (bôm,2) a bar laid across
a harbour to stop the enemy,
(s) to rush with violence.
Booth, (bôôт,2) a house built of
boards or boughs.
Boo' ty, (b88 tè,2) plunder, pillage.
Bo' rax, (b' raks,2) an artificial
salt, calcined tartar.


less, without a bottom.
Boun' da ry, (bon' dâ rẻ,2) limit.
Bound' less, (bond' les,3) uncon-
fined, unlimited.

Boun' te ous, (hòân' tshẻ ôs,3) kind.
Boun' ti ful, (b8'n' te fil,3) liberal.
Boun' ty, (b3n' tè,2) génerosity.
Bout, (bit,2) a turn.
Bow els, (b8' 2.2) intestines.
Bow' er y, (bo år rẻ,3) full of
bowers, arborary.

Bow ling green, (hồ ing green,2) a
level piece of ground.
Bow string, (bờ sting,2) the string

of a bow which keeps it bent.
Box, (boks,2) a tree, a case, a chest.
Brain. (brine,2) the understanding.
Bram' ble, (tram' b1.2) blackberry

bush, dewberry bush.

Bran, (brán,2) the husks of corn

Bran' dish, (brân' dish,5) to wave.
Bran' dy, (bran' dè,2) a strong li-

quor distilled from wine.
Bra' sier, (bra' zhůr,2) a manufactu-
rer who works in brass.

når, nôt, tåbe, tub, 6 Adverb, 7 Preposition,

bdah, moldore, coin, sådud, Talne, think. 8 Conjunction,

Bra va' do, (brá vá' dò,2) a boast. Bra' ver y, (bra' vår rẻ,2) courage. Bravo, (bra v8,2) a man who murders for hire. Brawl, (briwl,5) to speak loudly and indecently, (2) a quarrel. Brawny, (braw nè,3) musculous. Bra' zen, (br' zu,3) made of brass, (5) to be impudent. Bra zen face, (brá' za fase,2) an impudent person. (ing.

9 Participle, 10 Interjection. Brill' iant, (bryant,3) sparkling, (2) a diamond of the finest cut. Brim' stone, (brim' atone,2) sulphur. Brin' dled, (brin' did,3) streaked. Brine, (brine,2) water impregnated with salt, the sea, tears. Bris' ket, (bris kit,2) the breast of an animal. (actively. Brisk ly, (brisk' 14,6) vigorously, Bris′ tle, (hris' s1,2) the stiff hair of a swine, (s) to erect in bristles.

Broad, (brawd,3) wide, extended. Broad' side, (brwd' side,2) the side

Breach, (bréétsh,2) the act of break-Brit' tle, (brit' t1.3) apt to break. Breadth, (bredth,2) the measure of any plain from side to side. Brea' ker, (brá kôr,2) a wave. Break' fast, (brek' fast,2) the first meal that is eaten in the day. Breast' plate, (brst' plåte,2) armour for the breast.

Breath, (breth,2) respiration, life. Brea' thing, (bre Tuing.2) aspiration. Breath less, (broth' lês,3) dead. Brev' i ty, (brev'è té 2) conciseness. Bribe, (bribe,2) a reward given to pervert the judgment. Brick' kiln, (br ki,2) a place to burn bricks in. Bride' groom, (bride' grlim,2) a new married man.

Bride' well, (bride' w1,2) a house

of correction for offenders. Bridge, (bridje,2) an arch over wa

ter, a part of the nose. Bri' dle, (br 1,2) a headstall and

reins, a restraint, a curb. Brief' ly, (bréf 4,6) concisely. Brigade', (bré gade',2) a body of men, a division of forces. Brig an tine, (brig' ân tine,3) a light vessel, a coat of mail. Brill ian cy, (bril' yân sé,2) lustre.

of a ship firing at once. Bro' cage, (bro' kidje,2) the gain

gotten by promoting bargains. Brogue, (rig,2) a corrupt dialect. Brother, (brira ir,2) one's father's

son, one of the same profession. Broth er hood, (brita' år håd,2) a fraternity, an association. Brow' beat, (br8 bête,5) to depress with stern looks.

Browse, (brze,5) to eat branches. Bru nett', (br88 net',2) a woman

with a brown complexion. Brush, (brish,2) an instrument for

rubbing, a rude assault. Brus' tle, (bris' s1,5) to crackle. Bub' ble, (bib' b1,2) a false show,

(s) to rise in bubbles. Buc a niers', (bik á néérz',2) pirates. Buc′ ket, (bik kit,2) a vessel to

carry water in, a pail. Buck ram, (bak' rim,2) a strong

linen stiffened with gum. Buf' fet, (bir h,2) a blow with

the fit, (s) to box, to beat. Bug bear, (big bare,2) a frightful object, a false terror,

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