صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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ral contrariety to any thing. An tip' o des, (ân tip' 8 dèz,2) those people who live on the opposite side of the globe.

An ti qua ry, (in tẻ kwa rề,2) a man|
studious of antiquity.
An tique', (in tèèk',2) an antiquity,

of old fashion, (3) ancient.
An tiquity, (ần tia kwẻ re,2) old
times, remains of old time.
An' ti type, (ân' te tlpe,2) what is
shadowed out by the type, a
term of theology.

An' vil, (ân' vil,2), the iron block of a smith.

Anx i'e ty, (âng zľ' è tè,2) trouble of

mind about some future event. Anxious, (angk' shus,3) disturbed in mind about uncertain events An' y, (ên' ně,3) every, whatever. A pace', (a påse',6) speedily, quick. A part', (å pårt',6) separately, retired from the other company. A part ment, (å pårt' mênt,2) a room. Ap a thy, (ap' & the,2) exemption from passion.

A pert', ( pêrt',3) open.
Ap' er ture, (p' 3r tshire,2) an open

place, the act of opening.

A piece', ( pèèse',6) to the part or
share of each.

A' pish, (a' pish,3) imitative, silly.
A poc ry pha, ( pôk xẻ rả,2) of

doubtful authors.

A pol' o gize, (à pôľ' d jize,5) to plead in favour.

Ap' ologue, (ap' 8 lóg,2) a fable

to teach some moral truth by. A poľ′ o gy, (â pôľ 8 jè,2) an excuse. Ap' o plex y, (ap' ỏ plêk sẻ,2) a sudden deprivation of sensation.

pin, no,

4 Pronoun,


5 Verb,

A pos' tate, ( pos' tate,2) `one that
has forsaken his religion.
A pos' ta tize, (â pôs ́ tâ tize,5) to for-
sake one's religion.

A pos’tle, (i pos’ s1,2) a person sent
to preach the gospel.
Ap os tol' i cal, (âp pôs tâľ' è kâ1,3) de-
livered by the apostles.

A poe' tro phe, (i pus' trợ f,2) the

contraction of a word.

A poth' e ca ry, (â pûth' è kâ rẻ,2) one

who keeps medicine for sale. Ap pariti′ on, (ấp pả rích ôn,2) an

appearance, spectre, visibility. Ap peal', (ip pele'5,) to transfer a

cause from one to another. Ap pel' lant, (âp pẻl' lânt,2) a chal

lenger, one that appeals. Ap pel' late, (ip pêl' late,2) the per

son appealed against.

Ap pel la' tion, (âp pél lá' shun,2) a


Ap pel lee', (p pel le',2) one who is accused.

Ap pen' dage, (âp pên' daje,2) some

thing added to another thing. Ap per tain', (p per tane',5) to belong to as of right.

Ap plause', (ip plawz',2) approba

tion, praise loudly expressed. Ap' ple, (ip' pl,2) the pupil of the

eye, the fruit of an apple tree. Appli ca ble, (ip’plẻ kả b1,3) that which may be applied. Ap pli ca' tion, (ap plè ka' shin,2) the act of applying to another. Ap point ment, (ập point’ment,2) a stipulation, decree, order. Ap' po site, (p' på zît,3) proper, fit. Ap praise', (âp prize',5) to set a price or value upon any thing.

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Ap pre' ci ate, (âp prẻ' shè àte,5) to | Ar' dour, (r' dir,2) heat, heat of

value, to estimate, to appraise. Ap pre hen' sion, (âp prẻ hên' shôn,2) suspicion, fear, sentiment. Ap pre han sive, (ập prẻ bên sv,3) quick to understand, fearful. Ap pro ba' tion, (âp prò bå′ shôn,2) the act of approving of something.

affection, as love, desire. Ar du ous, (âr' jå å,3) difficult. Are, (r,s) plural of the present tense of the verb to be.

A' re a, (' rẻ 4,2) an open surface. Ar' gu ment, (ar' gå mnt,2) controversy, a reason alleged.

Ap prove', (ip pr88v',s) to be pleas-Ar' id, (âr' rid,3)-dry, parched up.

ed with, to like, to show. Ap prox i mate, (ip prôks' e mate,5)

A rise', (i rize,s) to get up.
Ar is toc ra cý, (in là tốt trên, 2)

to approach, (3) near to. Ap pur' te nance, (ap půr' tè nånse,2) that which belongs to something else which is consid-A ered as the principal. A' pril, ( pr,2) the fourth month. A quat' ick, (a kwat' ik,3) that which

inhabits the water. Aq'ue duct, (ak' kwě důkt,2) a conveyance made for carrying water through pipes. Ar a bic, (år å bik,3) of Arabia. Ar a ble, (ir á bl,3) fit for tillage. Ar bit' ra ment, (år bît′ trâ mênt,2)

will, determination, choice.
Ar' bi tra ry, (ar' bẻ trâ rẻ,3) des-
potick, absolute, capricious.
Ar bo ra ry, (ar′ bỏ rá rẻ,3) of or be-
longing to a tree.

Arch an' gel, (ark åne' jel,2) one of
the highest order of angels.
Arch bish' op, (artsh bish' 3p,2) a bi-
shop of the first class.
Ar chi tec ture, (ar' kẻ têk tshire,2)

the art or science of building.
Ar chives, (arkivz,2) the places
where records are kept.
Arch pres' by ter, (årtsh prêz' bẻ têr,2)
a chief presbyter.

Ar' den cy, (år den sé,2) eagerness.

that form of government which places the supreme power into the hands of the nobles. rith me tici' an, (a rith me tish' in,2) a master of the art of numbers. rith' me tick, (â rỉth' mễ tîk,2) the art of computation, a science. Ar ma' da, (år må' dâ,2) an armament for the sea.


Ar ma dil' lo, (år må dil' 18,2) a four footed animal of Brazil.

Ar ma ment, (år' må månt,2) a naval force.

Ar′ mi stice, (âr′ mé stỉs,2) a short

Ar mor y, (r' můr è,2) the place
in which arms are deposited
for use, arms of defence.
Ar my, (ar me,2) a collection of

armed men, a great number. Ar raign', (år råne',5) to bring to

trial, to accuse, to set in order. Ar range', (ar rinje',5) to put in pro

per order for any purpose. Ar rear', (âr rèèr',2) that which re

mains unpaid or behind. Ar ri' val, (ir r' vál,2) the act of

coming to any place. Ar rive', (ir rive',5) to come to a place by water or land.

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Ar' ro gant, (âr' rò gant,3) haughty,, As sem' blage, (âs sêm“ blådje,2) &


Ar ro gate, (år rå gåte,5) to claim

vainly, to exhibit unjustly. Ar ro' sion, (år ro' zhun,2) a gnawing. Ar' row, (âr' rò,2) a weapon. Arse' nick, (rse' ak.2) a mineral substance, a corrosive poison. Art' ful, (årt' fil,3) artificial, skilful. Ar' ti choke, (ar' tè tshoke,2) a plant. Ar ti cle,(ir te k1,2) part of speech,

as the, an, (5) to stipulate. Ar ti fice, (ar' te fis,2) a stratagem. Artifici al, (år te fish' 1,3) fictitious. Ar til ler y, (år til lår rẻ,2) cannon. Art' less, (art' les,3) unskilful. As, (âz,8) in the same manner. As a foet' i da, (âs sâ fèt è dâ,2) an East Indian gum or resin. As cen' den cy, (âs sên' dễu sẻ,2) power, influence.

As cen' sion, (âs sên' shun,2) the act

of rising or mounting.. A sha' med, ( sha' mêd,3) touched with shame, shy. Ash' es, (ish' iz,2) the remains of any thing burnt, or of the body. A shore', (â shore',6) on the land. A side', ( side',6) to one side. A slant', (a slut',6) obliquely. A sleep', (a sleep',6) sleeping. A slope', (i slope',6) with declivity. As par' a gus, (as pâr' å gås,2) a plant. As per' i ty, (as pêr' è tẻ,2) rough

ness of temper, unevenness. As' pi rate, (s' pe rate,5) to pro

nounce with full breath. As pi ra' tion, (is på rå' shûn,2) breathing after, an ardent wish. As sas' si nate, (is sis' se nåte,5) to murder by violence, to way-lay

collection into one place.

As sem' ble, (âs sêm' bì,s) to meet

together into one place. As sess' ment, (as ses' ment,2) the sum levied on certain property. As ses' sor, (is sês sûr,2) he who

levies or assesses the taxes. As' sets, (âs' sêts,2) the goods of a deceased person.

As si du i ty, (is sẻ dù ở tẻ,2) dili gence, industry.

As sid' u ous, (as sid ju ús,3) constant in application.

As si gnee', (is sẻ ně',2) a deputy to do any act for another. As sign' ment, (as sine meut,2) the

deed by which any thing is transferred from one to another. As sim' i late, (ás sîm' è låte,5) to re

semble, to bring to a likeness. As size', (âs size',2) a court of judicature, (5) to fix a rate. As so' ci ate, (as so' she ate,5) to unite

with another, (2) a partner. As sort', (as sört',5) to range in classes.

As sua' sive, (as swa' siv,3) softening. As sump' tion, (is sum' shun,2) the

act of taking any thing to one's self, the thing supposed. As su' rance, (ish shu' rinse,2) confi

dence, trust, want of modesty. Asth' ma, (âst' må,2) a difficult and

short respiration in coughing. Asth mat' ick, (at måt' ik,3) trou

bled with an asthma. As ton' ish ment, (âs tón' ish mễnt,2)

amazement, confusion of mind. A stray', (á strá',6) out of the right way or road.

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As tron o mer, (âm trốn’no mur,2) he Au di ence, (ix yè dnse,2) persong

that studies the science of the celestial motions.

As tron’ o my, (is trốn nở mẻ,2) a

collected to hear, an auditory. Au' dit, (w' dit,2) a final account. Augment,(wg mềnt,s) to lucrease.

the name of the eighth month. Au spici' ous, (w splsh' is,3) pros

science, teaching the knowl-Au gust', (w gist',3) grand, royal; edge of the heavenly bodies. A' the ism, ( the Izm,2) the disbelief of God, and a future state. A' the ist, (a' the Ist,2) one that de

nies the existence of a God.

A the is’ ti cal, (A thẻ lá tế k$1,3)

given to atheism, impious.
A thwart', (à thwart',7) across.
A tone' ment, ( tone' ment,2) expia-
tion, equivalent, agreement.
A tro' cious, (a tro' shas,3) wicked
in a high degree, enormous.
A troc' i ty, (à trôs' sè tè,2) horrible

At tach', (at titsh',6) to enamour.
At tach' ment, (at titsh' ment,2) ad-
herence, regard, a writ.
At tain' a ble, (at tane bi,3) that
may be obtained, procurable.
At tain' ment, (t tane' ment,2) that
which is attained, acquisition.
At tempt, (ât têmt',5) to venture
upon, to endeavour, to try.
At ten' tion, (at tên' shin,2) the act
of attending or heeding.
At ten tive, (it tên tv,3) heedful,
regardful, careful, assiduous.
At trac′ tive, (it trăk tv,3) inviting.
At' tri bute, (t' trẻ bite,2) quality
adherent, reputation, honour.
Au da' cioms, (w dd' shs,3) impu-
dent, bold, daring.
Au dac' i ty, (aw dis'è tè,2) bold-
ness, spirit.

Au di blc, (ấm dd bl,3)
enough to be heard.

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perous, fortunate, happy.
Au' thor ess, (w' thår èss,2) a female
writer of a book.

Au thority, (aw thôr′ è tè,2) influ-
ence, rule, legal power.
Au tho rize, (w' thd rize,s) to give
authority, to establish by.
Au toc ra sy, (kw tôi rủ mề,2) in-
dependent power.

Au' tumn, (w' tim,2) the season

between summer and winter. Au tum' nal, (w tům' nå1,3) belonging to autumn.

Aux il' ia ry, (kwg zîl' yâ rẻ,3) helping, assisting.

Ava rice, (ivi ris,2) covetousness. Av a rici' ous, (av å rish' da,8) COvetous, insatiable.

Av' er age, (iv' ir Idje,2) a mean

proportion, a medium. A ver ment, ( ver' ment,2) esta

blishment by evidence. A ver sion, (â vêr' shûn,2) dislike. Av o ca tion, (đv vỏ kế sh&n,2) the

business that calls.

Awe, (iw,2) reverential fear.
Awk' ward, (Awk' wird,3) unpolite.
A wry', (i rt,8) obliquely.
Ax' iom, (ik shim,2) a proposition
evident at the first sight.

Av o la tion, (iv vỏ lá shủn,2) the
flying away.

loud | Ay, (1,6) yes.

A' zure, ('zhire,3) faint blue.

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Bab' bler, (báb' blir,2) an idle talker. Bac cha na li an, (bik ki ni lẻ ăn,2) a wine bibber, a drunkard, Bachelor, (bâtsh' è lir,2) an unmarried man, a scientifick man. Back' bite, (bak' blte,5) to censure

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Bane' ful, (bane' fül,3) poisonous.
Ban ish ment, (bắn nỉsh ment,2) ex-
ilement, the act of banishing.
Bank' bill, (bångk' bill,2) a note for
money laid up in a bank.
Bank' er, (bangk' ir,a) one that traf-
ficks in money.

a|Bank rupt cy, (băngk′ rập sẻ,2) the
state of a bankrupt.

or reproach the absent. Back gam mon, (bản giảm min,2) game with dice and tables. Back sli' der, (bák sll' dir,2) an apos

tate, a forsaker of religion. Bade, (bad,5) the preterite of bid. Bad' ger, (bad' jor,2) an animal. Baggage, (big' gdje,2) the furniture of an army. Bagpipe, (bag pipe,2) a musical instrument.

Bai' liff, (ba 1,2) a subordinate

officer of a court or manor. Bai' li wick, (b lé wik,2) the ju

risdiction of a bailiff. Balance, (bál' lanse,2) an equipoise. Bal co' ny, (bál k ně,2) a frame

before the window of a room. Bale' ful, (ble' fill,3) sorrowful, sad. Balk, (awk.s) to disappoint. Bal loon', (bl 188n',2) a hollow ball

of silk filled with gas. Balm, (hảm.2) a medicinal herb. Bal sam' ick, (bál sâm' ik,3)unctuous, mitigating.

Bam boo', (bám 688',2) an Indian
plant of the reed kind.
Ban' dage, (bin' dîdje,2) a' fillet.
Ban dit' ti, (bin dft' te,2) a company

of outlawed robbers. Ban' dy, (in' de,2) a club for striking a ball, (5) to beat to and fro or from one to another. Ban' dy leg, (bin' dè lêg,2) a crook

ed leg.

Bap' tism, (báp' tizm,2) a sacrament. Bap' tist, (bap' tist,2) he that administers baptism.

Bar ba ri an, (bản bá rẻ ắn,2) a man uncivilized, a savage.

Bar' ba rism, (bår bå rizm,2) a

form of speech contrary to the purity of language, cruelty. Bar bar' i ty, (bår bar' è tè,2) savageness, impurity of speech. Bar' ba rous, (bar' bå ris,3) savage. Bare' foot, (bare' fit,3) without shoes. Bare' ly, (båre 14,6) merely, only. Bar' gain, (bar' gla,2) an agreement,

(5) to make a contract for sale. Bar' ley corn, (bår' lẻ kårn,2) a grain

of barley, one-third of an inch. Bar' on ess, (bår' rûn ês,2) a baron's lady.

Bar' on et, (bar' rån êt,2) the lowest degree of honour that is hereditary. [lodge soldiers. Bar' rack, (bar' råk,2) a building to Bar' rel, (bar' ril,2) a round wooden vessel, a cylinder.

Bar ri cade', (bár rẻ kåde',2) a fortification, obstruction.

Bar' row, (bâr' rò,2) a hand car

riage, as a hand-barrow, Bash aw', (bash iw',2) the viceroy

of a Turkish province. Ba' sin, (b'n,2) a small vessel.

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