صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

nor, not, tåbe, tåb,

6 Adverb,

7 Preposition,

8 Conjunction,

bash, noise, coln, sind, Tuine, think.
9 Participle, 10 Interjection.

Vi o la' tion. (vi 8 l'abin,2) infringe- | Vi' tal, (v 1,3) necessary to life.
[rage. Viti ate, (vishdate,s) to deprave.
Viti' ous, (ab' is,a) corrupt, wick-
ed, ill.
[into glass.
Vit ri fy, (vt tre fl,s) to change
Vitriol, (vlt′ trẻ 3,2) a kind of
mineral salt. [sprightly, gay.
Vi va' cious, (vi vd' shů,3) active,
Vi vac' i ty, (vd vis'è tè,2)spright-
liness, longevity. [lively.

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by choice. [acts voluntarily. Vol un teer', (vel in tèèr',2) one who Vo lup' tu a ry, (vỏ låp′ tshủ â rẻ,2)a

man given up to luxury." Vo lup' tu ous, (vd lip' tshd is,3)luxurious. [an emetick medicine Vom' it, (vom' ft,5) to throw up, (2) Vo rac' i ty, (vỏ râs' gè tè,2) ravenousness, greediness. Vor' tex, (vår teks,2) any thing whirled round. [whirling motion ·Vor' ti cal, (vor' te ká1,3) having a Vo'ta ress, (vo' ta rês,2) a female devoted to any worship or state Vo' ta ry, (vo' tá rẻ,2) one devoted to any service, worship or study Vote, (vote,2) suffrage, (5)to choose. Vouch, (v8itsh,5) to attest." Vouch' er, (věôtsh' år,2) that which confirms. [to condescend. Vouch safe', (voutsh såfe',5)to grant, Vow, (v8ů,2) a solemn promise,


(5) to make vows. Vow' el, (viď′,2) a letter which can be uttered by itself. Voy' age, (vôè' ¿dje,2) a passage by [travels by sea. Voy a ger, (và jur,2) one who Vul' gar, (val' gur,3) plebeian, (2) those who use Bilingsgate and barbarous language. Vulgar' i ty, (vil går' è tè,2) meanness. [to external injuries. Vul' ner a ble, (vůl' når å b1,3)liable Vul' ture, (vål' tshire,2) a large bird


Wa'fer, (wa' fir,2)a cake for sealing Waft, (wift,s) to float, (2) motion of a streamer, a floating body. Wage, (wadje,5) to attempt. Wa'ger, (wjůr,2) a bet,(5) to pledge

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Wa' ges, (wa' jêz,2) stipend. Wag'on, (wag'in,2) a heavy carriage Waif, (wife,2) goods found and claimed by nobody.

Wai' ling, (waling,2) lamentation. Wain' scot, (win' skôt,2) the inner

wooden covering of a wall. Waist' coat, (wes' kôt,2) a garment. Wai' ter, (wa' tur,2) an attendant. Wake' ful, (wake' fül,3) vigilant. Walk, (wiwk,5)to step along. Wallet, (wollt,2) a bag, a knapsack Wan, (won,3) pale as with sickness Wand, (wond,2) a small twig. Wan' der, (won' dur,5) to ramble. Wan' der er, (won' dår år,2) a rover War' ble, (war' b1,5) to quaver any

sound, to utter musically. War' bler, (wår blir,2) a singer. War' den, (wir' dn,2)a head officer Ward' er, (wård' ir,2) a keeper. Ward' robe, (wird' robe,2) a room where clothes are kept. Ware' house, (ware' hose,2)a storehouse of merchandise.

War' like, (war' ikke,3) military.
Warm'ly, (wärm' 14,6) ardently.
Warmth, (warmth,2) gentle heat.
War' ning, (wir' ning,2) caution.
War' rant, (war' rânt,5) to justify.
War' rant a ble, (wor' rant bl,3)
justifiable, defensible.

War' ren, (wor' rin,2) a kind of
park for rabbits.
Warr'ior, (wår' yur,2) a soldier.
Wart(wirt,2) corneous excrescence
Wa'ry (wa'res) cautious,scrupulous
Was, (woz,)'pret. of to be.
Wash, (wosh.5) to cleanse by ab-

lution, (2) a bog, a marsh. Wasp, (wsp,2) a stinging insect.

coin, sound,

Tulne, think.

9 Participle, 10 Interjection.

except Sunday or first day. Weeper, (wèdp' or,2) a mourner. Weigh' ty, (w te,3) heavy. Wel come, (we' kim,3) received with gladness, (2) kind reception Well' done, (wer' dián,10) a word of praise. [virtue. Well' spent, (wel'spent,3) passed with

mor, nôt, tdbe, tib, bush, moldore, 6 Adverb, 7 Preposition, 8 Conjunction, Wasp'ish, (wap' fab,3) peevish. Waste ful, (whit mi,) destructive Watch, (wth,2) period of the night, a time piece, (s) to guard. Watch ful, (with fill,3) vigilant. Watch' man, (wôtsh' man,2) sentinel Watch' word,(wotsh' wird,2)a countersign to know their friend[act. Wa' ter fall, (w' tar fill,2) a catar-Well wish' er, (well wish' ir,2) one Wa'ter man,(wk' tår man,2) boatman Wa' ter mark, (w' tur, mark, 2) the utmost limit of the rise of the flood Wa' ter mill, (wh' tår mil,2) a mil turned by water.

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Wholl' y (hole' è,6) completely.
Whom, (188m,4) the objective case
of who, singular or plural.
Whose, (hoz,4) possessive case of
who and which.

Why, (hwl,6) for what reason.
Wide' ly, (wide' lè,6) remotely.
Wi' den, (wi' dn,5) to extend.
Wid' ow, (wid' 0,2) a woman

act of sharpening any thing. Whet' stone, (hwet' stone,2) a sharpening stone to whet on. [milk. Whey, (bwa,2) the serous part of Which,(hwitsh,4) relating to things Whig, (wig.2)the name of a party in politicks. [as long as. While, (hwile,2) space of time, (6) Whim, (wim,2) a freak, a caprice. Whim' si cal, (hwim' zẻ ki1,3) freak-whose husband is dead. ish, capricious, fanciful. Whine, (hwine,5) to lament, (2) plaintive noise in low murmurs Whip, (wip,5) to sew lightly, (2) an instrument of correction. Whip' hand, (hwfp' hånd,2) advan-Wild' fire, (wild' fire,2) a composi

tage over. Whirl, (hwer1,5) to turn round rapidly, (2) a circular motion. Whirl' pool, (hwert p381,2) a vortex Whirl' wind, (hwerl' wind,2) a stor

my wind moving circularly. Whis' ker, (hwis' kůr,2) mustachio. Whis per, (hwis' půr,5) to speak with a low voice, (2) soft voice. Whist, (hwist,10,) be still, (2) a game at cards,(5) to be still. Whistle, (hwis' s1,5) to sound shrill, (2) a small wind instrument. White, (hwite,3) snowy, pure, (2) any thing white. Whith'er,(hwn'ir,6) to what place Whi' ting, (hw' ting,2) a soft chalk Whit' low, (hwit' 18,2) a swelling. Whit' sun tide, (hwit' sun tide,2) the feast of Pentecost. [ing noise. Whiz,(hwiz,5) to make a loud Who, (h88,4) which person. Whole sale, (hole' såle,2) sale by the quantity or lump. Whole' some, (hole' sům,3)salutary.

Wid' ow er, (wid'd r,2) the sur-
viver of his lady or wife.
Wid' ow hood, (wid' ỏ hud,2) the
state of a widow.
Width, (width,2) breadth, wide-

tion of inflammable materials.
Wild' ness, (wild' ness,2) rudeness.
Wil' ful, (w f1,3) stubborn.
Wil' ling, (wil' ling,3) complying.
Wil' ling ly, (wil' ling lè,6) with

one's own consent.

Wi' ly, (we,3) cunning, sly.
Winding, (wind' ing,2) meander.
Wind' lass, (wind' las,2) a handle by

which any thing is turned.
Win' dow, (win' d8,2) an aperture
to let light in a house.
Wind' pipe, (wind' pipe,2) the pas-
sage for the breath.
Windy, (win' de,3) tempestuous.
Wing, (wing,2) the limb of a bird

by which it flies, a fan. Win' ping, (win' ulog,9,3) attractive,

charming, (2) the sum won. Win' now, (win' no,5) to fan, to sift hiss-Win'ter green, (win'têr green,2) plant. Wise' a cre, (wize' à kir,2)a dunce. Wise' ly, (wize' 1,6) judiciously. Wish'full y,(wish'fil 2,6) with longing, earnestly, desirously.

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bush, coin, 8 Conjunction,

7 Preposition,

noise, sound, Talue, think.

9. Participle, 10 Interjection.

Word, (wird,2) talk, discourse, dispute, tidings, a human voice, (s) to express in proper words. Work, (wirk,s) to labour, (2) toil. Work house, (wirk' hose,2) a place

of correction, a penitentiary. Work' man, (wirk' man,2) an artificer, a maker of any thing. Work' man ship, (wirk' min ship,2) the art of working.. [globe World, (world,2) the terraqueous World' ling, (wirld' ling,2) a mortal

set upon profit and gain. World' ly, (wirld' le,3) secular, (6) Iwith relation to the present life Worm, (wirm,2) a small serpent. Worm wood, (wirm' wdd,2) a plant. Worn, (worn,9) of wear. Wor' ry, (wir re,s) to harass. Worse, (würse,3) more evil, (2)

something less good.[to adore. Wor' ship, (wir' ship,2) dignity, (5) Wor' ship ful,(war' ship fül,3) claim

ing respect by any character. Wor ship per, (wir' ship pår,2) one

that worships, an adorer. Worst, (wirst,s) most ill, (s) to defeat, to overthrow. Wors' ted, (wirs' tid,2) woollen yarn Worth, (wirth,2) price, (3) equal

in value to. [lence, dignity. Wor' thi ness, $8,(wủa Tề nðs,2) excelWorth' less, (wirth 3) having no

value. [eminent quality. Wor' thy,(wor re,3) deserving, (2) Wound, (woond or wind,2) a hurt. Wran' gle, (ring' g1,5) to dispute

peevishly, (2) a quarrel. Wrangler, (ring gl år,2) a peevish, perverse, disputative man. Wrath, (rath,2) anger, fury, rage.

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