صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Un en' vied, (un ên' vid,3) exempt | Un for giv' ing, (in för giv' îng,3)re

from envy.

Un e' quali y, (în kwál è,6) in
disproportion one to the other.
Un e quiv o cal, (în è kwîv' d kål,3)
not equivocal.

Un er ring, (in êr' ring,3) certain.
Un es sen' tial, (in és sen' shâl,3)not

being of importance.
Un e' ven, (an e' vn,3) not level.
Un ex am' ined, (in ég zâm' înd,3) not
discussed, not inquired.
Un ex cep' tion a ble, (in ek sêp'
shan å b1,3) not liable to objection
Un ex haus' ted, (in êks haws' têd,3)

not spent.

Un ex pe'ri enced, (in êks pe' rẻ enst,3)not acquainted by practice. Un ex pe' di ent, (în êks pè' dè ênt,3)

not fit, inconvenient. Un ex plored', (în êxs plord',3) not

searched out, not known.
Un ex tin' guish a ble, (un êks ting'

gwish å bl,3) unquenchable.
Un fai' ling, (in fa' ling,3) certain.
Un fair', (in fare',3) not honest.
Un faith' ful, (in fath' fül,3) perfidi-

ous, treacherous, impious.
Un fash' ion a ble, (în fash' în å bl,3)

not according to custom. Un fas' ten, (in fas' sn,5) to loose. Un fath' oma ble, (ún fáтx' um à b1,3)

not to be sounded by a line.
Un fa' vour a ble, (in fa' virble,3)

Un feigned', (in fånd's) real, sin-
Un felt', (3n felt',3) not felt.
Un fin' ished, (in ffn' Isht,3) incom-
plete, imperfect.

Un fore seen', (în före sèèn',3) not
known before it happened.

lentless, implacable.
Un for' ti fied, (in för' tè fide,3) not
strengthened. [unprosperous
Un for tu nate, (in for' tshò nất,3)
Un fre quent' ed, (în trẻ kwênt' êd,3)
rarely visited or entered.
| Un fruit' ful, (in fråôt' fül,3) not fer-
tile, not prolifick.

Un gen' er ous, (un jên' er ås,3) not
noble, not liberal.
Un gen' tle, (in jên' tl,3) harsh,
Un god' li ness, (în god' lẻ nês,2)im-
piety, wickedness.

Un gov' er na ble, (in gåv' år nå bl,
3) not to be ruled, wild.
Un gov' erned, (în gåv' årnd,3) un-
bridled, licentious.

Un grace' ful, (in gråse' fål,3) want

ing elegance and beauty. Un grate' ful, (in grite' fil,3) mak

ing ill returns, unpleasing.
Un guar' ded, (ingyår déd,3) careless
Un hand' some, (in han' sum,3) un-
graceful, not elegant.

Un hap' py, (a hap' pè,3) miserable
Un har mo' ni ous, (in hår mo' nè us,

3) unmusical, ill sounded.
Un har' ness, (in hir nês,5) to loose
from the traces, to disarm.
Un health' y, (in helth' è,3) sickly.
Un heed' ed, (an heed' éd,3) disre-

garded, not worthy of notice. Un hinge', (in hinge',5) to displace

by violence, to throw from the hinges. [ety, profaneness. Un ho' li ness, (in ho' lê nês,2) impiUn hurt', (in hårt',3) free from harm Uni for mity, (vd nẻ for' mẻ tẻ,2)

even tenour, resemblance, U' ni form ly, (yd' nè förm lè,6) with

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

out variation, one from another. Un im proved', (în împrô¿vd',3) not meliorated, not taught. Un in formed', (ån în formd',3) uninstructed, untaught. Un in hab' it ed, (in în hab' It ed,3) having no dwellers.

Un in struc' ted, (in în stråk' têd,3)

not taught, illiterate.

Un in tel' li gent, (in in tel' lê jênt,3|

not knowing.

10 Interjection.

Un re pealed, (în rẻ péld,3) not revoked, not abrogated.

Un re pent' ed, (în rẻ pênt' êd,3) not regarded with penitential sorrow Un re qui ted, (ủn rẻ kwl těd,3) not compensated for.

Un re served’, (ủn rẻ zêrvd,3) frank, open, not limited.

Un re sis' ted, (in rẻ zîst' êd,3) not

opposed, resistless.[determined Un re solved', (în rẻ zôlvd',3) not Un re vealed', (in rè veld',3) not told.

Un in tel' li gi ble, (in în tê là je bl,
3)not such as can be understood
Un in ten' tion al, (in în tên' shin 41,3)
happening without design.
Un pleas' ant, (in plêz' int,3) not
delighting, uneasy.[disgusting. just, wicked, sinful, bad.
Un pleasing, (in ple' zing,3) offensive
Un pol lu ted, (ủn phi 18 ted,3) not

[not recompensed.
Un re ward' ed, (in re wird' éd,3)
Un rid' dle, (in rid' 1,5) to explain.
Un righ' te ons, (in rl' tshe is,3) un-

Un pop' u lar, (in pop' å lår,3) not

fitted to please the people. Un pre pared', (in prẻ pard',3) not fitted by previous measures. Un prin' ci pled, (în prin' se pld,3) not settled in tenets or opinions Un prof'i ta ble, (in prof' è tâ b1,3)

useless, serving no purpose. Un pro piti' ous, (in pro' pish is,3) in

auspicious, not favourable. Un pro por tioned, (în prò pôr' shund, 3)not suited to something else. Un

pro tec' ted, (in prò tak' têd,3)not protected, not supported. Un proved', (in proövd',3) not evinced by argument. Un rec on ciled, (in rek' on sild,3)

not reconciled.

Un te gen er ate, (in règên' er åte,3) not brought to a new life. [el. Un re lent' ing, (in rẻ lênt' log,s) cru

Un ri' valled, (a r vald,3) having

no peer or equal. [quil. Un ruf' fled, (n rif' Ad,3) tranUn ru' ly, (du r8' lé,3) turbulent. Un sanc' ti fied, (in singk' te fide,3)

unholy, not consecrated. Un sa' ti a ble, (3n så' she b1,3) not to be satisfied.

Un sat is fac' tor y (ân sắt tỉs fâk' tår

4,3) not givingsatisfaction. Un sat' is fied, (in sât' tis fide,3) not

contented, not pleased. Un scrip' tu ral, (un skrip' tshd ral,8)

not defensible by scripture. Un search'a ble, (in sértsh' ble,3)

not to be explored.

Un sea' son a ble, (in ad' zn å bl,3)

unfit, untimely, late. [certain. Un set' tle, (in t' tl,s) to make unUn sha' ken, (on sha' kn,3) not agitated. [ing protection. Un shel' tered, (in shel' tord,3) wantUnskilled', (in skid',3) wanting skill Un skil' ful, (on skil' fül,s) wanting

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knowledge, or art. Un so'ci a ble, (in s'shẻ á bl,3) not Un sort' ed, (in sort' éd,3) not distributed by proper separation. Un sought', (in sawt',3) had without seeking corrupted,not orthodox Un sound' (in sound',3) sickly, rotten, Un spea' ka ble, (in spẻ' kå b1,3)not to be expressed.

Un sta' bie, (in sta' b1,3) not fixed. Un studied, (in staa'id.3) not premeditated. [not solid,not real. Un sub stan' tial, (in sub stân' shâl,3) Un success' ful, (un sûk sês' fül,3) not having the wished event. Un sui' ta ble, (un su ta bl,3) not

[blocks in formation]

Un tu'tored, (in to' tôrd,3) untaught Un twist', (in twist',5) to separate. Un va' ried, (in va' rid,3) not chang

ed. [adorned, not decorated. Un var' nished, (în vår' nisht.3) not Un va ry ing, (ần và rẻ ing,3) not liable to change.

Un veil', (ån våle',5) to disclose.
Un u' su al, (in d' zhð á1,3) rare.
Un ut' ter a ble, (an át tr å b1,3)
ineffable, inexpressible.

Un wea' ried, (in wè' rid,3)not tired
Un wel' come, (in wel' kim,3) not
pleasing, not grateful.
Un whole' some, (in hwble' sim,3)

unsalubrious. [serving, mean. Un wor' thy, (in wůr' THè,3)not deUp' right, (up' rite,3) honest, erect. Up' ward, (ip' wird,5) directed to a higher part. [difficulty.

congruous, not equal. Un sul' hied, (in sûl' lid,3) pure. Un sup port' ed, (in sup port' Id,3) not sustained, not assisted. Un sure', (in shure',3) not certain.Ur'gen cy, (ür' jên sè,2)pressure of Un sur mount' a ble, (in sur moint Use' ful, (yise' fül,3) convenient. Use' less, (yose' lês,3) having no end,

b1,3) not to be overcome. Un sus cep' ti ble, (ún sus sep' té b1,3) not liable to admit. Un sus pec' ted, (3n sûs pêk têd,) not likely to do or mean ill.

answering no purpose. Ush' er, (ish' ir,2) an under teacher, (s) to introduce. U' su al, (yd' zhd 41,3) frequent.

Un sus pici' ous, (in sûs pish' is,3)U' su rer, (v zhủ rår,2) one who

having no suspicion. Un taught', (is tawt',3) uneducated Un thank' ful, (in thingk' fill,3) ungrateful. [thoughtless Un think, ing, (in things' Ing,3) Un til', (in til,6) in the time that. Un timely, (in time' lé,3) happening before the natural time.[ed

puts money out at interest. U surp, (yd zurp',5) to possess without right, to force, intrusion. sur pa' tion, (yd zår på'shůn,2) illegal seizure or possession. surp er, (y zarp' ir,2) one who seizes that to which he has no [for money.


Un trained, (in trand',3) not educat-U' su ry, (y zhà rẻ,2) interest paid Uu tried' (in tride',3) not yet at-U ten' sil, (yå tên' sil,2) an instru

tempted, not experienced.

Un true', (in tr88',3) false."

Un truth', (in tr88th,2) a falsehood!

ment for any use,as tools. U til' i ty, (yu ta' è tè,2) usefulness U to' pi an, (ya to' på án,3) ideal.

nor, not, tåbe, tub,

7 Preposition,

bash, noise, coin, sound, Tuine, think.

8 Conjunction,

6 Adverb,
sively fond of a wife.
Ux o' ri ous ness, (úg zỏ' rẻ ús nës,2)
connubial dotage on a wife,

Va can cy, (và kắn sẻ,2) vacuity.
Va ca' tion, (v kd'ahin,2) leisure.
Vac' u um, (val & im,2) space un-
occupied by matter.
Vague, (vig,3) wandering, unfixed
Vain glo ry, (vàne giờ rẻ,2) empty

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Ve' hi cle, (ve' he k1,2) a carriage.
Ven' er a ble, (vên' &r â b1,3) to be
regarded with awe.
Ven er a' tion, (vễn êr d' shẳn,2) re-

verent respect, regard.
Venge' ful, (venje' föl,3) vindictive.
Ven' i son, (ven' & zn,2) flesh of deer.
Ven ti la tor, (vên′ tế là tỏr,2) an

instrument to supply close pla-
ces with fresh air.

one who speaks in such a manner that the sound seems to issue from the ventricle. Ven tril' o quy, (vên trl' 18 kwè,2)

[arrogantly.|Ven tri cle, (văn trẻ k1,2) stomach. Vain ly, (vine' lê,6) idly, foolishly,| Ven tril o quist, (vẻn tr′ lỗ kwht,2) Val e dic' tion, (val & dile shin,2) a farewell. [bidding farewell. Val e dic' tor y, (vál é dik' tår 4,3) Val e tu di na' ri an, (vâl lễ tổ de nổ rẻ in,2 & 3) a person uncommonly careful of his health. Val e to dina ry, (vật là tớ đề nổ 3) weakly, sickly, infirm Val' iant, (val' yant,3)stout, brave. Val' our, (val' år,2) personal bravery Val' u a ble, (vår då ы1,3) precious. Ver bose', (vêr båse',3) prolix, teVal u a' tion, (vål i d'shun,2) ap-Ver bos' i ty, (vêr bôs' è tè,2) exube


praisement. [praise. Val' ue, (var 1,2) price, (5) to apValve, (válv,2) a folding door.. Van, (van,2) the front of an army. Van guard', (vin gyård',2) the front. Va' por ous, (v pôr is,3) flatulent, fumy exhalation. Va ri a ble, (và rủ £ h1,3) changeable, mutable. [tion, change. Va ri ation, (v rd ' shon,2) mutaVa' ri e gate, (v' red gåte,s) to diversify. [geable. Va'ri ous, (vi'r de,3) different,chanVeg' e ta ble, (ved' je t b1,3) belonging to a plant. [as plants. Veg' e tate, (ved' je tate,s) to grow Ve'he mence, (vehé mense,2) violence

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speaking inwardly.[(5) to dare. Ven' ture, (ven' tshire,2) a hazard, Verb, (vårb,2) a part of speech. Ver' ball y, (ver' bal 4,6) orally. Ver ba' tim, (ver bå' tim,6) word for word. [dious.

rance of words, much empty talk. [of a jury to the judge. Ver' dict,(ver' dikt,2) determination Ver i fi ca' tion, (vêr è fè kå′ shẳn,2)

confirmation by argument.
Ver' i fy, (ver' è fl,s) to justify.
Ver' i ly, (ver' è lê,6) in truth.
Ver juice, (ver jun,a) acid liquor.
Ver mil' ion, (ver m' yan,2) a beau-
tiful red colour.
Ver' min, (ver' min,2) any noxious
Ver nal, (ver nål,3) belonging to
the spring.

Verse, (verse,2) a piece of poetry.
Ver si fi ca' tion, (ver sé fè d' ahồn,2)

the art of making verses.
Ver' si fy, (ver'sè fl,s) to make verses

[blocks in formation]

Vic' tor, (vik' tur,2) a conqueror.


Vic tor y, (vik' tår 4,2) conquest,
Vic' tress, (vik' três,2) a heroine.
Vict' uals, (vit tiz,2) provision or

Vertical (ver'te kål,3) perpendicular | Vic to'ri ous, (vik tổ rẻ ús,3) conVes' per, (ves' pir,2) evening star. Ves' pers, (vès' parz,2) the evening service. [thing containing. Ves' sel, (vès 2) a ship, or any Ves' tal,(vés tál,2) a pure virgin,(3) denoting pure virginity. Ves' ti bule(ves' te båle,2) the porch or first entrance of a house. Ves' tige, (vés' tidje,2) footstep. Ves' try, (vês' trẻ,2) a parochial as-Vig' il ance, (via' jil ânse,2) watchful


sembly room.
Ves' ture, (ves tshire,2) garment,
Vex a' tion, (vêk ad' shẳn,2) sorrow.
Vex a' tious, (vek sà' shûs,3) afflictive
Vi'and, (vi' and,2) food, meat dressed
Vi at' i cum, (vi åt è kûm,2) provi-

sion for a journey.
Vi' brate, (v' brite,5) to quiver.
Vi bra' tion, (vi bra' shun,2) the act
of moving with quick returns.
Vic ar, (vik ir,2) a substitute.
Vic ar age, (vlk' ir Idje,2) the ben-
efice of a vicar. [delegated
Vi ca' ri ous, (vi ka' rẻ is,3) deputed,
Vice, (vlse,2) a fault, a screw.
Vice ad' mi ral, (vlse åd' mè rål,2) the

second commander of a fleet.

Vice a’gent, (vise a jent,2) one who

food, the support of life, meat.
Vi del'i cet, (vê dêl' è sêt,6) to wit.
Vie, (vi,s) to contest, to contend.
View, (v,5)to survey, (2) prospect
Vig' il, (via jil,2) watch. [ness.

Vig' il ant, (vid' jil ânt,3) watchful.
Vign' ette, (vin' yêt,2) ornamental

flowers in painting.

Vig' or ous, (vig' år ås,3) forcible.
Vig' our, (vig' år,2) force, strength.
Vile, (vlle,3) base, mean, sordid.
Vil' i fy, (v'è ft,s) to defame.
Vil' la, (v 1,2) a country seat.
Vil' lage, (vil' dje,2) a small col-

lection of houses, not a town. Vil' la ger, (vid jôr,2) an inhabitant of a village.

Vil' lain, (vil' lin,2) a wicked wretch
Vil' lan y, (vil' lán è,2) baseness.
Vin' ci ble, (vin' se b1,3) conquerable
Vin' di cate, (vin' de kåte,s) to jus-

tify, to support, to maintain. Vin di ca tion, (vẫn dẻ kế shủng2)

acts in the place of another. defence, justification, assertion Vice ge' rent, (vise je' rẻnt,2) a lieu- Vin dic' tive, (vin dik' tiv,3) retenant, deputy. [king. vengeful. [bears the grape Viceroy, (vise' rè,2) a deputy Vine, (vine,2) a crawling plant that Vi cin'i ty, (ve sin' è té,2) neigh-Vin' e gar, (yin' né går,2)acid, sour. bourhood, nearness, adjacency. Vici nal, (vis' è nâ!,3) near. Vicious,(3) devoted to vice. Vi ciss i tude.(vé sta ́é túde,2) regular change, revolution. Vie' tim, (vik' tim,2) a sacrifice.

Vine' yard, (vin' yêrd,2) a ground
planted with vines.
Vin' tage, (vin' tidje,2) the time in

which grapes are gathered. Vintner, (vint' nur,2) who sells wi Vi'o late, (v' late,5) to injure

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