صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

bush, nåtse, cổng sound,
8 Conjunction,

THine, think.

6 Adverb, 7 Preposition,

Trans pa' ren cy, (trâns på' rên sè,2) clearness, translucency. Trans pa' rent, (trans på' rent,2) per

vious to the sight, pellucid. Tran spi ra' tion, (trân spê rå' shun,2)

emission in vapour. Tran spire, (trắn spire’,5) to escape

from secrecy. Trans plant', (trâns plant',5) to replant, to remove. [to send off. Trans port', (trans port',5) to banish, Trans port, (trans' port,2) rapture. Trans por ta' tion, (trâns por ta' shin, 2) banishment, removal, conveyance, carriage. Trans pose', (trans poze',5) to put each in the place of another. Trans pp siti' on, (trâns pỏ zlah' in,2) the at of putting of one thing in the place of another. Tran sib stan' ti ate, (tran sub stan' ahd 5) to change into another. subsance.

Tran ub stan ti a' tion, (trån såb stan sha'shin,2) change of substance Tran verse', (trâns verse',3) being in cross direction. Travell er, (trav' 1 år,2) one who

gos a journey, a wayfarer. Traverse', (tra verse',6) athwart, (through,crosswise.

Tr' erse, (trav' érie,3)lying across, to wander over.

Try, (tra,2) a shallow trough.

9 Participle, 10 Interjection.

gainst law.

Trea' son a ble, (trẻ' zn i b1,3) of the nature of treason. [to lay up. Treas' ure, (trêzh' dre,2) wealth, (5) Treas' u rer,(trêzh' & rår,2) one who has the care of money. Treas u ry, (trẻnh ủ rẻ,2) a place in which money kept. Treb' le, (trèb' b1,3) three fold, (2) a sharp sound. Tree, (trèè,2) a large sapling., Trem' ble, (trêm' b1,5) to shake. Trem'u lous, (trêm' & lús,3) trembling Tren' cher, (trêu' shůr,2) a wooden platter.

Tre pan', (trẻ pân',2) a surgeon's

instrument, (5) to insnare. Tret, (trêt,2) allowance in weight for waste. [three angles. Tri an' gle, (trling' g1,2) a figure of Tri an' gu lar, (tri âng' gå lår,3) hav-. ing three angles.

Trib u la' tion, (trib d' shin,2)

vexation, disturbance of life. Tri bu' nal, (trl bd'nil,2) the seat of

a judge, a court of justice. Triề u ta ry, (trb & tả re,3)paying tribute,(2)one who pays tribute Trib' ute, (trib' åte,2) a tax. Tric' kle, (trk' k1,5) to fall in drops Tri enn ial, (trl en' y1,3) lasting

three years, every third year. Tri' fle,(trl' f,5) to act or talk with levity, (2) a thing of no moment

Tach' er ous, (trêtsh' er is,3) faith-Tri' fler, (trl' a r,2) one who talks

ess, perfidious.

Teach' er y, (tretsh' år 4,2) perfidy. rea' cle, (tre 1,2) molasses. read, (tra,s) to trample, (2) a step with the foot.

or acts with levity. Tri' fling, (tra Ing.3) unimportant. Trig' ger, (trig' gir,2) a catch of a wheel or gun.

Trig' o nal. (trig' 8 nål.3) triangular ’reason, (trẻ x2) an offence a-| Trigo none try,(ung Anim e trẻ)

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the art of measuring triangles.

which the sun turns back.

Tri later al, (tri låt er å1,3) hav-Trot, (trôt,5) to move with a jolt

ing three sides. [000,000,000.

Trill' ion, (tri yan,2) 1,000,000,000,

ing pace, (2) high pace of a horse.


Troub' le some, (trub' bl sum,3) vex

Trim' ming, (trim' ming,2) ornamen-Troub' le, (trûb' b1,5) to distress, (2) tal appendages to a coat. Trin i ta rị an,(trên 2 tá rẻ an,2)one who believes in the doctrine of the Trinity.

Trin′ i ty, (trîn' è tè,2) the union of
the three persons in the Godhead
Trink' et, (tringk' kit,2) a toy.
Tripe, (tripe,2) the intestines.
Triph' thong, (trip' thông,2) a

atious, teasing.

Trough, (tróf,2) any thing hollowed
Trow, (trò,5) to think, to imagine.
Troy weight, (tre' wåte,2) gold
weight, 12 oz. 1 lb.

Tru' ant, (tr88' ânt,2) an idler, (3)

wandering from business. coali-Truce, (trôbse,2) a temporary peace Trudge,(trudje,5) to jog on. True, (tr83,3) not false, geruine. True heart' ed, (trỏỏ hårt' 143)honest, faithful.

tion of three vowels. Trip' le, (trip' pl,3) threefold. Trip' let, (trip' lit,2) three of a kind Tri plic' i ty, (tri plis' è tè,2)trebleness.[sion into three equal parts

Trump' er y, (trump”êr ¿,2) trifles.

Tri sec' tion, (tri sek' shun,2) divi-Trump' et, (trump it,2) an nstru

Tris' yl la ble,(tris' sil b1,2) a word consisting of three syllables.

Trite, (trite,3) worn out, stale.

ment of music, (5) to proclaim Trump' et er, (tramp' it år) one

who sounds a trumpet.

Trun' dle, (trin' dì,5) to roll.
Truss, (trús,2) a bundle of hy or
straw, (5) to pack close.
Trus tee', (trus tee',2) one intust-

Tri umph' ant, (trl inf' ânt,3) cel-Trun' cheon,(trun' shun,2) a cidgel. ebrating a victory. Tri une', (trl ine',3) at once three and one. [vile, worthless. Triv' ial, (triv' yal,3) unimportant, Triv' iall y, (triy yil 4,6) lightly. Trod, (tra,9) of tread.

Trog lo dyte, (trog' 18 dite,2) one
who inhabits caves.
Troop' er, (troop' år,2) horse soldier
Trope, (trope,2) a change of a word
from its original signification.
Tro' phied, (tro' fid,3) adorned with
trophies. [ken from an enemy.
Trophy, (tro fè,2) something ta-

ed with any thing. Trust' y, (trist' &,3) honest, fait ful Truth, (tr88th,2) fidelity, realiy. Tues' day, (tuse' dè,2) the third day [shp.

of the week. Tu iti' on, (tå ish' 30,2) guardia. Tum' ble, (tim' bl,5) to roll abou,

to turn over, (2) a fall. Tu mul' tu a ry, (td mul tshủ â rẻ,3 disorderly, confused.

Trop' i cal, (trop' è kål,3) belong-Tu mul' tu ous, (tỷ mål' tshå ås,3)

ing to the tropick.

turbulent, violent.

Trop' ick, (trop' 2) the line at Tun' nel, (tin' n1,2) a funnel.

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Turbu lence, (tur’bà lénse,2) tu-|U biq ui ta ry, (a bik về tả rẻ,3)ex

mult, confusion.
Turf, (torf,2) a clod covered with
Turn' coat, (tirn' kôte,2) a renegade
Turn' ing, (turn' ing,2) meander.
Turn' ip,(turn' Ip,2) an esculent root
Tur' pen tine, (tur' pên tine,2)a gum
Tur' tle, (tur' ti,2) a species of dove
Tus' can, (tis' kan,3) denoting the

rudest order of architecture. Tu' te lage, (t' te je,2) guardian ship. [directress, governess. Tu' tor ess, (tu tar és,2) instructress, Twang, (twang,5) to sound with a

quick noise, (2) a sharp sound. Twen' ty, (twen té,3) twice ten. Twig, (twig,2) a small branch. Twilight, (twilte,2) obscure light, (3) deeply shaded. Twin, (twin,2) one of two children born at a birth, gemini. Twink le, (twingk' kl,s) to sparkle Twink' ling, (twingk' iing,2) a sparkling intermitting light. Twirl, (twirl,s) to turn round, (2)


isting every where.

U biq' ui ty, (4 blk' wè té,2) omni[continuance.


Ul' cer, (ir sår,2) a sore of long
Ul' cer ous, (a' sûr 3s,3) afflicted
with sores.
Ul' ti mate, (3' te måt,3) the last
Ul ti mate ly, (l' té mát lê,6) in the
last consequence.

Ul tra ma rine', (3) trâ má rẻèn',3)

beyond the sea, (2) blue colour. Ul tra mon' tane, (l trà môn' tine,3) beyond the mountains. Ultra mun' dane, (3 trâ mun' dine,3) beyond the world. Um' brage, (im' bridje,2) offence. Um bra' ge ous,( s, (im bra' je ús,3)shady Un a bashed', (an basht',3) not


Un a' ble, (in a' b1,3) impotent.
Un ac' cep ta ble, (in ak' sép tå b1,3)

not pleasing.[ned,3) not attended Un ac com' pa nied, (in ak kim' p、 Un ac com' plished, (nak kom' [coin. plisht,3) unfinished, incomplete. Un ac coun'ta ble, (an ak köản' tâ

Un ac cus' tomed, (in ik küs' tumd,3)

not habituated. [not known. Un ac quain' ted, (an ik kwan' têd,3) Un ad vised', (and vlzd',3) impru

dent, indiscreet, rash." Un a dul' ter a ted, (in á dôl' tôr å

Twop' ence, (tap' pense,2) a small Typ' i cal, (tp kal,3) emblemat-b1,3) not to be solved by reason ical, figurative. [printer. Ty pog raph er, (tl pôg' grâf ir,2) a Typ o graph' i cal, (tp d gråf è kål, 2) belonging to the printer's art Ty pog raph y, (t pog graf 8,2) the art of printing. [tyrant. Tyr'anness, (tr' ra nês,2) a female Ty ran' ni cal, (tl rân' ne kal,3) despotick, imperious. [the tyrant. Tyr' ann ise, (tir' ran ize,5) to act Tyr ann y, (tir rån 8,2) severity. Ty' ro,(t' r3,2)one in his rudiments

ted,3) genuine, not counterfeit. Un af fec' ted, (in af fèk' têd,3) real. Un ai' ded, (an a' dèa,3) not assisted Un al' ien à ble, (in Ale' yên à 1,3)

not transferable or alienable. Un al' ter a ble, (in al' tra b1,3) in

capable of being altered.

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Un chan' gea ble, (in tshẳn' já b1,3)
Un chan' ging, (un tshan' jing,3) suf-

U nan i mous, Úy nắn ở mua,3) be-|Un cer′ tain ty, (ủn sẻr tỉn tẻ,2) duing of one mind. Un an' swer a ble, (în ân' sûr å b1,3) not to be refuted. [daunted. Un ap palled', (un ap pawld',3) not Un ap pea' sa ble, (în âp pë' zá b1,3) not to be pacified, implacable. Un apt', (in ipt',3) dull, unfit. Un armed', (an armd',3) having no [ambitious. Un as pi' ring, (ún ás pl' ring,3) not Un as sis' ted, (ún ás sis' ted,3) not helped. [not to be gained. Un at tai na ble, (un át ta' nå bl,3) Un at ten' ded, (în ât tên' dêd,3) hav-Un close', (in kidze',5) to open. ing no retinue.


Un au' thor ized, (in &w' thůr izd, 3) not supported by authority. Un a vai la ble, (ủn & và là b1,3) useless, vain.

[vain. Un a vai ling, (ủn & và lồng,3) Un a void a ble, (un á völd' å bl,3) inevitable, not to be shunned. Un a ware', (in à ware',6) unexpectedly. [decent.

fering no alteration.[penurious
Un char'i ta ble, (în tshår' è tå bl,3)
Un chris' tian, (ån kris' tahan,3) con-
trary to Christianity.
Un cir cum scribed', (în ser kim
skribd',3) unlimited. [barous.
Un civ il ized, (in siv' il Izd,3) bar-
Un clar' i fied, (in klár' è fide,3) not
purified, not purged.
Un' cle, (ing' k1,2) parent's brother

Un come' ly, (in kûm' lè,3) wanting
grace, not comely.
Un com mu ni ca ted, (ủn kôm mà

ně ká têd,3) not communicated. Un com pound' ed, (in kom pôînd' Îd,

3) simple. [dom from anxiety. Un con cern', (un kôn sẻrn',2) freeUn con' quer a ble, (ân kổng' kửr i b13) incapable of being conquered Un cour' te ous, (un kor' tehé ús,3)uncivil, unpolite.

Un court' ly, (in kòrt' lẻ,3) inele

gant of manners, uncivil. Un couth', (in keith',3) odd, strange Unc' tion, (angk' shun,2) ointment. Une tu osity, (ông thủ ôn ở tế) fatness, oiliness.

Un be com' ing, (un bè kum' Ing,3)in-
Un be liev er, (în bè lèèv' ir,2) an
Un bind', (in blnd',5) to loose, to
Un bla' ma ble, (un blå må bl,3) not
culpable. [from reproach.
Un blem' ished, (in blêm' isht.3) free
Un blest', (3n blast',3) wretched.
Un bodied, (in bid′ la,3)incorporeal |
Un bos' om, (in buz' ům,5) to open.
Un bought, (in bawt',3) obtained
without money. [limited.
Un bound' ed, (in bound' êd,3) un-
Un bro' ken, (in brd' kn,3) not sub-
[rid of a load.
Un bur then, (ủa bun run,5) to| Un


Unc'tu ous, (3ngk' tshd is,3) oily.
Un cur ti và ted, (ủn khi tẻ và th

not cultivated, not instructed. Un curbed', (un kûrbd',3) licentious Un daun' ted, (ân dân' têd,3) unsub

dued by fear, not depressed. Un dec' a gon, (in dêk'â gôn,2) a figure of eleven angles or sides. de cay ing, (ủn dễ kế Bag,3) noi

nor, not, tube, tub,

6 Adverb,

7 Preposition,

bosh, noise, coin, såånd, Tutae, think.

8 Conjunction, 9 Participle,


10 Interjection.


suffering diminution. Un de ci' sive, (ån de l'ev,3) not Un de served', (ân dễ zërvd',3) not decisive, not conclusive [luted. Un de serving, (ân dễ zêr' ving,3) Un de filed', (ån de fild',3) not pol- not having merit. Un de fined', (du dé find',3) not cir-Unde sig'ning, (in de sl'ning,3) sincere cumscribed by a definition. Un de ter min ate, (in dé ter min åt, Un de fi' na ble, (în de fi' nâ b1,3)not to be marked out. Un de mol' ished, (in dè môl' isht,3)

not rased, not thrown down. Un de ni' a ble, (în dè n'i bl,3)such as cannot be gainsaid. Un der bid', (an dår bid',5) to offer less than the worth.

[ocr errors]

3) not settled [undecided. Un de ter mined, (în de têr' mind,3) Un di min' ished, (în de min' sht,3) not impaired. [directed. Un di rec' ted, (ôn đễ rêk têd,3) not Un dis cerned', (un dîz zêrnd',3) not discovered, not observed. Un dis guised', (in diz gylzd',3)open

Un der hand', (in dôr hand',6) clan-Un dis pu' ted, (in dîs på' têd,3) in


destinely. Un de rived', (in de rivd',3) not Un' der ling, (in' dor ling,2) an inferior agent. [cavate under.

controvertible, evident.
Un dis turbed', (în dis turbd',3) calm
Un di vulged', (în dè vilja',3) secret
Un do', (in d88',5) to unravel.

Un der mine', (un dår mine',5) to ex-Un done', (in din',s) ruined, not Un der neath', (in dir nèrs',6) be

done, not performed.

[table. Un doubt' ed. (ån d8it' ¿d,3) indubiUn' dress, (in' drês,2) a negligent

or loose dress. [ing motion. Un du la' tion, (in jó là' shin,?) wavUn du' te ous, (in dd' tè is,3) irre verent, disobedient.

low, (7) under. [rate too low. Un der rate', (ån dår råte',5) to Un der sell', (în dår sel',5) to sell cheaper than another. Un der stan' ding, (in dår stân' ding, 2) intellectual powers, (3) skilful. Un der stood', in dår ståd',9) of un-Un du' ti ful, (ân dẫ′ tẻ fôl,3) not derstand. [an inferior agent. Un' der strap per, (in' dir strip pår,2) Un der ta' king, (an där ta' king,2)

enterprise, engagement.
Un der ten' ant, (in dur tên' ânt,2) a
secondary tenant.

Un der val' ue, (ån dår väl' 3,5) to
rate too low, to despise.
Un' der wood, (an' dir wid,2) the
low trees under the large ones
Un der write', (in dir rite',5) to
write under something else.
Un der wri' ter, (ản dår r′ tôr,2) an

reverent, not obedient.
Un ea' si ness, (in d' ze nes,2) trouble
Un ea' sy, (in d'zè,8) painful.
Un ed' i fy ing, (in dd' éfting,3)not

improving in good life.[chosen Un e lec' ted, (in è lêk'ted,s) not Un el' i gi ble, (în ¿l' è jè b1,3) not worthy to be chosen.

Un em ployed', (in m pl87d',3) idle.
Un en dowed', (în ễu dôôd′,3) not
invested, not graced.
Un enjoyed', (en én jöld,s) not pos
sessed, not obtained.

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