صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Af fec' tion ate, (âf fêk' shun åte,3) | Af' ter all', (âî' tôr ¡ll′,6) at last, in

fond, tender, warm, zealous. Af fec' tion ate ly, (âf fék' shẳn åte lè,6) fondly, tenderly, zealously. Af fec' tive, (af fèk' tiv,3) that which affects, which strongly touches. Af fi' ance, (ar f' Anse,2) a marriage contract, (5) to give confidence. Af fi da' vit, (af fè da' vît,2) a declaration upon oath.

Af fin' i ty, (if fla' nè tè,2) kindred, relation by marriage. Af fir ma' tion, (âf fêr må' shẳn,2) the act of affirming or declaring. Af fir' ma tive, (af fêr' må tv,3) that may or can be affirmed. Af flic' tion, (af fik' shun,2) the cause

of pain or sorrow, calamity. Af flic tive, (af filk' tiv,3) painful. Af' flu ence, (if fù inse,2) exuberance of riches, concourse. Af flux ion, (år fik shin,2) the

act of flowing to a place. Af fran' chise, (af från tshiz,5) to make free.

Af fright', (af frite',2) terror, (5) to terrify, to afflict with fear. Af fuse', (if faze',5) to pour one thing upon another.

Af fu' sion, (af fo' zhin,2) the act of affusing.

A float', ( flote',6) floating.

A foot', (a fit,6) on foot, in action, not on horseback.

A fore' na' med, (â före' nå′ mêd,3) named before.

A fore said, (a förẻ' såde,3) said or mentioned before.

fine, in conclusion.

Af ter noon', (âf tür nöỗn',2) the time from the meridian to the evening.

Af' ter thought, (is' tur thảwt,2) reflections after the act.

Af' ter ward, (âf' tår wård,6) in succeeding time.

A gain', ( gen',6) a second time. A gainst', (â genst',7) contrary, opposite, in general.

Age, (je,2) the latter part of life. a man or woman at twentyone years.

A' ged, ( jêd,3) old, stricken in years.

A gen cy, (à jễn sẻ,2) the quality

of acting as an agent.

Ag' ger ate, (a' jår åte,s) to heap up. Ag glom' er ate, (ig glôm' mår åte,5)

to gather up in a ball,as thread. Ag' gran dize ment, (g grån dize

ment,2) the state of being aggrandized.

Ag' gra vate, (igʻ grå våte,s) to make any thing worse.

Ag gra va' tion, (âg grå và' shản,2) the act of aggravating. Ag' gre gate, (g' grẻ gåte,2) the result of many particulars. Ag gress', (g gress',5) to commit the first act of violence. Ag gres' sor, (ig grẻs' sir,2) an assailant or invader.

Ag grie' vance, (^g grẻ′ vânse,2) injury, wrong.

Ag grieve', (ag grève',5) to give sorrow, to vex, to impose.

A fraid', (a fråde',9,3) terrified.
After a' ges, (if tår d' jêz,2) succeed-A
ing times, posterity.

ghast', ( gist', 3) struck wit horror,at the sight of a spect

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Ag' ile, (j' 1,3) nimble, ready.
A gil' i ty, (j' è tè,2) quickness.
Ag i tate, (j' è tåte,5) to put in

motion, to actuate, to move. Ag i ta' tion, (âj è ta' shun,2) discussion, disturbance of the thoughts A go', (a go',6) past, as long ago. Ago nize, (g' d nize,5) to be in excessive pain.

Ag' o ny, (g' o ně,2) violent pain. A gree' a ble, (a grèẻ' â b1,3) pleasing, suitable, consistent withA gree' ment, (â grèẻ' ment,2) concord, compact, bargain. Ag ri cul ture, (đg rễ kủ tshure,2) tillage, husbandry.

A ground', ( grond',6) stranded. A head', (i hed',6) further onward than another.

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Aid de camp', (åde dè kiwng',2) an

assistant officer of an army. Ail' ment, (le ment,2) disease. Ail' ing, (ale' ing,9,3) sickly. Air'y, (are' 4,3) high in the air,

lively, gay, vain, trifling. A kin', ( ku',3) allied to by blood. Al' a bas ter, (âl′ â bás tår,2) a kind of soft marble.

A lac' ri ty, (â lâk' krẻ té,2) cheerful

ness, gayety, sprightliness. Al a mode', (il å mode',6) according

to the fashion.

A lar ming, ( lår' ming,9,3) terri

fying, awakening, surprising. A las', ( liss',10) a word expressing lamentation or pity.. Al' chy mist, (aľ′ kè mist,2) one who pursues or professes the science of alchymy. Al' chy my, (al' kè mè,2) the more sublime chymistry.

4 Pronoun,


5 Verb,

Al' co ran, (âľ kỏ rån,2) the book of
the Mahometan precepts.
Al cove', (âl köve',2) a recess to sit
or lie in, in which is placed a
bed of state.

Al' ge bra, (ar jè brâ,2) a peculiar
kind of arithmetick.
Al' ien, (ale' yên,2) a foreigner.
Al' ien ate, (le' yên åte,s) to with-

draw the heart or affections. Al ien a' tion, (åle yễn d' shun,2) the

act of transferring property. A light', (å lite',5) to come down. Al' i ment, (a' lè mênt,2) food. Ali mon y, (ất là mốn nề,2) the wife's separate maintenance. Al lay, (1,5) to quiet, pacify, to mix one metal with another. Al lege', (il lêdje',) to declare. Al legiance, (al le′ jânse,?) the duty of subjects to their govern


Al le gor' ick, (ûl lẻ går rik,3) not real, not literal.

Al le gor’ i cal, (ấn lẻ gội rẻ k$1,3) in the form of an allegory, not literal.

Al' le gor y, (a' lễ gôr rẻ,2) a figurative discourse.

Al le lu' jah, (a lè lử′ yâ,2) praise

God, spiritual exultation. Al le vi a' tion, (âl lê vè d' shẳn,2) a

fault extenuated, the act of making light, or easy.

Al li ga' tor, (âl lè gå′ tår,2) the crocodile of America.

Al lisi' on, (â 17zh' 33n,2) the act of striking one thing against another.

Al lo cu' tion, (il 18 ko' shin,2) the act of speaking to another.

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Al lo' di al, (1 18 de 1,3) not feu- | Al ter ca' tion, (âl tår kå' shản,2) de

dal, independent.

Al lot', (il 18t',5) to grant, to dis

tribute by lot, to share. Al lot' ment, (ál lôt' ment,2) the part, the share.

Al low' a ble, (11 188′ ы1,3) lawful,

not forbidden, sufferable. Al low' ance, ( 18' ánse,2) license,

as a stipend, permission. Al lude', (il lide',s) to hint. Al lure ment, (al låre' ment,2) enticement, temptation.

Al lu' sion, ( 10' zhún,2) a hint. Al lu' sive, ('siv,3) hinting at something.

Al' ma nack, (kl′ må nåk,2) a calendar.

Al migh' ty, ( ml' tè,3) of unlimited power, omnipotent. Al' mond, (' mind,2) a nut. Al monds, ( mindz,2) the two glands of the throat. Alms, (Amz,2) what is given in relief of the poor. Alms' house, (imz' hôlee,2) an hospital for the poor.

Al' oes, (a' bze,2) a precious wood, a medicinal gum.

A loof', (à 188r',6) at a distance.
A loud', ( 18,6) loudly.
Al' pha bet, (al få bêt,2) the letters.
Al pha bet’ i cal, (1 fã bẻ tẻ kil,3)
according to the series of let-
ters, as a, b, c, d, &c.

Al ready, (il red' dè,6) at this pre-
sent time, before the present.
Al ter a ble, (ar tor & b1,3) that may
be altered or changed.
Al ter a' tion, (1 tr & shin,2) the
act of changing or altering.


bate, controversy.

Al ter' nate, (âl têr' nåte,3) being by turns, reciprocal.

Al ter na' tion, (il tår nå' shôn,2) the

reciprocal succession of things. Al ter na tive, (il têr' nå tv,2) the choice given of two things. Al though', ( To', 8) however, notwithstanding.

Al' ti tude, (ir tè tôde,2) height of place, highest point.

Al to geth' er, (åì tô gễrn' år,6) com

pletely, without exception. Al' um, (1' 18m,2) a kind of mine

ral salt of an acid taste. Am, (im,s) the first person of the verb to be.

A mal' ga mate, (å mål′ gå måte,s) to

unite metals with quicksilver. A man u en' sis, (â mân à ên' sis.2) a person who writes what another dictates.

A mass', ( más',5) to collect to

gether into one heap or mass. A maze' ment, ( måzé' mênt,2) confused apprehension, horror. Am' a zon, (âm' à zin,2) a warlike woman, a virago.

Am bas’ sa dor, (âm bão sử dur,2) a

publick agent, à consul. Am bas' sa dress, (âm hâs' så drês,2) an ambassador's lady. Am' ber, (âm' bår,2) a yellow transparent substance.

Am' ber gris, (âm' bûr grèse,2) a fra

grant drug that will melt. Am bi guity, (âm bẻ gì ẻ tẻ,2) un certainty of signification. Am big' u ous, (am big' 3s,3) having two meanings, doubtful.

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blance between things.

5 Verb,

Am biti on, (âm bish' în,2) a desire | A nal' o gy, (â nål′ tò jè,2) resemof preferment or honour. Am biti ous, (âm bish' is,3) aspiring. Am bro si al, (âm trở thẻ al,3) delicious, quality of ambrosia. Am bu la' tion, (âm bủ là' shun,2) the act of walking.

Am bus cade', (âm bus kåde',2) a

place or station of surprise. A me na ble, (à mé′ nå b1,3) respon

sible, liable to account for. A' mi a ble, (a' mè à bì,3) lovely,

pleasing, showing love. Ami ca ble, (ấm mề xả b1,3) kind, friendly.

Am' i ca bly, (m' me kâ lê,6) in a

friendly way. Am ity, (âm mẻ tề,2) friendship. | Am mu niti on, (âm mů nish' in,2) military stores.

A mongst, (mingst',7) mingled with, conjoined with others. A mount', (â mount',2) the total sum. Am phib' i ous, (im fib' è 3,3) that which can live in two elements, viz. in water and on land.

Ain phi the’ a tre, (âm fè thẻ a tur,2)

a circular edifice with seats. Am' ple, (a' pl,3) wide, large.

A nal' y sis, (à nâl′ lẻ sîs,2) a solution of any thing corporal or mental to its first elements. An a lyt' i cal, (ân â lft' tè kâl,3) that which proceeds by analysis. An' a lyze, (ân' â lize,s) to resolve a compound into its first principles.

A nar' chi al, (å når′ kẻ ál,3) confused, without rule.

An' ar chy, (in' Ir kè,2) want of government.

An a tom i cal, (în i tom'è kál,3) relating or belonging to anatomy.

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nat o my, (i nất ở mẻ,2) the art of dissecting bodies, a skeleton. An' ces tor, (in' sês tur,2) one from whom a person descends.

An ces trel, (in số trẻ,3) claimed from ancestors.

An' ces try, (in' ses trè,2) lineage. An' cient, (ine' tshent,3) old, past. And, (and,8) the particle by which

sentences or terms are joined. And i ron, (ând' I åra,2) iron at the end of a fire grate.

Am' pli tude, (im' plẻ tùde,2) large-An' ec dote, (ân' êk dote,2) secret

ness, copiousness, abundance. Am' pu tate, (am' på tåte,s) to cut off a limb.

A muse' ment, (â můze' ment,2) enter

tainment, that which amuses. An a lep' tick, (ân â lêp' tîk,3) comforting, corroborating. An a logical ly, (ân i 18dje' è kål 18,6) in an analogical manner.


An gel' i ca, (ân jêl' è kå,2) the name of a plant or flower. An gel' i cal, (ân jēľ′ è kål,3) resem

bling or belonging to angels. An' ger, (âng' går,5) to provoke. An' gle, (ang' g1,2) the space between two lines intersecting each other.

A nalogous, ( nål 18 gås,3) having | An' gry, (âng' grè,3) touched with analogy, or something parallel. I anger, painful, inflamed.

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An' guish, (âng' gwish,2) excessive | An oth' er, (în îтn' år,3) not the

pain either of mind or body. An' gu lar, (ing' gå lår,3) having

angles or corners. An i mad version, (ân è mád vêr' shin,2) severe censure, reproof. An i mad vert', (ân è mâd vert',5) to pass censure upon, to consider.

An imal cule, (ần ở một klle,2) a

small animal.

An i mos i ty, (ần ê môi' sẻ tẻ,2) vehemence of hatred, malignity. An' ise, (ân' nfs,2) a species of apium or parsley, with scented seeds. An' kle, (ank' kl,2) the joint which joins the foot to the leg. An' nals, (in' nlz,2) histories digest

ed in the exact order of time. An nex', (ân acks',5) to unite to. An ni hi late, (an al' he låte,s) to destroy, to reduce to nothing. An ni hi la' tion, (in nl hè l' shůn,2) the act of reducing to nothing. An ni ver sa ry, (in nề ver sa rè,2) certain day celebrated in every year, as the fourth of July. An no Dom i ni, (ăn nó dôm ẻ nẻ,6)


in the year of our Lord. An no ta tion, (ấn nô tả shủn,2) ex-| plication, note.

An noy' ance, (in nod' inse,2) that which annoys.

An nu i ty, (in nội ẻ tẻ,2) yearly allowance, to be paid every year.

An nu' me rate, (ân ni' me råte,5) to

add to a former number.

A nom’a ly, (i nôm′ i lẻ,2) a devi

ation from rule, irregularity. A non' y mous, (â non' è`mis,3) wanting a name.

same, one more, any other. An' swer, (ân' sår,5) to speak in return to a question.

An tag' o nist, (ân tâg' d nîst,2) one

who contends with another. An tarc' tick, (ân târk' tik,3) relating to the southern pole. An te ce dent, (in tế về dồnt,3) going before, preceding.

An te cham ber, (ẩn tế thẩm bur,2)

the chamber that leads to the chief apartment.

An' te date, (in' te date,s) to 'date before the exact time.

An te di lu vi an, (in tẻ để 18′ vẻ ân,3)

existing before the deluge. An te me rid′ i an, ( tin tẻ mề rldj′ é ăn, 3)

being before noon.

An te mun' dane, (in tè min' dine,3) that was before the world. An te pe nult', (ân tè på nult',2) the last syllable but two.

An té ri or, (ăn tế xẻ ur,3) going


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