صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Pro sa' ick, (pro så' ?k,3)resembling
prose, belonging to prose.
Pro scribe', (pro skribe',5) to cen-
sure capitally, to doom to de-

Proscrip′ tion,(pr8skrfp′sh&n,2)doom |

to death or confiscation. Prose, (proze,2) language not restrained to harmonick sounds. Pros' o dy, (pros' sò dè,2) the part of grammar which teaches the sound and quantity of syllables and the measures of verse Pro spec' tive, (prò spêk' tlv,3)viewing at a distance; acting with foresight.


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something swelling above the .rest. [prominent, swelling. Pro tu' ber ant, (prò tử bêr ânt,3) Proud' ly, (prôåd' lè,6) arrogantly." Prove, (prov,5) to evince, to try. Prov en der, (prov vẻn dur,2) dry

food for brutes; hay and corn. Prov' erb, (prov vẻrb,2) a by-word. Pro ver' bi al, (prò vẻr' dẻ â1,3)mentioned in a proverb.

Prov′i dence, (prov' vẻ dễnse,2) di-
vine superintendence.
Prov i dent, (prov' vẻ dễnt,3) fore-
casting; cautious.

Prov i den' tial, (prov è dén' shâl,3)
effected by providence.

ting to a province, unpolished. Pro visi' on,(pro vizh' in,2) victuals. Prov o ca tion, (prov ở kế shủng2) an

act or cause of anger. Prov ost, (prov' vist,2) the chief of any body, as the provost of a college. [prey. Prowl, (rr881,5) to wander for Prox' i mate, (próks' è måte,3) next

Pros per' i ty, (pros per' è tè,2) suc-Pro vin' cial, (pro vin' shal,3) relaPros per ous, (prôs' pûr ûs,3) successful, fortunate. Pros ti tu tion, (pr$s tẻ từ shdn,2)the abuse of any thing. Pros' trate, (pros' trate,s) to fall down in adoration,(3) lying at length Pro tec' tor, (prò têk' tur,2) a defen[to stretch forth. Pro tend', (prò tend',5) to hold out, Pro test', (pro test',5) to note the non-payment of a bill of exchange(2) a solemn declaration Prot es tant, (prot' tes tant,2) one who protests against the church


of Rome.

in the series of ratiocination. Prox im' i ty, (pråks îm' è tè,2)near

ness. [applied to practice. Pru' dence, (prêt dense,2) wisdom Pru' dent, (pr88' dênt,3) practically

wise, foreseeing. [ly grave. Prud' ish, (prôåd' ish,3) affectedPrune, (pr38n,5) to lop, (2) a dried plum. Psalm, (sam,2) a holy song.

Prot es ta' tion, (prot tês ta' shun,2) a solemn declaration, fact or opinion. [the head register. Pro thon o tar y,(prỏ thôn nở tấrẻ,2) | Pro' to type, (pro' to tlpe,2) the orig-Psal' mo dy, (sal' m8 dè,2) the act

inal of a copy, archetype. Pro trac' tion, (pro trák shin,2) the act of drawing to length. Pro tu' ber ance, (prò to bêr înse,2)

of singing holy songs. Psal' ter, (sawl' tir,2) a psalm book. Pub' li can, (pub' lẻ kân,2) a toll gatherer or innkeeper,

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bish, noise,
8 Conjunction,

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Pub li ca' tion, (påb lè kd' shin,2) the act of publishing. Pub' lish, (pub' lsh,5) to make generally and openly known. Pub' lish er, (pub'lish ur,2) an author Pucker, (pak kôr,5) to contract into folds, to gather into wrinkles. Pud' ding, (pudding,2) a kind of food variously compounded. Pu dic' i ty, (pd dis' sé té,2) modesty Pu' e rile, (p' è r1,3)childish, boy[ishness, boyishness. Pu e ril' i ty, (på è ril' è tè,2) childPuis' ne, (pa ne,s) young, younger Pu' is sance, (pa' ls sanse,2) power. Pul' let, (pulit,2) a young hen. Pul' ley, (pol' 1,2) a small wheel for a running cord.


Pul' mo nar y, (pil' mò når 4,3) be-
longing to the lungs.
Pulp, (palp,2) the soft part of fruit
Pul sa' tion, (pil s' shin,2) the act of
beating with quick strokes.
Pulse, (plee,2) the motion of any
artery as the blood is driven
through it by the heart.
Pul' ver ize, (på vår ize,s) to re-
duce to powder,to reduce to dust
Punch' eon, (pinsh' in,2) a hogshead.
Punc til' io,(ping til yd,2)nicety of
behaviour, exactness.
Punc til' ious, (pångk til yds,3) exact
Punc' tu al, (pingk' tahd 1,3) nice..
Punc tu a' tion, (pingk tahd a' shun,2)

the act or method of pointing. Punc' ture, (ping tshire,2) a hole

made with a sharp point. Pun' gent, (pin' jênt,3) acrimonious,

biting, acid, piercing, sharp. Pun' ish ment, (pin' nish mint,2) an infliction imposed for a crime.

coin, Blind, Tuine, think.

10 Interjection.

9 Participle,
Pu' pil age, (po' pli Adjé,2) minority.
Pup pet, (pip' it,2) a small image.
Pup' pet show, (påp' pît shd,2) mock

drama performed by images. Pur' chase, (pur tshs,) to buy for a price, to obtain at an expense Pur'chas er, (pår' tshâs år,2)a buyer Purga' tion, (pår gå' shun,2) the act

of cleansing or purifying. Pur' ga tive, (pår gå tîv,3) cathartick Pu ri fi ca' tion, (på rẻ fè kå′ shẳn,2)

the act of making pure. Pu' ri fi er, (på rẻ fl úr,2) a refiner Pur' ple, (pår pl,3) red tinctured

with blue; in poetry, red. Pur pose, (pir pie,2) intention, design, (s) to intend, to resolve. Pur suit', (pår site',2) the act of following with hostility. Pur vey, (pår vd,2) to buy in provisions, to procure. Pur vey' or, (pår vi år,2)a procurer Pu sil lan im' i ty, (på sfl lân îm' mè té,2) cowardice.

Pu sil lan' i mous, (på sîl lân' nè mus,8)

mean spirited, cowardly. Pus' tule, (pir' tshile,2) a pimple. Pu tre fac' tion, (på trẻ fük' shun,2)

the state of growing rotten. Pu' tre fy, (pd' trẻ fl,s) to corrupt. Puz' zle, (piz' z1,5) to perplex, (2)

embarrassment, perplexity. Pyr' a mid, (pir' å mid,2) in geometry is a solid figure, whose base is a polygon, and whose sides are plain triangles,their several points meeting in one. Pyr' rho nism, (pir' rò nizm,2) scep ticism, universal doubt.


Quac' ker y, (kwák“ kûr è̟,ɔ) mean

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or bad acts in physick. Qua dran' gu lar, (kwå drân' gå lur,3) square having 4 right angles. Qua drat' ick, (kwâ drât îk,3) belonging to a square. Qua dren' ni al, (kwâ drên' ně i1,3) happening once in four years. Quad' ru ped, (kwôd'drů pêd,2)an an

imal that goes on four feet. Quad' ru ple, (kwôd' rå pl,3) fourfold, four times told.

Qual i fi ca' tion, (kwôl lè fè ka' shin,

2) accomplishment. [any thing
Qual' i fy, (kwol' lè ft,5) to fit for
Qualm, (kwam,2) a sudden fit of
sickness, languor.
Quan đa ry,(kwôn dả rẻ,2)a doubt
Quan' ti ty, (kwon' tè tè,2) propor-
tion. [tity, the amount.
Quan tum, (kwôn tâm,2) the quan-
Quar an tine', (kwör rån teen',2) forty
days in which a ship suspected
of infection, is obliged to for-
bear intercourse or commerce.
Quar' rel, (kwor' rll,2) a brawl, (5)
to debate, to scuffle, to fight.
Quar' rel some, (kwór ril' sům,3) in-
clined to brawls, petulant.
Quarry, (kwôr' rẻ,2) a stone mine,
(5) to dig out stones.
Quart, (kwort,2) two pints.
Quar' ter, (kwor' tur,2) a fourth
part, (s) to divide into four
parts. [short upper deck.
Quar' ter deck, (kwor' tur dek,2) the
Quar' to, (kwor tò,2) a book in
which every sheet makes four

Quash, (kwosh,s) to crush.
Qua' ver, (kw' vor,5) to shake.
Que' ry, (kwè' rè,2) inquiry, (6) to

4 Pronoun,


s Verb,


ask questions.
Ques' tion, (kwês tshun,2) inter-
Ques' tion a ble, (kwês' tshủn á bl,3)
doubtful,disputable, suspicious
Quib' ble, (kwib' b1,2) a low con-
ceit, (s) to pun.

Quick' en, (kwik' kn,5) to hasten.
Quick' lime, (kwfk' lime,2) lime

unquenched. [tively, keen. Quick' ly, (kwik' lè,6) speedily, acQuick sand, (kwik' sand,2) moving

sand, unsolid ground.

Qui es' cence,(kwl ês' sènse,2)repose
Qui' et ly,(kw' êt lè,6) calmly, pea-
ceably at rest.
Qui' e tude, (kw!' è tude,2) rest, re-
Quin quan gu lar, (kw?n kwing g

lir,3) having five corners.
Quin quen' ni al, (kw?n kwên' nè MI,

3) happening once in 5 years. Quin tes' sence, (kwîn tês' sense,2) an

extract from any thing containing all its qualities. Quir'is ter, (kwir'ris têr,2)a chorister Quo' rum, (kwo' rům,2) a sufficient

number to transact business. Quo ta' tion, (kwỏ ta' shôn,2) citation, passage quoted from an author Quoth, (kwith,5) say or said. Quo' tient, (kwo' shent,2) the number produced by division.


Rab' bi, (råb' bè,2) a doctor among

the Jews. [crowd of people. Rab' ble, (rab' b1,2) a tumultuous Race, (rise,2) a family, course. Rack, (rák,2) an engine of torture, (5) to torment. [noise. Rac' ket, (rik' kit,2) a clattering Ra' di ant, (ra de ânt,3) shining, emitting rays, sparkling.

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nor, nôt, tåbe, tôb, 6 Adverb, 7 Preposition,

bosh, noise, coin, bånd, THIDE, thlok.

8 Conjunction,

Ra di a' tion, (rẻ dễ d′ shin,2) emis-
sion of rays, lustre. [root.
Rad i cate, (råd' de kite,s) to
Rad' ish, (rad' dish,2) a root.
Ra' di us, (r' de 3,2) the semi-di-

ameter of a circle.

Raf' fle, (rar' 4,5) to cast dice for a prize, (2) a species of game. Rag‍ged, (rågʻgld,3) rent into tatters. [language. Rai' ling, (ring,2) reproachful Rail' ler y, (ra' lêr 4,2) slight satire, satirical merriment. Rain' bow, (rane' bỏ,2) the iris. Rain' y, (rine' 4,3) showery, wet. Ral' ly, (rál lé,s) to treat with satirical merriment, to come again into order.

Ram, (rim,2) a male sheep, (5) to

drive with violence. Ram' ble, (ram' bl,5) to rove, (2) irregular excursion, wandering Ram' bler, (ram' bl år,2) a rover. Ram' pire, (ram' pire,2) the wall round fortified places. Ran, (rin, pret of) run. Ran' cor ous, (rång' kår 3,3) malignant, spiteful. [malignity. Ran' cour, (ring' kôr,2) inveterate Ran' dom, (rin' dům,2) want of direction, (3) done by chance. Ran' ger, (ran' jur,2) a rover. Ran' sack, (rin' sik,s) to plunder. Rant, (rant,2) high-sounding language.

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Rap′ ine, (rip' în,2) the act of plun dering, violence, force. Rap' ture, (rap' tahdre,2) ecstasy. Rap' tur ous, (râp' tsbår ås,3) transporting, ecstatick.

Rare, (rire,3) scarce, uncommon. Rare' ly, (rare' lè,6) seldom, finely. Rash' ly, (råsh' lè,6) hastily, vio

lently. [tempt of danger. Rash' ness, (rash' nes,2) foolish conRa' sure, (rd' zhdre,2) the act of scraping out a word in writing Ra' ta ble, (ra' ta b1,3) set at a certain rate or value.

Ra' ti o, (ra' she d,2) proportion. Rat i oc' i nate, (rish è s'è nåte,5)

to reason, to argue. Rat i oc i na' tion, (râsh è sè nd'

shin,2) the act of reasoning. Rati' on al, (rash' in 21,3) wise. Rat i o nal' i ty, (rásh è ò nâl' è tè,2)

the power of reasoning. Rati' on all y, (râsh' in 1 4,6) rea.

sonably, with reason.

Rats' bane, (rata' båne,2) arsenick.
Rat' tle snake, (råt' tl sadke,2) a ser-
pent with a rattle.
Rav age, (råv vidje,5) to lay waste,

(2) spoil, ruin, waste. Rav' el, (rav' vi,s) to entangle. Raven, (r' vn,2) a large bird, (5)

to devour with rapacity. Rav en ous, (råv vn.is,3) voracious Rav ish, (rav lab,s) to delight. Ra' zure, (r'zhdre,2) act of erasing Re ac cess', (rè ak sès',2) visit re[power.


Ra pacious, (ra på' shds,3)given to plunder, seizing by violence. Ra pac' i ty, (rapis' ne té,2) the ex-Reach, (retsh,5) to extend, (2) ercise of plunder, ravenousness Re ac' tion, (ré ik' shin,2) the reciRa pid' i ty, (rå pla' è tè,2) velocity. procation of any impulse or Rap'id ly, (rap' Id 14,6) swiftly. force impressed.


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Read missi' on, (rẻ id mish' un,2)the

act of admitting again. Re ad mit, (rẻ đã một,5) to let in again. [dily Read' y, (rêd' dè,3) prompt,(6)reaRe al'i ty, (rear' è tè,2) truth. Re' al ize, (realize,s) to bring into being or act. Re' all y, (re' il 4,6) truly. Re an i mate, (rẻ ăn ne mate,5) to|

revive, to restore to life.
Re an nex', (rè ân nêks',5) to annex
Traise up.
Rear, (rère,2) the last class, (5) to
Rear' ward, (rère' wird,2) the last
troop, the latter part. [again.
Re as cend', (ré ás send',5) to climb
Rea' son a ble, (ré zn b1,3) "a-

greeable to reason.
Rea' son er, (ré za úr,2) an arguer.
Rea' son ing, (re' zn lug,2) argument.
Re as sem ble, (rè âs sêm' bl,5) to

collect anew.

Re as sume', (rès some',5) to re-
sume, to take again.
Re a ssure, (rẻ a shure,s) to free

5) to repeat again distinctly. Re ca pit u la tion, (rẻ ki plt thổ la' shun,2) a detail repeated. Re cede', (ré sééd',5) to fall back. Re ceipt', (rè sète',2) the act of receiving; reception. Re cei' va ble, (rè se' vâ b1,3) capa. ble of being received. Re ceive', (rè sève',s) to take. Re ceiver, (rẻ sẽ vur,2) one that receives. [ly. Re'cent ly, (resent lé,6) newly freshRe cep' ta cle, (rè sép tá kl,2)a ves

sel or place into which any thing is received. [of receiving Re cep' tion, (rẻ sep' shun,2) the act Re cep' tive, (rè sẻp' tive,3) capable

of receiving. [of retreating. Re cession, (rẻ sênh ủn,2) the act Re change', (rẻ tshanje',5) to change again. [prescription.

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Rec′ i pe, (rês sè pè,2) a medical
Re cip' i ent, (rè sîp' pè ênt,2) a re-
Re cip ro cate, (rẻ sp prở kdte,s) to
Re cip ro ca tion,(rễ sp prở kế nhủng

2) action interchanged.
Rec i proc'i ty, (rês é pros'è të,2)

from fear or terrour. Re bate', (rè bite',s) to blunt. Re bel', (rè bel',s) to oppose law- mutual return. [of cutting off. ful authority.[lawful authority Re cisi' on, (rẻ sizh 30,2) the act Reb' el, (rab' 1,2) one who opposes Rec' kon, (rêk' kn,5) to number. Re bell ion, (ré bel' yan,2) insur-Rec' kon ing, (rek' kn Ing,2) comrection against lawful authority Re bell ious, (rẻ bởi yêu,3) opponent to lawful authority. Re bound’, (rễ blỏnd,s) to spring back, (2) resilition.

Re build', (re bild',s) to re-edify.
Re can ta' tion, (ré kân tà' shin,2) re-


Re ca piť u late, (rẻ kû ph' tshå låte,

putation, calculation.

Re cog ni sance, (rẻ kôg nề thue,2)

a bond of record; a badge. Re eog ni see', (rẻ xôg nề xe,2) he

in whose favour the bond is drawn.

Re cog niti' on, (rek kg nish' în,2)

review, acknowledgement. Re col lect, (rek kôi lêk',s) to re

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