صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Pleas' ure, (plazh' bre,2) delight, (s) to please, to gratify. Ple be' ian, (plé bé' yan,2) one of the lower people, (3) vulgar. Plen i po ten' tia ry, (plen né pô n' sha re,2) a negotiator. Plen' te ous, (plen' tshe is,a) copious Plen' ti ful, (plên' té få1,3) abundant Pleu ri sy, (p18 vẻ vè,2)aninflammation of the pleura. Pli' a ble, (pli' b1,3) flexible. Plight, (plite,s) to pledge, (2) state. Plu' mage, (pl midje,2) feathers. Plumb' er, (plum' mår,2) one who works upon lead.

Plun' der er,(plin' dår år,2) a robber

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Poľ′ i ticks, (pôl′ lẻ tiks,2) the science of government. [ment. Pol lu' tion, (pôl i'ahun,2) defilePol tron', (pôl trỏỏu',2) a coward. Po ly an' thos, (po lé in' this,2) the

name of a flower.

Po lyg a my, (pò līg′ gå mê,2) plurality of wives. Pol’ygon, (pôl là gắn,a) a figure of many angles.

Pol' y syl la ble, (pol' lè sì là b1,2) a word of many syllables. Pol' y the ism, (pôl' id the Izm,2)the doctrine of plurality of gods. Pome gran' ate, (pim grân' nât,2) tree; the fruit.

Plu ral' i ty, (plò ra' è tè,2) a num-Pom pos' i ty, (pôm påa' d tè,2) af

ber more than one."

Plu vi ous, (pld về ủ,3) rainy. Pneu mat' ick, (nd mit' tik,3) moved by wind; relative to wind. Pneu ma tol' ogy, (nå mà tôľ′ 18 jé̟,2) the doctrine of spiritual existence.

[et. Po' em, (po' m,2) the work of a poPo et' i cal, (på et té kál,3) per

taining to poetry.

Po' e try,(po'à trẻ,2) poetical pieces Poig nan cy,(pod nun sé,2)sharpness Poignant, (pod nant,s) satirical,


Point' ed, (point dd,3) sharp. [jure.
Poi' son, (pod zn,2) venom,(s) to in-
Poi' son ous, (poe' zn ås,3) venomous
Po' lar, (på lår,3) found near the
[the pole.
Pole star, (pole' står,2) a star near
Po lite' ness, (po llte' nes,2) gentility
Po lit' i cal, (po t'è ki1,3) relating

to politicks.[versed in politicks Politici an, (pal 16 tish' in, 2) one

fectation of pompousness.
Pom' pous, (po' pis,3) grand.
Pon' iard, (pon' yård,2) a dagger.
Pope' dom, (pope' dům,2) papal dig-

nity.[on of the church of Rome Po' per y, (på pår è,2) the religi Pop' u lace, (pop' på lis,2)the multitude, the vulgar.

Pop u lar' i ty, (pop på lår' è te,2) state of being favoured by the people. Pop u la' tion, (pop på là' shin,2) the

state of a country with respect to numbers of people. Pop' u lous, (pop' på 18,3) full of people, numerously inhabited. Pore, (pore,2) spiracle of the skin, (s) to look with great earnest


[carried. Por' ta ble, (por' tå bl,3) that may be Port' age, (port' Idje,a) the price of carriage; port-hole. Por' tal, (por tál,2) a gate. Port fo'li o, (port to là 4,5) an

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empty binding to keep loose"
papers in.

Por tion, (por shôn,2) a part.
Port' li ness, (port' lẻ nês,2) dignity
of mien, grandeur of demeanour
Port man' teau, (pòrt mån′ tỏ,2)bag
in which clothes are carried.
Por trait, (por tråte,2) a picture
drawn after the life.
Por' tress, (por três,2) a female
guardian of a gate.
Po siti' on, (po zish' in,2) situation.
Pos i tive,(piz' zề tiv,3) absolute.
Pos sess', (poz zes',5) to enjoy.
Pos sessi' on, (pôz zêsh' în,2) the state

of having in one's own hands, or power.[state of being possible Pos si bil' i ty, (pôs sẻ bil' è tè,2) the Pos' si ble, (pós se b1,3) having the

power to be or to be done. Post' age, (st' dje,2) money paid for the conveyance of a letter. Post' date, (post' date,5) to date later than the real time.

Post de lu′ vi an, (pst dẻ là vẻ ăng 2) one that lived since the flood Pos ter' i ty, (pôs tẻr′ è tè,2) succeeding generations,descendants Post' hu mous, (post' hò mis,3) done, had, or published after one's death. [guides a post-chaise. Pos till'ion, (pôs til' yon,2) one who Post me rid' i an, (pòst mè rîd'è ân,

3) being in the afternoon. Post of fice, (post of' fis,2) an office where letters are delivered Post script, (post' skript,2) a paragraph added to the end of a letter. [assumed without proof. Pos tu late,(pis′ thủ late,2) position | Pos tu la' tion, (pôs tshủ là' shin,2)

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the act of supposing without proof, gratuitous assumption. Pos' ture, (pos tshire,2) situation. Pot' ash, (pot' ash,2) alkaline salt, Po' ten cy, (po' tên sẻ,2) power. | Po' tent, (po' tent,3) efficacious. Po ten' tial, (po tên' shâl,3) existing in possibility, not in act. Po' tent ly, (po' tént lé,6)powerfully Po' tion, (po' shun,2) a draught. Pouch, (potsh,2) a small bag. Pow' er ful, (pod' år fül,3) potent. Pow' er less, (på år lês,3)impotent Prac' ti cal, (prak' té kál,3) relating

to action,not merely speculative Pre des ti na' ri an, (prẻ dês tè na rẻ án,2) one that holds the doctrine of predestination. Pre des' ti nate, (prẻ đês' tè nåte,5) to appoint before hand by irreversible decree.

Pre des ti na' tion, (prẻ des tè n'

shon.2) preordination. Pre dic' a ment, (prẻ dîk' kâ mênt,2)

class or arrangement of things. Pred' i cate, (pred' de kåte,5) to af

firm any thing of another thing Pre dic' tion, (prẻ dik' shůn,2) prophecy, declaration.

Pre di lec' tion, (prẻ dẻ lêk' shůn,2)

preference, partiality. Pre dis pose', (prè dis pôze',5) to adapt

previously to any purpose. Pre dis po siti' on, (prè dis po zish

in,2) previous adaptation. Pre dom' i nance, (prè dom' mè nånse, 2) prevalence, superiority. Pre dom' i nate, (prẻ dôm' mě náte,5)

to prevail, to be ascendant. Pre em i nent, (prẻ ẻm mẻ nhat,3)

excellent above others.

bush, noise, coin. s&And, Tide,

8 Conjunction,

når, nôt, tube, tib, 6 Adverb, 7 Preposition, Pre en gage', (prẻ ên gådje',6) to engage by precedent contracts. Pre ex ist', (pré egz ist',5) to exist beforehand.

Pref' ace, (pret' fas,2) introduction Prefer a ble, (prêt' fêr à b1,3) eligible before something else. Pre fer ment, (prẻ fer mênt,2) advancement to a higher station. Pre judge', (pre jódje',5) to deter

mine beforehand.

Pre' ju dice, (pred' jû dîs,2) prepossession, (5) to injure, to hurt. Pre ju dici al, (prẻd jà dîsh' 1,3) mischievous, injurious. Prel' ate, (pril' at,2) an ecclesias

tick of the highest degree. Pre lim’ i na ry, (prẻ lm ở nữ rẻ,2)

preparatory measures. Pre lude', (pré de',6) to serve as an introduction. [ly. Pre ma ture', (pre må tåre',3) too earPre ma ture' ly, (prẻ må ture' lé,6)

too soon, too hasty.

Pre med i tate, (prẻ mêd' è tåte,s) to

conceive beforehand. Pre med i ta' tiou, (prè ined ẻ tử' shin,2) a meditating beforehand Prem' is es, (prém'iz,2) houses or lands. [warn beforehand. Pre mon' ish, (prẻ món' nish,5) to Pre oc cu pa' tion, (prẻ ôk ků på'shůn, 2) prepossession. [possess. Pre oc' cu py, (pre k' kå pl,) to prePre or dain', (prè or dáne',s) to ordain beforehand.

Pre or di na' tion, (prẻ 3r dẻ ná' shẳn,

2) the act of preordaining. Prep ar a' tion, (prep er 'shun,2) previous measures.

Pre par a' a tor y,(prẻ pâr' râ tůr 4,3)

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9 Participle, 10 Interjection.

antecedently necessary. Pre pon' der ance, (prẻ pôn' dêr înse, 2) superiority of weight. Pre pon' der ate, (prẻ pôn'der åte,s) to outweigh. [a part of speech Prep o siti on, (prep pd zlah' in,2) Pre pos' ter ous, (prẻ pôs'tër 30,3)absurd, perverted, wrong.

Pre req'uis ite, (prẻ rêk' kwiz ît,2) something previously necessary Pre rog a tive, (prẻ rôg' gå tîv,2)pe

culiar or exclusive privilege. Pres by te ri an, (prês bè tè rẻ ân,3) consisting of elders.

Pres by ter y, (prez bè têr è,2) a body of priests and laymen. Pre scrip' tion, (prẻ skr?p' shẳn,2)medical receipt.

Pres' ent ly, (prez' zent lè,6) now.
Pres er va' tion, (prêz zêr vá' shôn,2)
the act of preserving.
Pre ser' va tive, (prẻ zêr' vâ tlv,2)

that has power to preserve. Pre serve', (pré' zêrv',5) to save,(2)

fruit preserved in sugar. Pres' i dent, (prêz' zè dènt,2) a chief

magistrate. [perintendence. Pres' i den cy, (prèz' zê đến sè,2) SUPres' sure, (présh' shore,2) force. Pre sump' tion, (prẻ zům' shiu,2) arrogance, confidence.

Pre sump' tive, (prẻ zům' tlv,3) confident, arrogant. Pre tend', (pre tend',5) to claim, to

allege truly or falsely. Pre tend' er, (prẻ tênd' år,2) one who

lays claim to any thing. Pre ten’sion, (prẻ tên nhỏn,2) claim Pret' ti ly, (prêt' te lê,6) neatly. Prev a lent, (prðy' và lênt,3) victơ rious, predominant.

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likelihood; appearance of truth Prob' a ble, (prob' bá b1,3) likely. pre-Pro ba' tion, (pro bà' shůn,2) proof. Pro ba tion a ry,(prỏ bà shần % rẻ,3) serving for trial.

Pre var i ca tion, (prẻ vắt rẻ kế shin,2) a cavil, a quibble. Pre vent' ive, (pré vent' iv,3) servative, hindering ill. Pre vi ous ly, (prẻ vẻ 3s lẻ,6) antecedently; beforehand. Priest, (préést,2) a clergyman. Priest' craft, (prèèst' kråk,2) religious fraud.

Priest ess, (prèèst' tês,2) a woman who officiates in heathen rites. Priest hood, (prèèst' hůd,2) the of

fice and character of a priest. Priest' ly, (prèèst' lè,3) sacerdotal. Pri' ma cy, (prl' må se,2) the chief

ecclesiastical station.

Prim' i tive, (prim'è tv,3) original Pri mo ge ne al, (pri mo je ne £1,3) primary, elemental. Prince' ly, (prins lè,3) royal, grand. Prin' cess, (prinses,2) a sovereign's lady, the daughter of a king. Prin ci pal' i ty, (prin se pål' è tè,2) sovereignty, a prince. Print' er, (print' ir,2) a typographer Pri' or ess, (pri úr és,2) a lady superiour of a convent of nuns. Pri or i ty, (pr or rẻ tè,2) the state of being first. [glass. Prism, (prizm,2) a triangular Pris' on er, (priz'

Pro ba' tion er, (prò bå' shûn ûr,2) one who is upon trial; a novice. Prob le mat i cal, (prôb lè mâť tẻ kål, 3) disputable, uncertain. Pro ce' dure, (prò sẻ' jôre,2) manner of proceeding.

Proc' ess, (pros' sês,2) tendency. Pro cessi' on, (prò sesh' in,2) a train marching in ceremonious solemnity.

Proc la ma' tion, (prôk klå må'shun,2) a publication by authority. Pro cras tin a tion, (prỏ trấn tỉa l shin,2) delay, dilatoriness. Proc' tor, (prok' tůr,2) an attorney. Prod i gal' i ty, (prôd dễ gâľ′ è tẻ,2)

extravagance, waste.

Pro dig' ious, (prò did' jus,3) amazing Prod' i gy, (prod' dè jè,2) portent. Produce, (prôd' dise,2) product, amount, gain.

Pro duc' tive, (prò dåk' tiv,3) fertile Pro fes sed ly, (prỏ têu sd lẻ,6) openly, avowedly. Pro fessi' on, (prò fêsh' in,2) calling. år,2) a captive. Pro fessi' on al, (prò fêsh′în âl,3) rePri' vate, (prl' vât,3) secret, alone. lating to a profession.

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Pri va teer', (prì và tèèr',2) a pri-Pro fes' sor, (pro fês' sûr,2) a teacher

vate ship of war. Pri va tion, (pri vä′ shủn,2) removal

or destruction of any thing. Priv i lege, (priv ve lidje,2) peculiar advantage, (5) to exempt. Priv y, (priv 4,3) secret, (2) place of retirement.

Prob a bili ty, (pråb â bî′ è t¿,2)

Pro fes' sor ship, (prò fês' sûr ship,2)

the office of a publick teacher. Pro fici' ent, (prò fish' ent,2) one

who has made advancement. Prof' it a ble, (prof' fît å b1,3) gainful Prof' li gate, (prof' ad git,3) aban

doned; lost to virtue& decency. Pro fund i ty,(prò fûnd′ ¿ tè,2)depth

nor, nôt, tube, tub, bush, moldore, coin, såånd, vutne, thlak.

8 Conjunction,

6 Adverb, 7 Preposition, of place, or knowledge. Pro fu' sion, (prò fo' zhổn,2) lavish-ness, prodigality, abundance. Pro gen' it or, (prò jêu' ît år,2) fore

father, an ancestor. Prog nos' ti cate, (prog nos' te kåte,5)

to foretell, to foreshow. Pro gressi' on, (prò grêsh' în,2)regu

lar advance; process. Pro gres' sive, (prò grês' sive,3) going forward, advancing. Pro hi biti on, (prò he bish' in,2) an interdiction, forbiddance. Prohibitor y, (trỏ h′ bẻ thr ẻ,3) implying, prohibition. Pro jec tile, (pro jak 11,2) a body put in motion, (3) impelled forward.

Pro jec' tion, (prò jčk' shůn,2) plan. Pro lix'i ty,(pro ka' &tè,2) tediousness; want of brevity. Prologue, (pro' låg,2) preface. Prom' i nent, (prôm' me nënt,3) protuberant, standing out. Pro mis' cu ous, (pro mis' ki is,3) mingled, confused, undistinguished.

Prom' ise, (prim' miz,2) declaration

of some benefit, (5) to assure. Prom' is sor y, (prom' mis sur rè,3) containing a promise. Pro mot er, (pro mote' ir,2)advancer Pro mo' tion, (prò md shin,2) ad

vancement, preferment. Promp' ter, (prom' tår,2) a publick admonisher, reminder. Promp ti tude, (prôm' te tåde,2)

readiness, quickness. Prompt ly, (print' 14,6) readily. Pro mul gate; (prò mål' gåte,5) to publish, to make known,

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Prom ul ga' tion, (prům ål gå' shůn,2) publication, open exhibition." Pro nom' i nal, (prò nom'è nål,3)

having the nature of a pronoun Pro' noun,(pro non,2) a word used instead of a noun or name. Pro nun ci a' tion, (prò nun shé d' shỗn,

2) the act or mode of utterance. Prop a ga' tion, (prop â gå' shin,2) production by generation. Pro pel', (pro pel',s) to drive forward. [ably. Prop' er ly,(prop' pår 14,6) fitly, suitProp er ty, (prp par te,2) particu

lar right; the quality of a thing Proph' e cy, (pror fè sè,2) a predic

tion [to foretell, to foreshow. Prophesy, (pro fè sl,s) to predict, Proph' et ess, (prof' fit tés,2) a wo

man that foretells future events Pro phet' i cal, (prò fêt' të kâl,3)fore

telling or foreseeing future

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Pro piť i a tor y, (prò pîsh'è å tår è,

3) serving to propitiate. Pro piti' ous, (pro plsh' is,3) kind. Pro por tion, (prò pòr' shin,?) ratio. Pro po' sal, (prò po' zal,2) a scheme. Pro pose', (prò pòze',5) to offer. Prov o siti on, (prôp 8 zish' in,2) proposal.

Pro pound', (pro plind',s) to propose Pro pri e tor, (pro prl' tir,2) a possessor in his own right. Pro pul' sion, (prò pil' shin,2) the act of driving forward.

Pro rogue', (prd rog',5) to prolong.

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