صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Non ex is' tence, (non èg zis' tense,2) | Now a days, (nhử' i dize,6) in the

inexistence.[failure of residence Non res' i dence, (non rez' è dènse,2) Non' suit, (adn' adte,s) to dismiss the suit for some illegality. Noon' day, (noin' då,2) mid-day. Noose, (n88ze,2) a running knot, (s) to be in a noose. Nor, (nor,8) a negative particle. North, (north,2) the point towards the arctick pole.

North east', (north dest',2) the point

between the north and east. Nor ther ly, (når rår lé,3) towards the north. [north. Nor thern, (nr Turn,3) in the North' star, (north' står,2) the pole


North west', (north west',2) the point

between the north and west. Nose' gay, (noze gå,2) a bunch of

flowers, a posy. [in the nose. Nos tril, (nda tril,2) the cavity Not' a ble, (notâ b1,3) careful. No ta ry, (nô tả rẻ,2) an officer. No ta' tion, (nd td shin,2) the re

cording by figures or letters. No' ted, (nd ted,9,3) celebrated, eminent.

Noth' ing, (nith' Ing,2) non-entity.
No' tice, (no' tis,2) information.
No' tion, (nd' shin,2) opinion.
No to ri' e ty, (nd to ri è tè,2) pub-

lick knowledge or exposure. Not with stand' ing, (not with stand' Ing,8) although, nevertheless. Nourish, (nor rish,5) to increase or support by food, to educate Nov' el ty, (nov' val tè,2) newness. Nov' ice, (nov v.2) a fresh man. Now, (886) at this time.

present age.

[ful. Nox' ious, (nok'sbis,3)hurtful, baneNoz' le,(noz' z1,2) the nose, the end. Nu' bile, (nd' bil,3) marriageable. Nu' cle us, (nd kid in,2) a kernel;

any thing about which matter is gathered or conglobated. Nu'di ty, (nd de té,2) nakedness. Nu gac' i ty, (nd gas se té,2) futility Nu ga' tion, (nd ga' shin,2) the act or practice of trifling. Nui' sance, (nd' sanse, 2) something noxious or offensive.

Numb, (num,8) producing chilness, (s) to make torpid. Num' ber less, (num' bår 18,3) innu

merable.[the art of numbering Nu mer a tion, (ad mer d' shun,2) Nu' mer ous, (nd' mer ris,3) con

taining or consisting of many. Nun cu pa tive, (nun ku' på tỉv,3) publickly or solemnly declaratory, verbally pronounced. Nun' ner y, (non' når è,2) a house [marriage. Nup' tial, (nop' 1,3) pertaining to Nur' ser y, (nor' or 4,2) the place

of nuns.

where any thing is fostered. Nurs' ling, (nors' ling,2) a fondling. Nur ture, (nor tahdre,2) food, diet,

education, (5) to educate. Nus' tle, (ni' 1,5) to cherish. Nu triti on, (nd trish' in,2) the act or quality of nourishing.


Oa' kum,(8' 8m,2) cords untwisted
Oath, (dth,2) an affirmation.
Ob' du ra cy, (db' jð râ sè,2) hard-

ness of heart; impenitence. O be' di ence, (8 bé jd duso,2), sub

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mission to lawful authority. © bei′ sance,(ở bá sinse,2)courtesy. O bey' (8 bi',s) to pay submission to Object, (b' jekt,2) that about which any faculty is employed Ob jec' tion, (ôb jêk' shun,2) fault

found; adverse argument. Ob la' tion, (ob la' shin,2) an offering Ob li ga' tion, (3b lẻ gà' shun,2)duty Ob li ga tor y, (đb lẻ gà tủ 2,3) binding, coercive.

O blige', ( blidje,5) to bind.
Ob lique', (ôb like',3) not direct.
Ob liq' ui ty, (b lik' wè tè,2) devia-
tion from perpendicularity.
Ob lit' er ate, (b lit' ter råte,5) to
efface, to destroy.[forgetfulness
O bliv i on,(¿ bliv've in,2) amnesty,
Ob' long, (ob' long,3) longer than

broad. [cause of reproach. Ob'lo quy, (ab' 18 kwè,2) disgrace, Ob nox' ious, (ob nok' shûs,3) exposed Ob scene', (ab seèn',3) immodest. Ob scen' i ty, (ab sên' nè tè,2) impurity of thought or language, unchastity, lewdness. Ob scure' ly, (ib skåre' lè,6) not

brightly, not luminously. Ob scu' ri ty,(db sku' re tê,2)darkness Ob' se quies, (3b' se kwîz'2) funeral

rites and solemnities. Ob se' qui ous, (ôb se' kwè ús,3) 0

bedient; compliant. Ob ser' va ble, (b zêr' 'vå bl,3) remarkable, eminent. Ob servance,(3b zer' vâsse,2) respect Ob ser va' tion, (ôb zêr vá′ shỉn,2) remark, note, act of observing. Ob ser' va tor y, (ôb zêr' vâ tur ẻ,2) a place built for astronomical observation.

4 Pronoun,


5 Verb,

Ob' sta cle, (ôb' stå kl,2) hinderance Obsti na cy, ($b stẻ nã sẻ,3) stub

bornness, contumacy. Ob'sti nate, (ôb' stẻ nåte,3) stubborn Ob' sti nate ly, (ôb' stẻ nåte lè,6) inflexibly, stubbornly.

Ob strep er ous, (ôb strẻp' pêr ûs,3) loud, clamorous.

Ob struc' tion, (öb stråk' shun,2) hinderance, obstacle.

Ob vi ous, (b vẻ us,3) open, easily discovered, plain, evident. Oc ca sion, (ok ka zhůn,2) incident, (5) to influence.

Oc' cu pan cy, (k' kå pån sè,2) the

act of taking possession. Oc' cu pant, (šk' ků pânt,2) he that


takes possession of any thing. Oc cu pa' tion, (ôk ků på' shûn,2) employment, trade, business. Oc' cu pi er, (ôk' ků på år,2) a pos[dental event. Oc cur' rence, (ök kür' rense,2) acciO' cean, (d' shin,2) the great sea. O' chre, (o' kůr,2) a kind of earth. Oc' ta gon, (ok' tâ gôn,2) a figure

consisting of eight sides and angles, in geometry. Oc tag' o nal, (ök tåg' gỏ nål,3) hav. ing eight angles and sides. Oc tan' gu lar, (ôk tang' gå lår,3) having eight angles.

Oc ta' vo, (ok ta' vò,3) the sheet of

a book folded into eight leaves Oc ten' ni al, (ôk tên në â¡,3) hap

pening every eight years. Oc′ u lar, (ök' ků lår,3) known by the eye. [hatred. O′ di um,(8′ de ům,2) invidiousness, O do rif' er ous, (ô dò rỉf' fêr êm,3) fragrant; perfumed.

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O'dor ous, ( dar 3,3) perfumed.

Of, (v,7) concerning.

Of' fal, (or fl,2) waste meat.
Of fend', (of fend',5) to transgress.


9 Participle,

10 Interjection.

O' pen ing, (d' pn ing,2) aperture. O'pen ly, (d' pn 18,6) publickly. Op er a, (op per rå,2) a poetical fiction, or tale.

agency, influence.

Of fen' der, (or fên' dår,2) a criminal Op' er ate, (p' per te,s) to act. Of fen' sive, (of fen' lv,3) displeas- Op er a' tion (op per rashon,2) ing; injurious. Of fer ing, (3 for Ing,2) a sacri- O pin' ion, (8 pin' yon,2) the perOf' fice,( fls,2)a publiek charge. Of' fi cer, (or fe sår,2) a commander Of fici' al, (of flab 1,3) pertaining to a publick charge, conducive Of fic'i ate, (of fish' & Ate,5) to discharge an office.

Of fici ous, (f fish' is,3) over-forward, doing good, kind. Off' spring, (f' spring,2) children. Or i gar chy, (or te går ké,2) aristocracy.

Ol' ive, (1 lv,2) a plant producing oil; the emblem of peace. O mission, ( mish' in,2) neglect of duty, or to do a thing. Om nip o tence, (ôm xp’pỏ tên e,2) Almighty power, unlimited power.

Om ni pres' ent, (ôm nè prẻz' &nt,3) ubiquitary, present in every place.

Om nisc' i ence, (3m nish' è dnse,2) boundless knowledge; infinite wisdom. [finitely wise. Om nisc'i ent, (ôm nish'è ênt,3) inOnce, (wine,6) one time, formerly On' ion, (in' yon,2) a plant. On' ly, (one' 18,6) simply, (3) single Onyx, (8' nike,2) a semipellucid gem.[apparent; not cloudy. O'pen, ( pn,3) unclosed; sincere. Open heart' ed, (8 pn hårt' &d,3)generous, candid, not mean.

suasion of the mind without proof. [onist, an enemy. Op po' ser, (op po' zur,2) an antagOp' po site, (p' po zit,3) contrary, (2) opponent, antagonist.

Op po siti' on, (3p po zish' 3n,2) hostile resistance.

Op pressi' on, (op présh' in,2) cru

elty, severity, calamity.

Op pres' sive, (op prea siv,3) cruel. Op pres' sor, (op prés' aůr,2) one

who harasses others. Op pro' bri ous, (3p pro' bré is,3)

reproachful, disgraceful. Op' ticks, (p' tiks,2) relating to

the science of vision. [bility. Op' ti ma cy, (p' te må aẻ,2) no Op' tion, (p' shin,2) choice, election Or, (8r,8) a disjunctive particle. Or' a cle, (r' rá 1,2) something de

livered by supernatural wisdom Oral,('ri,3) delivered by mouth O ra' tion, ( r' abun,2) a speech

made according to the laws of rhetorick.

[rhetorical. Or a to' ri al, (3r å to' rẻ 41,3) florid, Or a tor y,(or rå tår 4,2) eloquence Or bed, (3r bed,3) round, circular. Or bic' u lar, (or bik' klar,8) circular Or' bit, (8r' blt,2) the line describ

ed by the revolution of a planet Or' de al, (ör' de 1,2) a trial by fire

or water.

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Or' der ly, (ôr' där 16,3) well regu-| Or thog' ra pher, (ör thổg' grâf får,2)

lated, (6) methodically. Or' di nal, (år dè nâl,2) a ritual. Or' di na ry, (br dẻ nổ rẻ,3) estab lished, methodical, regular. Or di na' tion, (ôr dè nå′ shẳn,2) the act of investing any man with sacerdotal power.

one who spells rightly. Or tho graph' i cal, (ôr thỏ grás' fé kål,3) rightly spelled.

Or thog raph y, (or thôg' gråf 4,2)

the art or practice of spelling. Os ten ta' tion, (ôs tên tà' shun,2) outward show, appearance.

Or’gan, (br′ gần,2) a natural in-|Os ten ta tious, (ôn tên tớ shu,3) strument, an instrument of mu

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fond of show, boastful. Os te ol' o gy, (♬ tè âl′ 18 jè,2) a de scription of the bones.


Oth' er wise, (3xx' 3r wlze,6) in a
different manner; by other
Ot' ter, (ôt'tår,2) an amphibious ani-
Out' cast, (bit' kåst,2) an exile.
Out' cry, (bit' kri,2) cry of vehem-
ence or distress, clamour.

Out' law, (8ût' law,2) one excluded

O ri en' tal, (ò rè ên' tál,3) eastern. Or'i fice, (or rẻ fis,2) perforation. O rig'i nal, (ò rld' je nal,3) primi-Out land' ish, (83t land' ish,3) foreign tive, first. [marily; at first. O rig i nal ly, (ô rfd’je nâl lẻ,6)priO rig i nate, ( rid' je nate,b) to bring into existence. Or na men' tal, (3r nå mền' til,3) giving embellishment. Or na men' ted, (år nå mên' têd,3)

embellished, bedecked. Or' phan, (br' fân,3) bereft of parents. [omical instrument. Or rer y, (or rẻr rẻ,2) an astronOr tho dox, (r' thỏ dôks,3) sound

in opinion and doctrine. Orthodox y,(or thở” dôk sè,2)soundness in opinion and doctrine. Or tho e pist, (or' thỏ è pist,2) one who is skilled in orthoepy. Or tho e py, (3r′ thỏ è pè,2) the right pronunciation of words. Or tho gon, (br′ thỏ gôn,2) a rectangular figure.

from the benefit of the law. Out' let, (it lêt,2) passage out

wards, discharge.

Out' line, (ödt' llne,2) extremity.
Out live', (it liv',5) to survive.
Out' rage, (3dt rådje,5) to injure

violently, (2) open violence. Out ra' geous, (3ût rå' jus,3) violent Out' ward, (t' wird,3) external,

(6) to foreign parts.
Out wit', (dit wit',5) to cheat.
O ver cast, (3 vår kåst',5) to cloud.
O ver cloud', (å vår klååd',5) to co-

ver with clouds.

[due. O ver come', (d vår kûm',5) to subO ver flow', (ò vår 18',5) to exube

rate, (2) inundation.

O ver flow' ing, (d vår fò' Ing,2) co-
piousness, exuberance.
O' ver plus, (d' vår plås,2) surplus.

når, not, tobe, tåb, 6 Adverb, 7 Preposition,

bish, nolee, coin, såånd, THine, think.

8 Conjunction,

ver rule', ( vår r881',5) to supersede, to superintend. O' ver sight, (d' vår site,2) error. ver take', ( vår take',5) to catch. ver throw, ( vår thro',5) to demolish, (2) a defeat, ruin. O' ver ture, (8' vår tshire,2) opening ver turn', (ò ver turn',5) to conquer ver val' ue,(8 vår väl 18,5) to rate at too high a price. [crush Over whelm', (d vor whêlm',5) to Owe, (3,5) to be indebted. Own, (dne,5) to acknowledge. Own' er, (når,2) one to whom any thing belongs. [ture. O' yer, ('yir,2) a court of judicaO yes', (yes',2) the introduction to any proclamation given by the publick criers.


Pac i fi ca' tion, (pâs sẻ fè kd' shẳn,2)

the act of making peace. Pad' dle, (pad' d1,2) to row. Pad' lock,(pad' lok,2) a hanging lock Pa'gan ism (pagan Izm,2) heathenism Pagean try, (pad jần trê,2) pomp. Pain' ful, (pane' fol,3) afflictive. Pal' ace, (pal' ls,2) a royal house. Pal' a ta ble, (pal' lat tá b1,3) pleasing to the taste. [lish. Pal ate, (par lit,2) mental rePali sade', (pal le side',2) pales set by way of enclosure or defence Pal li a' tion, (pal lè d' shẳn,2) extenuation, alleviation. Pal'li a tive, (pal' lè á tiv,2) something mitigating (3) extenuating Palm, (pim,2) a tree; inside of the

hand; (5) to impose by fraud. Palm' er, (pam' ir,2) a pilgrim. Pal pi ta' tion, (pál pè e' shin,2) a

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panting of the heart. [a palsy Pal' sied, (pal zid,a) diseased with Pal' sy, (p' ze,2) a privation of

motion or the sense of feeling. Pam' phlet, (pâm' fèt,2) a small book unbound. [ed in water. Pa na' do, (p n' d8'2) bread boilPan' cre as, (ping' krẻ is,2) the sweet bread. [plete treatise. Pan' dect, (pân' dét,2) a comPan e gyr ick, (pân në jër' rîk,2) an encomiastick piece.

Pan e gyr ist, (pân nè jêr' lst,2) an encomiast. [groundless fear. Pan' ick, (pin' nk,2) a sudden and Pan' o ply, (pân' no plé,2) complete

armour. [of all the gods. Pan the on, (pia the in,2) a temple Pan' try, (pin' trẻ,2) the room in

which provisions are reposited Pa' pal, (pa' půl,a) belonging to the Pope. [to popery. Pa pist, (p' plat,2) one that adheres Par a ble, (pår' rå b1,2) a similitude Par a bol' i cal, (pår rå bål′ lễ kâi,3)

expressed by parable.

Par' a digm, (par' à dîm,2) example Par' a dox, (pår å dôks,2) a tenet

contrary to received opinion. Par a dox' i cal, (pâr i dôk' ad kâi,3) inclined to new tenets.

Par' a graph, (pår rå gråt,2) a dis

tinct part of a discourse. Par' al lax, (pår rå liks,2) the dis

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tance between the true and ap. parent place of any star, Par al lel, (pår rå 181,3) equal, (2) lines continuing their course, and still remaining at the same distance from each other, (s) to compare, to resemble.

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