The Works of John Locke, المجلد 6T. Longman, 1794 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
abfolutely neceffary accufation affent againſt alfo amongſt Anfw anſwer apoftles articles of faith aſk atheiſm becauſe befides believing Jefus cauſe chriftian creed creed-maker defign defire difciples difcourfe divine doctrines epiftles evangelifts expreffions faid falvation fame Father faved fcripture feems fenfe fent fermon feveral fhall fhould fhow fignify fince fincere firft firſt focinian fome fpeak ftand fubjects fuch fufficient fundamental articles fuppofed fyftem gofpel hath heaven hiftory himſelf holy itſelf Jefus Chrift Jerufalem jews John juft king kingdom lieved Luke Matt Meffiah miracles moſt muft muſt myſelf neceffary articles obferve occafion paffages perfon perfuaded plain pleaſed preaching promiſed propofed propofition publiſhed purpoſe queftion raiſed reafon Reaſonablenefs reft refurrection religion righteoufnefs Saviour ſays ſhall ſhow Son of God ſpeak Teftament tells thefe themſelves theſe words thing thofe thoſe thou truth underſtand underſtood unleſs unmasker unto uſed writ