The Christian Remembrancer, المجلد 22F.C. & J. Rivington, 1851 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Alford Alpinolo ancient Apostles appears Arians Arius authority Baptism believe Bishop Bishop of Exeter Buonvicino called Canons Catholic cause character Christ Christian Church Church of England Clergy communion Constantinople Council Council of Chalcedon Court Creed declare Divine doctrine doubt ecclesiastical Ecumenical Council Exeter expression fact faith father favour feeling Friends give Gospel grace hand Harduin Hartley Coleridge Hawkins heart heresy Holy honour Incarnation Irenæus Italian Italy labour language letter Lord Lord's Luchino Margherita matter means meeting ment Meyer mind ministers moral nature Nestorians Nestorius never opinion Papal passage Paul of Samosata persons Peter political Pope prayer present principles Pusterla Quakerism Ramengo readers reason reference religious remarkable respect Roman Rome Sabellianism Sacramental Scripture seems sense society speak spirit Synod thee Theodoret theory things thought tion true truth whole words writers