A collection of theological tracts, in six volumesJ. Archdeacon, printer to the University, 1785 |
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النتائج 1-5 من 100
الصفحة vi
... because he hap- pens to have been born in a Chriftian country , but from rational conviction , will never think himself at liberty to make light of his calling ; to fuit his inftructions to the vicious propenfities of his audience ; to ...
... because he hap- pens to have been born in a Chriftian country , but from rational conviction , will never think himself at liberty to make light of his calling ; to fuit his inftructions to the vicious propenfities of his audience ; to ...
الصفحة xvii
... because he has fallen into it from the dread of becoming an Idolater , of giving that glory to another which he conceives to be due to God alone . If the wor- fhipper of Jefus Chrift be in an error , we truft that God will pardon his ...
... because he has fallen into it from the dread of becoming an Idolater , of giving that glory to another which he conceives to be due to God alone . If the wor- fhipper of Jefus Chrift be in an error , we truft that God will pardon his ...
الصفحة 8
... because it is contrary to our profeffion , as Proteftants ; and fhall be equally incapable of feeing the truth and glory of our holy Religion . In studying the Scriptures we should always keep our minds open to evi- dence , and further ...
... because it is contrary to our profeffion , as Proteftants ; and fhall be equally incapable of feeing the truth and glory of our holy Religion . In studying the Scriptures we should always keep our minds open to evi- dence , and further ...
الصفحة 11
... because fo public , God , as the king of Ifrael , combated the king of Egypt and his fictitious gods , and displayed his infinitely fuperior power both to deftroy and to fave , by many plagues inflicted upon the land of Egypt , and by ...
... because fo public , God , as the king of Ifrael , combated the king of Egypt and his fictitious gods , and displayed his infinitely fuperior power both to deftroy and to fave , by many plagues inflicted upon the land of Egypt , and by ...
الصفحة 14
... because it is impoffible we fhould live in any other way , for God could fuftain our life in perfect health and ftrength by an act of his own immediate power . Again , our food is produced by the influence of the fun , by rain , the ...
... because it is impoffible we fhould live in any other way , for God could fuftain our life in perfect health and ftrength by an act of his own immediate power . Again , our food is produced by the influence of the fun , by rain , the ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
accompliſhment affured againſt Ahaz alfo alſo amongst Apoftles becauſe bleffing Canaan captivity chap Chriftians circumftances confequently confiderable death defign deftroy deftruction Difciples difpenfation diftinct Divine earth Egypt eſtabliſh faid faith fame fecond fee's feems fenfe fent feven feveral fhall fhew fhould firft firſt fome fpirit ftate fubject fuch fufferings fufficient fuppofe fure Genefis glory Gofpel goodneſs greateſt hath heaven hiftory himſelf holy idolatry Ifaiah Ifrael Ifraelites inftructions Jefus Chrift Jeremiah Jerufalem Jews Judah Judea juft king laft Lord Meffiah Mofes moft moſt muft muſt nations Nebuchadnezzar Noah obferve occafion oracles ourſelves perfon Pfalm pofterity prefent preferved promiſe prophecy Prophets puniſhment purpoſe raiſed reaſon reflexions reign religion reprefented revelation Scriptures ſeveral ſhall Shechinah ſpeak ſtate Teftament temple thefe themſelves theſe things thofe thoſe thou tion tribe tribe of Judah truth underſtanding underſtood unto uſe verf wiſdom worſhip Zedekiah