صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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fo deferving of Your Majesty's attention, as this Collection of other men's labours undoubtedly is. Our Infancy is indebted to that Sex, of which Your Majefty is the highest Ornament, for the first principles of Religious Education; and as one of the main objects of JhaduedT


this publication is-the preferving Youth from Infide lity-I cannot do the Public a greater fervice than by requesting Your Majefty to give it your protection.


The interests of civil Society require that we should pay deference to perfons of Rank, even tho' they happen not to be perfons of Merit. But this is a limited and constrained deference; it is paid with reluctance; and is both in kind and extent wholly unlike that which all good Citizens are ambitious of fhewing to Your Majefty. My character has hitherto, I trust, never been esteemed that of a Flatterer; nor do I fear the imputation of it, in saying, That to Your Majesty's Rank alone I would not have given even this mark, worth, lefs as it may feem, of my Veneration and Respect. KATAN.

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I verily believe Your Majefty to be one of the best Wives, and one of the best Mothers in England: the Time is approaching,-distant may it be! when the recollection of the example which You have fhewn to Women of every Rank, in these great points of female Duty, (the greatest on which Women of the highest Rank ought to build their worth of character) will give Your Majefty far more comfort than I can poffibly describe; but not more than I, in conjunction with


Thousands in every part of the Kingdom, heartily wish

and pray Your Majesty may at all times, and especially at that time enjoy.

I am,


With the greatest

And most fincere Respect,


Most obedient Servant,


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CHE Reader is here prefented with the plan which Dr. TAYLOR Tfollowed, in leading his pupils to a just and rational acquainxx tance with the principles of Religion, founded upon an accurate knowledge of the Scriptures.

The importance of this fervice, and his accountableness in a great measure for the event, were confiderations of the laft moment, and caused him to compofe, and deliver his academical inftructions with the utmost circumfpection. To his own judgment, after the stricteft revifal, the principles here advanced, appeared juft and fcriptural; but he did not therefore presume they were abfolutely free from error; much less. did he think himself authorized, as a public tutor, to impofe his fentiments on young minds with an overbearing hand. That he might do justice to his pupils, and himself, he always prefaced his lectures with the following folemn CHARGE, which does honor to the Author, and affords a noble precedent to feminaries of learning.

I. "I Do folemnly charge you, in the name of the God of Truth, and of our Lord Jefus Chrift, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and before whofe judgment-feat you must in no long time appear, that in all your ftudies and inquiries of a religious nature, present or future, you do conftantly, carefully, impartially, and conscientiously attend to evidence, as it lies in the holy Scriptures, or in the nature of things, and the dictates of reafon; cautiously guarding against the fallies of imagination, and the fallacy of ill-grounded conjecture."

II. "That you admit, embrace, or affent to no principle, or fentiment, by me taught or advanced, but only fo far as it fhall appear to you to be fupported and juftified by proper evidence from Revelation, or the reafon of things."

III. "That, if at any time hereafter, any principle or fentiment, by me taught or advanced, or by you admitted and embraced, fhall, upon impartial and faithful examination, appear to you, to be dubious or falfe, you either suspect, or totally reject fuch principle or fentiment."

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