Scriptures is imprinted into them in their younger days. It is, above all, a great advantage, when those persons who have the constant care and inspection over young children, and therewith gain an ascendency or power over such tender minds, to guide their thoughts and inclinations as they please. (I say, when these persons are able and fit to instruct and teach the children.) And when they possess that capacity to excite a desire for knowledge, which naturally dwells in our hearts, it is an agreeable method to represent pleasing figures to them: Let the proper time never slip when young infants show an inclination to receive instruction; but do not compel children to learn certain tasks in certain measured hours, for such compulsion, or constraint, is oftener an obstacle than an encouragement towards learning the necessary and useful sciences. To render this small book useful and instructing we have followed in chus ing passages from Holy Scripture the order observed therein; beginning with the creation and finished with the redemption of mankind, interspersed with select moral doctrines; and all of this we have quoted the most remarkable places in the Old and New Testaments. The whole sentences, which give an explanation of the figures, are placed at the bottom of each page; and the words, which are represented by figures, are particularly distinguished in Italic. By such facilitated and pleasing means all sensible and well educated, mothers, governesses, and nurses, have it in their power to teach and instruct even the youngest children with proper ideas of the most important doctrines, and make them early acquainted with the momentous truths of the word of God. ON THE INCOMPARABLE TREASURES OF THE HERE is the spring where waters flow, Here is the Judge that stints the strife, The tidings of salvation dear, Then be not like the hog that hath And takes more pleasure in the trough Read not this book in any case, Read not but first desire God's grace, Pray still in faith with this respect, That knowledge may bring this effect, Then happy thou in all thy life, When God by death thee calls. |