| Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1778 - عدد الصفحات: 508
...alive to lift up my voice againft the difmemberment of this ancient and moft noble monarchy ! Prefs'd down as I am by the hand of infirmity, I am little able to affift my country in this moft perilous conjuncture ; but, my Lords, while I have fenfe and memory,... | |
 | John Almon - 1793 - عدد الصفحات: 542
...lift up my voice againft • the difmemberment of this ancient and ' moft noble monarchy ! Prefled down '• as I am by the hand of infirmity, I am • little able to aflift my country in this moft ' perilous conjunfture ; but, my Lords, ' while I have fenfe and memory,... | |
 | William Belsham - 1795 - عدد الصفحات: 502
...yielding up the sovereignty of America. My lords," continued he, " I rejoice that the grave has not^closed upon me, that I am still alive to lift up my voice against the dismemberment of this antient and noble monarchy. Pressed down as I am by the load of infirmity, I am little able to assist... | |
 | 1797 - عدد الصفحات: 332
...alive to lift up my voice againft the difmemberment of this ancient and nioft noble monarchy ! Prefled down as I am by the hand of infirmity, I am little able to affift my country in this mofi perilous coujun&ure ; but, my lords, while I have fcnfe and memory,... | |
 | John Almon - 1797 - عدد الصفحات: 440
...to lift up my voice againft the difmeftiberment of this ancient and moft lioble 'monarchy! Prefied down as I am by the hand of infirmity, I am little able to affift rhy 'country in 'this moft perilous conjtmclure; but, my Lords, while I have fenfe ia r hd memory*,... | |
 | Robert John Thornton - 1799 - عدد الصفحات: 560
...alive to lift up my voice againft the difmemberment of this ancient and moft noble monarchy ! Prefled down as I am by the hand of infirmity, I am little able to affift my country in this moft perilous conjunfture; but, my lords, while I have fenfe and memory,... | |
 | John Adolphus - 1802 - عدد الصفحات: 630
...up my voice againft the difmemberment of this ancient and in oft noble monarchy 1 Preireil do\v r n, as I am, by the hand of infirmity, I am little able to aflift my country in this moft perilous conjuncture ; but, .while I have fenfe and memory, I will never... | |
 | charles mayo, l.l.b. - 1804 - عدد الصفحات: 572
...country which brought him to the house in his present infirm state, " I rejoice," said he, " that the grave has not closed upon me; that I am still alive...voice against the dismemberment of this ancient and noble monarchy."— The duke, in reply to this pathetic harangue, " declared himself ignorant " of... | |
 | 1804 - عدد الصفحات: 992
...indignation against the proposition of yielding the sovereignty of America. My lord, I rejoice that the grave has not closed upon me, that I am still alive to lift up inv voice against the dismemberment of this ancient and nobli moiiarcliv. Pressed down as 1 am by the... | |
 | Thomas Campbell - 1807 - عدد الصفحات: 556
...gone forth, of yielding up the sovereignty of America. ' My lords,' continued he, ' I rejoice that the grave has not closed upon me, that I am still alive to lift up my voice against the partition of this ancient and noble monarch v. Where is the man that will dare to advise such a measure... | |
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