Essay on CriticismUniversity Press, 1908 - 170 من الصفحات |
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النتائج 1-5 من 33
الصفحة 1
... expression in the poetry of the great Elizabethan writers passed away . ' The national life grew chill , and the feelings of the poets also chill . Then the want of art in the style made itself felt . The far - fetched images , the ...
... expression in the poetry of the great Elizabethan writers passed away . ' The national life grew chill , and the feelings of the poets also chill . Then the want of art in the style made itself felt . The far - fetched images , the ...
الصفحة 7
... expression in which ' correctness ' was supposed to consist ; as the ' French school , ' because its characteristic features were thought to be due to French influence ; as the ' Classical school , ' because it aimed at attaining the ...
... expression in which ' correctness ' was supposed to consist ; as the ' French school , ' because its characteristic features were thought to be due to French influence ; as the ' Classical school , ' because it aimed at attaining the ...
الصفحة 10
... expressions of the great masters and to apply them as a touchstone to other poetry . Of course we are not to require this other poetry to resemble them ; it may be very dissimilar . But if we have any tact we shall find them , when we ...
... expressions of the great masters and to apply them as a touchstone to other poetry . Of course we are not to require this other poetry to resemble them ; it may be very dissimilar . But if we have any tact we shall find them , when we ...
الصفحة 12
... expression . Yet some of us might urge , if it were necessary , in Macaulay's defence , that on the lips of an early Roman fighting - man , in the days when the world was still young , the sentiment was not altogether in- appropriate ...
... expression . Yet some of us might urge , if it were necessary , in Macaulay's defence , that on the lips of an early Roman fighting - man , in the days when the world was still young , the sentiment was not altogether in- appropriate ...
الصفحة 14
... expression in rhythmical language which rouses emotion , producing in us a sense of fascination or delight . Poetry is an imitative art and its scope may be usefully con- trasted with the scope of other imitative arts . The visible pro ...
... expression in rhythmical language which rouses emotion , producing in us a sense of fascination or delight . Poetry is an imitative art and its scope may be usefully con- trasted with the scope of other imitative arts . The visible pro ...
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Absalom and Achitophel accent Addison admire Æneid Alexandrine alliteration ancient artistic Ben Jonson Boileau caesura called censure century classical conceit contains correctness couplet Cowley Denham denotes didactic Dryden Duke dull Dunciad emotion Essay on Criticism ev'ry excellent expression fame fancy faults fools genius grace Greek hence Homer Horace imagination imitation Johnson judge judgment King language Latin learn'd learning lines literary literature Longinus Lord Matthew Arnold meaning meant merit metre mind Mount Helicon Muse Nature ne'er numbers o'er open vowels passage pause Peter Lombard poem poet's poetic poetry poets Pope Pope's praise precepts prose reader reign remarks rhymes Rome Roscommon rules Sainte Beuve Satire says sense Shakespeare signifies song speaks spirit style syllables taste things thought Timotheus tion Triplet true truth verse versification Virgil Waller Walsh Warton word write written wrote