yourselves with him," like David, Psalm cxliii. 9, "that he may deliver you from your enemy." When we do this, we "strengthen ourselves in the Lord our God," like that valiant king of Israel, 1 Sam. xxx. 6, and we "become strong in the "Lord, and in the power of his might," Eph. vi 10. 9. As ye pray to your Father for all things, so it behooves you to glorify and thank him in all things: "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you," saith Paul, 1 Thess. v. 18. Yea, we ought to pray, that we may praise him, and we ought to engage in our praying to praise him, and thus to make use of our engagement to glorify him, as a motive to urge our prayer the more powerfully. In this manner did the church conclude her prayer for deliverance from her enemies, when she said, Psalm 1xxix. 13 "So we thy people, and sheep of thy pasture will give thee thanks for ever: we will shew forth thy praise to all generations." 10. Trust also, when ye say Amen, that the Father will grant your petitions in his own time, and in his own way. It is his will, that we should think well of him, and trust in him. It is unjust to mistrust our gracious Father, and to suspect him of sparingness and austerity. He requires that we should "ask all things in faith, nothing wavering; for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind and tossed? for let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord," James i. 6, 7. His Son hath indeed purchased all things for you, and hath promised you all things in the covenant of grace, especially that your prayers shall be heard, and "all the promises of God are in him yea, and in him Amen," 2 Cor. i. 20. And thus we conclude all the truths which we have explained in the foregoing discourses, and all our prayers with the words of David from Psalm 1xxii. 18, 19. "Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who only doth wonderous things. And blessed be his glorious name for ever, and let the whole earth be filled with his glory: Amen, and Amen." Adam, his creation, He had before his fall an ability to believe in Christ, His fall, see Fall. God did not receive all mankind in Adam into favour 92 Adultery, what, Is abominable, 333 Altar on which Christ was offered, what, Amen, what this word signifies in praying, Angels, were created the first day, Had a season allotted them for their trial, Those who continued to stand were confirmed, ibid. The manner in which they do the will of God, ibid. Anger of man, 1, 86 What, 2, 317 Is a cause of murder, When it happened, Anger of God, what, Anointing of Christ, what and bow necessary, Anointing of believers, what, The foundation of their anointing, Aphesis, what, Articles of faith were not arranged by the apostles, Fundamental articles, what, Ascension of Christ, how it took place according to both his natures, It was local, : It was in the presence of angels and inen, Was effected by his Father's power and his own, 368 369 Took place but once, Christ spoke and pronounced blessings, when he ascended 369, 370 He ascended visibly, 370 ibid. 372,373 The advantages of his ascension, 373-375 The happiness which believers derive from his ascen- sion, 375,376 Who those happy persons are, and how they must conduct themselves, 376-381 Christ ascended to heaven, in order to sit at the right Assurance that we are in a state of grace, how it is administered, The union of the sign with the thing signified in bap- The institution and promise of baptism, By and to whom, where and when baptism must be Baptism may not be repeated, It is a great blessing to the church, 48, 49 Who are partakers of the grace of baptism, and how they must demean themselves, 50-55 Opinion of the Papists concerning baptism, 58,59 That the water in baptism doth not wash away sins, but the blood and Spirit of Christ proved and de Baptism of infants proved and defended, Baptism is come in the stead of circumcision, Two questions relative to infant baptism, Evil conduct of many with respect to baptism, 59-62 62-66 64, 65 66-69 69-72 How we ought to improve our own baptism and that Believers (true) how they differ from temporary be- lievers, 1, 166--168 Why they must die as well as the ungodly, 334 Birth, the holy birth of Christ, how it covers sins, Canaan was not the principal inheritance, but a super- added promise of the covenant of grace, |