ness. (b) Neither de ye pray for this kingdom, who oppose the servants and subjects of it, who reproach them, and set yourselves in all things against them, as enemies; "Is not the just and upright man laughed to scorn, and is he not a despised lamp in the thought of him that is at ease?" Job xii. 4, 5. If ye can harm and grieve them in any respect, ye will not forbear to do it. And how do many endeavour to abridge the privileges of the church, that they may lord it over her! this is done by wicked magistrates, who seek to usurp the whole government of the church, when God hath nevertheless anointed his Son king of Zion, his holy hill," Psalm il. 6. And unfaithful watchmen do not act better, " who make the hearts of the righteous sad with lies," Ezek. xiii. 22, "smite them, and wound them" Song v. 7. Yea, "it grieves them exceedingly, when there comes a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel," Neh. ii. 10. Why do men pray for the coming of this kingdom, when they labour so against it? (c) We know indeed that many would be ashamed to gainstand the King and his people, in such a malicious manner: but what do ye do for the good of the kingdom ? even "the nobles will not put their necks to the work of the Lord," to assist in building Jerusalem, Neh. iii. 5. Ye are not concerned whether the church fare well or ill: like Gallio men do not care for these things: "This is Zion," say they, "whom no man seeketh after," Jer. xxx. 17. "They are not grieved for the affliction of 'Joseph," Amos vi. 6. It is too much trouble, yea, it is a loss to do something for the great King. What think ye, are ye in earnest, when ye pray, Thy kingdom come? (d) Are there any who pray *for this kingdom, ye do not, who bar your hearts against the King's sharp arrows of conviction relative to your condition and your sins. Is it not true, when a word is spoken on the King's behalf, which affects you, that ye then close your hearts, harden them, and endeav. our to excuse yourselves, that ye may not be reduced to a strait, and be obliged to receive him into your souls, and suffer him to dethrone all your reigning sins? Do ye then pray in truth, Thy kingdom come? Do ye not pray and labour against it? and do ye not say with the wicked Jews, Luke xix. 14. "We will not have this man to reign over us?" If it be thus with you, the kingdom of God is not then come to you with power, but ye are still out of it, "without Christ, aliens from the commonwealth of Israel; and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world," Eph. ii. 12. Ye are yet "under the power of darkness," Col. i. 13, and " in the snare of the devil, in which he takes kes you captive at his will," 2.Tim. ii. 26. Are ye not in the kingdom of grace, ye never will, if ye remain in your present condition, enter into the kingdom of glory, but shall, like other "children of the kingdom, be cast out into utter darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth," Mat. viii. 12. Whither then, O sinner, wilt thou flee? stop short in thy career, which leads to destruction, and recover thyself out of the snare of the devil. Return, it is still time, the Lord God still calleth thee, that thou shouldest " turn to him, and be saved," Isaiah xlv. 22. Give ear to his word, be no longer rebellious, but suffer thyself to be "taken captive by him, that he may cause" thee, who hast hitherto been "rebellious, to dwell with him," Psalm Ixviii. 18. But ye, children of the great King, 1. Employ yourselves in contemplating the glory of this kingdom : "The Lord is great, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. God is known in her palaces for a refuge. Walk about Zion, and go round about her; tell the towers thereof: mark ye well her bulwarks, consider her palaces; that ye may tell it to the generation following," Thus ye are admonished, Psalm Ixxxvii. 3. Your Father, the God of heaven and of earth, is alone the king there: he suffers no creature to reign in his stead; his own Son, your Saviour, him only he hath exalted at his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour. He hath made you children of a King, yea, "kings and priests unto God and his Father." Rev. i. 6, though ye were of your father, the devil, and sinners of the Gentiles. It was formerly the privilege of the Jews only, to have the kingdom of God among them; but he hath now brought you also, who dwell at the ends of the earth, nigh. Yea, "behold, Rahab and Babylon know the Lord: the Philistine and Tyrian, with the Ethiopian is born there, and it is yet said of Zion, This and that man is born in her," Psalm lxxxvii. 4, 5. "Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people. Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles, and laud him, all ye people," Rom. xv. 10, 11. There was anciently "no people, that had stich righteous statutes and judgments, as Israel," Deut. iv. 8. But although their ecclesiastical law was so good, and so great a blessing to them, informing them what their King would do for their salvation, it was nevertheless " a yoke, which they could not bear," Acts xv. 10. Ye are freed from that yoke, and ye stand in the liberty, wherewith the King hath made you free. The Lord had then indeed his throne on the ark, and dwelled between the cherubims; but now "the ark comes not any more to mind, Jerusalem itself is now the throne of the Lord," Jer. iii. 16, 17. What kingly privileges and bounties doth the great King bestow on you! "All things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue; whereby are given unto us exceedingly great and precious promises; that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." 2 Peter i. 3, 4. The King caresses, "kisses" his subjects, " leads them into his chambers, like his spouse, brings them into his banquettinghouse, and his banner over them is love," Song i. 2, 4. ii. 4. And these things are only a foretaste, and the first fruits of the Spirit: what will it be then hereafter, when ye shall be fully satiated with the lovingkindnesses of the Almighty! "O come then, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms: for the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods," Psalm xcv. 1-3. 2.But behold how the kingdom of God is still obscured by many miseries and sins. The man of sin, the son of perdition is not yet utterly destroyed; he still tyrannizes in many places over the heritage of the Lord: "The kings and princes of the earth, who have given their power to the beast, still set themselves, and take counsel together against the Lord, and against his anointed." Wherever they can, they oppress, spoil and banish the people of the Lord. And how sad is it even within the kingdom of the Lord! how many traitors and hypocrites are there to be found in it! how is the truth, the stability of the kingdom undermined! now also "the children of our mother are angry with us," Song i. 6. We see no more that agreement to serve the Lord with one consent, and to annoy the kingdom of Antichrist, and of his master the devil; but men tear each other's bowels. How little doth the word profit them! it is only now and then, and here and there. An imagination that they are alive, when they are dead, and a spiritual lukewarmness, (for men are neither cold nor hot) pervades the kingdom of God. And how lean are even the sons and daughters of the King! Ignorance, darkness, the power of corruptions, and listlessness with regard to seeking the Lord in the most earnest manner, and to live with and in him in secret, prevails in many : "The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter!" Lam. iv. 2. We ought to see all this and more, to be affected with it, and to mouri over it, as Ezra and Nehemiah did in their time, Ezra ix. Neh. i. 3. Represent to the King in earnest prayers the misery of his sub-. jects, that he may befriend them, whom he hath purchased for himself: "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem," as David adviseth, Psalm cxxii. 6. Ye who are members, do ye not suffer, when those who are members of the same body with you, suffer? when ye pray for the church, ye pray then also for yourselves. Ye are perhaps yourselves in an evil plight, how shall ye be delivered out of it, except by hearty prayers? Ye have by your unbecoming conversation contributed to spoil the beauty of Israel; will ye not then seek to restore it to its proper lustre by your prayers? why else are ye commanded to pray, "Thy kingdom come?" Or have ye now so much to do with your own case, that ye forget the people of the Lord? David did not act so, when he was greatly distressed on account of his sins, and prayed for pardon; for he thought then also on Zion and Jerusalem: "Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem, " said he to the Lord, Psalm li. 18. "Remember then the Lord afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your minds." * 4. Doth the Lord hear you, thank him for it. Doth the Lord contend any where against antichrist; doth he raise up persons in the church or state, who seek heartily the good of the kingdom; doth he bring his word and Spirit to any place, and convert any persons; doth he bestow his kingly bounties upon his courtiers, the children of the King; praise him then with your hearts, and in a hearty manner. See how king David engaged in this duty, Psalm lxvi. xlvii. xlviii. lxxii. lxxxvii. and in other psalms. The coming of his kingdom must conduce to his glory; therefore this petition is joined to the first. "The 5. Do not only pray and give thanks for this kingdom, but labour also to promote it. Magistrates should, as the Lord commandeth, not only submit to "the Son, and kiss him, but should also serve him," and order all things for his glory, Psalm ii. 10-12. watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem ought never to hold their peace day nor night. Ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence; and give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth," Isaiah lxi 6,7 Yea, every subject ought cheerfully to exert himself, in proportion to his abilities, in favour of this kingdom, especially to convert others, that he may gain people for the King; even the women ought not to refuse their service : "The women of Israel span for the tabernacle, and brought their looking-glasses, to serve as materials for the brazen laver." Exod. xxxv. 25, 26. xxxviii. 8. "The daughters of Shallum helped to repair the wall of Jerusalem," Neh. iii. 12. Paul speaks of "women, who laboured with him in the gospel," Philip. iv. 3. Doth it please the Lord to deliver his people from their misery by the coming of his kingdom, it will be a double pleasure to you, because ye will enjoy that which is good, in consequence of your prayers and earnestness. Is it his will that his church should continue still sometime in misery, it will nevertheless tend to your consolation, that ye have done what lay in your power: it will conduce to your welfare; yea, your King will cry to you one day out of heaven from Mat xxv. 34, "Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world," There "ye shall shine like the sun," Mat. xiii. 43. And as he saith, Rev. ii. 21. "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne." I conclude as John doth his revelation, ch. xxii. 20, 21. "He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. |