The Classical Papers of A. E. Housman: Volume 1, 1882-1897F. R. D. Goodyear, James Diggle Cambridge University Press, 10/06/2004 - 440 من الصفحات A complete collection, in three volumes, of the classical articles and reviews of A. E. Housman. These papers were originally published between 1882 and 1936 in a variety of academic journals, many of which are now difficult to obtain. The editors have checked and, where necessary, supplemented and updated all the references and corrected errors in them, but have otherwise presented each paper, in full, with the minimum of editorial comment. At the end of Volume III there are very elaborate and comprehensive indexes of passages, words and topics discussed by Houston. The Kleine Schriften of great scholars are among the most important and useful tools of the classicist's trade. This edition will be of the first importance among such collections and will provide an essential work of reference. Housman's known virtues as a textual critic are decisively confirmed and emphasized now that his papers can be seen in one complete and connected sequence. |
Horatiana I I | 1 |
Ibis 539 | 9 |
On Soph Electr 564 and Eur I T 15 and 35 | 10 |
On certain corruptions in the Persae of Aeschylus | 14 |
Isocr Paneg 40 | 22 |
Schol on Aesch P V 488 472 | 23 |
ΣΩΦΡΟΝΗ | 24 |
Emendationes Propertianae | 29 |
Adversaria orthographica | 175 |
The Oedipus Coloneus of Sophocles | 181 |
Sophoclea | 209 |
Remarks on the Vatican Glossary 3321 | 227 |
Soph Oed Col 527 | 231 |
The manuscripts of Propertius I | 232 |
The manuscripts of Propertius II | 277 |
K P Schulze Catulli Veronensis liber | 305 |
The Agamemnon of Aeschylus | 55 |
Note on Emendations of Propertius | 91 |
Horatiana II | 92 |
Notes on Latin poets I | 106 |
Persius III 43 JIO 14 Conjectural emendations in the Medea | 112 |
T G Tucker The Supplices of Aeschylus | 120 |
I Flagg Euripides Iphigenia among the Taurians | 128 |
Horace Carm IV 2 49 | 131 |
Notes on Latin poets II | 132 |
Horatiana III | 136 |
Emendations in Ovids Metamorphoses | 162 |
The new fragment of Euripides | 173 |
The manuscripts of Propertius III | 314 |
A note on Virgil | 348 |
The manuscripts of Propertius IV | 351 |
J P Postgate Sexti Properti carmina | 369 |
Cicero Pro Milone c 33 90 | 378 |
Ovids Heroides I | 380 |
Ovids Heroides II | 388 |
Ovids Heroides III | 396 |
Ovids Heroides IV | 404 |
Ovids Heroides V | 412 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Aesch Aeschylus aetas AFDV alter amore antistrophe archetype atque Baehrens Bentley carm Catullus codex confusion conjecture correction corruption Creon derived Dr Postgate edition editors emendation epist error etiam Euripides fascinum fuit gives Greek haec Heinsius hexameter Horace illa instance interpolation Jebb Lachmann letters Lucretius Madvig manu mean metre mihi modo Nauck nunc Ovid palaeographically Palmer passage pentameter perhaps phrase poet Propertius proposed puella quae quam quid quod quoted restored sacra saepe Schulze scribe sense serm Solbisky Sophocles tamen Theseus tibi transposition true reading turba uiro verb verse viii vulgate word write wrote ἂν γὰρ δὲ εἰς ἐκ ἐν καὶ κακῶν μὲν μὴ νῦν οὐ οὐκ πρὸς τὰ τε τὴν τί τὸ τὸν τοῦ τῷ τῶν ὡς