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النشر الإلكتروني
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"the cafe, then there is nothing but flavery for you. "For there is no other medium, if we neglect on the "one hand to repel violence; and, on the other, the enemy will not grant us a truce. Our danger too differs very much from that of the other Grecks; for Philip will not be barely fatisfied with inflaving Athens, he will deftroy it; for he knows very well you will never fubmit to flavery; and that, though you would do this, you never could, for command and authority are habitual to you; and, befides, you will be capable of giving him more trouble and oppofition than all the rest of the Greeks united, whenever you fhall think fit to lay hold of any occafion to throw off the yoke. It must then be laid "down as a certain maxim, that our whole fortune is at stake, and that you cannot too much abhor the mercenaries who have fold themfelves to this man; *for it is not poffihle, no, it is not, to vanquish your foreign enemies, till you have chaftifed your domef tic foes, who are his penfioners; fo that, whilst you will bulge against thofe as against fo many rocks, you will never attempt to act against the cthers, till it be too late."

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"Make this reflection, I befeech you; you think the privilege of faying any thing is fo inherent in "every man who breathes the air of Athens, that you

fuffer foreigners and flaves to deliver their thoughts "on every fubject; infomuch that fervants are here "indulged a greater liberty in that particular, than ci"tizens in fome other commonwealths. It is from "the Rofira only, that the freedom of speech is de

nied. Hence it is that you are grown fo unac"countably haughty in your affemblies, and fo diffi"cult to be pleafed. You would always be flattered

in them, and hear nothing but what foothes you: and it is this pride and delicacy have brought you

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to the brink of deftruction. If then you remain ftill in the fame difpofition, I have nothing to do but to be filent. But, if you can prevail with your"felves to listen to what is for your advantage with"out flattery, I am ready to fpeak. For, notwith"tanding the deplorable condition of our affairs, and

the feveral loffes we have fuftained through our "neglect, they yet may be retrieved, provided you "determine to act as you ought in duty.

"You know, that, whatever the Greeks fuffered "from the Lacedæmonians, or from us, they fuffered 66 by those who were Greeks, as well as themselves; "fo that we may compare our faults to those of a "fon, who, being born in a rich family, fhould err "against some maxim of good economy. Such a "fon would juftly deferve the reproachful name of a "fquanderer; but it could not be justly afferted, that "he had feized upon another man's right, or that he "was not the lawful heir. But if a flave, or a fuppo "fitious child, would feize an eftate he had no man66 ner of title to, juft Heavens! would not fuch an "enormity raife the whole world against him? and "would not they cry out with one voice, that it de"ferved exemplary punishment? But we do not con"fider Philip, and his present conduct, in that light. "Philip, who, befide his not being a Greek, is no 66 ways allied to the Greeks by any kind of relation, "and is not diftinguished even amongst the Barbarians "by any thing but his being denominated from the " contemptible place whence he comes; and, being a "wretched Macedonian by his birth, came into the "world in a corner whence we never buy even a good "flave. Notwithstanding this, does he not treat you' "with the utmoft indignity? Is it not arrived at its "highest pitch? Not content," &c.

The Extracts which follow, being taken from the orations of Æfchines and Demofthenes de Corona, it will be neceffary to give the reader fome idea of the fubject. This Cicero informs us of in his preamble K 6.


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to those two orations, when he tranflated them; and this is the only fragment now remaining of that excellent work.

Demofthenes was intrufted with the care of repairing the walls of Athens, which he accomplished with great honour and reputation, having contributed a greal deal of his own fortune towards it. Ctefiphon decreed a crown of gold to him on that account; propofed it fhould be prefented in the open theatre, in a general affembly of the people; and that the herald Thould proclaim it was to reward the zeal and probity of that orator. Æfchines accufed Ctefiphon, as having violated the laws by that decree." So extra66 ordinary a contest raised the curiosity of all Greece: "people ran from all parts, and with reafon too. "What finer fight than to fee two orators contending, "each excelling in his own way; formed by nature, "made perfect by art, and befides animated with a "perfonal enmity to each other ?"


Æfchines, after having reprefented, in the begin, ning of the exordium, the irregularities introduced in the commonwealth, and their pernicious tendency, proceeds thus:

"In fuch a fituation of affairs, and in fuch difor

ders, of which you yourfelves are fenfible; the only "method of faving the wrecks of the government "is, if I mistake not, to allow full liberty to accufe "thofe who have invaded your laws. But if you fhut "them up, or fuffer others to do this, I prophely

that you will fall infenfibly, and that very foon un"der a tyrannical power. For you know, gentle66 men, that government is divided into three kinds s;

c Ad hoc judicium concurfus d'citu rè tota Græcia factus effe. Quid enim aut tam vifendum, aut tem audiendum fuit, quam fum

morum oratorum, in graviffima cauta, accurata & inimicitiis incenfa contentio ? Cic. de opt. genOrat. ¤, 22,


"Monarchy, Oligarchy, and Democracy. As to the 66 two former, they are governed at the will and pleafure of those who reign in either; whereas efta"blifhed laws, only, reign in a popular state. That none of you therefore may be ignorant, but, on the contrary, that every one may be intirely affured, that the day he afcends the feat of justice, to exa"mine an accufation, upon the invafion of the laws, "that very day he goes to give judgment upon his "own independence... And indeed the legiflator who



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is convinced, that a free ftate can fupport itself no "longer than the laws govern, takes particular care "to prescribe this form of an oath to judges, I will judge according to the laws. The refemblance "therefore of this, being deeply implanted in your "minds, muft infpire you with a juft abhorrence of "any perfons whatfoever, who dare tranfgrefs them by rah decrees; and that, far from ever looking upon a tranfgreffion of this kind, as a small fault, you always confider it as an enormous and capital crime. "Do not fuffer, then, any one to make you depart from fo wife a principle. . . .But as, in the army, "every one of you would be afhamed to quit the poft affigned him by the general; fo let every one of you

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be this day afhamed to abandon the poft, which the "laws have given you in the commonwealth. What "poft that of protectors of the government."

This comparifon, which is very beautiful and noble in itself, has a peculiar grace in this place, prefenting, as it were, two faces to us; for, at the fame time that it affects the judges, it reflects ftrongly on Demofthenes's cowardice, against whom it points a fatyrical ftroke, which is the more delicate and malicious, the more remote it seems to be from all affectation. It is well known, that he had abandoned his poft and fled at the battle of Cheronea. This judicious obfervation was made by M. Tourreil.

"Muft we, in your perfon (addreffing himself to "Demofthenes) crown the author of the public ca


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"lamities, or must we deftroy him? And, indeed; "what unexpected revolutions, what unthought of "catastrophes, have we not feen in our days? The 66 King of Perfia, that King who opened a paffage "through mount Athos; who bound the Hellefpont

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in chains; who was fo imperious as to command "the Greeks to acknowledge him fovereign both of fea and land; who in his letters and difpatches pre"fumed to ftyle himself the fovereign of the world from "the rifing to the fetting of the fun; and who fights now, not to rule over the rest of mankind, but to fave his own life: Do not we fee thofe very men, "who fignalifed their zeal in the relief of Delphos, "invefted both with the glory, for which that powerful "King was once fo confpicuous, and with the title of "chief of the Greeks, against him? As to Thebes, "which borders upon Attica, have we not feen it dif


appear in one day from the midft of Greece ?....

And, with regard to the unhappy Lacedæmonians, "what calamities have not be fallen them only for "taking but a fmall part of the fpoils of the temple? "They who formerly affumed a fuperiority over "Greece, are they not now going to fend ambaffadors 66 to Alexander's court; to bear the name of hoftages

in his train; to become a fpectacle of mifery ; to "bow the knee before the Monarch, fubmit them"felves and their country to his mercy; and receive "fuch laws as a conqueror, a conqueror they attack"ed first, fhall think fit to prefcribe them? Athens "itfelf, the common refuge of the Greeks; Athens "formerly peopled with Ambaffadors, who flocked "to claim its almighty protection; is not this city "now obliged to fight, not to obtain a fuperiority "over the Greeks, but to prefe ve itfelf from deftruc"tion? Such are the misfortunes which Demofthenes

has brought upon us, fince his intermeddling with "the adminiftration.

"But, you, who of all men are the most unfit to fig"nalife yourfelves by great and memorable actions,

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