AN Historical ACCOUNT OF THЕ LIFE and REIGN OF DAVID, KING of ISRAEL: Interspersed with Various CONJECTURES, DIGRESSIONS, In which (among other Things) Pay Patrick Dreamy N And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of By the Author of Revelation Examin'd with Candour. BOOK III. VOL. III. LONDON: Printed for J. OSBORN, at the Golden Ball in Pater-nofter Row; M. DCC, XLII. ३ gift 3-14-1932 [iii] To His GRACE the Primate of IRELAND. May it please your GRACE, TAKE this occafion, as I shall every other, of publicly avowing the honour I bear you: although with little advantage to you, or diftinction to myself; unless merely in the manner of profeffing that veneration and esteem, which is borne you, alike, by every man of this nation; where you are justly confidered as a public parent, equally loved and honoured. How well you are intitled to this appellation, will fufficiently appear, when it is : |