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sther subjects. What, or how much a man in this way may bring himself to believe, with such force and distinctness as he honestly and sually calls belief, there is no predicting. But another consideration, which we think should nowise be omitted, is the general state of religious opinion in Germany, especially among such minds as Werner was most apt to take for his examplars. To this complex and highly interesting subject, we can for the present do nothing more than allude. So much, however, we may say: It is a common theory among the Germans, that every Creed, every Form of worship, is a form merely; the mortal and everchanging body, in which the immortal and unchanging spirit of Religion is, with more or less completeness, expressed to the material eye, and made manifest and influenual among the doings of men. It is thus, for On the whole, we must not pretend to underinstance, that Johannes Müller, in his Univer- stand Werner, or expound him with scientific al History, professes to consider the Mosaic rigour: acting many times with only half conLaw, the creed of Mahomet, nay, Luther's Re-sciousness, he was always, in some degree, an formation; and, in short, all other systems of enigma to himself, and may well be obscure to Faith; which he scruples not to designate, us. Above all, there are mysteries and unwithout special praise or censure, simply as sounded abysses in every human heart; and Vorstellungsarten,"modes of Representation." that is but a questionable philosophy which We could report equally singular things of undertakes so readily to explain them. ReliSchelling and others, belonging to the philoso- gious belief especially, at least when it seems phie class; nay of Herder, a Protestant clergy- heartfelt and well-intentioned, is no subject man, and even bearing high authority in the for harsh or even irreverent investigation. Church. Now, it is clear, in a country where He is a wise man that, having such a belief, sach opinions are openly and generally pro- knows and sees clearly the grounds of it in fessed, a change of religious creed must be himself: and those, we imagine, who have comparatively a slight matter. Conversions explored with strictest scrutiny the secret of to Catholicism are accordingly by no means their own bosoms, will be least apt to rush known among the Germans: Friedrich with intolerant violence into that of other Schlegel, and the younger Count von Stolberg, men's. men, as we should think, of vigorous intellect, and of character above suspicion, were colleagues, or rather precursors, of Werner in this adventure; and, indeed, formed part of his acquaintance at Vienna. It is but, they would pay perhaps, as if a melodist, inspired with harmony of inward music, should choose this instrument in preference to that, for giving voice to it: the inward inspiration is the grand encern; and to express it, the "deep majestic solemn organ" of the Unchangeable Church thay be better fitted than the "scrannel pipe" of a withered, trivial, Arian Protestantism. That Werner, still more that Schlegel and Stolberg, could, on the strength of such hypotheses, put off or put on their religious creed, like a sew suit of apparel, we are far from asserting;

they are men of earnest hearts, and seem to have a deep feeling of devotion: but it should be remembered, that what forms the groundwork of their religion, is professedly not Demonstration but Faith; and so pliant a theory could not but help to soften the transition from the former to the latter. That some such principle, in one shape or another, lurked in Werner's mind, we think we can perceive from several indications; among others, from the Prologue to his last tragedy, where, mys teriously enough, under the emblem of a Phonix, he seems to be shadowing forth the history of his own Faith; and represents himself even then as merely "climbing the tree, where the pinions of his Phoenix last vanished," but not hoping to regain that blissful vision, till his eyes shall have been opened by death.

"The good Werner," says Jean Paul, "fell, like our more vigorous Hoffmann, into the poetical fermenting vat (Gührbottich) of our time, where all Literatures, Freedoms, Tastes, and Untastes are foaming through each other: and where all is to be found, excepting truth, diligence, and the polish of the file. Both would have come forth clearer had they studied in Lessing's day." We cannot justify Werner: yet let him be condemned with pity! Aud well were it could each of us apply to himself those words, which Hitzig, in his friendly indignation, would “thunder in the ears" of many a German gainsayer: Take thou the beam out of thine own eye; then shalt thou see clearly is take the mote out of thy brother's.

Letter to Hitsig, in Jean Paul's Leben, by Daring.



seems moderate; so that, on every account we doubt not but that these tastefui volumes) will spread far and wide in their own country, and by and by, we may hope, be met with here in many a British 1 brary.

NOVALIS has rather tauntingly asserted of Goethe, that the grand law of his being is to conclude whatsoever he undertakes; that, let, him engage in any task, no matter what its difficulties or how small its worth, he cannot quit it till he has mastered its whole secret, Hitherto, in the F.rst Portion, we have found finished it, and made the result of it his own. little or no alteration of what was already This, surely, whatever Novális might think, is known; but, in return, some changes of ar a quality of which it is far safer to have too rangement; and, what is more important, much than too little; and if, in a friendlier some additions of heretofore unpublished, spirit, we admit that it does strikingly belong poems; in particular, a piece entitled "Helena, to Goethe, these his present occupations will a classico-romantic Phantasmagoria," which oc not seem out of harmony with the rest of his cupies some eighty pages of Volume Fourth. life; but rather it may be regarded as a sin- It is to this piece that we now propose direct. gular constancy of fortune, which now allowsing the attention of our readers. Such of him, after completing so many single enterprizes, to adjust deliberately the details and combination of the whole; and thus, in perfecting his individual works, to put the last hand to the highest of all his works, his own literary character, and leave the impress of it to posterity in that form and accompaniment which he himself reckons fittest. For the last two years, as many of our readers may know, the venerable Poet has been employed in a patient and thorough revisal of all his Writings; an edition of which, designated as the "complete and final" one, was commenced in 1827, under external encouragements of the most flattering sort, and with arrangements for private co-operation, which, as we learn, have secured the constant progress of the work" against every accident." The first Lieferung, of five volumes, is now in our hands; a second of like extent, we understand to be already on its way hither; and thus by regular "Deliveries,' from half-year to half-year, the whole Forty Volumes are to be completed in 1831.

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these, as have studied Helena for themselves, must have felt how little calculated it is, either intrinsically or by its extrinsic relations and allusions, to be rendered very interesting or even very intelligible to the English public, and may incline to augur ill of our enterprise. Indeed, to our own eyes it already looks dubi ous enough. But the dainty little Phantasmagoria," it would appear, has become a subject of diligent and truly wonderful specs. lation to our German neighbours; of which, also, some vague rumours seem now to have reached this country, and these likely enough to awaken on all hands a curiosity, which. whether intelligent or idle, it were a kind of good deed to allay. In a Journal of this sort, what little light on such a matter is at our disposal may naturally be looked for.

Helena, like many of Goethe's works, by no means carries its significance written on its forehead, so that he who runs may read; bnt. on the contrary, it is enveloped in a certain mystery, under coy disguises, which, to hasty To the lover of German literature, or of readers, may not be only offensively obscure, literature in general, this undertaking will not but altogether provoking and impenetrable. be indifferent: considering, as he must do, the Neither is this any new thing with Goethe. works of Goethe to be among the most import- Often has he produced compositions, both in ant which Germany for some centuries has prose and verse, which bring critic and comsent forth, he will value their correctness and mentator into straits, or even to a total noncompleteness for its own sake; and not the plus. Some we have, wholly parabolic; some less, as forming the conclusion of a long pro- half-literal, half-parabolic: these latter are occess to which the last step was still wanting; casionally studied, by dull heads, in the literal whereby he may not only enjoy the result, but sense alone; and not only studied, but coninstruct himself by following so great a mas- demned: for, in truth, the outward meaning ter through the changes which led to it. We seems unsatisfactory enough, were it not that can now add, that, to the mere book-collector ever and anon we are reminded of a cunning, also, the business promises to be satisfactory. manifold meaning which lies hidden under This Edition, avoiding any attempt at splen- it; and incited by capricious beckonings to dour or unnecessary decoration, ranks, never-evolve this, more and more completely, from theless, in regard to accuracy, convenience, its quaint concealment.

and true, simple elegance, among the best spe- Did we believe that Goethe adopted this cimens of German typography. The cost, too, mode of writing as a vulgar lure, to confer on his the interest which might belong ta poems

Goethe's Sümmtliche Werke. Vollstandige Ausgabe letzter Hand. (Goethe's Collective Works. Complete Edition, with his final Corrections.) First Portion, vols. 16шo and Svo. Cotta: Stuttgard & Tübingen.



See, for instance, the "Athenæum." No. vii., where an article stands beaded with these words: FALIT HELEN OF TROY, AND LORD BYRON.

* many charades, we should hold it a very interpretation; r they remain, as in all prosaic poor proceeding. Of this most readers of minds the words of poetry ever do, a dead Goethe will know that he is incapable. Such letter: indications they are, barren in themjaggleries, and uncertain anglings for distinc-selves, but by following which, we also may Ess, are a class of accomplishments to which reach, or approach, that Hill of Vision where he has never made any pretension. The truth the poet stood, beholding the glorious scene Is this style has, in many cases, its own ap- which it is the purport of his poem to show propriateness. Certainly, in all matters of others. A reposing state, in which the Hill were Besiness and Science, in all expositions of brought under us, not we obliged to mount it, fact or argument, clearness and ready compre- might, indeed, for the present be more conve bability are a great, often an indispensable, nient; but, in the end, it could not be equally je Nor is there any man better aware of satisfying. Continuance of passive pleasure, is principle than Goethe, or who more rigo- it should never be forgotten, is here, as under rously adheres to it, or more happily exempli- all conditions of mortal existence, an impossi bes it, wherever it seems applicable. But in bility. Everywhere in life, the true question is, this, as in many other respects, Science and not what we gain, but what we do: so also in Poetry, having separate purposes, may have intellectual matters, in conversation, in readeach its several law. If an artist has con- ing, which is more precise and careful conceived his subject in the secret shrine of his versation, it is not what we receive, but what we ewn mind, and knows, with a knowledge be- are made to give, that chiefly contents and profits yond all power of cavil, that it is true and pure, us. True, the mass of readers will object; bebe may choose his own manner of exhibiting cause, like the mass of men, they are too indo11, and will generally be the fittest to choose it lent. But if any one affect, not the active and well. One degree of light, he may find, will watchful, but the passive and somnolent line beseem one delineation; quite a different de- of study, are there not writers, expressly gree of light another. The Face of Agamem-fashioned for him, enough and to spare? It is Bon was not painted but hidden in the old Picture: the Veiled Figure at Sais was the most expressive in the Temple. In fact, the grand point is to have a meaning, a genuine, deep, and noble one; the proper form for embodying Lus, the form best suited to the subject and to the author, will gather round it almost of its own accord. We profess ourselves unfriendly to no mode of communicating Truth; which we rejoice to meet with in all shapes, from that of the child's Catechism to the deepest poctical Alegory. Nay, the Allegory itself may someLes be the truest part of the matter. John Banyan, we hope, is nowise our best theologan; neither, unhappily, is theology our most "ractive science; yet, which of our compends and treatises, nay, which of our romances and ems, lives in such mild sunshine as the good old Pilgrim's Progress, in the memory of so many


but the smaller number of books that become more instructive by a second perusal: the great majority are as perfectly plain as perfect triteness can make them. Yet, if time is precious, no book that will not improve by repeated readings deserves to be read at all. And were there an artist of a right spirit; a man of wisdom, conscious of his high voca tion, of whom we could know beforehand that he had not written without purpose and earnest meditation, that he knew what he had written, and had imbodied in it, more or less, the crea tions of a deep and noble soul,-should we not draw near to him reverently, as disciples to a master; and what task could there be more profitable than to read him as we have described, to study him even to his minutest meanings? For, were not this to think as he had thought, to see with his gifted eyes, to make the very mood and feeling of his great and rich mind the mood also of our poor and little one? It is under the consciousness of some such mutual relation that Goethe writes, and his countrymen now reckon themselves bound to read him; a relation singular, we might say solitary, in the present time; but which it is ever necessary to bear in mind in estimating his literary procedure.

Under Goethe's management, this style of composition has often a singular charm. The ader is kept on the alert, ever conscious of own active co-operation; light breaks on , and clearer and clearer vision, by degrees; at last the whole lovely Shape comes forth, te, it may be, and bright with heavenly Tadiance, or fading, on this side and that, into que expressive mystery; but true in both To justify it in this particular, much more Casts, and beautiful with nameless enchant- might be said, were it our chief business at asts, as the poet's own eye may have beheld present. But what mainly concerns us here, We love it the more for the labour it has is, to know that such, justified or not, is the ven us; we almost feel as if we ourselves poet's manner of writing; which also must kal assisted in its creation. And herein lies prescribe for us a correspondent manner of be highest merit of a piece, and the proper art studying him, if we study him at all. For the reading it. We have not read an author till rest, on this latter point he nowhere expresses we have seen his object, whatever it may be, any undue anxiety. His works have invaria It is a matter of reasoning, and bly been sent fth without preface, withou 1 he reasoned stupidly and falsely? We note or commen of any kind; but left, some ou'd understand the circumstances which to times plain and direct, sometimes dim an mind made it seem true, or persuaded him typical, in what degree of clearness or obscu ente it, knowing that it was not so. In any rity he himself may have judged best, to b her way we do him injustice if we judge him. scanned, and g'ossed, and censured, and dis I of poetry! His words are so many sym-torted, as might please the innumerable multi to which we outselves must furnish the tude of critics, to whose verdict he has been

saw iL

by that stupendous All, of which it forms indissoluble though so mean a fraction. who would study all this must for a long time we are afraid, be content to study it in th original.

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for a great part of his life, accused of listening with unwarrantable composure. Helena is no exception to that practice, but rather among the strong instances of it. This Interlude to Faust presents itself abruptly, under a character not a little enigmatic; so that, at first view, But our English criticisms of Faust hav we know not well what to make of it; and only been of a still more unedifying sort. Let an after repeated perusals, will the scattered man fancy the dipus Tyrannus discovered for glimmerings of significance begin to coalesce the first time, translated from an unknow into continuous light, and the whole, in any Greek manuscript, by some ready-writin measure, rise before us with that greater or less manufacturer, and "brought out" at Dru degree of coherence which it may have had in Lane, with new music, made as “apothecar the mind of the poet. Nay, after all, no perfect make new mixtures, by pouring out of onclearness may be attained, but only various vessel into another!" Then read the theatric approximations to it; hints and half glances report in the morning Papers, and the Maga of a meaning, which is still shrouded in vague-zines of next month. Was not the whole affa ness; nay, to the just picturing of which this rather "heavy?" How indifferent did very vagueness was essential. For the whole audience sit; how little use was made of piece has a dream-like character; and, in these handkerchief, except by such as took snu cases, no prudent soothsayer will be altogether Did not Edipus somewhat remind us of confident. To our readers we must now en- blubbering schoolboy, and Jocasta of a decayed deavour, so far as possible, to show both the milliner? Confess that the plot was m dream and its interpretation: the former as it strous; nay, considering the marriage-law stands written before us; the latter from our England, highly immoral. On the whole, whi own private conjecture alone; for of those a singular deficiency of taste must this Soph strange German comments we yet know no- cles have laboured under! But probably thing, except by the faintest hearsay. was excluded from the "society of the ind ential classes:" for, after all, the man is n without indications of genius: had we had th training of him,-And so on, through all d variations of the critical cornpipe.

Helena forms part of a continuation to Faust; but, happily for our present undertaking, its connection with the latter work is much looser than might have been expected. We say, happily; because Faust, though considerably talked of in England, appears still to be nowise known. We have made it our duty to inspect the English translation of Faust, as well as the Extracts which accompany Retzsch's Outlines; and various disquisitions and animadversions, vituperative or laudatory, grounded on these two works; but, unfortunately, have found there no cause to alter the above persuasion. Faust is emphatically a work of Art; a work matured in the mysterious depths of a vast and wonderful mind; and bodied forth with that truth and curious felicity of composition, in which this man is generally admitted to have no living rival. To reconstruct such a work in another language; to show it in its hard yet graceful strength; with those slight witching traits of pathos or of sarcasm, those glimpses of solemnity or terror, and so many reflexes and evanescent echoes of meaning, which connect it in strange union with the whole Infinite of thought, were business for a man of different powers than has yet attempted German translation among us. In fact, Faust is to be read not once but many times, if we would understand it every line, every word has its purport; and only in such minute inspection will the essential significance of the poem display itself. Perhaps it is even chietly by following these fainter traces and tokens, that the true point of vision for the whole is discovered to us; and we stand at last in the proper scene of Faust; a wild and wondrous region, where, in pale light, the primeval Shapes of Chaos, -as it were, the Foundations of Being itself,seem to loom forth, dim and huge, in the vague Immensity around us; and the life and nature of man, with its brief interests, its misery and sin, its mad passion and poor frivolity, struts and frets its hour, encompassed and overlooked

So might it have fared with the ancient Gre cian; for so has it fared with the only moder that writes in a Grecian spirit. This trea ment of Faust may deserve to be mentioned, for various reasons; not to be lamented over because, as in much more important instances it is inevitable, and lies in the nature of the case. Besides, a better state of things is eve dently enough coming round. By and by, th labours, poetical and intellectual, of the G mans, as of other nations, will appear bef us in their true shape; and Faus, among the rest, will have justice done it. For ourselve it were unwise presumption, at any time. pretend opening the full poetical significar of Faust; nor is this the place for making suc an attempt. Present purposes will be answ ed if we can point out some general feature and bearings of the piece; such as to exhie its relation with Helena; by what contrivance this latter has been intercalated into it, an how far the strange picture and the strate framing it is inclosed in correspond.

The story of Faust forms one of the mo remarkable productions of the Middle Agr or rather, it is the most striking embodie of a highly remarkable belief, which origin or prevailed in those ages. Considered stric it may take the rank of a Christian mytha* the same sense as the story of Prometheus, Titan, and the like, are Pagan ones; and our keener inspection, it will disclose a noimpressive or characteristic aspect of the san human nature,-here bright, joyful, self-es dent, smiling even in its sternness; there di meditative, awe-struck, austere.-in which b they and it took their rise. To us, in the days, it is not easy to estimate how this st of Faust, invested with its magic and infe horrors, must have harrowed up the souls

tade and earnest people, in an age when its | article, suited for immediate use, and immedi leet was not yet obsolete, and such contracts ate oblivion. with the principle of Evil were thought not Goethe, we believe, was the first who tried M' credible in general, but possible to every this subject; and is, on all hands, considered alividual auditor who here shuddered at the as by far the most successful. His manner of mention of them. The day of Magic has gone treating it appears to us, so far as we can un br: Witchcraft has been put a stop to by act derstand it, peculiarly just and happy. He of parliament. But the mysterious relations retains the supernatural vesture of the story, which it emblemed still continue; the Soul of but retains it with the consciousness, on his Man still fights with the dark influences of and our part, that it is a chimera. His artLorance, Misery, and Sin; still lacerates magic comes forth in doubtful twilight; vague self, like a captive bird, against the iron in its outline; interwoven everywhere with Limits which Necessity has drawn round it; light sarcasm; nowise as a real Object, but as still follows False Shows, seeking peace and a real Shadow of an Object, which is also od on paths where no peace or good is to be real, yet lies beyond our horizon, and, except Sund. In this sense, Faust may still be con- in its shadows, cannot itself be seen. Nothing dered as true; nay, as a truth of the most were simpler than to look into this poem for a pressive sort, and one which will always new "Satan's Invisible World displayed," or remain true. To body forth, in modern sym- any effort to excite the skeptical minds of these pols, a feeling so old and deep-rooted in our days by goblins, wizards, and other infernal whole European way of thought, were a task ware. Such enterprises belong to artists of a ast unworthy of the highest poetical genius. different species: Goethe's Devil is a culti In Germany, accordingly, it has several times vated personage, and acquainted with the been attempted, and with very various success. modern sciences; sneers at witchcraft and Klager has produced a Romance of Faust, full the black-art, even while employing them, as ragged sense, and here and there not with- heartily as any member of the French Instiwat considerable strength of delineation; yet, tute; for he is a philosophe, and doubts most in the whole, of an essentially unpoetical cha- things, nay, half disbelieves even his own exReter; dead, or living with only a mechanical istence. It is not without a cunning effort that *2; coarse, almost gross, and, to our minds, all this is managed; but managed, in a consifar too redolent of pitch and bitumen. Maler derable degree, it is; for a world of magic is Miller's Faust, which is a Drama, must be re-opened to us which, we might almost say, we carded as a much more genial performance, so feel to be at once true and not true. far as it goes; the secondary characters, the Jews and rakish Students, often remind us of down Fords and Marlowes. His main per25, however, Faust and the Devil, are but adequately conceived; Faust is little more than self-willed, supercilious, and, alas, insolt; the Devils, above all, are savage, longwinded, and insufferably noisy. Besides, the pece has been left in a fragmentary state; it - nowise pass as the best work of Müller's.* Angemann's Faust, which also is (or lately ⚫) a Drama, we have never seen; and have ly heard of it as of a tawdry and hollow

In fact, Mephistopheles comes before us, not arrayed in the terrors of Cocytus and Phlegethon, but in the natural indelible deformity of Wickedness; he is the Devil, not of Superstition, but of Knowledge. Here is no cloven foot, or horns and tail: he himself informs us that, during the late march of intellect, the very Devil has participated in the spirit of the age, and laid these appendages aside. Doubtless, Mephistopheles "has the manners of a gentleman;" he "knows the world; " nothing can exceed the easy tact with which he ma nages himself; his wit and sarcasm are unli mited; the cool heartfelt contempt with which Frederie Müller (more commonly called Maler, or he despises all things, human and divine, Fote Müller) is here, so far as we know, named for might make the fortune of half a dozen "felNat time to English readers. Nevertheless, in any lows about town." Yet, withal, he is a devil dandy of German literature, this author must take in very deed; a genuine Son of Night. He Cornelence of many hundreds whose reputation has traed faster. But Müller has been unfortunate in his calls himself the Denier, and this truly is his Ecoantry, as well as here. At an early age, meeting with no access as a poet, he quitted that art for paint-name; for, as Voltaire did with historical and retired, perhaps in disgust, into Italy; where doubt, so does he with all moral appearances; brt little preferment seems to have awaited him. settles them with a N'en croyez rien. fa wrings, after almost half a century of neglect, were shrewd, all-informed intellect he has, is an atgth brought into sight and general estimation by atsiz Tieck; at a time when the author might indeed torney intellect; it can contradict, but it cannot that he was "old and could not enjoy it, solitary affirm. With lynx vision, he descries at a could not impart it," but not, unhappily, that he was own and did not want it," for his fine genius had glance the ridiculous, the unsuitable, the bad; made for itself no free way amid so many obstruc- but for the solemn, the noble, the worthy, he is and at continued unrewarded and unrecognised. blind as his ancient Mother. Thus does he go *auntings, chiefly of still-life and animals, are said a true though no very extraordinary merit: along, qualifying, confuting, despising: on ail af tus poetry we will venture to assert that it be-hands detecting the false, but without force to sta a genuine feeling and talent, nav, rises at times bring forth, or even to discern, any glimpse *15, his Satyr Mopaus, his Nusskernen (Nutshelling), of the true. Poor Devil! what truth should fed as they are with simple kindly strength, with there be for him? To see Falsehood is his or vison, and love of nature, are incomparably the terman or, indeed, modern Idyls; his "Genoveva" only truth: falsehood ar... evil are the rule, ill stand reading, even with that of Tieck. These truth and gr the exception which confirms Sus are now acknowledged among the Germans; but it. He can believe in nothing, but in his own **Water the acknowledgment is of no avail. He died se two sears ago at Rome, where he seems to have self-conceit, and in the indestructible baseness, folly, aud hypocrisy of men. For him, virtud

* in the higher regions of Art. His Adam's Awak

Med latterty as a sort of picture-cicerone


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