The Dunciad, المجلد 5Methuen & Company Limited, 1943 - 476 من الصفحات |
The Dunciad Variorum with the Prolegomena of Scriblerus I | 1 |
The Dunciad in Four Books | 247 |
2 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Addison Alexander Pope ancient appeared Arbuthnot attacked Bavius Bentley Biog Blackmore Book Booksellers call'd called character Cibber Colley Cibber Concanen Criticism Curl Curll Daily Journal Dennis Dryden Duke dull Dulness dunces Dunciad Earl edition Edmund Curll Epic epigram Epistle Essay Essay on Criticism Eusden ev'ry Gentleman Gildon Goddess Griffith hath head Heav'n Hero Homer honour Horace ibid Iliad James Moore Smythe John King Laureate learned Letter Lewis Theobald lines Lintot London Lord Lord Hervey Mac Flecknoe Miscellanies Mist's Journal never o'er octavo Oldmixon Ovid pamphlet Peri Bathous person piece play poem Poet Poetical Poetry Pope Pope's Preface printed Prose published quarto Queen reader reference ridicule satire Satyr SCRIBL Scriblerus Shakespeare Swift thee Theobald thing thou thro Tibbald translation verse Virg Virgil Warburton Weekly Welsted words writ writing written wrote