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الكتب الكتب
" Let not Ambition mock their useful toil, Their homely joys, and destiny obscure ; Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile The short and simple annals of the poor. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave.... "
Elegant Extracts - الصفحة 22
المحررون: - 1809
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

A collection of poems, by several hands [ed. by R. Dodsley]., المجلد 1

Collection - 1755 - عدد الصفحات: 378
...obfcure; Nor Grandeur hear with a difdainful fmile, The fhort and fimple annals of the poor. The boaft of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, And all that beauty,...lead but to the grave. Nor you, ye Proud, impute to Thefe the fault, If Mem'ry o'er their Tomb no Trophies raife, Where thro' the long-drawn ifle and fretted...

A Collection of Poems ...

Robert Dodsley - 1758 - عدد الصفحات: 384
...; Nor Grandeur hear with a difdainful fmile, The fhort and fimple annals of the poor. The The boaft of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, And all that beauty,...lead but to the grave. Nor you, ye Proud, impute to Thefe the fault, If Mem'ry o'er their Tomb no Trophies raife, Where thro' the long-drawn ifle and fretted...


Robert Lloyd - 1762 - عدد الصفحات: 312
...obfcure ; Nor grandeur hear with a difdainful fmile, The fhort and fimple annals of the poor. The boaft of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, And all that beauty,...lead but to the grave. Nor you, ye proud, impute to thefe the fault, If Mem'ry o'er their tomb no trophies raife, Where thro' the long-drawn ifle and fretted...

A Collection of Poems: In Six Volumes, المجلد 4

1765 - عدد الصفحات: 414
...obfcure ; Nor Grandeur hear, with a difdainful fmiie» The fhort and fimple annals of the poor. The boaft of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, And all that beauty,...lead but to the grave. Nor you, ye Proud, impute to Thefe the fault, If Mem'ry o'er their Tomb no Trophies raife, Where through the long-drawn ifle and...

A collection of poems, by several hands [ed. by R. Dodsley]. [2 ..., المجلد 4

Collection - 1765 - عدد الصفحات: 418
...fhort and fimple annals of the poor. The boaft of heraldry^ the pomp of poVr, And all that beauty* all that wealth e'er gave, Await alike th' inevitable...lead but to the grave, Nor you, ye Proud, impute to Thefe the fault, If Mem'ry o'er their Tomb no Trophies raife, Where through the long-drawn ifle and...

The Beauties of English Poesy, المجلد 1

Oliver Goldsmith - 1767 - عدد الصفحات: 290
...The loaft of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, A .A ait, alike th' inevitable hour : The paths of glory lead but to the grave. Nor you, ye proud, impute to thefe the fault, If Mem'ry o'er their tomb no trophies raife, Where, thro' the long-drawn ifle and...

Poems by Mr. Gray

Thomas Gray - 1768 - عدد الصفحات: 140
...fhort and fimple annals of the poor. The boaft of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, And all that bgauty, all that wealth e'er gave, Await alike th' inevitable...lead but to the grave. Nor you, ye Proud, impute to Thefe the fault, If Mem'ry o'er their Tomb no Trophies raife, Where thro' the long-drawn ifle and fretted...

Poems, المجلد 1

Thomas Gray - 1768 - عدد الصفحات: 142
...poor. The boafl of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, Awaits alike th' inevitable hour. The paths of glory lead but to the grave. Nor you,, ye Proud, impute to Thefe the fault, If Mem'ry o'er their Tomb no Trophies raife, Where thro' the long-drawn ifle and fretted...

A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes, المجلد 4

Robert Dodsley - 1770 - عدد الصفحات: 402
...Nor Grandeur hear, with a difdainful fmile, The lhort and funplc annals of the poor. The The boaft of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, And all that beauty,...lead but to the grave. Nor you, ye Proud, impute to Thefe the fault, If Mem'ry o'er their Tomb no Trophies raife, Where through the long drawn ifte and...


Thomas Gray - 1770 - عدد الصفحات: 136
...obfcure ; Nor Grandeur hear with a difdainful fmile, The fliprt and fimple annals of the poor. The boaft of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, And all that beauty,...lead but to the grave. Nor you, ye Proud, impute to Thefe the fault, If Mem'ry o'er their Tomb no Trophies raife, Where thro' the long-drawn ifle and fretted...

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