صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

He, whose arresting hand sublimely wrought
Each bold conception in the sphere of thought;
Who from the quarried mass, like Phidias drew
Forms ever fair, creations ever new!

But as he fondly snatch'd the wreath of Fame,
The spectre Poverty unnerv'd his frame.
Cold was her grasp, a withering scowl she wore;
And Hope's soft energies were felt no more.
Yet still how sweet the soothings of his art!
From the rude stone what bright ideas start!
Ev'n now he claims the amaranthine wreath,
Withscenes that glow, with images that breathe!
And whence these scenes, these images declare,
Whence but from her who triumphs o'er despair?
Awake, arise! with grateful fervor fraught,
Go spring the mine of elevated thought.
He who thro' Nature's various walk, surveys
The good and fair her faultless line portrays;
Whose mind, prophan'd by no unhallow'd guest,
Culls from the crowd the purest and the best;
May range, at will, bright Fancy'sgolden elinie,
Or musing, moant where Science sits sublime,
Or wake the spirit of departed Time.
Who acts thus wisely, mark the moral Muse,
A blooming Eden in his life reviews!
So richly cultur'd ev'ry native grace :
Its scanty limits he forgets to trace :
But the fond fool, when evening shades the sky,
Turns but to start, and gazes but to sigh!
The weary waste, that lengthen'd as he ran,
Fades to a blank, and dwindles to a span!


Ah! who can tell the triumphs of the mind, By truth illumin'd, and by taste refin'd? When age has quench'd the eye and clos'd the ear, Still nerv'd for action in her native sphere, Oft will she rise-with searching glance pursue Some long-lov'd image vanish'd from her view; Dart thro' the deep recesses of the past, O'er dusky forms in chains of slumber cast; With giant-grasp fling back the folds of night, And snatch the faithless fugitive to light.

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So thro' the grove th' impatient mother flies, Each sunless glade, each secret pathway tries; Till the light leaves the truant-boy disclose, Long on the wood-moss stretch'd in sweet repose.

§ 146. From the Same.
OFT may the spirits of the dead descend,
To watch the silent slumbers of a friend;
To hover round his evening-walk unseen,
And hold sweet converse on the dusky green;

Tohail the spot where first their friendshipgrew,
And heaven and nature open'd to their view!
Oft, when he trims his cheerful hearth, and sees
A smiling circle emulous to please;
There may these gentle guests delight to dwell,
And bless the scene they lov'd in life so well!
O thou! with whom my heart was wont to



From Reason's dawn each pleasure and each With whom, alas! I fondly hop'd to know The humble walk of happiness below;

If thy blest nature now unites above
An angel's pity with a brother's love,
Still o'er my life preserve thy mild control,
Correct my views, and elevate my soul:
Grant me thy peace and purity of mind,
Devont yet cheerful, active yet resign'd;
Grantme, like thee, whose heartknew nodisguise,
Whose blameless wishes never aim'd to rise,
To meet the changes Time and Chance present,
With modest dignity and calm content.
When thy last breath, ere Nature sunk to rest,
Thy meek submission to thy God express'd;
When thy last look, ere thought and feeling fled,
A mingled gleam of hope and triumph shed;
What to thy soul its glad assurance gave,
Its hope in death, its triumph o'er the grave?
The sweet Remembrance of unblemish'd youth,
The inspiring voice of Innocence and Truth!

Hail, Memory, hail! in thy exhaustless mine
From age to age unnumber'd treasures shine!
Thought and her shadowy brood thy call obey,
And Place and Time are subject to thy sway!
Thy pleasures most we feel when most alone;
The only pleasures we can call our own.
Lighter than air, Hope's summer-visions die,
If but a fleeting cloud obscure the sky;
If but a beam of sober Reason play,
Lo, Fancy's fairy frost-work melts away!
But can the wiles of Art, the grasp of Power,
Snatch the rich relics of a well-spent hour?
These, when the trembling spirit wings her flight,
Pour round her path a stream of living light;
And gill those pure and perfect realms of rest,
Where Virtue triumphs, and her sons are blest.

§ 147. Verses on a Tear. From the Same.
OH! that the Chemist's magic art
Could crystallise this sacred treasure!
Long should it glitter near my heart,
A secret source of pensive pleasure.
The little brilliant ere it fell,

Its lustre caught from Chloe's eye;
Then trembling, left its coral cell-
The Spring of Sensibility!

Sweet drop of pure and pearly light,
In thee the rays of Virtue shine;
More calmly clear, more mildly bright,
Than any gem that gilds the mine.
Benign restorer of the soul!
Who ever fly'st

bring relief,

When first she feels the rede control
Of Love or Pity, Joy or Grief

The sage's and the poet's theme,
In every clime, in every age;
Thou charm'st in Fancy's idle dream,
In Reason's philosophic page.
That very law whien mouids a tear,
And bids it trickle from its source,
That law preserves the earth a sphere,
And guides the planets in their course.

* The law of Gravitation.

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§ 148. A Sketch of the Alps at Day-break. From the Same.

THE Sun beams streak the azure skies,
And line with light the mountain's brow:
With hounds and horns the hunters rise,
And chase the roe-buck thro' the snow.
From rock to rock, with giant bound,
High on their iron poles they pass;
Mute, lest the air, convuls'd by sound,
Rend from above a frozen mass*.

The goats wind slow their wonted way,
Up craggy steeps and ridges rude;
Mark'd by the wild wolf for his prey,
From desert cave or hanging wood.
And while the torrent thunders loud,
And as the echoing clifts reply,
The huts peep o'er the morning cloud,
Perch'd, like an eagle's nest, on high.

§ 149. A Wish. From the Same.

MINE be a cot beside the hill;
A bee-hive's hum shall sooth my ear;
A willowy brook, that turns a mill,
With many a fall shall linger near,
The swallow, oft, beneath my thatch,
Shall twitter from her clay-built nest;
Oft shall the pilgrim lift the latch,
And share my meal, a welcome guest.
Around my ivied porch shall spring
Each fragrant flower that drinks the dew;
And Lucy at her wheel shall sing,
In russet gown and apron blue.
The village-church, among the trees,
Where first our marriage vows were giv'n,
With merry peals shall swell the breeze,
And point with taper spire to heav'n.

Who shall make the current stray
Smooth along the channell'd way?
Who shall, as it runs, refine?

She, whatever fond desire,
Stubborn deed or guileful speech,
Inexperience might inspire,
Or absurd indulgence teach,
Timely cautious shall restrain,
Bidding childhood hear the rein
She with sport shall labor mix,
She excursive fanev fix.

Prime support of learned lore, PERSEVERANCE joins her train, Pages oft turn'd o'er and o'er Turning o'er and o'er again; Giving, in due form of school, Speech its measure, pow'r, and rule: Meanwhile memory's treasures grow Great tho' gradual; sure, the slow.

Patient CARE by just degrees Word and image learns to class; Those compounds, and sep'rates these, As in strict review they pass; Joins, as various features strike, Fit to fit and like to like, Till in meek array advance. Concord, Method, Elegance. TIME meanwhile, from day to day, Fixes deeper Virtue's root; Whence, in long succession gay, Blossoms many a lively shoot: Meek OBEDIENCE, following still, Frank and glad, a Master's will; Modest CANDOR, hearing prone Any judgement save its own: EMULATION, whose keen eye Forward still and forward strains, Nothing erer deeming high

§150. An Ode on Classic Educationt. ANON. While a higher hope remains:

Down the steep abrupt of hills
Furious foams the headlong tide,
Thro' the meads the streamlet trills,
Swelling slow in gentle pride.
Ruin vast and dread dismay

Mark the clam'rous cataract's way.
Glad increase and sweets benign
Round the riv'let's margin shine.

Youth! with stedfast eye peruse Scenes to lesson thee display'd; Yes-in these the moral Muse Bids thee see thyself portray'd. Thou with headstrong wasteful force May'st reflect the torrent's course; Or resemble streams, that flow Blest and blessing as they go.

SHAME ingenuous, native, free,
Source of conscious dignity:
ZEAL impartial to pursue
Right, and just, and good, and true.

These and ev'ry kindred grace
More and more perfection gain;
While ATTENTION toils to trace
Grave record or lofty strain;
Learning how, in Virtue's pride,
Sages liv'd or heroes died;
Marking how in virtue's cause
Genius gave and won applause.

Thus with EARLY CULTURE blest,

Infant sens to all our kind Pure the young ideas brings, From within the fountain mind

Thus to early rule inur'd,
Infancy's expanding breast
Glows with sense and pow'rs matur'd,
Whence, if future merit raise
Private love or public praise,
Thine is all the work - be thine

Issuing at a thousand springs.


+ Spoken in the year 1794, at the annual Visitation of Dr. Knox's school at Tunbridge.

* There are passes in the Alps, where the guides tell you to move on with speed, and say nothing. lest the agitation of the air should loosen the snows above, GRAY, Sect. v. let. 4.

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Audit currus habenas. VIRGIL.

§ 151.

§ 151. Autumn. THOMSON.


Extensive harvests hang the heavy head:
Rich, silent, deep, they stand: for not a gale
Rolls its light billows o'er the bending plain :
A calm of plenty! till the ruffled air
Falls from its poise, and gives the breeze to blow,
Rent is the fleecy mantle of the sky;
The clouds fly different; and the sudden sun
By fits effulgent gilds the illumin'd field,

The subject proposed. - Addressed to Mr. On-
slow. A prospect of the fields ready for
harvest. - Reflections in praise of industry
raised by that view. - Reaping. - A tale And black by fits the shadows sweep along.
relative to it. - An harvest storm. - Shoot- A gaily-chequer'd heart-expanding view,
ing and hunting, their barbarity. - A ludi- Far as the circling eye can shoot around,
crous account of fox-hunting. A view of Unbounded tossing in a flood of corn.
an orchard. Wall-fruit. A vineyard.- These are thy blessings, Industry! rough

A description of fogs, frequent in the latter


part of Autumn: whence a digression, in- Whom labor still attends, and sweat and pain.
quiring into the reason of fountains and Yet the kind source of every gentle art,
rivers.-Birds of season considered, that And all the soft civility of life;

now shift their habitation. - The prodigious Raiser of human kind! by Nature east,
number of them that cover the northern and Naked, and helpless, out amid the woods
western isles of Scotland. -Hence a view And wilds, to rude inclement elements!

of the country. - A prospect of the discolored, fading wopds. After a gentle dusty day, moon-light. Autumnal meteors. Morning: to which succeeds a calm, pure, sun-shiny day, such as usually shuts up the season. The harvest being gathered in, the country dissolved in joy. - The whole concludes with a panegyric on a philosophical country life.

CROWN'D with the sickle and the wheaten

While Autumn, nodding o'er the yellow plain,
Comes jovial on; the Doric reed once more,
Well pleas'd I tune. Whate'er the Wint'ry frost
Nitrous prepar'd: the various blossom'd Spring
Put in white promise forth; and Summer suns
Concocted strong, rush boundless now to view,
Full, perfect all, and swell my glorious theme.
Onslow! the Muse, ambitious of thy name,
To grace, inspire, and dignify her song,
Would from the Public Voice thy gentle ear
Awhile engage. Thy noble cares she knows,
The patriot virtues that distend thy thought,
Spread on thy front, and in thy bosom glow;
While list'ning senates hang upon thy tongue,
Devolving thro' the maze of eloquence,
A roll of periods, sweeter than her song.
But she too pants for public virtue, she,
Tho' weak of power, yet strong in ardent will,
Whene'er her country rushes on her heart,
Assumes a bolder note, and fondly tries
To mix the patriot's with the poet's flame.
When the bright Virgin gives the beauteons


And Libra weighs in equal scales the year;

From heaven's high cope the fierce effulgence


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With various seeds of art deep in the mind
Implanted, and profusely pour'd around
Materials infinite; but idle all.
Still unexerted in the uncouscious breast,
Slept the lethargic powers; corruption still,
Voracious, swallow'd what the liberal hand
Of bounty scatter'd o'er the savage year;
And still the sad barbarian, roving, mix'd
With beasts of prey; or for his acorn-meal
Fought the fierce tusky boar; a shivering

Aghast and comfortless, when the bleak north,
With Winter charg'd, let the mix'd tempest fly,
Hail, rain, and snow, and bitter-breathing frost
Then to the shelter of the hut he fled;
And the wild seasons, sordid, pin'd away.
For home he had not; home is the resort
Of love, of joy, of peace and plenty, where,
Supporting and supported, polish'd frienas,
And dear relations mingle into bliss.
But this the rugged savage never felt,
Even desolate in crowds; and thus his days
Roll'd heavy, dark, and unenjoy'd along:
A waste of time! till Industry approach'd,
And rous'd him from his miserable sloth;
His faculties unfolded; pointed out,
Where lavish Nature the directing hand
Of Art demanded; show'd him how to raise
His feeble force by the mechanic powers,
To dig the mineral from the vaulted earth;
On what to turn the piercing rage of fire,
On what the torrent, and the gather'd blast;
Gave the tall antient forest to his ax;

Taught him to chip the wood, and hugh the


Till by degrees the finished fabric rose;
Tore from his limbs the blood-polluted fur,
And wrapt them in the woolly-vestment warm,
Or bright in glossy silk, and flowing law u;
With wholesome viands fili'd his table, pour'd
The generous glass around, inspir'd to wake
The life-refining soul of decent wit,
Nor stopp'd at barren bare necessity:
But still advancing bolder, led hiai on

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To poinp, to pleasure, elegance, and grace;
And, breathing high ambition thro' his soul,
Set science, wisdom, glory in his view,
And bade him be the Lord of all below.

Then, gathering men their natural pow'rs combin'd,

And form'd a Public; to the general good
Submitting, aiming, and conducting all.
For this the Patriot Council met, the full,
The free, and fairly-represented whole;
For this they plann'd the holy guardian laws,
Distinguish'd orders, animated arts,
And with joint force, Oppression chaining, set
Imperial justice at the helm, yet still
To them accountable: nor slavish dream'd
That toiling millions must resign their weal,
And all the honey of their search, to such
As for themselves alone themselves have rais'd.

Hence every form of cultivated life
In order set, protected, and inspir'd,
Into perfection wrought. Uniting all,
Society grew numerous, high, polite,
And happy. Nurse of art! the city rear'd
In beauteous pride her tower-encircled head:
And, stretching street on street, by thousands

From twining woody haunts, or the tough yew, To hows strong-straining, her aspiring sons.

Then Commerce brought into the public walk The busy merchant; the big warehouse built; Rais'd the strong crane; choak'd up the loaded


With foreign plenty; and thy stream, OThames!
Large, gentle, deep, majestic, king of floods!
Chose for his grand resort. On either hand,
Like a long wint'ry forest, groves of masts
Shot up their spires; the bellying sheet between
Possess'd the breezy void: the sooty hulk
Steer'd sluggish on; the splendid barge along
Row'd, regular, to harmony; around,

The boat light-skimming, stretch'd its oary wings;

While deep the various voice of fervent toil From bank to bank increas'd; whence ribb'd

with oak,

To bear the British Thunder, black, and bold, The roaring vessel rush'd into the main.

Then too the pillar'd dome, magnific heav'd
Its ample roof, and luxury within
Pour'd out the glittering stores: the canvass

With glowing life protuberant, to the view
Embodied rose; the statue seem'd to breathe,
And soften into flesh, beneath the touch
Of forming art, imagination flush'd.

All is the gift of Industry: whate'er
Exalts, embellishes, and renders life
Delightful. Pensive Winter cheer'd by him
Sits at the social fire, and happy hears
Th' excluded tempest idly rave along,
His harden'd fingers deck the gaudy Spring,
Without him Summer were an arid waste,

Nor to the Autumnal months could thus tran


Those full, mature, immeasureable stores, That waving round, recal my wandering song. Soon as the morning trembles o'er the sky, And, unperceiv'd unfolds the spreading day; Before the ripen'd field the reapers stand, In fair array; each by the lass he loves, To bear the rougher part, and mitigate By nameless gentle offices her toil. At once they stoop and swell the lusty sheaves; While thro' their cheerful band the rural talk, The rural scandal, and the rural jest, Fly harmless, to deceive the tedious lime, And steal unfelt the sultry hours away. Behind the master walks, builds up the shocks; And, conscious, glancing oft' on every side His sated eye, feels his heart heave with joy. The gleaners spread around, and here and


Spike after spike, their scanty harvest pick. Be not too narrow, husbandmen! but fling From the full sheaf, with charitable stealth, The liberal handful. Think, oh grateful think! How good the God of Harvest is to you: Who pours abundance o'er your flowing fields; While these unhappy partners of your kind Wide-hover round you, like the fowls of heaven,

And ask their humble dole. The various turns Of fortune ponder: that your sons may want What now, with hard reluctance, faint, je


The lovely young Lavinia once had friends; And fortune smil'd, deceitful, on her birth. For, in her helpless years depriv'd of all; Of every stay, save Innocence and Heav's, She, with her widow'd mother, feeble, old, And poor, liv'd in a cottage far retir'd Among the windings of a woody vale: By solitude and deep surrounding shades, sha But more by bashful modesty conceal'd. Together thus they shunn'd the cruel scorn Which virtue, sunk to poverty, would meet From giddy passion and low-minded pride: Almost on Nature's common bounty fed: Like the gay birds that sung them to repose, Content, and careless of to-morrow's fare. Her form was fresher than the morning-rose, When the dew wets its leaves; unstain'd and


As is the lily, or the mountain-snow.
The modest virtues mingled in her eyes,
Still on the ground dejected, darting all
Their humid beams into the blooming flowers)
Or when the mournful tale her mother told,
Of what her faithless fortune promis'd once,
Thrill'd in her thought, they, like
like the dewy star
Of evening, shone in tears. A native grace
Sat far proportion'd on her polish'd limbs,
Veil'd in a simple robe, their best attire,
Beyond the poinp of dress; for loveliness
Needs not the foreign aid of ornament,
But is, when unadorn'd, adorned the most.
Thoughtless of beauty, she was beauty's self,
Recluse amid the close-embowering woods.


As in the hollow breast of Appenine,
Beneath the shelter of encircling hills,
A myrtle rises far from human eye,
And breathes its balmy fragrance o'er the wild;
So flourish'd blooming, and unseen by all,
The sweet Lavinia, till, at length, compell'd
By strong necessity's supreme command,
With smiling patience in her looks, she went
To glean Palemon's field. The pride of swains
Palemon was, the generous, and the rich;
Who led the rural life in all its joy
And elegance, such as Arcadian song
Transmits froin antient uncorrupted times;
When tyrant custom had not shackled man,
But free to follow nature was the mode.
He then, his fancy with autumnal scenes
Amusing, chanc'd beside his reaper train
To walk, when poor Lavinia drew his eye :
Unconscious of her power, and turning quick
With unaffected blushes from his gaze;
He saw her charming, but he saw not half
The charms her downcast modesty conceal'd.
That very moment love and chaste desire

Sprung in his bosom, to himself unknown;
For still the world prevail'd, and its dread laugh,
Which scarce the firm philosopher can scorn,
Should his heart own a gleaner in the field,
And thus in secret to his soul he sigh'd:


"What pity! that so delicate a form,

By beauty kindled, where enlivening sense "And more than vulgar goodness seem to "dwell,

"Should be devoted to the rude embrace

"Of some indecent clown! She looks, me, "thinks,

"Of old Acasto's line: and to my mind "Recals that patron of my happy life, "From whom my liberal fortune took its rise: "Now to the dust gone down; his houses, "lands,

"And once fair-spreading family, dissolv'd. "Tis said, that in some lone obscure retreat, "Urg'd by remembrance sad, and decent pride, "Far from those scenes which knew their bet" ter days,

"His aged widow and his daughter live, "Whom yet my fruitless search could never

" find.

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"And art thou then Acasto's dear remains ? "She, whom my restless gratitude has sought "So long in vain? O heavens! the very same, "The soften'd image of my noble friend, "Alive his every look, his every feature, "More elegantly touch'd. Sweeter than "Spring!

"Thou sole surviving blossom from the root "That nourish'd up my fortune! Say, ah "where,

"In what sequester'd desart, hast thou drawn "The kindest aspect of delighted Heaven! "Into such beauty spread, and blown so fair; "Tho' poverty's cold wind, and crushing rain, "Beat keen, and heavy on thy tender years? "Q let me now, into a richer soil, "Transplant thee safe? where vernal suns and


"Diffuse their warmest, largest influence: "And of iny garden be the pride, and joy! "Ill it hefits thee, oh it ill befits "Acasto's daughter, his whose open stores, "Tho' vast, were little to his ampler heart, "The father of a country, thus to pick "The very refuse of those harvest-fields, "Which from his bounteous friendship I enjoy, "Then throw that shameful pittance from thy " hand,

"But ill applied to such a rugged task!

"The fields, the master, all, my Fair! are


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Express'd the sacred triumph of his soul,
With conscious virtue, gratitude, and love,
Above the vulgar joy divinely rais'd.
Nor waited he reply. Won by the charm
Of goodness irresistible, and all

In sweet disorder lost, she blush'd consent.
The news immediate to her mother brought,
While, pierc'd with anxious thought, she pin'd

The lonely moments for Lavinia's fate;
Amaz'd, and scarce believing what she heard,
Joy seis'd her wither'd veins, and one bright

Of setting life shone on her evening hours:
Not less enraptur'd than the happy pair!
Who flourish'd long in tender bliss, and rear'd
A numerous offspring, lovely like themselves,
And good, the grace of all the country round,
Defeating oft the labors of the year,
The sultry south collects a potent blast.
At first the groves are scarcely seen to stir
Their trembling tops: and a still murmur runs
Along the soft inclining fields of corn.
But as the aërial tempest fuller swells,
And in one mighty stream, invisible,
Immense, the whole excited atmosphere
Impetuous rashes o'er the sounding world;



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