Vain hope-th' irrevocable doom is past, Ev'n now she looks - she sighs her last- Vainly I strive to stay her fleeting breath, And, with rebellious heart, protest against her death.
When the stern tyrant clos'd her lovely eyes, How did I rave, untaught to bear the blow! With impious wish to tear her from the skies, How curse my fate in bitterness of woe! But whither would this dreadful phrensy Fond man forbear,
Again with transport hear Her voice soft whispering in my ear; May steal once more a balıny kiss, And taste at least of visionary bliss. But, ah! th' unwelcome morn's obtruding light Will all my shadowy schemes of bliss depose, Will tear the dear illusion from my sight, And wake me to the sense of all my woes : If to the verdant fields I stray.
Alas! what pleasures now can these convey?
[lead? Her lovely form pursues where'er I go, And darkens all the scene with woe.
Thy fruitless sorrow spare, [creed;
Dare not to ask what Heaven's high will de- By Nature's lavish bounties cheer'd no more,
In humble rev'rence kiss th' afflictive rod, And prostrate bow to an offended God.
Perhaps kind Heaven in mercy dealt the blow, Some saving truth thy roving soul to teach; To wean thy heart from grovelling views below, And point out bliss beyond misfortune's
To show that all the flatt'ring schemes of joy, * Which tow'ring Hope so fondly builds in air,
One fatal moment can destroy, And plunge th' exulting maniac in despair. Theu, oh! with pious fortitude sustain Thy present loss-haply thy future gain;
Nor let thy Emma die in vain : Time shall administer its wonted balm, [calm. And hush this storm of grief to no unpleasing Thus the poor bird, by some disastrous fate Caught, and imprison'd in a lonely cage, Torn from its native fields, and dearer mate, Flutters awhile, and spends its little rage : But finding all its efforts weak and vain, No more it pants and rages for the plain; - Moping awhile, in sullen mood Droops the sweet nourner - but ere long Prunes its light wings, and pecks its food, And meditates the song :
Serenely sorrowing, breathes its piteous case, And with its plaintive warblings saddens all
Forgiveme, Heaven, yet, yet the tears will flow, To think how soon my scene of bliss is past! My budding joys, just promising to blow, All nipp'd and wither'd by one envious blast! My hours, that laughing wont to fleet away, Move heavily along; [song? Where'snow the sprightly jest, the jocund Time creeps, unconscious of delight: How shall I cheat the tedious day; And oh- - the joyless night! Where shall I rest my weary head? How shall I find repose on a sad widow'd bed? Come Thehan drug *, the wretch's only aid, To my torn heart its former peace restore; Thy votary, wrapp'd in thy Lethean shade, Awhile shall cease his sorrows to deplore; Haply, when lock'd in sleep's embrace, Again I shall behold my Emma's face,
Through valley, grot, and grove; Nought can their beauties or my loss restore ; No herb, uo plant, can med'cine my disease, And my sad sighs are borne on ev'ry passing breeze.
Sickness and sorrow hov'ring round my bed, Whonow withanxious haste shall bring relief, With lenient hand support my drooping head, Assuage my pains, and mitigate my grief? Should worldly business call away,
Who now shall in my absence fondly mourn, Count ev'ry minute of the loit'ring day, Impatient for my quick return? Should ought my bosom discompose, Who now, with sweet complacent air, Shall smooth the rugged brow of Care, And soften all my woes?
Too faithful Memory - cease, oh cease- How shall I'c'er regain my peace? (Oh, to forget her!)-but how vain each art, Whilst ev'ry virtue lives imprinted on my heart! And thou, my little cherub, left behind,
To hear a father's plaints, to share his woes, When reason's dawn informs thy infant mind, And thy sweet lisping tongue shall ask thecause, How oft with sorrow shall mine eyes run o'er,] When, twining round my knees, I trace
Thy mothers smile upon thy face! How oft to my full heart shalt thou restore Sad memory of my joys-ah, now no more! By blessings once enjoy'd now more distress'd, More beggar by the riches once possess'd, My little darling! - dearer to me grown By all the tears thou'st caus'd-oh, strange to hear! Bought with a life yet dearer than thy own, Thy cradle purchas'd with thy mother's bier : Who now shall seek, with fond delight, Thy infant steps to guide aright? She, who with doating eyes would gaze On all thy little artless ways, By all thy soft endearments blest,
And clasp thee oft with transport to her breast Alas! is gone - yet shalt thou prove A father's dearest, tenderest love; And, O sweet senseless smiler, (envied state!) As yet unconscious of thy hapless fate,
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When years thy judgement shall mature, And Reason shows those ills it cannot cure, Wilt thou a father's grief t' assuage, For virtue prove the Phenix of the earth (Like her, thy mother died to give thee birth) And be the comfort of my age?
When sick and languishing I lie, Wilt thou my Emma's wonted care supply? And oft as to thy listening ear Thy mother's virtues and her fate I tell,
Say wilt thou drop the tender tear, Whilst on the mournful theme Ldwell? Then, fondly stealing to thy father's side, Whene'er thou seest the soft distress,
Which I would vainly seek to hide,
Say, wilt thou strive to make it less? To sooth my sorrows all thy cares employ, And in my cup of grief, infuse one drop of joy?
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SWEET bird! that, kindly perching near, Pourest thy plaints melodious in mine ear; Not, like base, worldlings, tutor'd to forego The melancholy haunts of woe ;
Thanks for thy sorrow-soothing strain : For, surely, thou hast known to prove, Like me, the pangs of hapless love;
Else why so feelingly complain, [grove? And with thy piteous notes thus sadden all the Say, dost thou mourn thy ravish'd mate,
That oft enamour'd on thy strains has hung? Or has the cruel hand of Fate
Bereft thee of thy darling young? Alas! for both I weep:
In all the pride of youthful charms, A beauteous bride torn from my circling arms A lovely babe, that should have liv'd to bless, And fill my doating eyes with frequent tears, At once the source of rapture and distress, The flattering prop of my declining years! In vain from death to rescue I essay'd, By ev'ry art that science could devise; Alas! it languish'd for a mother's aid, And wing'd its flight to seek her in the skies. Then, oh! our comforts be the same,
At evening's peaceful hour,
To shun the noisy paths of wealth and fame, And breathe our sorrows in this lonely
But why, alas! to thee complain, To thee-unconscious of my pain ? Soon shalt thou cease to mourn thy lot severe, And hail the dawning of a happier year:
The genial warmth of joy renewing spring Again shall plume thy shatter'd wing; Again thy little heart shall transport prove,
Again shall flow thy notes responsive to thy But, oh! for me in vain may seasons roll, [love. Nought can dry up the fountain of my tears: Deploring still the comfort of my soul,
I count my sorrows by increasing years.:
Tell me, thou Syren Hope, deceiver, say, Where is thy promis'd period of my woes? Full three long ling'ring years have roll'd away, And yet I weep a stranger to repose:
O what delusion did thy tongue employ!
"That Emma's fatal pledge of love, "Her last bequest, with all a mother's care, "The bitterness of sorrow should remore, "Soften the horrors of despair,
"And cheer a heart long lost to joy!" How oft, when fondling in my arms, Gazing enraptur'd on its angel-face,
My soul the maze of Fate would vainly trace, And burn with all a father's fond alarms! And oh what flatt'ring scenes had fancy feign'd! How did I rave of blessings yet in store! Till ev'ry aching sense was sweetly pain'd, And my full heart could bear, nor tongue could utter more.
"Just Heaven!" I cried, with recent hopes elate, "Yet will I live-will live thro' Emma'sdeads "So long bow'd down beneath the storms of fate, "Yet will I raise my woe-dejected head! "My little Emma, now my all, "Will want a father's care; "Her looks, her wants, my rash resolves recal, "And, for her sake, the ills of life I'll bear: "And oft together we 'll complain, "Complaint the only bliss my soul can know: "From me my child shall learn the mournful
"And prattle tales of woe.
And, oh ! in that auspicious hour, When fate resigns her persecuting pow't, "With duteous zeal her hand shall close, "No more to weep, mysorrow-streamingeres, "When death gives misery repose, "And opes a glorious passage to the skies." Vain thought! it must not be-she too is dead, The flattering scene is o'er; My hopes for ever, ever fled;
And vengeance can no more. Crush'd by misfortune, blasted by disease, And none none left to bear å friendly part! To meditate my welfare, health, or ease,
Or sooth the anguish of an aching heart! Now all one gloomy scene, till welcome death, With lenient hand (oh falsely deeni'd severe), Shall kindly stop my grief-exhausted breath, And dry up ev'ry tear. Perhaps, obsequious to my will,
But ah! from my affections far remov'd! The last sad office strangers my fulfil,
if I ne'er had been belov'd; As if unconscious of poetic fire, I ne'er had touch'd the trembling lyre; As if my niggard hand ne'er dealt relief, Nor my heart melted at another's grief. Yet, while this weary life shall last, While yet my tongue can form th'impassion'd In piteous accents shall the muse complain, And dwell with fond delay on blessings past: For
For oh, how grateful to a wounded heart The tale of misery to impart! From others' eyes bid artless sorrows flow, And raise esteen upon the base of woe! Ev'n He*, the noblest of the tuneful throng, Shall deign my love-lorn tale to hear, Shall catch the soft contagion of my song.
And pay my pensive Muse the tribute of a tear.
§ 104. Ar Ode to Narcissa. THY fatal shafts unerring move; I bow before thine alta., Love! I feel thy soft resistless flame
Glide swift thro' all my vital frame! For while I gaze my bosom glows, My blood in tides impetuous Hows; Hope, fear, and joy, alternate roll, And floods of transport whelm my soul! My fault'ring tongue attempts in vain In soothing murmurs to complain; My tongue some secret magic ties, My murmurs sink in broken sighs! Condemn'd to nurse eternal care, And ever drop the silent tear; Unheard I mourn, unknown I sigh, Unfriended live, unpitied die !
$105. Elegy in Imitation of Tibullus. SMOLLET. WHERE now are all my flatt'ring dreains of
joy? Monimia, give my soul her wonted rest : Since first thy beauty fix'd my roving eye, Heart-gnawing cares corrode my pensive breast. Let happy lovers fly where pleasures call, With festive songs beguile the fleeting hour, Lead beauty thro' the mazes of the ball, Or press her wanton in love's roseate bow'r. For me, no more I'll range thempurpled mead, Where shepherds pipe and virgins dance around, Nor wander thro' the woodbine's fragrant shade, To hear the music of the grove resound.
I'll seek some lonely church, or dreary hall, Where fancy paints the glimm'ring taper blue, Where damps hang mould'ring on the ivy'd wall, And sheeted ghosts drink up the midnight dew: There, leagu'd with hopeless anguish and des- Awhile in silence o'er my fate repine : [pair, Then, with a long farewel to love and care, To kindred dust my weary limbs consign. Wilt thon, Monimia, shed a gracious tear On the cold grave where all my sorrows rest; Strew vernal flow'rs, applaud iny love sincere, And bid the turf lie easy on my breast ?
$106. The Propagation of the Gospel in Greenland.
Fir'd with zeal peculiar, they defy The rage and rigor of a polar sky, And plant successfully sweet Sharon's rose On icy plains, and in eternal snows. Oh, blest within th' inclosure of your rocks, For herds have ye to boast, nor bleating flocks; No fertilizing streams your fields divide. That show revers'd the villas on their side; No groves have ye; no cheerful sound of bird, Or voice of turtle, in your land is heard; Nor grateful eglantine regales the smell Of those that walk at ev'ning where you dwell: But winter, arm'd with terrors here unknown, Sits absolute on his unshaken throne; Piles up his stores amidst the frozen waste, And bids the mountains he has built stand fast; Beckons the legions of his storms away From happier scenes, to make your land a prey; Proclaims the soil a conquest he has won, And scorns to share it with the distant sun.
Yet truth is yours, reinote, unenvied isle; And peace, the genuine offspring of her smile: The pride of letter'd ignorance, that binds In chains of error our accomplish'd minds; That decks with all the splendor of the true A false religion - is unknown to you. Nature indeed vouchsafes for our delight The sweet vicissitudes of day and night'; Soft airs and genial moisture feed and cheer Field, fruit, and flow'r, and ev'ry creature here, But brighter beams than his who fires the skies Have ris'n at length on your admiring eyes, That shoot into your darkest caves the day From which our nicer optics turn away.
§ 107. On Slavery, and the Slave Trade. CoWPER. Bur, ah! what wish can prosper, or what
For merchants, rich in cargoes of despair, Who drive a loathsome traffic, gage and span, And buy the muscles and the bones of man? The tender ties of father, husband, friend, All bonds of nature in that moment end; And each endures while yet he draws his breath, A stroke as fatal as the scythe of death. The sable warrior, frantic with regret Of her he loves, and never can forget, Loses in tears the far receding shore, But not the thought, that they inust meet no Depriv'd of her and freedom at a blow, [more. What has he left that he can yet forego? Yes, to deep sadness sullenly resign'd, He feels his body's bondage in his mind; Puts off his gen'rous nature, and to suit His manners with his fate, puts on the brute.. Oh most degrading of all ills that wait On man, a mourner in his best estate!
All other sorrows virtue may endure, And find submission more than half a cure; Grief is itself a medicine, and bestow'd COWPER. T' improve the fortitude that bears a load; AND still it spreads. See Germany send forth To teach the wand'rer, as his woes increase, Her sons, to pour it on the farthest north↑: The path of wisdom, all whose paths are peace.
↑ The Moravian missionaries in Greenland. Vide Krantz."
Wait for the dawning of a brighter day,
To quit the bliss thy rural scenes bestow To seek a nobler, amidst scenes of woe; [home, To traverse seas, range kingdoms, and bring Not the proud monuments of Greece or Rome, But knowledge, such as only dungeons teach,
And snap the chain the moment when you may. And only sympathy like thine could reach;
Nature imprints upon whate'er we see,
That has a heart, and life in it, Be free! The beasts are charter'd-neither age nor force Can quell the love of freedom in a horse: He breaks the cord that held him at the rack, And, conscious of an unencumber'd back, Snuffs up the morning air, forgets the rein, Loose fly his forelock and his ample mane; Responsive to the distants neigh he neighs, Nor stops till, overleaping all delays, He finds the pasture where his fellows graze..
§108. On Liberty, and in Praise of Mr. Howard.
Он could I worship ought beneath the skies That earth had seen, or fancy could devise, Thine altar, sacred Liberty, should stand, Built by no mercenary, vulgar hand. With fragrant turf, and flow'rs as wild and fair As ever dress'd a bank, or scented summer air. Duly as ever on the mountain's height The peep of morning shed a dawning light; Again, when evening in her sober vest Drew the grey curtain of the fading West; My soul should yield thee willing thanks and For the chief blessings of my fairest days: [praise But that were sacrilege - praise is not thine, Buthis who gave thee, and preserves thee mine: Else I would say, and as I spake bid fly A captive bird into the boundless sky, This triple realm adores thee - thou art come From Sparta hither, and art here at home; We feel thy force still active, at this hour Enjoy immunity from priestly pow'r; While conscience, happier than in antient years, Owns no superior but the God shé fears. Propitious Spirit! yet expunge a wrong Thy rites have suffer'd, and our land, too long; Teach mercy to ten thousand hearts that share The fears and hopes of a commercial care: Prisons expect the wicked, and were built To bind the lawless, and to punish guilt; Butshipwreck, earthquake, battle, fire, and flood, Are mighty mischiefs, not to be withstood : And honest merit stands on slipp'ry ground Where covert guile, and artifice abound: Let just restraint, for public peace design'd, Chain up the wolves and tigers of mankind; The foe of virtue has no claim to thee, But let insolvent innocence go free.
Patron of else the most despis'd of men, Accept the tribute of a stranger's pen; Verse, like the laurel, its immortal meed, Should be the guerdon of a noble deed : I may alarm thee, but I fear the shame (Charity chosen as my theme and aim) I must incur, forgetting Howard's name. Blest with all wealth can give thee - to resign Joys, doubly sweet to feelings quick as thine;
That grief, sequester'd from the public stage, Might smooth her feathers, and enjoy her cage Speaks a divine ambition, and a zeal The boldest patriot might be proud to feel. Oh that the voice of clamor and debate, That pleads for peace till it disturbs the state, Were hush'd, in favor of thy gen'rous plea, The poor thy clients, and Heaven's smile thy fee! §109. On Domestic Happiness, as the Friend of Virtue; and of the false Good-nature of the Age. COWPER. DOMESTIC happiness, thou only bliss Of Paradise that has surviv'd the fall! Tho' few now taste the unimpair'd and pure, Or, tasting, long enjoy thee; too infirm Or too incautious to preserve thy sweets Unmix'd with drops of bitter, which neglect Or temper sheds into thy chrystal cup. Thou art the nurse of virtue. In thine arms She similes, appearing, as in truth she is, Heaven-born, and destin'd to the skies again. Thou art not known where Pleasure is ador'd, That reeling goddess with the zoneless waist And wand'ring eyes, still leaning on the arm Of Novelty, her fickle, frail support; For thou art meek and constant, hating change, And finding in the calm of truth-tied love Joys that her stormy raptures never yield. Forsaking thee, what shipwreck have we made Of honor, dignity, and fair renown, Till prostitution elbows us aside In all our crowded streets, and senates seem Conven'd for purposes of einpire less Than to release th' adult'ress from her bond! Th' adult'ress! what a theme for angry verse, What provocation to the indignant heart That feels for injur'd love! But I disdain The nauseous task to paint her as she is, Cruel, abandon'd, glorying in her shame. No. Let her pass; and, charioted along, In guilty splendor shake the public ways: The frequency of crimes has wash'd them white, And verse of mine shall never brand the wretch Whom matrons now, of character unsmirch'd, And chaste themselves, are not asham'd to own. Virtues and vice had bound'ries in old time Not to be pass'd: and she that had renoune'd Her sex's honor, was renoune'd herself By all that priz'd it; not for Prudery's sake, But Dignity's resentful of the wrong. 'Twas hard, perhaps, on here and there a waif Desirous to return, and not receiv'd; But was an wholesome rigor in the main, And taught th' unblemished to preserve with That purity, whose loss was loss of all. [care Men too were nice in honor in those days, And judg'd offenders well: and he that sharp'd And pocketed a prize by fraud obtain'd,
Was mark'd, and shunn'dasodious. He that sold | Bestrides the wintry flood, in which the moon
His country, or was slack when she requir'd
His ev'ry nerve in action and at stretch,
Paid with the blood that he had basely spar'd
Sees her unwrinkled face reflected bright, He comes, the herald of a noisy world, [locks, With spatter'd boots, strapp'd waist, and frozen
The price of his default. Be now-yes, now, News from all nations lumb'ring at his back.
We are become so candid and so fair, So liberal in construction and so rich
In Christian charity, a good-natur'd age! That they are safe: sinners of either sex [bred, Transgress what laws they may. Welldress'd, well Well equipag'd, is ticket good enough To pass us readily through ev'ry door. Hypocrisy, detest her as we may, (And no man's hatred ever wrong'd her yet) May claim his merit still, that she admits The worth of what she mimics with such care, And thus gives virtue indirect applause : But she has burnt her masks, not needed here, Where vice has such allowance, that her shifts And specious semblances have lost their use.
§110. On the Employments of what is called an Idle Life. How various his employments whom the world Calls idle, and who justly, in return, Esteems the busy world an idler too! Friends, books, a garden, and perhaps his pen, Delightful industry enjoy'd at home, And nature in her cultivated trian
Dress'd to his taste, inviting him abroad - Can he want occupation who has these? Will he be idle who has much t' enjoy? Me therefore, studious of laborous ease, Not slothful; happy to deceive the time, Nor waste it, and aware that human life Is but a loan to be repaid with use, When he shall call his debtors to account From whom are allour blessings-business finds Ev'n here. While sedulous I seek t' improve, At least neglect not, or leave unemploy'd The mind he gave me; driving it, though slack Too oft, and much impeded in its work
- By causes not to be devulg'd in vain, To its just point-the service of mankind. He that attends to his interior self,
That has a heart, and keeps it; has a mind That hungers, and supplies it; and who seeks A social, not a dissipated life-
Has business; feels himself engag'd t' achieve No unimportant, though a silent task.
A life all turbulence and noise may seem, To him that leads it, wise, and to be prais'd; But wisdom is a pearl with most success Sought in still water, and beneath clear skies. He that is ever occupied in storms Or drives not for it, or brings up instead, Vainly, industrious, a disgraceful prize.
§111. The Post comes in the News-paper is read the World contemplated at a distance. COWPER
HARK! 'tis the twanging horn! o'er yonder bridge, That with its wearisome but needful length
True to his charge, the close-pack'd load behind Yet careless what he brings, his one concern Is to conduct it to the destin'd inn; And, having dropp'd th' expected bag, pass on. He whistles as he goes, light-hearted wretch, Cold, and yet cheerful; messenger of grief Perhaps to thousands, and of joy to some; To him indiff'rent whether grief or joy. Houses in ashes, and the fall of stocks, Births, deaths, marriages, epistles wet With tears that trickled down the writer's cheeks Fast as the periods from his fluent quill, Or charg'd with am'rous sighs of absent swains, Or nymphs responsive, equally affect, His horse and him, unconscious of them all. But oh th' important budget! usher'd in With such heart-shaking music, who can say What are its tidings: have our troops awak'd? Or do they still, as if with opium drugg'd, Snore to the murmurs of th' Atlantic wave? Is India free? and does she wear her plum'd And jewell'd turban with a smile of peace, Or do we grind her still? The grand debate, The popular harangue, the tart reply, The logic, and the wisdom, and the wit, And the loud laugh - I long to know thein all; I burn to set th' imprison'd wranglers free, And give them voice and utt'rance once again. Now stir the fire, and close the shutters fast, Let fall the curtains, wheel the sofa round, And while the bubbling and loud-hissing urn Throws up a steamy column, and the cups That cheer not to inebriate, wait on each, So let us welcome peaceful ev'ning in. Not such his ev'ning, who, with shining face Sweats in the crowded theatre, and squeez'd, And bor'd with elbow-points thro'both his sides, Outscolds the ranting actor on the stage. Nor his, who patient stands till his feet throb, And his head thumps, to feed upon the breath Of patriots bursting with heroic rage, Or placemen all tranquillity and smiles. This, folio of four pages, happy work! Which not ev'n critics criticise, that holds Inquisitive attention, while I read,
Fast bound in chains of silence, which the fair, Thougheloquent themselves, yet fear to break What is it but a map of busy life, Its flüctuations, and its vast concerns? Here runs the mountainous and craggy ridge That tempts ambition. On the suminit, see The seals of office glitter in his eyes; [heels, He climbs, he pants, he grasps them. At his Close at his heels, a demagogue ascends, And with a dextrous jerk soon twists him down, And wins them, but to lose them in his turn.
Here rills of oily eloquence in soft Meanders lubricate the course they take: The modest speaker is ashain'd and griev'd
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