صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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To the Worshipful the

MASTERS of the Bench,

And the Rest of the

Members of the Two Honourable Societies



My much honoured Friends,

NE Reason of Publishing this plain Discourse is, because I cannot now preach to you, as formerly I have done, and have no other Way left of discharging my Duty to you, but by making the Press fupply the Place of the Pulpit. Part of this you have already heard, and should have heard the reft, had I enjoyed the fame Liberty ftill; which God reftore to me again when he fees fit; if not, his Will be done.

And the only Reafon of this Dedication is, to make this publick and thankful Acknowledgment (before I am for

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ced from you,

if I must be so unhappy) of your great Respects, and many fingular Favours to me; which have been always fo free and generous, that they never gave Time, nor left any Room for me to ask; efpecially that obliging Welcome you gave me at my first Coming, I mean your Prefent of a House, which, befides the Conveniencies and Pleasure of a delightful Habitation, has afforded me that which I value much more, the frequent Opportunities of your Conversation.

Tho' I am able to make you no better Return than Thanks, I hope that Great MASTER whom I ferve will; and that GOD would multiply. all temporal and spiritual Bleffings on you, is, and always fhall be, the fincere and hearty Prayer of,


Your moft Obliged,

and Humble Servant,


SECT. I. That the general Period of human Life is fixed and determined by God, and that it is but very fhort, Page 106 SECT. II. What little Reafon we have to complain of the Shortness of human Life,


SECT. III. What Ufe to make of the fixed Term of human Life,

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SECT. IV. What Ufe to make of the Shortness of human Life,

133 SECT. V. The Time, and Manner, and Circumftances of every particular Man's Death, are not determined by an abfolute and unconditional Decree,

152 SECT. VI. The particular Time when we are to die, is unknown and uncertain to us, 161 SECT. VII. That we muft die but once, or that Death tranflates us to an unchangeable State; with the Improvement of it,



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