صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Echoes from Paris.



COUNCIL MEETING was held at the
Home, 77, Avenue Wagram, on the 8th May,
1889. Present: Dr. Strong (in the Chair),
Rev. R. T. de Carteret, and Dr. Barnard.

The accounts for the months of March and
April were laid on the table, examined, and found



Amongst the reports furnished by the ladies in charge of the various branches of the Work, we regret to find that the one relating to the Orphanage is of so gloomy a cast. It appears that a recrudescence of the epidemic of diphtheria has manifested itself, and that one child has succumbed at the "Enfants Malades"; while another child lies at the Orphanage ready for removal to the same hospital.

On the urgent representation of Miss Potter, who kindly attended the meeting, it was decided to call the immediate attention of Dr. Faure-Miller to the case.

The Council are glad to learn that steps have been taken to remedy the obvious defect in the sanitary arrangements of the Orphanage, and trust that the measures adopted will prove efficacious.

(Signed) THOS. A. STRONG.


The London Committee meet at the residence of the Marchioness of Tavistock on Thursday, June 6th, under the presidency of H.R.H. the Princess Mary Adelaide, Duchess of Teck.

H.R.H. the President explained the arrangements which she had made for the concert under Signor Tosti, to be held at Sunny House, 7, Hyde Park Place, by the kind

permission of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Flower, on June 28th, and that H.R.H. the Princess of Wales had graciously consented to be present.

The sale of pottery, curios, fancy work, and clothing for the poor, will also be held at Surrey House upon Friday and Saturday.


We acknowledge the following with thanks :


GENERAL MISSION FUND.-[Per Mrs. Boyd, an.; Mrs. Adamson, £1; Mrs. Marsland Bennett, £1; Mrs. Beith, 10s.; Mrs. Boden, £1 IS.; Mrs. Robert Boyd, £1 Is.; Mrs. John Curtis, £I IS.; Mrs. Galbraith, £I IS.; Mrs. Hampson, 1; Mrs. Johnson, £1 Is.; Mrs. Lazonby, £1; Mrs. Midwood, £1 1s.; Mrs. Moir-Crane, £1; Mrs. Moseley, £I IS.; The Rev. W. H. Rogers, D.D., £1 Is. ; Mrs. W. H. Rogers, II; Mrs. J. Turner, £I IS.; The Rev. J. J. Twist, £1; Mrs. J. F. Hutton, £I IS.; Mrs. Richard Goodair, £1 Is.]; a Friend, per Miss Maxwell, £1 ; 66 In memory of E. A.B.” £5, an.; Miss Wrigley, 16s.; Gen. D. McNeill, £1 Is., an. ; Mrs. Hebblethwaite, £I; Anon., per Mrs. Percy Preston, £2; A Friend, per Rev. J. Cornell, 16s.; Mrs. Adkin, £1 Is., an.; Mrs. Fraser, £2; Mr. J. Simpson (for Governess' Institute), 10s.; [per Mrs. Ackroyd, Mrs. Jackson, 10s.; The Rev. Canon Kemp, £4 4s. ; The Rev. F. T. White, £3 15s. ; Fred Swallow, Esq., 10s.; Mrs. Forsyth, £1 Is.; George Burrows, Esq., £2; Mrs. James S. Cooke, £1; Mrs. C. P. Anderton, 10s. 6d.; Mrs. Ackroyd, £5 18s. 6d.]; Mrs. Bottomley's Drawing-room Meeting, £30; Theodore Mander, Esq., £5; per Mrs. C. Chetwode Hamilton, £16 2s. 7d.; Mrs. Thorneycroft, 10s.; Charles Ryder, Esq., £10; per Mr. and Mrs. R. Miller, £25, don. ; [per Mrs. Miller, Albert Cahen, Esq., £10, don., £1, an.]; Joseph Moore, Esq., £3 35., don.; Lady Sterling, £5, an. ; A Friend, £100, don. ; per Mrs. R. Miller, £17 17s. 6d. ; per Mrs. Wilson Crewdson: Mrs. F. Reade Revell, 10s.; per Mrs. Wilson Crewdson, £11 8s. 3d.; Mrs. Wilkins, £1, don.; Mrs. Halliday Cave, £I IS., an.; Mrs. S. R. Walker, £1, don.; Miss Dodd, £1, don.; per Mrs. Pearce Mrs. Burlinson, 10s.; Miss Gillespie, £1; Dr. Gillespie, £1; Rev. Dr. Pearce, 10s.; Mrs. I. Jones, 5s.; J. Shields, Esq., £115.; Mrs. Tristram, £I IS.; Mrs. H. B. Tristram, 5s.; Sale of Echoes, Is.; Mrs. Horscraft, £I IS.; Offertory, per the Rev. W. Florey, M.A., Leamington, £21 5s. 10d. ; per Mrs. Largs, £10 os. 4d.

Barber, Is. 6d. ; Miss M. Page, Is. 6d. ; Mrs. HansParker Jervis, Is. 6d. ; Mrs. Gillilan, 1s. 6d. ; Miss is Knight, 1s. 6d.


Per Miss Ruby Saint, white frock and 1 Belmont Street U. P. Church, Aberdeen; lace ; box from Mrs. Poytner, Haden.

indly send a post-card to 77, Avenue Wagram, Day in money to our bankers, and so insure an "THE ECHOES" for the following month?

ending P.O.O. on Paris, which is very expensive to s much time and trouble to have cashed, kindly t on the General Post Office, London, instead. 0.0. should be made payable to the Treasurer, 54, Lombard Street, London; to Ada M. Leigh, m, Paris, or, 22a, Queen's Road, Bayswater, W.; he London Office, 9, Serjeants' Inn, Fleet Street; ferstan Thomas, Esq., The Molson's Bank, Moned States, H. W. Munroe, Esq., 32, Nassau Street, st-office Square, Boston.

ions for "ECHOES FROM PARIS" for United States ■ts, can be paid to Hon. Secretaries of the different

- to the Editor of "THE ECHOES" should be ondon Office of the Mission Homes in Paris, Fleet Street. Application for advertisements may ove, or direct to the Home, 77, Avenue Wagram. column, or id. a word, prepaid.

(Continued from page 90.)

The Association of "The Mission Home for English Women in Paris" is constituted under Articles and Memorandum bearing the date of Oct. 10th, 1876, for the purpose of holding the property of the Association in perpetuity.

The Council in Paris was elected February 7th, 1877, and, with the Honorary and Official Auditors, is re-elected at the Annual Meeting of the Association each year.

The Committee are also re-elected each year at the same meeting.

The Home for British and American Young Women, at 77, Avenue Wagram, Paris, was founded December 20th, 1872. It has had over 5,300 admissions, and is open to all respect. able English girls in every class of life, without distinction of creed. The house is branched off into different compartments, as follows:

1. A Home for daily and unemployed Governesses.

2. For Young Women apprenticed in Shops.

3. For Ladies' Maids, Nurses, etc., seeking situations.

4. A Sanatorium.

5. A Free Registry for those who are seeking situations.

The following have also been established :—

Governesses and Artists' Institute, 153, Faubourg St. Honoré, formerly 8, Rue Bastiat. Young Women's Christian Association and Home, 26, Faubourg St. Honoré

An Orphanage and Home for destitute British Children, 35, Boulevard Bineau.

A Nursery and Infant Kindergarten School.

Bible Classes for Men, Mission Services for the Poor, and Mothers' Meetings.
A Band of Hope and Temperance Union.

A Clothing Club for the Poor; Soup Kitchen; Night School and Free Reading Room, are
held during the Winter months at the Mission Hall, 79, Avenue Wagram.
British and American Young Men's Home and Club, 18, Rue de Milan, "Washington

The Mission Church (Christ Church, Neuilly, 49, Boulevard Bineau) has been built to meet the spiritual need of the Homes, and of a large resident English population hitherto totally unprovided for. Services, II a.m. and 4 p.m. The Tram from the Madeleine to the Boulevard Bineau passes the Orphanage and the Church.

The Home Orphanage, Young Men's Home, Church, and Parsonage are duly registered as the trust-property of the Association.

The Mission is entirely supported by voluntary contributions.

"Remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, when He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive." Messrs. BARCLAY, BEVAN & Co., 54, Lombard Street, London. Bankers. Messrs. J. MUNROE & Co., 32, Nassau Street, New York; 7, Rue Scribe, Paris; 4, Post Office Square, Boston.

Cheques, etc., and P.O.Ö. should be made payable to F. A. BRVAN, Esq., 54, Lombard Street, London; or to Mrs. ADA M. LEWIS, 77, Avenue Wagram, Paris.

London Office (where Reports and Papers may be obtained): 9, Serjeants' Inn, Fleet Street.

Paris and Continental Y. W. C. Association and Home, 22a, Queen's Road, Bayswater, W., Hon. Sec., MISS HENSLEY.

Subscriptions for " ECHOES FROM PARIS" for 1888 are now due, and may be paid to the Honorary Secretaries of the different Associations, or sent to Miss HENSLEY, Hon. Sec. (Paris and Continental Y. W. C. Association), 22a, Queen's Road, Bayswater, London, W. Post free, 1s. 6d. a year; Canada and United States, 40 cents.



Pérard, Avenue de Neuilly, Paris. Number of pupils limited. Reference is kindly per mitted to Canon Herbert Jones, Rev. T. Howard Gill, Rev. H. Nicholson, Rev. E. Bersier.

Md'Orléans, Neuilly sur Seine, Paris,


can receive in her home, ladies, as boarders
and pupils. Lessons, if required. Recom-
mended by the Lord Bishop of Truro.

LA MAISON," illustrated
monthly periodicals for children. Edited by
MONS. SAILLENS. Price 25. per annum.
Messrs. Partridge & Co., 9, Paternoster
Row, London, E.C.

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