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النشر الإلكتروني
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Be it remembered, that on the seventh day of October, A. D. 1830, in the fifty-fifth year of the Independence of the United States of America, G. & C. & H. Carvill of the said district, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as Proprietors, in the words following, to wit: "The works of the Rev. Robert Hall, A. M. Minister of Broadmead Chapel, Bristol, England. First complete edition, with a brief memoir of the Author. In two volumes. In conformity to the Act of Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned:" and also to an Act entitled, "An Act supplementary to an Act, entitled, An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned; and extending the benefits thereof arts of designing, engraving and etching historical and other


Clerk of the Southern District of New York.


THIS is the first complete edition of the writings of Robert Hall, ever published either in this country, or in England. It owes its origin to a wish on the part of the editor, to collect, for his own use, the scattered productions of an author, whom he had been accustomed to regard as one of the most attractive and energetic writers now living. When the plan of preparing such a collection for the press was seriously contemplated by him, it seemed as if an object so desirable must long since have been accomplished, had not some peculiar obstacles rendered it wholly impracticable. To ascertain what these obstacles were, he addressed several of the personal friends of Mr. Hall; who, in reply, expressed the unanimous opinion, that the proposed edition would form a valuable accession to our literature, and that no reasons could be urged against its immediate publication. This opinion was rendered more plausible by the fact, mentioned by one of these correspondents, that nothing posthumous can be expected from the pen of Mr. Hall, in consequence of his extreme aversion to the labor of writing.

In compliance with the suggestions of many, to whose judgement and taste it was proper to yield a respectful deference, and who pledged their cordial co-operation for its completion, the present edition was commenced. If it has not been completed to the entire satisfaction of all parties, it is a source of no inconsiderable gratification to the editor, that the numerous admirers of Mr. Hall, in our country, are now put in possession of so many of his productions, never before accessible on this side of the Atlantic. Few, probably, are apprised of the extreme difficulty with which these scattered publications have been collected; many of them being exceedingly rare, even in England.

Though nothing from the pen of Mr. Hall can be devoid of interest, yet several of his juvenile productions it has been deemed expedient to suppress. Apologies for republishing the interesting pamphlet, entitled, "Christianity consistent with a Love of Freedom," &c., which, it is said, Mr. Hall has proscribed, are stated in a note to the article itself. One word more concerning the appearance of this pamphlet in the present edition. One of the gentlemen whose kindness furnished the editor with many of the productions of Mr. Hall, was presented, when in England, with a copy of this celebrated but now very rare composition, being informed, at the same time, that the author had interdicted its republication. Under such circumstances, the individual alluded to would be incapable of any other part than that which he has uniformly sustained-refusing to become accessory to the publication of the article in question. The sole responsibility of its appearance, in the present form, rests upon the editor, who was supported by able advisers in the opinion, that the reasons which have led Mr. Hall to suppress this pamphlet in England, can have no reference to our country.

No system of arrangement could be devised entirely free from objections. That has been followed, which allowed the most equal distribution of matter into two volumes, having no reference to the order of time in which the several articles were originally written.

No apology is necessary for the brief memoir of Mr. Hall which accompanies the work, as there is, probably, no man living of equal eminence, with whose private history the public are so generally unacquainted. This biographical sketch is the same which was originally published in the Imperial Magazine, with some emendations, however, and many additions, such as the highly interesting letter from Sir James Mackintosh, extracts from the journals of foreign tourists, and remarks by able critics; so that the whole may be regarded as a compilation from very different sources of information. Acknowledgements for aid in this undertaking are especially due from the editor to the Rev. Dr. Sprague, without whose co-operation, he is free to say, the task would not have been accomplished; to the late Rev. Mr. Bruen, Hon. Judge Story, Rev. Mr. Choules, Rev. Mr. Warne, and the Rev. Professor Elton, to whose politeness he is indebted for the loan of the elegant portrait of Mr. Hall, from which the engraving in this volume was copied.

Should the present edition lead to a more complete collection of the invaluable writings of Robert Hall, the object desired by all concerned in it will be attained, -that of promoting a more extensive circulation of the productions of one, who, in the words of the late Dr. Parr, "has, like Bishop Taylor, the eloquence of an orator, the fancy of a poet, the acuteness of a schoolman, the profoundness of a philosopher, and the piety of a saint."

Theol. Sem. Andover,

Oct. 1830.



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