which, we find a perfect identity in the language which our Saviour enjoined his disciples to use, and in the preaching of John; "Repent ye, for the Kingdom of God is at hand." Whatever information our Lord imparted to his disciples, beyond that which was communicated by his forerunner, (which we all know was much) was given in detached portions, at distinct intervals, and was never embodied or incorporated with any positive institution, till after his ascension, which may be considered as the commencement of the Christian dispensation in its strictest sense. THE ESSENTIAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CHRISTIAN BAPTISM AND THE BAPTISM OF JOHN MORE FULLY STATED AND CONFIRMED; IN REPLY TO A PAMPHLET, ENTITLED, "A PLEA FOR PRIMITIVE COMMUNION." PREFACE. WHETHER the Writer of the following pages has acted judiciously in noticing the anonymous author of the Plea, &c. it is not for him to determine. He was certainly not induced to reply, by any apprehension that the arguments of his opponent would produce much effect on candid and enlightened minds; but he recollected that what is not answered, is often deemed unanswerable. He has confined himself, as the reader will perceive, to that branch of the controversy which relates to the baptism of John; the consideration of the remaining parts will more properly occur, in reply to a work which is already announced to the public, by a person of distinguished reputation.* With an answer to that publication, it is the decided resolution of this Author to terminate his part of the controversy. Leicester, Feb. 14, 1816. "Rev. Joseph Kinghorn. The reply to his work, published in 1818, is the next article in this compilation.-ED. 15 |