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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
20 added 50 added 50 sovs allowed 3lb Attila Bay Middleton beating Bentinck's b. c. birds carry 3lb Club Colonel Peel's colts course declared Derby dogs Duke Duke of Rutland's Emilius extra fillies fish five four fox-hunting gentlemen Goodman's Goodwood half-bred HANDICAP heats hounds hunted huntsman IV.-NEW SERIES kennel killed Lady Langar Leger LEGER STAKES Leicestershire Lord Chesterfield's Lord Eglinton's Lord Exeter's Lord G Lord Westminster's mare master master of hounds match mile Muley Moloch never Newmarket Nimrod Oaks once round owner paid 5 sovs party person PLATE of 50 poacher Queen's Plate Quorn race river season second horse recd Sir Harry six and aged sold for 200 sovs if demanded sport sportsman STAKES of 25 started subs SWEEPSTAKES three yr olds Tomboy trespass turf Velocipede Voltaire winner paid yachts
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 341 - There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, There is a rapture on the lonely shore, There is society, where none intrudes, By the deep Sea, and music in its roar: I love not Man the less, but Nature more...
الصفحة 46 - Hark ! that halloo is indeed a lucky one. If we can hold him on, we may yet recover him ; for a fox, so much distressed, must stop at last. We now shall see if they will hunt, as well as run ; for there is but little scent, and the impending cloud still makes that little less.
الصفحة 47 - Woodwell-head cover, evidently his point from the first, the pack pulling him down in the middle of a large grass field, every hound but one at his brush. Jack Stevens with him in his hands would be a subject worthy of Edwin Landseer himself ; a blackthorn, which has laid hold of his cheek, has besmeared his upper garments with blood, and one side of his head and cap are cased in mud by a fall he...
الصفحة 47 - I hope,' exclaims Mr. Maxse, to somebody whom he gets a glimpse of through the openings of a tall quickset hedge which is between them, coming neck and croup into the adjoining field, from the top bar of a high, hog-backed stile. His eye might have been spared the unpleasing sight, had not his ear been attracted to a sort of...
الصفحة 42 - How musical their tongues! and as they get nearer to him, how the chorus fills! Hark, he is found! Now, where are all your sorrows, and your cares, ye gloomy souls! or where your pains and aches, ye complaining ones! one halloo has dispelled them all.
الصفحة 45 - Ha ! a check. — Now for a moment's patience. — We press too close upon the hounds. — Huntsman, stand still: as yet they want you not. — How admirably they spread ! how wide they cast! is there a single hound that does not try ? if such a one there be, he ne'er shall hunt again.
الصفحة 48 - You are right," says Colonel Lowther, " they are perfect. I wish my father had seen them do their work to-day." Some of the field now come up, who could not live in the first flight ; but, as there is no jealousy here, they congratulate each other on the fine day's sport, and each man turns his head towards home.
الصفحة 48 - ... but he has ridden the same horse throughout the run, and has handled him so well he could have gone two miles further, if the chase had been continued so long. Osbaldeston's who-hoop might have been heard to Cottesmore, had the wind set in that direction, and every man present is ecstatic with delight. "Quite the cream of the thing, I suppose," says Lord Gardner, a very promising young one, at this time fresh in Leicestershire.
الصفحة 366 - BIRD of the broad and sweeping wing, Thy home is high in heaven, Where wide the storms their banners fling, And the tempest clouds are driven. Thy throne is on the mountain top; Thy fields, the boundless air; And hoary peaks, that proudly prop The skies, thy dwellings are.
الصفحة 180 - Can such things be, And overcome us like a summer's cloud, Without our special wonder?